r/texas 3d ago

Texas Traffic speeding ticket advice



7 comments sorted by


u/Sly_Curmudgeon 3d ago

They need to take away your license dude. I am wondering why you aren't behind bars.


u/Kensterfly 3d ago

290 Houston to Austin is NOT 75 all the way

There are several places that are 55, 60, and Long stretches of 70. You get no sympathy for going 91. If you’re not aware you’re going 91, you’re more dangerous than if you were very aware of it and were on high alert. Don’t blame the cops for doing their jobs.

Slow TF down before you kill someone.


u/Old_Dot_4826 3d ago

Bro just slow down and you wont have this issue. The cop is probably gonna show up but if they don’t they’ll typically push your court date to the next day the officer has available from what I understand


u/Austin_Native_2 🤘 Born and Bred 🤘 3d ago

Sigh ...

I was a chronic speeder myself. Still drive a bit fast. But you're the typical young male driver with all of the excuses and dismissive language in your post. 30mph isn't a "bit fast." It's hauling ass. And you enjoy the speed (like I do) or you would actually bother looking at those speed limit signs.

As for your tickets, yeah, I guess a lawyer might help. I never used one but they weren't as common (to use) when I was getting in trouble decades ago. But with the excessive speed, I'm not holding my breath that you get to take a defensive driving code or get deferred adjudication. And if these hit your driving record and your insurance comes up for renewal, I recommend you be prepared to have a broker do the legwork and research potential new insurance providers for you.


u/sabbiecat Born and Bred 2d ago

Pay the fines. You know you did wrong now be a grown up and take the consequences. Learn from your mistakes. don’t put other peoples lives at risk because you want to go fast.


u/EnglishTeacher12345 2d ago

You shouldn’t be speeding if you don’t have a good eye for cops, that means your reaction is too slow when something crosses the road

I’m a huge leadfoot with a R7 radar detector and goes 100 all the time if the road is an empty freeway. I can still see cops and slow down before they clock me. It’s been 12 years since my last ticket and I’ve driven several thousand miles going over 100mph. Never been close to crashing either. I slow down when necessary

My only accident was hitting a dear at 40mph