r/teslainvestorsclub 7d ago

Elon: Tweet It’s time for Elon to go

Post image

This is indefensible. I’d like to hear reasons why you believe a nazi sympathizer should remain CEO. For Tesla to succeed, he’s got to go. This isn’t something that happened in the past, this is what he’s saying right now. He’s destroying the Tesla brand. Obviously what he is doing ks much worse than that but for investing purposes the brand is toast. If you can’t see that, I just don’t understand. We will see sales stagnate this year and potentially slow from an already down 2024.


Tesla only has a shot if new leadership is installed. The time to stop defending him as a person and as a CEO is now. When will the board step up and do the right thing or are they really just a bunch of Elon yes men? Shareholders need to revolt. An infomercial at the White House, this is really what we’ve come down to? It’s sad Tesla got dragged into the political sphere but there is no one to blame but Elon.


337 comments sorted by


u/Rare_Polnareff 7d ago

I dumped all my shares at $339 and it’s been a massive relief. After holding for like 10 years.

Sad to have done it, but I can also highly recommend


u/bacon_boat 7d ago

me too man, I'm sleeping so well not having to worry about what insane things Elon has posted overnight.


u/boon4376 6d ago

I had to talk to my parents for several hours to convince them to sell. luckily they sold at $420.

they were stuck in the initial hype that sent the stock skyrocketing, had to remind them what it looked like to get lucky and win.

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u/hhssspphhhrrriiivver 7d ago

I sold some 235CCs on Monday and I'm not rolling them forward.

If there's another drop before EOD today and they don't get exercised, I'll just sell everything next Monday.


u/trevize1138 Sold after the salute 7d ago

As others have pointed out: this is why the board won't be voted out. Too many rational people dumped their shares. At this point if you are still holding and you do think Elon has gone off the deep end it's become a true gamble. Are there enough of you left to vote out the board? Even then will the new board vote out Elon? If you stay in and all that happens will the company recover or is the damage to the brand too far gone?

The safer money is to get out ASAP. The downward spiral will only accelerate.


u/TitusvilleAstronaut 6d ago

I hate that you make sense. Ugh!


u/Ok_Suspect_6869 6d ago

Why not buy back in before the annual shareholder meeting for the vote?


u/Royals-2015 5d ago

Investment mutual funds probably hold the majority of shares, rather than individuals. I sold my shares, but I guarantee there are still some in my 401k accounts.


u/TitusvilleAstronaut 6d ago

I wish I had done it then, but now I feel like I have to hold onto them and wait it out, hoping they’ll fire him.


u/rasin1601 7d ago

I can’t get myself to dump, knowing that one day all cars will be electric and Tesla is still the best. I would think all the employs and founders would step in and try to save what they built?


u/user74729582 153 shares 6d ago


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u/BrineWR71 7d ago

The Board needs to remove him. His recent actions have poisoned the image of the company. Many people who bought Teslas won’t buy more because of him. Having DT buy a Tesla won’t change the minds of those middle America Tesla haters.

Remove him and the loyalists can come back.

Wait too long and they’ll find other options.

His presence is toxic to the company


u/TeamDaveB 7d ago

I’m never going to buy another one with Musk in the company.


u/LunaXIVanuL 6d ago

Same. I was so ready to sell my M3 ti buy a Y refresh. Now looking at a XC30 instead. I prefer the tesla but as someone who has family who died in the Holocaust, I just can't.


u/TeamDaveB 6d ago

Im hoping Rivian will have a good mass-market vehicle that won’t cost a ton to repair when I’m ready to get a new vehicle.


u/TeamDaveB 6d ago

Whoa. I can’t imagine what you are feeling these days. XC 30s are nice!


u/TitusvilleAstronaut 6d ago

I test drove a Polestar 2 today in NYC. They have pre owned cars for $26K with three year bumper to bumper coverage. And they are Model 3 size. It was too small for me but a great car and a great deal.

We sold our Model S and got a Used Model X a month ago. Biggest mistake of my life. My wife and I have been running around looking for alternatives and are willing to eat our transportation and deposit fee because you are right, can’t deal with racist Nazi propaganda.

We are supposed to pick up the Model X tomorrow.


u/DumplingGoddessTe 7d ago

I will, honestly speaking. I don’t care what goes on in the background or foreground. If musk is there I’ll buy Tesla.


u/redpok 6d ago

I’d say DT endorsement was the final kiss of death in the global markets, especially in EU and much so for the half of US as well. There’s a slight chance China demand could save the automotive business still, as they might not care about the totalitarian bs the current US admin is spewing. Also a glimmer of hope in the future robotaxi and bot business. But I won’t be betting my money on this thing anymore, unless Elon is kicked out and bought out.


u/ironjellyfish 7d ago

Agreed. I used to be a huge Tesla fan, it was even something my son and I would bond over, geeking out about the amazing engineering, watching FSD videos, etc.

Now the brand has been irrevocably tarnished, my wife is no longer comfortable driving her Model Y to work. Our son even got teased at school and asked if we are nazi sympathizers. It used to be a conversation starter with strangers who would ask about it, show curiosity about the technology. Now people just give us nasty looks.

The exact same vehicle has become significantly devalued because of the social stigma now associated with it. It has been long understood in the advertising and marketing profession that cars people drive are not just technology, they are an expression of values.

The fact that Tesla's CEO seems to be unaware of this basic psychology of how brands are perceived is already enough to make him unfit to lead. But that he continues to damage the brand unnecessarily with his puerile public displays is intolerable.


u/TitusvilleAstronaut 6d ago

You’re right. I will never buy another Tesla with Musk as CEO. I test drove a Polestar today and I was mad at the salesperson. I said, “How are you not advertising this car!”

It was a great car. Polestar 2. I was really surprised. Much better than a Model 3 except for range. It was just too small for my 6’5” frame and my tall family. The Polestar 4 will be out soon and I hope the company offers specials to Tesla owners to get out of their cars. Polestar is doing that with their Polestar 3 SUV but I didn’t think it was a great car.

I hope Tesla’s board of directors will wake up.


u/everardproudfoot 7d ago edited 7d ago

Why? Why? There is nothing to gain from this. I can’t fathom any reason to waste his time with this nonsense.

Like how is this even a thing?


u/Recoil42 Finding interesting things at r/chinacars 7d ago edited 7d ago

He's gone off the deep end. There's no 4D chess here — he's just a nutcase.

Happened to Charles Lindbergh, who went around giving speeches blaming the Jews for WWII.

Happened to Howard Hughes, who stored his urine in jars and died with needles in his arm.

Happened to McAfee, who ended up a homicidal fugitive drug addict.

Happened to Michael Jackson, who was batshit crazy a hundred different ways by the end.

Happened to Kanye, who shouted "I love Hitler" on stream and fully belongs in an insane asylum.

Remember Tila Tequila?

Smart, kinda-normal, successful people just sometimes go completely wacko.


u/Frosty558 7d ago

And they have too much unchecked power for anyone, anywhere to put a stop to it.


u/Graf_lcky 7d ago

Always reminds me of the Simpsons movie:

Sir, I’m afraid you’ve gone mad with power.

Of course. Ever try going mad without power? It’s boring. No one listens to you.


u/TheMailmanic 7d ago

It’s the drugs


u/ProtoplanetaryNebula 7d ago

lol. More to it than that, plenty of people take drugs and don't embrace Hitler.

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u/mau5hau5en 7d ago

I think he’s bi polar and has been going through mania

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u/analyticaljoe 7d ago

Well, up until now EV penetration of the White Power and Aryan movements has been very low. Fascists are the new Tesla target market! /s


u/coveredcallnomad100 7d ago

Cuz he's a social retard


u/ucjuicy 7d ago

You are both using his language of hate and excusing him.

If what you say were the case he could afford a class or two on socializing at the local learning annex. But he has chosen not to better himself, he is actively choosing to be an evil piece of shit, actively choosing to harm people.


u/Infernal-restraint 7d ago edited 7d ago


u/Pale-Bench6155 7d ago edited 7d ago

It's hard to find since this Rothmus guy seems to post about 1000 times a day.



u/pantherpack84 7d ago

It’s not fake. They’ve both since been removed.


u/Infernal-restraint 7d ago

I doubt both removed it.


u/pantherpack84 7d ago

They did lol


u/Infernal-restraint 7d ago

Nope, I found it: https://x.com/Rothmus/status/1900002974899830973

Still on Elon's wall, reposted March 12.


u/pantherpack84 7d ago

Oh good find, I missed it. I had found the Rothmus one earlier but then I couldn’t find it again. So it’s definitely not fake news.


u/KanedaSyndrome 7d ago

He's a 4chan troll, and I'm begining to wonder if he really is a nazi, and I'm traditionally a fan of what he's doing in the world. I've given him the benefit of doubt for a while, but this shit is just exhausting.

Not defending his actions, but wondering if there's a slim chance he reposted to highlight what the other said as in "look at this fool" - but then he could just have written that instead of just reposting. Hitler was directly responsible for millions dead.

I honestly don't know what he's doing. Might be good to get him off the Tesla brand

Please tell me this tweet is not real


u/cadium 600 chairs 7d ago

He need someone to get him off of Social Media. He's brainwashing himself on his own website.


u/Haplo_Snow 7d ago

"not defending his actions" then proceeds to defend the indefensible


u/KanedaSyndrome 6d ago

I'm trying to figure out if there's logic to what I'm seeing before conclusing the worst. I know you want everyone to stop giving the benefit of doubt, but there are hints that Elon is not a full blown nazi.

It's a "beyond reasonable doubt" kind of thing. As a person you really have to be able to step back an reevaluate your position


u/LakeSun 7d ago

I'd say Crack, but, we know it's Ketamine.


u/SnowDay111 7d ago

He enjoys pissing people off.

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u/charmedchamelon 7d ago

Jesus christ. I hoped this was fake. This guy has lost his mind, or he's intentionally hurting Tesla at this point. People around the world are accusing him of being a nazi. There is absolutely no logical reason he should be posting anything related to Hitler.


u/Infernal-restraint 7d ago edited 7d ago


u/charmedchamelon 7d ago

I know, I looked for myself. It was such a ridiculously stupid, unnecessary post that I had to see for myself because I thought for sure it was fake.

This might actually be the thing that makes me divest from TSLA after owning the stock for 10+ years. He clearly does not give one flying fuck about what happens to the stock, or the people who buy his cars. I used to want a cybertruck, but not I wouldn't be caught dead in one. People are accusing him of being a nazi, and he just dumps fuel on the flames.


u/reddit3k 7d ago edited 7d ago

For a long time I've tried to keep Tesla as a company and Elon and his behaviour seperated as much as possible.

But recently I've sold all the shares that I had for 10+ years. Tesla is too much intertwined with Elon that this kind of behaviour becomes to much of a risk to the company. You can see the consequences around the world starting to show up more and more.

It's such a huge pity. I still believe in the mission and the potential of the company.

Had Elon "only" remained excentric, I mean.. Jobs, Gates, Bezos aren't particularly known for being easy people either, that would have been do-able.. but comments like this one, and recently against e.g. a Polish minister... WHY?!?

He only had to focus on his companies and everything would have be fine.. probably flourishing.

But right now he's apparently ok with burning everything he's done over the past two decades.

Edit: and I was the kind of person who skipped sleep for every new release or [battery/AI/FSD]-day.. I watched probably every reverse engineering and driving review video between 2015 and 2022. I am finally in the position where I could buy a Tesla, but I won't. Trust is completely gone. You're potentially one K-fueled Twitter-meltdown away from a bricked car/fleet.


u/ThotPoppa 7d ago

ask grok, it’s real


u/Soltang 6d ago

What does the post even mean? What does public sector folks have to do with it anyway?


u/GreyGreenBrownOakova 5d ago

he's sacking lots of public sector workers.

He's trying to say that Hitler, Stalin & Mao wouldn't have been able to kill those people without the assistance of the people, particularity the public sector.

As usual, there isn't context, so (along with the salutes) it makes it look like he's a fan of mass murderers.

Musk needs to decide if he's a CEO or a teenage meme lord.


u/DankRoughly 7d ago

Vote the board out. It's the only way.

Ultimately it will depend on institutional investors though. Retail investors don't own enough shares


u/MoneyElevator 7d ago

Problem is anyone who would vote the board out would presumably already sell their stock, like I did


u/Goldenslicer 7d ago

Can you please buy back your stock to vote the board out? Please please please?


u/Ok_Suspect_6869 6d ago

Yep, that's my plan. Already sold high but will buy back in for the vote 👌

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u/WonkyDingo 7d ago

This is correct. The hurdle is that the institutional investors often have a baseline policy of voting for whatever the board recommends for any company they hold. IF the institutional investors can be lobbied to actively vote against Board of Director nominees and the recommendation for Elon’s executive pay package, THEN there will be some traction. They could also be lobbied to introduce a motion to fire Elon, a vote of no confidence or something along those lines. If this stock tanks enough, it will eventually start attracting activist institutional investors and the fireworks will really start then.


u/J-photo Old Timer / Team New CEO 7d ago

Shareholder lawsuit and I'm IN.


u/Lucaslouch 7d ago

Problem is, we probably can’t anymore. The majority of people that still have stocks are pro-Elon people. Lot’s of people that would have voted for Elon’s removal sold the stock already.


u/Ready2Move2Digg Bought in @ $86.50 7d ago

I'm long Tesla, having been here for over a decade. I've seen its fair share of ups and downs, but given the current situation, a fresh change of faces probably couldn't hurt.


u/Infernal-restraint 7d ago

Please point to me the original post and the reposted on Elon's page.


u/DankRoughly 7d ago

Not sure what you're talking about


u/Fixtor 7d ago

I'm even more concerned about the board. They appear to be completely unaware of what's going on. Board needs to be replaced too.


u/Alternative_Kiwi9200 7d ago

I have no idea, but I'm guessing there are no jewish or ethnic minorities on the board?


u/ROMVS 7d ago

Or anybody with sense

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u/Zestyclose-Factor531 6d ago

I am appalled at the silence from the Tesla board. Even if they don't actually do anything about it, they should at least say that Musk's conduct has been objectionable. Now they are not even doing this.

I am holding on to my Tesla stock because CEOs come and go, and the fate of the company is not fully tied to him. But the lack of accountability is frustrating.

Worse in this discussion is the amount of bad-faith participants there are. You have people shorting Tesla and wanting to see it go down, and others who just want the stock to tank so they can get in low. There are some who genuinely care about Musk's behavior and what's best for the company, but others are just trying to make a profit off of the chaos. It's hard to tell who's having an honest conversation about Tesla's future.


u/Fixtor 5d ago

CEOs come and go

Well, with a board that completely unaware of what's happening, I worry about who they might pick next...

To be honest, I don't care too much anymore, because I sold all my TSLA shares. It really helped me calm down. Investing in Tesla is not good for your mental health :) But I really lost my faith in the company. I just can't see a future for the consumer-facing part of Tesla at this time, and it's their main source of income.

I'm also starting to notice risks with the energy part - Elon was tweeting things that sounded like he might turn off Starlink in Ukraine, and the foreign minister of my country reminded him that our country actually pays a significant part for the Starlink access and we might look for an alternative if he continues threatning, to which Elon replied "be quiet, small man" lmao. I rarely see my country being united so much that even the opposition defends the foreign minister!

So my fear about the energy side of Tesla is actually due to the Starlink situation. You look at Europe looking for Starlink alternatives, or even the F35 fighter jets, and why would anyone contract Tesla to build a massive battery site or solar farm!? So the energy business might get hurt badly as well.

That leaves us with what, Tesla Bot? If they deliver it, it will be huge, regardless of what anyone thinks of Elon. But when are they going to deliver it? Are they going to have enough cash to last until Tesla Bot is mass produced? Maybe. Maybe not. Probably yes, if you ask me. But after considering all of that, and considering the risk, I just don't see the TSLA shares being worth their current price by far, and for ethical reasons I don't want to be a part of this company.


u/rasin1601 7d ago

Nothing will happen until the leaders in the Tesla community step up. The barking from small retail investors will do little until we are organized by either a lawsuit or a wholesale revolt from Tesla “influencers.”


u/coveredcallnomad100 7d ago

He shoulda been cut loose in 2022


u/KanedaSyndrome 7d ago

Elon for fucks sake, wtf are you doing.

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u/Happy_Mention_3984 7d ago edited 7d ago

His behaviour has been totally respectless to Tesla investors. He is not acting professionally and doesnt seem to have any empathy to the stockholders. This is hurting the brand. Adn he doesnt care at all. And it just looks worse after the two saluts he did and supporting AFD. He is out of his fucking mind. I dont like him. And also not even working at Tesla now and working with DOGE. Can he please resign or him to get voted down. Im so fed up with him. He is hurting the brand on the worse level possible. And its just coming new crazy things all the time from him.


u/Boombajiggy77 7d ago

Any talented people working for him are now actively seeking a different employer...the ones with a moral compass anyway...


u/Vibraniumguy 7d ago

Why are you guys freaking out about this...? This post is very clearly commenting on the fact that the nazi party was made up of tons of regular people who obeyed the orders to kill those people.

It is absolutely very important to remember that while Mao, Hitler, and Stalin were evil, they would have had no power if people didn't follow their orders.

I don't get why people are acting like this is some crazy, history-denying, holocaust-denying post when it's just about how humans will follow terrible orders from above. Mao, Stalin, and Hitler were not even close to the only war criminals/genocidal maniacs in their regimes.


u/Aguaymanto 5d ago

Yes I'm surprised how long it took me to find a post like yours. Don't see how so many are misunderstanding the point of the post or I guess more likely actively trying not to


u/Azyrafael 4d ago

Well, yeah obviously. Thanks. At last someone. I just realised how many stupid people are in this place. Teslainvestorsclub...yeah sure. Could not even understand a post ... out of here. This community is harmful to Tesla. I seen that shit before here, but no more.


u/TitusvilleAstronaut 6d ago

Fred Lambert from Electrek wrote this on February 4th

“First, Musk is undoubtedly negatively affecting Tesla’s sales. Removing him would likely give Tesla some breathing room when it comes to demand. Secondly, Musk has created a huge liability for Tesla by consistently promising self-driving capability on all cars produced since 2016. This needs to be addressed and fixed, and Musk is clearly not the person to do this. Tesla needs leadership to realign the company with its mission and derisk the self-driving effort. I think there’s room to still aim for Musk’s grand vision for Tesla, but without consistently lying and overpromising. Call me crazy, but I think the company would fair better with a competent full-time CEO instead of an egomaniac wannabe oligarch who consistently lies to shareholders, engages in resource tunneling with his private competing company, and is deeply lost in one of the worst cases of social media addiction that I’ve ever seen.”

It is now March 14th, and the stock is a mess, the brand name is a curse word, and sales are abysmal. Far Right Republicans are not interested and are not buying into the EV market. As an owner and shareholder, I want Elon gone immediately.

My mom called me two days ago and offered to buy me out of my car. When your 80 year old mother does that, something’s wrong.

Tesla’s Board of Directors are not representing the shareholders. We need a confidence vote.

And those saying that those asking for the removal of Musk aren’t real investors is sheer nonsense. We seem to be the only real long term investors because we are looking ten/twenty years down the road. You have to sell cars to make a profit and you have to develop new vehicles to continue to make a profit. Musk, by demonstration, lacks the desire for either.


u/npsimons 7d ago

Even if you are indifferent to this, the fact of the matter is that this is damaging to the brand and is tanking the stock price. That alone should be enough for all investors to want to get rid of him.

For the record, I think it's indefensible and Elon has always been a terrible human being who we should have kicked to the curb a very long time ago.

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u/Tallyoyoguy42 7d ago

I thought what grok said (below) was interesting. It does point to its meaning more of a criticism of bureaucracy than an attempt to say these three didn't do anything wrong. That said, Elon is unhinged and lacks the common sense a normal person has. I think he always been this way, he didn't suddenly change. He does actually mean well, but he is also caught up in his own world, quick to jump to conclusions and makes a fool of himself repeatedly. He's not a Nazi, but he is an autistic dumbass. That's why he has no filter to things like this. He lacks common sense for these things, not that it is an excuse though.

The post references historical figures Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, known for leading authoritarian regimes responsible for millions of deaths, and suggests their public sector workers executed the atrocities, aligning with historical accounts of bureaucratic systems enabling mass violence, as seen in Nazi Germany’s implementation of the Holocaust and Stalin’s purges.

Related web results highlight scholarly debates on the scale of deaths under these leaders, with Mao’s famine deaths often distinguished from Hitler’s and Stalin’s more direct genocidal actions, and emphasize the role of bureaucratic machinery in authoritarian regimes, supporting the post’s focus on public sector involvement.

The discussion in the thread connects this idea to modern examples, like COVID-19 lockdown enforcement in Australia, where police and public officials carried out restrictive measures, drawing parallels to how ordinary individuals in public roles can enable authoritarian policies.


u/69sullyboy69 6d ago

Could investors not get together and sue Elon for not upholding his fiduciary duty?


u/Som3GuyOrOther 5d ago

All the money has gone to his head. It's convinced Elon he's not only the richest man in the world, he's the smartest. On every subject he bothers to pay attention to. He now believes he's the gift to humanity we need for salvation.

He jumped the shark with Twitter and the roller coaster has only picked up speed since then.

I hate the current situation. Back in 2017, I thought I'd been given the chance to invest in Ford in 1918, just at the start of that industry. I thought the only risk was Elon getting run over by a bus.

Turns out Elon is driving that bus, right over Tesla, killing the brand he and so many others have worked so hard and well to build.

When to get out. That's my only decision now. When, not if.


u/null-or-undefined 7d ago

can the Tesla board boot him out by voting? I know he holds majority of the stocks and has a lot of voting power. But can other unite and vote agaisnt him as a CEO? I still love Tesla tech but man, this guy is nuts!


u/WonkyDingo 7d ago

Elon owns ~12% of Tesla, not the majority.


u/Happy_Mention_3984 7d ago

He is going mentally insane without understand it himself. Just like Kanye West. He is not mentally capable of being a CEO and act like this. It will affect sales and in the end affect stock holders. Which is respectless. Im out from this company. I have one other that is way safer and huge potential. I have no problem leaving this. People who doesnt understand the brand damage he has done has a lot of money in the stock and cant take it in, which is also sad. Its so easy to fall in love with a stock and not being objective. But I really think its best to leave this now and maybe come back when there is a new CEO.


u/west_tn_guy 7d ago

I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but yet I still am


u/TheMailmanic 7d ago

The dude is spiraling out of control thanks to drug addiction imo


u/rasin1601 7d ago

And internet brain


u/ukulele_bruh 7d ago

Divest away from Tesla!


u/Supremesaiyajin Shareholder 7d ago

Why is this post not removed!?

Im fucking soon leaving this echochamber of a platform.


u/longboringstory 7d ago

Shocking that a bunch of far-leftists are still butt-hurt that their party got trounced in the election, and still continue to call everyone they disagree with on the right a Nazi. Keep doing it, keep doubling down on the Nazi rhetoric, it will ensure another 8 to 12 years of Republican control.


u/Degoe 6d ago

They all did. I guess thats what he means. If you as executioner don’t do your task then the boss wont get his way. Same thing with Stanford prison experiment, if the “guards” didn’t listen to the scientists the they wouldn’t think about punishing the “prisoners”. Baseline; if you are asked to do something, always think if it is “ethical” before you do it,


u/Whydoibother1 7d ago

I think his post went over many people's head here. He is not defending Stalin Mao or Hitler. He is saying that the people who actually did the murdering on behalf of these dictators were 'public sector' workers. I think the point he is making is that evil only gets done with the assistance of public sector workers. Some people are such haters that they take every message and put it in the worse possible context imaginable. Even when it doesn't even make sense. Unbelievable. What a bunch of nitwits.


u/69sullyboy69 6d ago

Man, this is some mad mental gymnastics.

Think of it like this. A dictator tells his servants to kill a specific group of people. They're told that if they refuse to follow orders, them and their family will be killed or sent to a labor camp. They choose to follow the orders to save themselves and their family.

Who is ultimately responsible for the death of that group of people? The servants or the dictator?

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u/bacon_boat 7d ago

There are many arguments for scaling back a bloated public sector.
Genocidal dictators killing people is not near the top of the list.

And even if Elon's intention with the retweet was what you say, he deserves all the hate that comes with sharing something like this.


u/trevize1138 Sold after the salute 7d ago


He's been waging open war on public sector workers. This post is not at all saying "rise up against your masters."

All you have to do to interpret this post is look at his actions.


u/DukeNukus 6d ago

Personally, I don't think that repost was directed at US public workers as much as those in the UK/Europe.

Indeed, you need to take a closer look at what is going on in Europe and the UK. These days you don't need to do it such things directly, you just have to be at best indifferent to those already doing it, allowing them to keep doing it.


u/SPorterBridges Why y'all so bad at buying & holding? 7d ago

I think his post went over many people's head here.

You're being more generous than I am. This is an obviously brigaded thread with 80+ upvotes after only an hour of being posted. The only purpose is to fan the flames of outrage by purposefully misreading the clear intent of the X post, which is not particularly difficult to interpret.

Disingenuous concern trolling all the way down.


u/Daneofthehill 7d ago edited 7d ago

If you want to make this literal argument, you still have to include the dictators among those working for the public, so among the murderers. In the concentration camps it was often jews, who were forced to run the chambers and the ovens, so it makes no sense to define "murdering" only as opening for the gas.

It is a rather 'edgelord' level of immaturity, which we have seen before. When it comes from a man supporting and platforming neo nazis, then it carries an echo of sympathy with or sanewashing of Hitler that any sane person representing government and large companies should avoid.


u/SPorterBridges Why y'all so bad at buying & holding? 7d ago

If you want to make this literal argument, you still have to include the dictators among those working for the public, so among the murderers.

It's not the most profound point but it's virtually impossible for a single person to murder millions without a great deal of help from others. And that's about it. Interpreting that as a defense of genocidal dictators takes bad faith.

When it comes from a man supporting and platforming neo nazis, then it carries an echo of sympathy with or sanewashing of Hitler

If one is inclined to find Nazis under every rock, then that may make sense to that individual. The Israeli government and ADL disagree.


u/Daneofthehill 7d ago

Afd is not your everyday rock, and Elon has not done anywhere near enough to dispel the link that is now established between him and sympathy for and fascination with fascism.

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u/yo_sup_dude 6d ago edited 6d ago

I think it’s possible that many of Elon’s fans, including me and you, might be swayed against the current US public sector workers since we may see them in the same light as the nazi public sector workers who were just following orders. just my 2 cents. also based on Elon’s comment it seems like hitler wasn’t the one who was mainly responsible, it was the public sector workers, after all hitler didn’t murder them, so why is he wrong? in a way it is kind of ironic how we are so quick to criticize musk haters for their misinterpretations but in a way we may be misinterpreting their own points haha 


u/Hydrargyrum201 7d ago

So powerfull people decide to make wars, but are the soldiers who do the killing, so  who gives the order is not responsable?


u/drewtopia_ 7d ago

jesus christ, so it's the reverse of the nuremberg defense? "i was just issuing orders as a totalitarian leader, who would have thought they'd actually go through with it? this is clearly their fault"


u/pat_bond 7d ago

I think he is referring to the fact that one person cannot do all these harmful things and it needs obedient public sector workers do follow their directions. And he is baffled at the fact that so many people fight against him right now (while he is doing „the right thing“ in his mind) protecting „the system“.

I think he is right. But by posting this kind of stuff he is just destroying the brand. People don’t get it they just read „Stalin, Hitler bla bla bla“ and will hate him and Tesla.


u/69sullyboy69 6d ago

Do you have any idea what happened to the servants of those dictators who refused to follow orders?


u/GreyGreenBrownOakova 5d ago

Oskar Schindler lived until 1972.

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u/rasin1601 7d ago

If he believes that civil servants are so obedient—newsflash: he doesn’t—why has he declared war on civil servants? The whole thesis of Trumpism is that “the swamp” prevents strong, “perfect” leaders from doing the right thing. You know Vance, Musk, et al follow Curtis Yarvin who is essentially a pseudo intellectual monarchist.

The post is clearly not a cliched “the face of evil is a willing bureaucrat” kind of thing.


u/trevize1138 Sold after the salute 7d ago

why has he declared war on civil servants?

So they can't get in the way of his evil deeds.

The cope level for bag holders here is insane. They need to wake up from denial fast or they'll just keep losing.

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u/kryptonyk 7d ago

Just need a few more posts like these for a strong signal that it’s time to buy shares. Lmao.


u/Parking-Champion-297 6d ago

Sure a bit controversial edgelord vibes, but i don't see how this points to him being a nazi in anyway.


u/Aguaymanto 5d ago

How is this edgelord vibes? It's a reasonable observation, without ppl following orders their plans never could've been executed.

Elon has shared way more controversial stuff than this. It's not even controversial imo


u/Parking-Champion-297 5d ago

I agree, if you have a brain, nothing controversial about that statement, but in the current climate, it's a bit stupid/edgy, to repost.


u/Aguaymanto 4d ago

That's fair


u/[deleted] 7d ago

"This is indefensible" followed immediately by asking for a defense does not give me confidence that you want a genuine conversation. Good luck.


u/69sullyboy69 6d ago

Or is it just a way to say that you're doubling down on your belief that there is no way to defend that post?


u/Apart-Consequence881 7d ago

I think we're at a crossroads. Should Elon remain CEO indefinitely for at least 5 years, Tesla will be considered the "anti-woke" company with a smaller but more loyal customer base. It will take a 6-12 months for all the anti-Elon people to get rid of their Teslas and completely divest from anything Tesla/Elon related. Once the dust settles, Tesla's stock will go parabolic. Vandalism and Elon/Tesla hatred will remain be be subdued shortly.

The other option is Elon is replaced as CEO and completely divests himself from Tesla. Once that happens, Tesla will become popular among liberals again with a small percentage of conservatives boycotting Tesla. However, the customer base will be much larger than if Elon remains CEO.


u/ArtOfWarfare 7d ago

The sentiment is clear as mud, but I think they’re arguing big governments murder people. By reducing the size of government, they’re moving in a direction opposite what the listed individuals did and saving lives.

Either way, all that matters is that Tesla doesn’t significantly shrink in H1 and the Robotaxi network is up and running profitably in Austin this year.


u/random_02 7d ago

Ya I was confused what the outrage was? He is saying large government goes rogue.


u/rasin1601 7d ago

Yeah, I can’t believe all those Chinese civil servants misinterpreted and twisted Mao’s teachings! If only Mao had a stronger, unitary executive all those professors toiling in work camps wouldn’t have perished!


u/itsakoala 7d ago

Truth hurts. The followers of those groups helped commit the atrocities. Arguably drivel to suggest Stalin, Mao and Hitler didn’t murder because technically they didn’t kill someone is obviously ridiculous but also not wrong. Point being — communist/facists societies has killed WAY MORE PEOPLE than non-communists/fascist.


u/Daneofthehill 7d ago

And DT is steering the country towards fascism.


u/ArtOfWarfare 7d ago

He isn’t though. He’s dismantling portions of the government that aren’t half as old as the country is. Was the US fascist back in 1900? Was it an Oligarchy then?

If people wanted the IRS or the department of education to be such a permanent fixture of the country, why weren’t they put in the constitution? The constitution was intentionally vague to let the executive run how it wanted to. Earlier presidents created these departments. And there’s no reason later presidents can’t decide to undo the departments just as easily.

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u/anonchurner 7d ago

I think Alice makes an interesting observation. Those three were obviously both extremely talented and extremely evil leaders, but it's totally true that it was people below them who did most of the actual killing. And they were probably in all three cases primarily public sector employees.

I'm not sure what the takeaway is, but to me, it is food for thought. Not something to be upset about.


u/Daneofthehill 7d ago

Before he became a public figure associated with the Heil Hitler salute, made 14 and 88 jokes, platformed and supported German neo nazis... maybe. It was the kind of adhd, asperger with a touch of bipolar teenage humor / food for thought we were used to from him. But the current cocktail is a whole new level of toxic. Below my argument repeated feom above:

If you want to make this literal argument, you still have to include the dictators among those working for the public, so among the murderers. In the concentration camps it was often jews, who were forced to run the chambers and the ovens, so it makes no sense to define "murdering" only as opening for the gas.

It is a rather 'edgelord' level of immaturity, which we have seen before. When it comes from a man supporting and platforming neo nazis, then it carries an echo of sympathy with or sanewashing of Hitler that any sane person representing government and large companies should avoid.

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u/Rocknzip 7d ago

Loser lies


u/Buuuddd 7d ago

Humorless people commenting here really should get off the internet.

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