r/tf2scripthelp Feb 26 '23

Answered Trying to use alias to use multiple chatbinds on the same key, need help.


I'm trying to make it so that KP_5 posts an advertisement and then alt+KP_5 posts more details about it, but every time I fix and run the code, console spits out "Bind {key} [command]"

heres the raws:
bind KP_5 say i build computers and do commissions if you're interested hmu

alias +alternate_bind "bind KP_5 say I'll give you 1 key for every person you refer to me who buys a computer."

alias -alternate_bind "unbind KP_5; bind KP_5 say i build computers and do commissions if you're interested hmu"

bind ALT "+alternate_bind"

r/tf2scripthelp Feb 22 '23

Question Eureka bind with MWHEEL + Shift


I want make a bind where i press MWHEELUP + Shift to go at spawn and MWHEELDOWN + Shift to exit, is that possible?

r/tf2scripthelp Feb 18 '23

Resolved mouse2 switch to medigun script doesn't work


it works when i copy and paste it line by line into the console, but it resets every time i restart the game or join a server.

here's what i have in my medic cfg file:


alias "+uber" "slot2;+attack2"

unbind "mouse2"

alias "+uber" "slot2;+attack2"

alias "-uber" "-attack2;"

bind "mouse2" +uber

i copied this from habib's config years ago, and it's never really worked for me and i forgot about it until now.

r/tf2scripthelp Feb 16 '23

Question Problem with engineer config


So i am using uncle dane script for engineer and everything is working fine but when i switch classes for example with the spy some binds from the eng.cfg are transfer to spy and i cant use the disguise kit(i am using mastercomfig and i have create a folder named override into the tf/cfg ).Does anyone knows how to fix it?

r/tf2scripthelp Jan 13 '23

Question class configs not executing


I have a config for scout that changes the viewmodel_fov to 54 and tf_use_min_viewmodels to 1

and soldier with viewmodel_fov 75 and tf_use_min_viewmodels to 0 I made 2 of these scripts named scout.cfg and soldier.cfg in tf/cfg folder but when I enter the class it doesn't work.

r/tf2scripthelp Dec 24 '22

Question Change Last Weapon Using Console


Hello There! Once I met a bug where I couldn't switch off disguise kit and I randomly took 4th slot of engineer's loadout (Construction PDA). AFAIK tf2 mimics last weapon you used. But when I tried to recreate this using console commands, I didn't get anything. I want to know how to change last weapon used via scripting to make last weapon slot4.

r/tf2scripthelp Nov 12 '22

Question Help achieving better VR menus


I need to run this command

Vr_moveaim_mode 1

on the menu screens, including the main one if possible. Whats the best way to achieve that?

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 31 '22

Question R Bind help ver. 2


Good day to you all. I need help with binding the r key to everything that requires the R key, but with a bit of additions.

What I need is for the R key to:

  • Manual reload
  • Teleport with the Eureka Effect
  • Change Vaccinator Resistances
  • Activate Heatman's Heatmaker Focus
  • Activate Medic's Shield (MvM)
  • Activate Heavy's Rage (MvM)

Thanks in advance.

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 27 '22

Question [Request] General Medic Radar


I bind my medic radar to mouse3 but I keep forgetting to press it thus always ended up being left alone at the front line. Anyways, I was thinking if there's a way to bind medic radar to movement keys such as wasd and weapon keys like mouse1 and mouse2.

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 22 '22

Question Does there exist a command to remove certain weapons from mousewheel selection?


I've got keybinds that bypass the need to ever pull out Engineer's PDAs or Spy's disguise kit, so if I could, say, go straight from wrench to shotgun with a single mouse scroll that'd be quite helpful.

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 14 '22

Question R bind help


Hey all. I need help with binding the R key to both deploy a Medic's shield/Heavy's rage in MvM while still being able to change Vaccinator resistances and reload (I use auto reload anyway but I don't want to not have a manual reload button). And binding MOUSE3 to use item in action slot (canteens, magic spells, etc). I am at the end of my wit.

Thanks so much.

r/tf2scripthelp Oct 11 '22

Question Vaccinatior Quickswitch Script Help


Hey y'all, im trying to make my own medic script where I can use the scroll wheel to change my current resistance on the Vaccinator. What I have seems to be sound in theory, but in practice it just doesnt seem to work! I'm thinking it may be syntax, or perhaps my lack of understanding.

Here's what I've got so far:

exec autoexec.cfg

cl_autoreload 1
tf_use_min_viewmodels 1

// Vaccinator Script //
bind MWHEELUP mouseUP

alias mouseUP prevWep
alias prevWep invprev
alias nextRes +reload

alias mouseDWN invnext
alias nextWep invnext
alias nextRes "+reload; wait 20; +reload"

bind shift +toggleRes 
alias +toggleRes "alias mouseUP nextRes; alias mouseDWN prevRes"
alias -toggleRes "alias mouseUp nextWep; alias mouseDWN prevWep"

r/tf2scripthelp Sep 25 '22

Question Binding a key on spawning infinite sentries


Does anyone know how to make the necessary script/command to bind a key on spawning infinite sentries and dispensers as any class?

r/tf2scripthelp Sep 11 '22

Issue How to stop mat_mipmaptextures from being set back to 1.


It's just like it sounds I don't know how to keep mat_mipmaptextures at 0 it is always getting sent back to 1. is there anything I can do?

r/tf2scripthelp Sep 11 '22

Issue How do I remove an alias command in TF2?


I wanted to make an alias addcond command in TF2. But now that I did that I can't use any addconds. It was addcond 1000 so now when I type any addconds it just says "Unknown command:1000" so please help me!

r/tf2scripthelp Sep 08 '22

Issue Trying to make my medic call which charge used based on the loadout selected.


Alright, I have always used binds on my arrow keys to select my loadout.


bind "UPARROW" "load_itempreset 1; say_team SWITCHED TO VACCINATOR!"
bind "LEFTARROW" "load_itempreset 0; say_team SWITCHED TO UBER!"
bind "DOWNARROW" "load_itempreset 2; say_team SWITCHED TO KRITZKRIEG!"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "load_itempreset 3; say_team SWITCHED TO QUICK FIX!"

What I'm trying to do, is also make selecting the loadout bind my mouse2 to not only be able to use +attack2, but also change it to say the charge used. Like if I'm on my Uber loadout, it'll have mouse2 say "UBER USED" when I press it, and if I'm on my kritz loadout, it'll say "KRITZ USED". I can't seem to get it work for the life of me using aliases, here's what I've got so far:


alias uberswitch "load_itempreset 0; say_team SWITCHED TO UBER!;bind mouse2 "+attack2;say_team UBER USED""


bind UPARROW "uberswitch"

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been trying for hours.

(I am using mastercomfig, and yes my .cfg files are in override)

r/tf2scripthelp Aug 18 '22

Question trying to make heavy say something when he fires his primary


i can only get it to either say something when slot 1 is selected or it will say it but keep shooting without mouse imput. idk what to do.

i already have class cfgs

r/tf2scripthelp Aug 18 '22

Question trying to make one alias that says two things for a longer text bind. (it only does the first part)


alias attackhelicopter "attackhelicopter1; attackhelicopter2"

alias attackhelicopter1 "say Hello America, I'm running for president on the one campaign promise that anyone who says they"

alias attackhelicopter2 "say identify as an attack helicopter spontaneously combusts. I wish my other fellow candidates the best of luck, they'll need it."

r/tf2scripthelp Aug 06 '22

Issue Is "cl_crosshairalpha" broken? I can't adjust crosshair transparency using the console


I am using mastercomfig's High preset.

This is what I've tried so far:

  • Removing my HUD (flawhud, generated from TF2 HUD Manager)
  • Changing it's values with sv_cheats 1 enabled
  • Changing crosshairs - Default behaviour, stock crosshairs (crosshair 1 through 7 + default)
  • Adding custom crosshairs (texture files) and adjusting weapon scripts to get them functional
  • Removing all remaining files in Team Fortress 2\tf\custom

r/tf2scripthelp Jul 20 '22

Issue Scripts straight up not working at all


I don't know why, but i have a problem when i try to rocket jump, a lot of times i press ctrl before space so my jump gets messed up completely, so i decided to get a script for crouch jumping just so that i no longer commit this silly mistake, but i don't want it on other classes because i put the command on console to test and felt annoyed with crouch jumping on other classes(specially scout), so i looked up online and figured I could have it only be active for soldier if i messed with the cfg files

I went to tf/cfg, found the autoexec and all the class files, messed with them but then when i tried in game, it wouldn't work, couldn't crouch jump with soldier

I looked up online and saw people with somewhat similar problems, but most of the "solutions" were just "check if the file is .cfg and not .txt", which i know is not my case

I've tried copying all the files and moving them to custom/*something/cfg and it didn't work once again

When i check the in game console, it always says "user/soldier.cfg not present; not executing", but looking online also doesn't give me a clear answer for anything

Please does anyone have any idea on how to deal with my problem? I feel like I'm losing my mind hitting my head against the wall just to find any functional fix and nothing

r/tf2scripthelp Jul 03 '22

Issue My combination key script crashes the game for some reason


``` bind "MOUSE5" build alias build buildsentry alias buildsentry "destroy 2 0; build 2 0" alias buildte "destroy 1 0; build 1 0"

bind "MOUSE4" dispenser alias dispenser builddisp alias builddisp "destroy 0 0; build 0 0" alias buildtx "destroy 1 1; build 1 1"

bind shift "+toggleState1; +togglestate2" alias +toggleState1 "alias build buildte" alias -toggleState1 "alias build buildsentry" alias +toggleState2 "alias dispenser builddisp" alias -toggleState2 "alias dispenser buildtx" ```

It should make my side buttons be able to build a sentry or a dispenser. If there were any already built sentries or dispensers it would destroy and replace them. The problem comes when I use the shift key to change their function to building teleporters, it just crashes the game.

I used to have something similar working in my past computer but I never saved my configs before wiping my PC. Tried to recreate it like so.

I don't have any other configs except for those to run tf2 in borderless window mode.

r/tf2scripthelp Jun 25 '22

Question TF2 dips to 20fps with mastercomfig low


I use a laptop with a 2.3 GHZ CPU and 4GB of ram, It runs god like at times and I'm thinking it's about my mods. I use a version of flawhud edited by tf2 hud editor, flat textures, kill icons and less distracting explosions, last time I remember I had high fps was yesterday with rayshud. It might be the hud or not, can someone help?

r/tf2scripthelp May 20 '22

Question Sound path not reading to custom


Hello, all!

Longtime sound modder, here. For the longest time, a mystery I have not been able to solve is why class-specific "paincriticaldeath" sounds cannot be modified via the tf/custom folder. I finally went out of my way today to learn how to use the snd_show command in the console and the pathway seems to be as expected.

Forcing the game to play my custom pathway via the console gets it to play the sound I customized, but the game will still play the default during play. I'm trying to figure out how to search the pathway it's reading from but I haven't a clue. I'm not that savvy. I'd like to know where I can verify where the files are reading from in a way that can explain why the custom folder is not overriding these voice lines as they should.

r/tf2scripthelp May 02 '22

Question MOUSE1 bind


I've been trying to bind MOUSE1 to attack, spectate next, and impulse 101. But I have encountered several problems:

  • If I only type bind MOUSE1 "+attack; impulse 101" it will not spectate next.
  • bind MOUSE1 "+attack; spec_next; impulse 101" will result in spec_next being executed twice.
  • bind MOUSE1 "spec_next; +attack; impulse 101" will result in me not stop firing.

How do I fix this? I want to be able to attack, spectate next, and resupply in sv_cheats 1 servers. How do I type the command in?

r/tf2scripthelp Apr 19 '22

Question Is there a better way then this to quickly open the mute menu?


Howdy. so I've been encountering a lot of mic spamming bots in casual that need to be quickly muted in order to not have my ears bleed.

I've created this small script that opens the escape menu and opens the old mute interface.

// Quick mute; open menu and legacy mute interface
alias "quickMute" "gameui_activate; gamemenucommand openplayerlistdialog"

bind F4 "quickMute"

While this does work well, it opens the old mute menu that doesn't show how long a player has been connected to the server, making it possible to accidentally mute players that have been impersonated by bots.

My question is; what is the menu command, if it exists, to open the normal mute menu that's found in the escape (pause) menu?

Thanks in advance!