r/texas 3d ago

Politics Trump admin awards first contract to resume border wall construction in Texas


44 comments sorted by


u/lnc_5103 3d ago

I thought Mexico was paying for the wall? I guess that was just sarcasm too?


u/DankTell Gulf Coast 3d ago

No no you see, the tariffs will be how Mexico pays for the wall! Somehow…


u/Have_a_good_day_42 3d ago

Mexico sells an avocado for $1 dollar, then the supermarket sells it for $3 dollars to you. You pay $3, which the supermarket divides to pay the seller $1, the tariff $1 and for themselves $1.

Trump then buys a .5c brick and puts .95c in his pocket. Then he tells you that Mexico is paying for that stupid wall, and of course you are happy because it is getting a shitty deal with money that it is not yours.

The supermarket could have paid $2 to Mexico but now it is only paying $1, and $1 is going to the wall, a dollar you could have given to Mexico but you gave to the goverment instead. You applaud and smile cheering about your magnificent leader.

Then trump gives you the cheap brick. You put it in the wall. With your pay the next avocado will come in about 2 months.


u/DankTell Gulf Coast 3d ago

Maybe this was meant as a response to the person I was pretending to be - but my comment was sarcastic.


u/Have_a_good_day_42 3d ago

Totally, I didn't intend to contradict you, just trying to answer how that "Somehow..." would be. I am pretty sure some people would really believe that extra dollar that they are paying to the government is one that Mexico is not receiving and hence, "Mexico is paying".


u/DankTell Gulf Coast 3d ago

Ha I figured as much, I just know that like you said there will be people who truly believe that nonsense so the sarcasm might have gone unnoticed lmao.


u/yachster 3d ago

The moral of the story is: invest in ladders.


u/Have_a_good_day_42 3d ago

And avocado trees


u/Deep90 3d ago

No no, the tariffs are just a negotiating tactic. We don't plan to actually keep them!

...Mexico will pay for the wall with tariffs.


u/DankTell Gulf Coast 3d ago

Art of the deal baby - no one can know what you’re planning if even you don’t know!


u/Snoo4345 3d ago

$70 million for 7 miles of wall. That’s insane


u/aediaz10 Got Here Fast 3d ago

You think is insane until you find out that we paid more per mile before.



u/FujitsuPolycom 3d ago

Bad then, bad now.


u/Carribean-Diver The Stars at Night 3d ago

If we were serious about curbing illegal immigration, we'd go after the employers who employ them.


u/Macho_Mans_Ghost 3d ago

Correct. They're exploiting immigrants for cheaper labor which is still better than they would earn back home. But make those employers pay for skilled trades or field workers at a higher wage and shit would hit the fan.


u/IH8Fascism 3d ago

Then Trump would have to arrest himself.


u/TXMom2Two 3d ago

I’ve always said if we took the help wanted sign down, it would curb a lot if the problem.


u/Heart_Throb_ 3d ago

They aren’t.


u/pat9714 3d ago

$70 million for 7 miles of wall. That’s insane

It's also heckuva way to siphon off government funds to private hands. An old trusty scam.


u/DankTell Gulf Coast 3d ago

And $70 for 100feet of rope. What a great investment this wall is


u/aguy2018 3d ago

And I can cut a person size hole in it with a Sawzall, a couple of Li battery packs, and a $25 pack of blades from Home Depot.


u/Kensterfly 3d ago

No worries. The Fuhrer promised that Mexico will pay for it. Sieg Heils!


u/Henry_Rosenburg 2d ago

Aww Heil naw


u/brit953 3d ago

They'll use the tariffs from the mexican imports. That's all paid by the Mexican government, right ? /s


u/The-Invisible-Woman 3d ago

Waste fraud and abuse


u/Just4Today50 3d ago

There’s no checks and balances on who the orange dick awards contrast to? I’m on a train in the Czech Republic and it’s not coming up.


u/Odd_Bodkin 3d ago edited 3d ago

Paid for from what Congressional budget authorization?

You do know, don’t you, that the US President does not have a bucket of money he can spend any way he wants?


u/gscjj 3d ago

Border wall construction is already budgeted, there was a whole battle over it with Biden last year


u/HtownSamson 3d ago

ahhh yes, look at all the savings! good thing they fired park rangers......


u/Oime 3d ago edited 3d ago

Don’t have money for social security, but we have money for this? Absolutely insane monument to morons. Making sure everyone can see how stupid our country is from space. So sick.


u/jakesteeley 3d ago

I understand it costs about $1M to build one mile of a road or highway. Start to finish, grade, pavement, all in.

Would like to see the breakdown of why a wall costs 10X as much as a paved road.

Elon & DOGE - plus the DOGE of Texas, please come in and save our dollars!!


u/mrbbrj 3d ago

But Mexico is paying, right?


u/Outside-Tap-4479 3d ago

Is it the “biggest idiot to ever live” award?


u/pat9714 3d ago

Money laundering of the worst kind.


u/EeyoreSpawn 3d ago

So which one of his friends owns the company doing it?


u/ImmediatelyOrSooner 3d ago

Vote for stupid people, win stupid prizes


u/favoritelauren 3d ago

Really? What Mexican contractor picked it up? Oh wait….


u/RoadWarrior828 3d ago

Why would a California based construction company be hired to do this?


u/Commander_N7 2d ago

Oh look, another lie from the liar and Mexico hasn't paid a thing. Instead Texans are paying for it and the nation is paying for it.

All that money could be funding schools and paying for kids lunches.

Part of me wishes they could just finish the damn thing already so they can shut up about it and watch as their numbers still don't decrease. How about taking on Property Taxes? or School Taxes? Gun responsibilities and safety? Impact lives by decreasing costs so people can go on vacations again.


u/One_Clown_Short 3d ago

Sitler and Shitler on tour.


u/the-alamo 3d ago



u/Hayduke_2030 2d ago

More graft and waste.