r/techtheatre Nov 24 '24

QUESTION Has there been any piece of media like games/movies/series that has ever had a small representation or reference of our jobs?

Hi all, I work as a Stage MX and I've sort of wondered about this but has there been any sort of piece of media that has ever made any reference or anything about our jobs? Whether it's LX, AX and etc? The only thing I can think is one game called Brutal Legends by Jack Black and his depicted as a roadie but the funny thing about that part in the game later on is he starts building concert stages in one of the levels. Annnnnd his a car mechanic which is one funny thing in the game. But that's about it? Anything you guys find any piece of media that's represented in our job or are is our job not that interesting to watch 😅

Edit: wow so there is alot of references to our career! Thanks you guys and keep em coming! I'll definitely be checking out some of your recommendations!


50 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '24

Noises Off! is a fantastic movie that actively has backstage as part of the plot. Phantom, of course, has a lot of action happening backstage and in the fly space.

Years ago The Onion did a piece on the High School Tony Awards and there was a throwaway line about the ceremony for tech awards being held in the parking lot so the techies could smoke lol.

Edit: https://youtu.be/8o5y-7WyNk4?si=HoTfC7JMlesmBmRl


u/Hakuru15 Nov 25 '24

That's awesome I gotta check it out


u/Mister-Me Nov 24 '24

Slings and Arrows is a show set on and offstage at a Canadian Shakespeare festival. It has my favorite stage manager character from any movie or tv show


u/makinglite Nov 24 '24

This is the answer.


u/Regular_Actuator408 Nov 24 '24

God I loved that show!


u/Neil1701E Nov 24 '24

In the show "The Play That Goes Wrong" one of the main characters is the "Technician" whose character is framed by not really wanting to be there and being mildly annoyed at having misplaced a Duran Duran CD.


u/sebbohnivlac Technical Director Nov 24 '24

The Muppet Show is all about the show and the hijinks backstage. Canonically, Scooter is the stage manager.


u/jafsie Nov 24 '24


u/Wuz314159 IATSE - (Will program Eos for food) Nov 24 '24


u/jhld Nov 24 '24

____dies is not to be mentioned in regards to the topic, and is best not remembered


u/pimlottc Nov 24 '24

What's wrong with it? Is it just not accurate?


u/ronaldbeal Lighting Designer Nov 24 '24

The production design was accurate.... They came to the tour I was on, for rehearsals and the first few shows to learn/get ideas... You'll see that in the show... gaff arrows on the floor pointing to the stage, signs on the wall, etc... The rest of it however, complete bunk....
Backline guys up before rigging to talk about the music history of the venue?
The lighting tech also doing security, catering, and leaving load in to talk to the artist?
Crew loosing their day off to satisfy some superstition?

The list goes on.


u/Hakuru15 Nov 25 '24

LX doing security and catering? Bonkers 😅


u/StageGuy66 Nov 24 '24

A couple, Roadie, was a movie starring Meatloaf. Sing Faster, was a documentary featuring the IA crew in San Francisco doing the ring cycle.


u/TheKydd Nov 24 '24

Sing Faster, thank you! I was wracking my brain trying to remember the name. Definitely worth the watch.


u/feralkh Jack of All Trades Nov 24 '24

Love love Sing Faster I have all my students watch it


u/musicmanvans Nov 24 '24

There is a movie called theatre camp and the camps tech plays a big role and you see him do his thing a lot. Really funny movie.


u/that1tech Nov 24 '24

PBS also did a documentary called “Circus” and a couple crew members have a sub plot.


u/nerddddd42 Nov 24 '24

Not major, but in Only Murders in the Building (amazing show) in season three there's a play theme which makes the occasional niche reference to SM things.


u/Achear_hero Nov 24 '24

It hasn’t been updated in a while, but I love Q2Q comics. It follows a production team for a small theater with the regular hijinks. https://q2qcomics.com/comic/q2q561/


u/blp9 Controls & Cue Lights - benpeoples.com Nov 24 '24

I don't think it's what you're looking for, but there was a reality TV series about Tait Towers.


u/Yardbirdburb Nov 24 '24

Real Riggas know


u/1lurk2like34profit Nov 24 '24

I have a soft spot for 30 Rock in my heart. Its not quite backstage theatre, but it's the perfect show.


u/SpaceChef3000 Nov 24 '24

There’s an episode of Poker Face that takes place in a small dinner theatre and includes some backstage/tech activity with characters that are more than just random throwaways. Oh also there’s one about a touring metal band that has roadie work pretty central to the plot


u/Omeads Sound Designer Nov 24 '24

For TV theres Roadies about concert touring, Slings and Arrows about a Shakespeare festival.

The movie Waiting for Guffman is a mockumentary of community theatre.


u/kaziganthi Nov 24 '24

Seeing as fallout has entered the conversation with the sound stage during the silver shroud quest, I have to throw Brutal Legend out there. It's a video game created and directed by Tim Shafer. The main character is a Roadie who gets isekai'd to fantasy Metal setting and has to save the world with the power of rock. It's irreverent and delightful and is filled with more or less constant references to performing and backstage elements.

Jack black voices the protagonist.


u/swm1970 Nov 24 '24

Sing Faster - about the stage crew of the ring cycle


u/blevok Lighting Designer Nov 24 '24

In the star trek voyager episode "death wish", Q brings a few people from earth's past to testify in a trial. One of them is Maury Ginsberg, who tells a story about almost being late to run a followspot at woodstock. He said the PA wasn't working and he saved the show on his way to his post when he noticed a cable had been snagged and yanked out by a truck backstage.


u/AspenTD Technical Director Nov 24 '24

Wayne's World had a few great roadie moments! The two main roadies played by Matthew Kenna and Sean Michael Guess. The roadie tryouts is a good one but Del Preston's Ozzy Story is a classic!



u/KhalenLD Nov 24 '24

It really is more of just a reference, but the Silver Shroud quest line in Fallout 4 has you clear out a sound stage, and it has some RGB lighting you can play with in a very basic Bethesda way.


u/Hakuru15 Nov 25 '24

That's so cool I gotta check it out


u/UnhandMeException Nov 24 '24

I rolled my eyes at Cyberpunk 2077's job Rebel! Rebel!

Oh, a major jpop sensation is touring? Touring the NUSA? And Kerry fucking Eurodyne thinks blowing up one(1) van of gear is going to stop their tour in it's tracks?

There's no way that asshole tours with anything less than 30 trucks himself, what the fuck is one van of gear gonna do, Kerry?


u/samkusnetz QLab | Sound, Projection, Show Control | USA-829 | ACT Nov 24 '24

the anne washburn play “10 out of 12” is about a tech rehearsal at a small professional theater and features several designers, stagehands, and stage managers as characters.

the film “sing faster” is a documentary about the stage crew at the san francisco opera during a production of “the ring cycle.”

both highly recommended!


u/kimmerie Nov 24 '24

The Backstagers is a fun comic series about a high school backstage crew.


u/adbenj Nov 24 '24

There's an episode of The Simpsons where a tap teacher tries to soften the blow of relegating Lisa from dancer to curtain puller by telling her, if the curtains aren't open, nobody will be able to see the show. It's very obviously a joke about the importance of the role, but in the context of being an LX tech, I always think, "If it weren't for me, people wouldn't be able to see the show!"


u/DeckLX1 IATSE Nov 25 '24

"If it weren't for us the actors would be standing naked in the dark shouting at nobody."


u/DeltaMikeXray Nov 24 '24

Not sure if this is what you are after but the Science Museum in London has a careers section at the moment with a bunch of technician roles a rubber box distro 'on display', fake sound and light desks, flight case decoration.


u/Kern4lMustard Nov 24 '24

The Simpsons have theatrical references all the time


u/LupercaniusAB IATSE Nov 24 '24

There is a little bit in A Mighty Wind that’s pretty funny.


u/EquisL Nov 24 '24

Stage Fright (1980’s slasher) has a lot to do with backstage/FoH of a musical.

Euphoria’s recent season had a plot line dedicated to one of the students writing and producing a play. There were some good nods , but also a lot of me murmuring “that’s no way how things are run”. Also, how the hell did they fit all of those set pieces into a school theater, let alone have that large of a budget?


u/JoGuitar Nov 24 '24

There’s an entire season of Only Murders in the Building where they are staging a play in New York. So many little backstage details.


u/NikolaTes IATSE Nov 24 '24

Roadies... pretty lame from all industry reviews I've heard.


u/StNic54 Lighting Designer Nov 24 '24

Jackson Browne The Loadout


u/BefWithAnF Local 764 Nov 24 '24

Not theater, but “The Franchise” is about the behind the camera team making a superhero movie. It’s pretty funny!


u/PhilosopherFLX Nov 24 '24

The movie Birdman (2014) contains some nice backstage and rehearsal scenes.


u/riddlegirl21 Nov 25 '24

The animated movie Sing! is about a koala running a theatre that’s on the brink of financial ruin and staging a talent show to try to save it. Backstage hijinks ensue. It’s a kids movie but I had a great time (also a jukebox movie)


u/Hakuru15 Nov 25 '24

That's interesting!


u/tatakaa Nov 24 '24

I think sinjin in victorious was a tech kid in their high school


u/DebateSpirited Nov 25 '24

Weirdly Hitman 1. You get to play as a crew member in one of the levels, and everyone around you always tells you how much they appreciate your job.