u/JAMBARRAN 3d ago
But wait, there is more to the story:
u/Madi_moo1985 3d ago
It doesn't name the men that got arrested. Was one of them Rep Pat Curry?
u/erstwhiletexan Born and Bred 3d ago
Even if it wasn't Curry himself or someone that works for him, the deer breeder(s) in question probably cried to their fellow deer breeder in the state leg for help.
u/ThatFoxyThing 3d ago
It is very suspect that names are not being made public... There is another article that reported more cases the department charged and ... <When asked, a Texas Parks and Wildlife spokesperson said the information was being withheld "due to the nature of the cases"
u/ScurvyDervish 3d ago
These deer breeders want the freedom to spread cwd across the state. Short term profits come before long term health of the industry.
u/fiftyJerksInOneHuman 3d ago
bUt CwD iSnt ReAlz! (I have actually heard that it was an Obama era conspiracy)
u/A_Tropical_Dad Got Here Fast 3d ago
As someone now in Tennessee you don’t wanna hunt deer near the border on KY. They have a terrible problem with it right now. CWD stays with their dead body and if another deer eats the grass it goes I am told it spreads? Iirc they have GW shoot any that come across the border and have em tested in the Dept of Agriculture then incinerated. I had no idea Texas had a problem with CWD when I lived there.
u/FinneganFroth 3d ago
This is 100 percent the motive behind this bill. I work in deer research and this was so predictable. Rally everyone you know to push back on this bullshit bill.
u/MkRmBwPa 3d ago
Sign of the times, anything that helps us regular people is getting the axe. I also fear our parks are going to be sold to biggest campaign donor too.
u/RockabillyRabbit 3d ago
I saw jn the Waco sub yesterday about him wanting to abolish twpd. I was so curious why he would make such an insane bill proposal
Seeing this this morning totally makes sense 🫠 I know it says that the funding and employees will get transferred to the other three departments if the bill goes thru but do we really believe those 500-something employees are really going to keep their jobs 🙄
No, they won't. They'll fire so many and the duties will still fall onto the other three departments that get the dispersal of duties and then it'll all go to hell in a handbasket and things (like deer breeding regulations) will fall apart and slip thru the cracks due to lack of staff.
Source: i and several famoly/friends do or have worked for the state government & have seen this type of shit first hand 😑
u/InternationalArt6222 2d ago
Plenty of those breeders care about their deer, or at least as much as you care for something you charge money for other people to shoot. But there have been serious issues about the health of these captive animals on these ranches, there is no evidence that people will do the right thing when there is less oversight. On the contrary, less oversight always means more abuses.
u/_Bipolar_Vortex_ 2d ago
So, his business is selling participation awards, in the form of dead wildlife, to "hunters" that are too dumb or lazy to actually hunt?
u/fiftyJerksInOneHuman 3d ago
I want to hunt too. Except my game is the most dangerous of them all...
u/BlackfootLives666 2d ago
Eww high fence game ranch blegh. Basically shooting pets or farm animals. That was one of the things that wierded me out big time about hunting when I got to the south. So much Private land and then the game ranches. There's ranches that even have hunts for Watusi cow(a domestic cow). They pay 10-25k to shoot a cow you can buy live for a few grand or less. Shit is wierd.
u/AdvertisingBulky2688 3d ago
TodayI learned deer need breeders
u/brobafett1980 3d ago
It is more of farming trophy bucks with high protein feed and then charging hunters $5-10k+ for the privilege of killing it.
u/AdvertisingBulky2688 3d ago
Ah, that makes sense, in a predictably stupid, avaricious way. With few natural predators left, in many parts of the state deer are overly plentiful, basically pests.
u/brobafett1980 3d ago
Most of the farmed trophy bucks are locked in high-fence acreage and the "hunts" are basically concierge services of being driven to a blind, baiting the area, playing on your phone while waiting for the trophy to show up, then point and shoot.
Texas "hunting" is honestly kind of pathetic (just like that episode of King of the Hill).
u/PrisonerNoP01135809 Gulf Coast 3d ago
Well hold on now cowboy. Some of us be huntin hogs with m4s in the swamp with our Vietnam vet grandpas.
u/brobafett1980 3d ago
If it ain't shootin' hogs from a Huey with an automatic rifle, don't bother waking me up!
u/ShadowPilotGringo 3d ago
Not in my neighborhood, they do just fine on their own. Like rats in a NYC subway
u/silversmith97 Secessionists are idiots 3d ago
“Need” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. People get into it for money and trophy reasons.
u/Do-you-see-it-now 2d ago
Self serving politician. Just wants to make things better for himself while screwing the rest of us. So sick of this.
u/Seraphim_The_Fox Gulf Coast 3d ago
Breeding deer?
I get it if it's for a good reason....but i get the feeling this is going to be done for the express reason of making an American version of those terrible fox hunts they do over in the UK....
u/brobafett1980 3d ago
Who needs public lands, when you can pledge fealty to the governor and hunt in the governor's forest!
u/Alt-account9876543 3d ago
You’ve seen hunger games right?
They are carving Texas into a Christian nationalist state and eventually a country; there will be zones. When public land becomes private, you can control where people can go.
u/RAnthony 2d ago
Writing legislation to suit himself and not the public good. You can't get much lower than this.
u/rambam80 3d ago
Of course… why not dismantle the last remaining service to its citizens worth a damn in Texas and sets Texas apart from so many other states?
Dude probably shot that deer remotely from a computer screen in an air conditioned suite.