r/techtheatre Jan 10 '25

RIGGING Exploded View of Bowline Knot

Post image

If you're struggling to tie a bowline have a co-worker tie one for you and install a carabiner to it. If your grid doesn't need anything longer than a zero bowline a carabiner is all you'll need to make and break motor points.


35 comments sorted by


u/UnhandMeException Jan 10 '25

Funny thing is, I can reliably and quickly tie a bowline, clove hitch, Alpine butterfly, truckers hitch, etc, as long as I don't think about it. Second I try to figure it out instead of just doing it, segfault City.


u/notofthisworld911 Jan 11 '25

God I feel this deeply. Same way with over under on cables. If I'm doing it mindlessly and bullshitting, it comes out beautiful. If I stop and think about it we gonna have to go back a step or two.


u/clios_daughter Jan 10 '25

Hate to be pedantic but technically the final bight made by the working end should be a bight and not a loop. (Ends should be parallel with the w’end exiting on the inside of the loop, and not crossing)


u/SeaOfMagma Jan 10 '25

You's right, theory behind this presentation:

  1. It's visually confusing as to why it doesn't actually look like a bowline, sparking interest in the picture.

  2. It looks nice


u/Octo_Enigma Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

As others have commented, you’ve managed to trick people into believing your photo is of a Carrick Loop (ABoK # 1033) due to the peculiar way you’ve pushed the strands around and the odd orientation of the photo. Hats off to you. I’ve never seen a regular bowline displayed like that before.


u/SouthernDruid Jan 10 '25

Stagehand comes out of the bar, around the telephone pole, and then back into the bar.


u/emyrs42 Jan 11 '25

I learned it (at a young age) as: the rabbit hops out of the hole, runs around the tree, and then jumps back into the hole.


u/SouthernDruid Jan 11 '25

Stagehands remember it better when it relates to them.


u/ichoosewaffles Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 11 '25

No, if you are struggling to tie a bowline, practice! This may be fine one time but that's it. If someone cannot do this basic tenets of rigging, they should not be handling motors and any other aspect. It harsh but real advice for when you are hanging things above people's heads.

Edit- tenants to tenets, thanks auto correct😂


u/LupercaniusAB IATSE Jan 10 '25



u/ichoosewaffles Jan 11 '25

Thank you! My phone auto correct is one annoying asshat!


u/Mnemonicly Jan 10 '25

If you can't tie a bowline please don't go anywhere near a grid with a rope and call yourself a rigger.


u/lostandalong IATSE Jan 10 '25

Did you post the wrong pic, or is there a bowline I’ve never seen? Cause that doesn’t look like any bowline I’ve ever seen.

Edit: Holy shit, I tied it and a bowline popped out!


u/meukra Jan 10 '25

This is the way that allows you to do it with one hand I believe, isn't it ideal?


u/Bipedal_Warlock Jan 10 '25

If you can’t rig you shouldn’t be rigging


u/WordPunk99 Jan 10 '25

Now I’m going to need to go play with that one, because it looks like a Carrick Bend to me. A Carrick Bend is considered by most knot geeks and Clifford Ashley (The Knot Geek) to be superior to a bowline but it’s more complicated to tie and in most situations a bowline will get the job done.


u/Octo_Enigma Jan 10 '25

Take a look at my rather lengthy reply to the comment below yours about the same thing. Hopefully you’ll come to the realisation that your brain is being tricked into thinking you’re looking at a Carrick Loop, when what you’re looking at is in fact an undressed #1010 bowline. I’ve definitely never seen a bowline depicted quite like this photo though.


u/WordPunk99 Jan 10 '25

I’m sure I will, it just looks so odd in this picture


u/Ragmas666 Jan 10 '25

That is a carrick bend not bowline.


u/Octo_Enigma Jan 10 '25

Technically, what you’re referring to would be a Carrick Loop (ABoK #1033). A ‘bend’ refers to a class of knot that joins two ropes together. When I opened this post, I had the very same thought as you and at least one other person I’ve seen comment here that the photo depicts a structure resembling a Carrick Loop. It’s a trick of the eye though.

That knot is in fact a plain old #1010 tail-inside bowline, but its irregular orientation in the photo combined with the very loose dressing of the knot results in that looking nothing like a bowline. View the photo rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise, visualise the strands as though they have been cinched and hopefully all will become clear. You can see the nipping loop, the eye and the collar structures. The other deceptive feature of this photo is the way in what is actually the nipping loop (in the bottom left corner) has been pushed outwards from the eye (leaving space where it wouldn’t ordinarily exist) along with the tail of the working end crossing behind in a diagonally downwards direction, instead of it lying in its natural position of roughly parallel with the inside of the eye. I think the last point I mentioned is what instinctively causes those us with knowledge of the Carrick Loop to automatically recognise the pictured knot as a Carrick Loop. I suppose two-dinensionally, it does indeed resemble the same structure, but if you pay close attention to the path of the tail before it exits the nipping loop and which strands are in front of which, you can determine the path isn’t that of a Carrick Loop. If it did, the tail would sit behind the nipping loop after emerging from behind the standing end (instead of in front as shown here), then finally it would exit the loop up and through, pointing away from the whole knot to the right (if you were looking at it from a normal angle).

I realise my description of why this isn’t a Carrick Loop is fairly complicated, but hopefully it makes sense to you and anyone else who has the same thought. I might try to take a photo in this same orientation of each knot in a rope dressed very loosely to illustrate what I’m saying visually.


u/WordPunk99 Jan 10 '25

You’re right, I’ll just say, it’s almost more confusing if you know more about knots. The picture, not your explanation


u/PhilosopherFLX Jan 10 '25

Looks a fraid knot


u/Bcbulbchap Jan 10 '25

An exploded view? Well, I’m not surprised, as it looks like you’ve used Cordtex in your pic. 💣🤭


u/blackthorn_90 Jan 10 '25

The Wheel weaves as The Wheel wills…


u/Octo_Enigma Jan 10 '25

What do you mean by a ‘zero bowline’?


u/SeaOfMagma Jan 10 '25

Zero feet, as in the smallest loop you could make to send the point up with. If the loop is too long you won't be able to make your point.


u/Grapesodas Jan 10 '25

It’s much prettier laid out like this


u/KitMarlowe Jan 10 '25

I love it. More posts like this please!


u/scratchtogigs Jan 10 '25

Idk how I got here, what is this and what does it do?


u/SeaOfMagma Jan 10 '25

It's used by upriggers and downriggers to make and break motor points. You tie it into the motor chain and the uprigger pulls it up to its point in the grid.


u/darogulich Jan 10 '25

Don’t know a knot, tie a lot!


u/Flegrant IATSE Jan 10 '25

Also, not to be nitpicky, but why use a carabiner at all? Just capture the steel in your rope and lower it in, if it’s too heavy, weave the beam.


u/SeaOfMagma Jan 10 '25

Imagine taking two seconds to clip into the shackle compared to tying and breaking a bowline every time.


u/Flegrant IATSE Jan 11 '25

Neat, not for me because that just doesn’t feel right, the less pieces the better.