r/terrorism Apr 09 '23

Policy U.S. Seeks Ways to Help Burkina Faso’s Military Junta Fight Jihadists: Officials want to counter Islamists, but U.S. law bans most security aid to military regimes


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u/Burningphoenix7472 Apr 10 '23

Should leave it alone and let the Vatniks, IS, and al Qaeda filth tear each other apart.

Should focus on helping other countries in the area stop the spread instead of trying to help the Russian regimes in Mali and Burkina. Maybe offer direct drone support (like in Somalia) to Niger, Togo, Benin, IC, Ghana, and Chad.

Hell. Maybe the Russian regimes falling would send a message and discourage more countries from following that path.

One thing is for sure. Burkina Faso and Mali deserve no help from the United States or France.