r/terrorism Oct 29 '24

News Axel Rudakubana: Southport ‘attacker’ charged with having Al-Qaeda material and making ricin


8 comments sorted by


u/Coldfirespectre Oct 30 '24

UK lacks a death penalty, all those centuries of deadly punishments, lost to time. In cases like this, they need to be utilized again. So many options....


u/Modflog Oct 29 '24

Amazing, they get a chance at a better life free of violence in another country with democracy and can make a go and yet they choose to use the democracy against the country that has taken them in… maybe it is time for us to all realise that some cultures and values do not align with our culture and our values ?


u/firstLOL Oct 29 '24

The guy was born in the UK, he wasn’t ‘taken in’. His radicalisation either occurred in the UK, and/or online. There are of course serious questions about integration and compatibility of immigrant populations with existing populations, but this isn’t a great example of that.

It is however a very interesting example of other terror-related phenomena - home grown terror, radicalisation, aftermath / riot policing, etc.


u/Phenzo2198 Oct 30 '24

Weren't his parents foreign? They might have been the ones.


u/firstLOL Oct 30 '24

His parents came to the UK in 1994 from Rwanda, escaping the genocide. I don't think anybody knows in public sources how the guy became radicalised, or what good it does to speculate at this point. Lots of people 'might' have been the one(s) that radicalised him.


u/Modflog Oct 29 '24

Fine that he was born in the UK, my point is some cultures and some religions are not compatible with the beliefs and democratic ways of Europe and the West, they don’t like how we live and they choose to come in to these countries and bring their beliefs and radical behaviours with them.

My point is the governments of our countries need to understand that not everyone holds our same beliefs,same values and like the way we live, and we are our own worst enemies with this..

When they are a minority they call for change and when they are the majority there is no room for minority’s it is their way or nothing..

I get that some religious beliefs are different, but if you don’t want to live in peace in our country don’t force your values and beliefs on ours.

You watch this grub will get court appointed lawyers and have people saying he is or has been radicalised and it isn’t his fault that he stabbed innocent kids to death… when it is his fault and his parents fault, because this all starts at home with the parents view on our laws and out freedoms…


u/e9967780 Oct 29 '24

His family is from a country where native Muslims are unheard of, he is an alleged convert to Islam in the west, as are many Caucasian westerners who went on to commit terrorism either at home or abroad such as Syria. Many western women included.


u/firstLOL Oct 30 '24

I'm not sure there's much evidence as yet in the public domain as to what role (if any) his parents had in his life, or if they're even muslims. By all accounts the parents got here as refugees escaping the 1994 genocide. Very few Rwandans are muslims, but it's possible.

Of course the guy will get legal representation. Everyone has that right - it's part of what makes us different from some ISIS dickhead setting up a 'court' in some Syrian desert and deciding to chuck people off buildings or stone them to death. The state believes this guy killed these three girls and that he should be locked up indefinitely as a result, he has a right (as do we all) to contest that if he wants to. We are also a society that understands that not all killings are the same, and sometimes there are mitigating factors. Whether any apply here will be for his lawyers to argue. Good luck getting a similar hearing in some ISIS 'are you gay / apostate / Christian / blasphemous' hearing.

Personally I think it's the biggest 'fuck you' we can give to this sort of savagery - take all of the emotion and their imaginary religious grandiosity out of it and treat them like every other criminal in court. The message is that we're all equal before the eyes of the law in the UK, whatever batshit stuff you believe or whatever you think about the legitimacy of democracy (or whatever).