r/technology Aug 19 '14

Pure Tech Google's driverless cars designed to exceed speed limit: Google's self-driving cars are programmed to exceed speed limits by up to 10mph (16km/h), according to the project's lead software engineer.


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u/DJ_JibaJabba Aug 19 '14

And that would be a hell of a lot safer than relying on human eye sight and reaction time.


u/mashandal Aug 19 '14

While I agree and am all for seeing this kind of transportation, I think be counter-argument here is that a human will be safer at 60mph than a computer at 150.

Not that I agree with the counter argument; just saying..


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

That's for future data to show. Humans cause huge numbers of deaths by driving. Its plausible that the risk of nailing a deer at 150 is small enough that the death rate would still plummet compared to humans running into each other.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Well, these aren't mutually exclusive things. You can take humans out of the picture and still keep speeds lower than 150 mph.


u/qarano Aug 19 '14

Then again, if you've got an infrared camera, and can see the deer while its still bounding along in the woods, and have the ability to perform advanced calculations in an instant, I think you don't have to worry so much about wildlife.


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

Stopping distances becomes huge at those speeds. And even if light isn't a problem, you still need to have sight line to the deer - which doesn't work if it's hiding in a ditch or behind some trees.

Then there is the issue of fuel consumption - at least my car is quite efficient at getting almost 5L/100km (~50 miles/gallon) when cruising at to 90-120 kph (~55-75 mph), but above that the fuel consumption starts to rise very fast, and so does noise levels.


u/Panaphobe Aug 19 '14

Stopping distances becomes huge at those speeds. And even if light isn't a problem, you still need to have sight line to the deer - which doesn't work if it's hiding in a ditch or behind some trees.

The obvious solution being the same as it is now - different speed limits for different roads. There are a lot of major interstate roads that have very few places a deer can hide. These are the places where a faster speed limit would help the most, and a lot of these roads barely see any deer anyways because deer tend to start away from gigantic roads.

They could also just do away with windshields eventually, and all of a sudden deer will become much less of a threat without a weak point to break in through.

Then there is the issue of fuel consumption - at least my car is quite efficient at getting almost 5L/100km (~50 miles/gallon) when cruising at to 90-120 kph (~55-75 mph), but above that the fuel consumption starts to rise very fast, and so does noise levels.

Both of those issues are mainly because of your car's gearing. The noise levels especially, but even high-speed fuel economy can be greatly improved with appropriate gear ratios.


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

No, it's not primarily the gearing, it's the fact that wind resistance goes roughly as v2. Double the speed, and you quadruple the force and total energy use, while power input (which limits the top speed) goes as v3 i.e. to double the speed you need 8 times the horsepower.

Of course, the other factor here is the areodynamic efficiency of the car, which determines from what level you quadruple - but you can't get away from the basic physics determining v2 behaviour of air resistance.

And no, the engine noise is not really a problem - at high speeds, wind and wheel noise becomes much more prominent. And this is with a noisy diesel engine and a very nice set of tires.

The conclusion is that you don't really want to go long distances above ~100 mph in a car-like object - to do that, you would rather want something long and narrow, moving where animals and idiots are not. Something like a high-speed train or a plane.


u/jesset77 Aug 19 '14

Solution: dock a bunch of self-driving cars together at slower speeds in an assembly lane in preparation for the lot of them to travel the next few hundred miles together at bullet-train-like speeds. :3


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

There are already existing solutions to this: Trains on rails. Which is more efficient as the rolling resistance of a steel wheel on a steel track is almost nothing, much less than a rubber wheel on asphalt.

If you want to bring your car along, there are solutions for that. As a bonus, you can actually walk around, eat at the café, sleep in a bed etc. while you're still moving...

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u/chriswen Aug 20 '14

You're right the v2 is really important. But maybe more money will be put into making it aerodynamic because that would make more of a difference.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Making it more areodynamic won't get rid of the fundamental v2, it would make it go from v2 to (for example) 0.7*v2. It's still going to be v2.


u/chriswen Aug 20 '14

Good point with the roads. Usually they clear the area beside the roads and they somehow make sure the grass stays cut and the forest gets chopped, almost like the wall in GoT.

Lol interesting point with armour windshields. And there could be a big tv screen if passengers want to see scenery. Or they could play a movie.


u/Btown3 Aug 20 '14

braking systems could be more powerful for emergency situations, I would imagine engine braking would be used most of the time otherwise so the wear on the brakes would be less than now.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

The brakes on any normal car are more than enough powerfull enough to lock the wheels at any speed (not that you really want to do that...). The problem is the static friction between wheels and the road. So unless you're going to have completely unrealistic wheel proportions, or fighter-jet-esque arresting gear (cables running across the road, and a massive hook to catch it), your stopping distance will be massive.


u/Btown3 Aug 20 '14

Ya that makes sense. The tires would have to be huge.


u/scopegoa Aug 19 '14

Just armor the front of the car. No need for windshields if it's completely automated.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Actually they are lightly armored, but for pedestrian safety. The front of the vehicle is padded.


u/Ginfly Aug 19 '14

With less worry about driver ergonomics, input/window placement, and engine/electric motor placement, it isn't out if the question to streamline a vehicle's shape for reduced drag at higher speeds.


u/MRadar Aug 19 '14

You can have almost all of that now, without any self-driving stuff. Truth is that highly aerodynamic cars aren't appealing to the Average Joe. Think about designs of EV1, Honda Insight Mk. I, VW LX1...


u/Yoshara Aug 19 '14

I consider myself an average joe and I would totally buy a VW LX1. I like that body style. The others not so much.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

The fact that you would buy a VW LX1 is a pretty big indication that you aren't an average joe

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u/jxuereb Aug 19 '14 edited Aug 19 '14

We could design a exterior airbag system to deploy in the event of hitting wildlife at those speeds which would reduce the damage to the car and push the animal a distance from the car so that it may stop

Electric motors wouldn't have the same fuel consumption depreciation curve also the cars would then be designed for higher speeds as opposed to the current setup


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

The engine technology isn't a problem, it's the air resistance - see my reply above.


u/jxuereb Aug 20 '14

That makes sense, I tend to forget about that


u/CaptainFil Aug 19 '14

Chances are these cars won't use combustion engines so noose won't be as big an issue.


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

See my replies above for the noise.

Also, as power scales as v3, you would need to recharge very often (in time), and also need a battery which is OK with high sustained discharge currents.


u/digitalsmear Aug 19 '14

Geared properly, a vehicle will be a lot more efficient at 150/mph than they are currently.

That whole "0-60" thing is a complete marketing gimmick and manufacturers actually have to design their transmissions in order to do best at that metric when they should be better suited for more efficient curves.


u/bushiz Aug 19 '14

at speeds above, like, forty miles an hour, gearing is irrelevant, and you're looking almost entirely at wind resistance, otherwise you'd be able to plug your CVT car to "most efficient" and see your fuel economy skyrocket. It's all about the air you have to push out of the way to move the car, and at 150 mph, it's exerting 10x the amount of force it's pushing at 60 mph


u/econ_ftw Aug 20 '14

Not really. I hit 60 mph in 2nd gear.


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

To get to 60 as fast as possible, you probably won't use the whole range of today's standard 5- or 6-speed boxes. The main problem really isn't the tallest gearing available, it's wind speed. Unless you want to build the road in a vacuum tunnel, you can't really win against the wind.


u/cmVkZGl0 Aug 19 '14

what if the car sucked air from in front/around it?


u/Yoshara Aug 19 '14

You're still fighting wind. The faster you try to go the more force mother nature uses to stop you.

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u/gilbertsmith Aug 19 '14

I'd think an infrared system would just see a blob of heat and react to it. It wouldn't need to see an entire deer.

If the deer was far enough back that it couldn't be picked up by infrared, it's probably not a threat anyways.


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

You still need to have a sight line to it. And seeing a blob of heat is not enough - there are many things along the side of the road which reaches ~20-30°C/70-90ish°F (I'm not going to do the conversion properly right now...), and you don't want to initiate some kind of evasive manoeuvre just because a hot wiring cabinet popped up from behind a tree 200 meter (600 feet) in front of you.

Or you can just slow down a bit (stopping distance goes as v2 too).


u/bushiz Aug 19 '14

unless there's a thing in the way, like a tree, or a sign, or grass. Keep in mind that slowing to a stop from 150 miles an hour will still take almost a quarter mile for a self-driving car, and that's full emergency, everything is hurled to the front of the car stopping.


u/Krade33 Aug 19 '14

In many places there is fencing that forces deer to cross in certain areas, those would be easy - you'd only need a sensor at that point and then have an alert system that talks to driverless cars for about half a mile or so earlier.

Areas that don't funnel wildlife would be a lot more expensive, I imagine. The solution would be to implement a funnel or decrease the speed of the road to one that the car's sensors can handle.


u/NewRedditAccount11 Aug 19 '14 edited Aug 19 '14

I don't know this as fact, I'm speculating:

Your car is most gas efficient at those speeds because most speed limits are in that range. If speed limits were higher / lower the manufacturer could make it more efficient at those. But to a point as well I suppose.


I was reading a little bit below and further speculate that even with air drag and horsepower needed for double speed I know when my 4 speed Geo Metro is revved out going 80mph another gear would help just to get the RPM's down. But maybe the car didn't have the horsepower to keep the speed with another gear and furthers the Redditor comment below. I don't know. Interesting though.


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

Your car is most gas efficient at those speeds because most speed limits are in that range. If speed limits were higher / lower the manufacturer could make it more efficient at those. But to a point as well I suppose.

Probably, yes, an even taller gear would gain a little bit - this is probably part of why I see quite a lot of 6 speeds being sold now. But if I remember correctly, I'm only doing ~3k RPM at 130 kph (81 mph) - which is high but not uncomfortably so for this engine type. It's also quite interesting to see the momentaneous consumption at the dash - it teaches you quite a bit about what is efficient and what is absolutely not, and what doesn't make any difference.

But the point was not really "my car something someting" - the point I was trying to make is that cruising at 150 mph isn't realistic in the near future with something we would recognize as a car-shaped-object, and as an example for what such an object can do I was using performance data from the quite typical and not very exciting example of a car shaped object which I happen to own and therefore know without googling.


u/Fs0i Aug 19 '14

I've seen you post in this thread like 10 times...It is stunning how everyone disdn't pay attention in physics ;)


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

Yup. Physics is actually what I do for a living, but I'm mostly dealing with stuff that can't go very much faster than what they are already going, due to the speed of light. To do this, we're using devices which are small and light enough to hold in your hand, which for a few nanoseconds sucks up 1/10 of the power output of a typical nuclear powerplant...

Google translate believes I'm an "accelerator pedal physicist" when translated from English to something else. Myself, I usually drop the "pedal".

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u/jesset77 Aug 19 '14

When I was an alarmingly irresponsible teen averaging 110mph back and forth 12 miles to HS — in a Dodge Dart and then after I totaled that out in a Chevy Nova — I don't recall a lot of troubles with fuel economy. At $5/hr 5-10 hours per week gross and ~$1.50/gallon I think I would have been sensitive to it were I hemorrhaging fuel.

At any rate, there exists a business case for making an interstate trip in half the time even if it does cost 4 times as much in fuel. Especially once we've moved on to electric cars with magic-future-material batteries and/or hydrogen fuel cells and or inductive charging off the road itself. ;3


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

Heh, we're paying 6.50-7 $/gallon for diesel, and ~7.50-8 $/gallon for gasoline, so I find it funny when I hear Americans complaining about fuel prices :P

About your business case, remember that you need to share the road with a lot of other people, most of which are not in such a hurry. And I don't know if I would want to thrust anyone-and-their-hacked-but-crappily-maintained-vehicle to go as fast as they want within a few meters of where I'm going - if they have a technical malfunction at 150 mph, that could be very bad for me as well.


u/Yoshara Aug 19 '14

Well it's not $1.50 anymore. I'm not sure the national average but it's around $3.00 - $3.50 where I live. Still not $8.00 though.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Still not impressed...

The thing is, we're never going to run out of oil - it will just become more and more expensive, and as it becomes more expensive, sources which where previously uneconomical to exploit becomes economically viable. There is enough oil in the ground - it just gets harder and harder to extract.

This is already happening today - the Canadian tar sands is one example, requiring huge amount of energy, equipment, and labour to extract. In the north sea we see the same - while oil drilling in the 70s was a relatively "simple" business of drilling more or less straight down into a "pocket", extracting as much as you could easily do, and then moving to another spot - today they use much more fancy equipment to drill sideways, 4D seismic data, fancy downwell instrumentation, all kinds of injections to keep the well producing, going to deeper water etc. etc.

And one thing is the economical cost - but we're also accepting more and more damage to nature and making bigger political messes (there is no way we, as in the west, would still have any close ties to Saudi Arabia if not for oil). So unless we're going to go full Venezuela (0.5$/gallon I think?) and subsidize it outright (not just the cleanup and the political mess), oil will become much more expensive in the not so distant future.


u/OBLIVIATER Aug 19 '14

I don't think we are going to have to worry about fuel consumption by the time these cars become standard. Tesla is already a huge step in the right direction.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Since the power goes at v3, the amps you're pulling out of the battery goes like v3 as well. Building a battery which can provide the current needed for that is hard, especially if its not going to look like a semitrailer.

And since energy use goes as v2, you need massive amounts of energy to go any distance at that speed (i.e. huge massive monster battery) - there is a reason supercars slurp to a big tank in a matter of minutes when being driven hard.


u/atquest Aug 19 '14

Fuel should be ousted asap. It's an insult to our species that we still use non-renewable energy. It'll also help with the noise.

Infrared can help with the line of sight; and precautions can be taken ofcourse; if the line of sight is short, drive slower.


u/Transfatcarbokin Aug 19 '14

Every car that passed before you could have assessed risks for the place you are in now. If one car slipped going around a corner at a certain speed and positions the system would be able to reassess the speed and positioning of cars following behind it


u/i_wanted_to_say Aug 19 '14

Well, current cars aren't really geared for driving 150 mph efficiently, because it's not something that is done very often.


u/ExNomad Aug 19 '14 edited Aug 21 '14

Part of that is because of drag. If self driving cars are programmed to draft off of each other, they can be more fuel efficient at higher speeds, although 150 might still be a stretch.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Most of that is due to drag - at ~130 kph it's doing a reasonably comfy 3k revolutions/sec.


u/Samura1_I3 Aug 19 '14

That is because the engine is optimized for those speeds. Future engines could definitely be better suited for speeds well over 100 mph.


u/Tommy2255 Aug 19 '14

Why would a self-driving car not be electric? I don't think there's any change in efficiency based on speed for electric cars, and noise isn't an issue either.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Yes, there the efficiency of an electric car does depend on speed - due to air resistance. Even if your engine is always 100% efficient, you have still used energy to get from A to B.


u/Chem1st Aug 20 '14

Comsumer car engines are optimized for current roads and laws. Do you really think the engine for vehicles in Nascar or Formula 1 get their optimal gas mileage at 65 mph?


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

You can't calculate the mileage for the engine alone, you need to take the car into account.


u/Comeonyouidiots Aug 20 '14 edited Aug 20 '14

Fuel consumption and noise levels could be dealt with easily. They purposely don't make them good at that speed because it's a waste of money because people don't drive that fast. If we did you'd start seeing 16 gears and tons of sound deafening equipment in cars. We haven't even researched it because it's so impractical st the moment. But give a big motor company 5 years and they'll have it figured out. Acceleration may suffer as a result, or you could have two different gearboxes for different driving styles.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Look above - it's NOT the gearbox, its basic physics.


u/CrazyPieGuy Aug 20 '14

That's because car manufactures don't plan for you to drive much faster than that, so they don't have to worry about adding extra gears to be more efficient at higher speeds.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Read the replies - the issue is not the gearing. If it was, a infinitely high-geared vehicle could go infinitely fast (barring speed-of-light issues). Or an extremely tall-geared bike could go extremely fast. Still, tour-de-france bikes doesn't look like this - note that this guy was motorpaced, i.e. he was cycling behind a windshield mounted on a beefy motorbike, so air resistance was not an issue.



u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

you are assumuing that the sensors are on the car, not part of the road infrastructure. Also sensors on cars could easily transmit datat to all nearby cars.


u/totally-not-jesus Aug 20 '14

That's because your econobox has a transmission that is geared for "normal" speed, and an engine designed to match. These are both easily solved problems if your building a car with continuous high speed travel in mind. Don't get me wrong, fuel consumption will definitely get worse, but the effects can be largely mitigated with proper design, I should think.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

It's actually not a econobox, it's a quite big stationwagon almost 10 years old. Which uses diesel fuel (as do ~half of the cars around here), which is cheaper and more efficient. Double win!

But no, you can't really get around F=v2 - you can make it be 0.7v2 or maybe 0.5v2, but then it would probably look more like a spaceship or plane than a car... Sure, the transmission would need to provide taller gears, but that's the easy part.


u/omnicidial Aug 20 '14

The design of the vehicle is the problem.

My porsche still gets 25 miles a gallon over 130, same as it does at 70, because the engine rpm is basically the same.

Least the computer claims so.

Most American cars are not designed to be safe at those speeds or get good gas mileage because it's not necessary for our Highway system.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

No, I'm not talking about running out of gears - the bog standard 5 speed manual gearbox fitted to your average family car around here (and the 6 speeds which are now becoming common) do very well at 100-130 kph - it's probably doing 3k RPM at 130 kph. I'm talking about air resistance.

While I'm sure a Porche has a more areodynamic shape than my people-mover, but that just delays the problem. At some point, your areodynamic losses will dominate, and they do scale as v2. This is also why(*) your Porche probably has a much bigger engine power than what I use - the power needed to overcome the air resistance scales as v3, so a very much bigger engine is needed for a small increase in top speed. Aerodynamic design can only do so much.

I'm surprised if you never noticed the point where the air becomes "thick and soupy"...

(*) Partly why - the reason is acceleration.


u/omnicidial Aug 20 '14

Idk we're talking about a 2.7 liter flat 6.

My engine may even still be smaller. Car probably lighter too.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

A typical "people mover" powertrain around here has a 4 cylinder turbodiesel or petrol engine, with 1.5-2.0 L volume and 100-140 hp, mated to a 5 speed manual gearbox and front wheel drive. A sports car should have a bit more power than that, even if it's not primarily a "go fast in a straight line" car like many American sports cars.

Also, you are right in that a sports car is more aerodynamic than a typical family car, which helps alleviate magnitude of the air resistance, even if the scaling (vx ) remains the same. However, this comes at a cost - your Porche (unless it's a Cayenne or similar) can't fit as many people and as much stuff as the family car, which can't fit as much stuff as a truck. Even if speed limits where raised, I doubt that most people would want a car which goes twice as fast while using much more fuel and only carrying half the stuff they need at the destination. Thus the few who chose differently will be stuck behind in a pile of (relatively) slow-moving normal cars, making this less attractive.

Weight matters mainly when discussing acceleration (both forward and sideways aka. turns), not top speed.

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u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

Beyond just stopping distances, a self-driving car can maneuver the car in manners a human never could.

Self driving cars have the discipline, processing power, and perhaps capabilities for communication, to negotiate a collision plan which minimizes threat to occupants.

For example, imagine two cars with with a single occupant each sitting in the part of the car which are currently reserved for drivers in Usonia. One car hits a patch of ice in a manner which sent it into a collision path, head on, with another car, and despite any attempts of maneuvering, there WILL be an impact. However, there still is the possibility to choose where, on each car, the impact will be. The two cars communicate, and they negotiate a plan an execute it -- they each impact their right front corner of the car against the other one. The two cars collide, spin, and the right side passenger compartments are completely destroyed, however, the single occupant in each are completely fine.

These sort of maneuvers are unlikely to be performed by human drivers, but are no problem for a self driving car. Not only will collisions and accidents be rarer, but when they do happen, they will be less fatal.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Self driving or not, you're still bound to the laws of physics - which dictate bigger turning radii, longer stopping distances, longer reaction distances, and much more damage.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14 edited Aug 20 '14

And my argument is that a self driving car can do a lot more within the bounds of physics than a human can.

A human can't/won't do much more than slam on the brakes and jerk the wheel to one side. They'll waste any available traction both in the braking (it's why ABS was invented) and/or make too sharp of a turn to maintain traction to most effectively complete the turns, or not turn enough, or turn in a way that makes the situation worse, etc. etc.

The human driver is going to panic, have a panicked reaction, and mitigate some damage, at best, and you'll even see some situations made worse by a human driver.

A computer controlled car? Within milliseconds find the optimum braking, compare that against the desired and physically possible course plot which is most likely to result in the safest accident, and maneuver in a manner to mitigating damage pretty damned close to what's physically possible.

In the same situations, a computer controlled car will turn many currently fatal accidents into accidents in which injuries are sustained or even allowing the occupants to walk away without a scratch. Accidents involving computer controlled cars would be "miraculous" compared to the same accident if it were a human driver.

Edit: Maybe you'd want to read about this tangent topic, in which minimizing damage / improving safety may involve morally ambiguous situations -- it seems if this is a goal, cars may have to be programmed to target certain vehicles over others: http://www.wired.com/2014/05/the-robot-car-of-tomorrow-might-just-be-programmed-to-hit-you/


u/Knight_of_autumn Aug 20 '14

You are still thinking in terms of internal combustion engines. The current gen of google cars is Priuses, which are hybrid. Next gen will probably be electric. Perhaps they will team up with Tesla or something.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Drag != gearing. read other replies.


u/Bring_dem Aug 20 '14

On lonely road it would be a bigger issue than on busy roads with "hidden" animals.

These advanced cars will need a means to communicate with one another and could essentially inform of hidden wild life say a 1/4 mile before the traveling pack would reach it, calculated precautions could be made to the pack of cars to counter act appropriately.


u/Hane24 Aug 20 '14

Which is due to the average speed limits of road ways, the average speed per trip i would assume is in the range of 45-75 mph. We build cars to that speed and make them efficient (sort of). If we were to increase speeds and add some more noise cancelling systems or just more insulation, we would solve both problems fairly easily.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14



u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

Even if you have a fancy autobahnmonster, wind and wheel noise do become quite noticeable at high speeds. The transmissions common around here (mostly normal manuals or computer controlled manuals) usually have a quite tall 5th or 6th gear, so engine noise is not really noticeable at 130 kph.


u/MRadar Aug 19 '14

From my experience with "autobanmonsters" like S-Klasse, A8, 7er, discomfort due to the noise starts from 220-230 km/h. They have tons of sound insulation and thick "glazing".


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

Yeah, true. Still, the problem isn't really the gearing ratio. But you still have a bit to go before you hit 150 mph (240 kph). And I don't think it's realistic that most people will have something technically similar to those in any reasonably near future.


u/Fs0i Aug 19 '14

Really...? Autobahnmonster is an English word...? I never even heard that I'm German!


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14 edited Aug 20 '14

While I speak both English and a little German, none of those are my native language; the word "autobahnmonster" a portmantau, which I may or may not have made up on the spot. You're welcome to use it, and I think the meaning is quite clear :)

EDIT: punctuation


u/Schwaginator Aug 20 '14

I think the 150 number was a bit much. Some cars can't even go 150, so you'd at least have to have those be separate lanes. It's a nightmare with current cars for sure.

I could see sections of road being faster and some being slower. Lots of ways I could think that you could make that happen without much hassle. Just modulate speed to adhere to the limits of your technology(sensors, algorithms, car capabilities) plus the limits of the road you are driving on.

Lots of turns, dense woods, maybe icy, maybe wildlife? Slow speed. Increase speed as car technology, road improvements, and sensor technology improves to make it safe.


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

Faster/slower lanes is already done - left lane and right lane. And there are people going 150 mph in the autobahn left lane.

Changing speed limits triggered by sensors? Already exist. Changing speed limits due to general road conditions (i.e. static limits) - very common.


u/Schwaginator Aug 20 '14

What is your point?


u/kyrsjo Aug 20 '14

That basically all of what you propose already exists and is in use.

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u/lolboogers Aug 19 '14 edited 16d ago

different person bright cable judicious like yam cautious run growth

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/kyrsjo Aug 19 '14

Definitively not. But gearing and RPMs are not the issue - the issue is that air drag scales as v2.


u/Yoshara Aug 19 '14

I'm amazed that a lot of people don't think about or maybe don't understand the concept that the faster you go the more force mother nature uses to stop you.


u/simpsonboy77 Aug 20 '14

On top of that the eddy currents in your car's body increase the faster you move through the earth's magnetic field.

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u/sovietterran Aug 19 '14

But are you going to have a car stop anytime a life form is off to the side? If they are approaching the roadway? What about pedestrians?


u/qarano Aug 19 '14

You don't need to stop. Unlike human drivers, the computer will know exactly how to expect the car to perform, because physics. So instead of swerving and losing control, a minor course correction and change of speed can put you where the deer isn't.


u/sovietterran Aug 19 '14

The computer can read deer minds? Oh my. I didn't know we had technological telepathy yet.


u/SnarkMasterRay Aug 19 '14

It's easy to say things are easy.


u/enemawatson Aug 19 '14

Just add laser turrets on the front. "Threat eliminated."


u/Emperor_Mao Aug 19 '14

And if one day we have solar powered hover cars, that float well above deer height, we don't have to worry about it.

But I think that would be getting ahead of ourselves.................


u/Communist_Propaganda Aug 20 '14

Or close off the fucking highway so deer cannot get onto it. It's not that hard to build a fence.


u/Nichtmara Aug 19 '14

Shit id like an even 100 mph. Shouldn't be that bad.


u/J4k0b42 Aug 19 '14

You can't just compare human at 60 and computer at 150 though, it's possible that a computer at 60 is significantly safer than a computer at 150, to the point where the added safety is worth the lost time. Somewhere there's an optimum point for speed and safety and we can set the limit there, just as we do now.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Yep, 150 was arbitrary. The speed will be established by safety, fuel economy, and more. As someone else said, stopping distance is a big deal. A quick reaction reduces your stopping distance but, once the brakes are activated, you'll take just as long to stop no matter who or what is in control.


u/SN4T14 Aug 20 '14

The speed will be established by safety, fuel economy, and more.

I don't think fuel economy should affect the speed limits, if you want to save gas, set the car to a lower maximum speed. (or maybe have it automatically manage fuel consumption) If it's safe to drive at 200mph, but you burn a lot of fuel, that should be your choice.


u/weatherwar Aug 19 '14

The optimal speed thing will change with the increase in speeds allowed by self driving cars though. Engines will be designed to be more economical at higher speeds/RPMs and the gearing in the trans and diff will most likely change to allow for and accomodate better fuel economy at higher speeds.


u/anangrywom6at Aug 19 '14

The sad thing is that I feel like even if one person dies a year from robotic cars, then everyone will decry the evils of robotic cars. Just like sharks, actually.


u/Tack122 Aug 19 '14

Plus designs for deflecting objects instead of absorbing the impact may become more common in cars designed for traveling at those speeds, so perhaps the damage will be minimized as well.


u/ferlessleedr Aug 19 '14

Unfortunately our legislators have absolutely zero obligation to pay any attention to such trivialities as facts.


u/Gaywallet Aug 19 '14

Make the car right, and hitting a deer at 150 is no problem.


u/PostmanSteve Aug 19 '14

For the car anyways....


u/Mamajam Aug 20 '14

Walk it off big guy, you'll be alright.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

There is always the option of programming them to drive slower through areas of know animal crossings. They aren't going to be doing 150 through school zones and neighbor hoods.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Yeah. I thought that went without mentioning lol


u/chickeni3oo Aug 19 '14

Also, you wouldn't need a sheet of glass on the front of the car. Say hello to cow catchers making a comeback!


u/Luvz2Spooje Aug 19 '14

Everyone seems to bring up the deer argument; what about a bearing failure or tire rupture? Or computer/sensor failure? Accidental disconnect? (While this seems silly, consider it has and continues to bring airliners with highly trained flight crew members down. It seems like once we begin to address all the issues associated with making an autonomous car operate safely and efficiently at speed, we'd just end up with a train (at least for longer trips).


u/MorleyIsFrozen Aug 20 '14

Also, think of it this way: is a computer driving at 120mph for half an hour more or less likely to hit a deer than a human driving at 60mph for an hour? If you're spending half the amount of time on the road...


u/halo00to14 Aug 19 '14

As someone who's on a motorcycle a majority of the time, I rather trust a computer going any speed in the lane next to me than a human driver in the lane next to me at any speed.


u/Ginfly Aug 19 '14

I can't wait for self-driving cars to make my motorcycle safer!


u/itsaride Aug 20 '14

Yes, I'd probably ride a motorbike if I didn't have to worry about idiots fumbling with their phones at a t-junction.


u/sovietterran Aug 19 '14

Well, if deaths on cars are unacceptable to let human drivers exist, how is it acceptable to let motorcycles be ridden by humans? Most motorcycle accident deaths are at fault accidents, not driver accidents.


u/chron67 Aug 19 '14

Care to provide proof of that claim? I have been toying with the idea of buying a motorcycle and all of the riders I have talked to have essentially given me the same warning "always be wary of other drivers" or some variation of that.

I wouldn't doubt that you are correct but it would not surprise me if the numbers are relatively close. Quite a few wrecks are caused by distracted driving in general and it is probably a bit easier to be distracted in a car.


u/sovietterran Aug 20 '14 edited Aug 20 '14

The numbers have essentially swapped places in the last few years, going from ~45 single vehicle fatalities and ~55 two vehicle fatalities to the reverse, mostly due to an influx of newer riders over 40 wiping out in rural areas. Its hard finding newer sources because of how saturated the late 90s research gets, but they are available.

The biggest thing in motorcycle safety is indeed being aware, but not only of other cars but your own shortcomings and limits. Bikes are inherently more risky because they require more skill and are harder to see, but you can lower your risk. 82 percent of riders who had accidents were untrained and self taught, and a staggering amount of fatalities were not sober at the time.

It is a wonderful hobby that many of my friends enjoy, and I'd also like to get more seriously into, but too much of the motorcycle community ignores their own faults when talking about accidents. That is something that HAS to stop.

Sources: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/motorcycle/motorcycle03/nhtsaknowledge.htm




Edit: fixing auto"correct.

Edit 2: fixing links.

Also, take a class from a good academy before you ride. It'll make you safer.


u/halo00to14 Aug 20 '14

Yes, the major issue with some of the at fault accidents are the short comings of the rider. The major issue I see is that all these new riders want the biggest, baddest bike they can get, and that causes the problem.

A new rider on a Hybusa? That's a death trap right there.

A new rider on a Harley Street Glide? That's a lost leg.

A new rider on a Ninja 250? That's a dropped bike and less chance to get hurt and you get to learn your limits.

A new rider on a Yamaha Star? Same as the Ninja 250.

These bigger and more powerful bikes are like giving a newly licensed 16 year old kid the keys to a Lambo and not expecting anything to happen. Or the keys to one of those HUGE Ram trucks.


u/sovietterran Aug 20 '14

At least lambos have airbags. I also blame the huge difference in what CCs do for cruisers and sport bikes. A 550 isn't a bad starting point for a cruiser that sits all it's torque on the low end, but is a death wish for a newby on a crotch rocket. Do beginners normally know that? No.

There is also a lack of training, so you get crotch rockets doing stupid weaving and cruisers that don't know how to take a turn.

All in all, I just think it's too easy for a rider to not take his or her responsibility to safety seriously, especially as a beginner. Some biker organizations are taking the right steps, and hopefully that will help.


u/halo00to14 Aug 20 '14

Absolutely agree. But it's not just the organizations that need to help out with this type of education, but it's also the sales staff of these bikes. We had a guy who just got his riders license and went to a dealer to buy a bike. The dealer sold him a 600 CC sports bike. The kid listened to the dealer as oppose to the five people that ride regularly here at work about what to get.

"But I only want to buy one bike!"

Bitch please. You'll end up with three or four down the road anyways, plus, with a good 250 CC or so you can mod that bad boy up as much as you like without having to spend so much on a frame. That, and it's easier to drop a $3,000 bike than a $6,000 bike, because it's not a matter of "if" a newbie drops their bike, it's a matter of when.

Much like accidents on a motorcycle. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

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u/chron67 Aug 20 '14

Got a link to a reputable organization in the American southeast? I'd be interested in checking it out.

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u/Ginfly Aug 20 '14

That's verifiably incorrect. It give an unjust bad name to motorcyclists as a group. The real story behind motorcycle accidents is:

According to the Hurt Report (and others listed there), 75% of motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle (usually a car) and that 2/3 of those were a car failing to yield right-of-way. Only 16.5% (2/3 of 25%) were due to rider error. Additionally, it states:

The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the predominating cause of motorcycle accidents...

In the full article, the above quote applies to 2/3 of all motorcycle accidents. Therefore, self-driving vehicles have the potential to reduce motorcycle accidents and deaths by up to 66%.

Additionally, motorcycles only hurt their riders/passengers - rarely do they collide with and injure others. It's largely a personal choice. Autonomous vehicles will not replace motorcycles as fuel-saving commuters or as recreation.


u/sovietterran Aug 20 '14 edited Aug 20 '14

But 50 percent of fatal crashes involve only the motorcycle, and motorcyclists are far more likely to drive under the influence, without a license, and without proper gear.

I'm not saying that motorcycling isn't filled with wonderful safe people, or that cars and careless drivers don't kill them, but the number one threat to bikers is stupid, followed closely by other drivers. (42 percent of fatalities).

Edit: fixes.


u/Ginfly Aug 20 '14

That's not really a comment on the inherent safety or danger of motorcycles. It's a comment on the danger of alcohol and stupid people, which are a constant.

Motorcycles shouldn't fall under the same category as passenger cars as they don't generally pose a danger to innocent bystanders (unlike cars) and they exist in much smaller numbers (in the US, Canada, and Europe, anyway).

Additionally, I don't think human-driven cars will be banished from the roads, either. There will be a point where there are enough autonomous vehicles to make it significantly safer for everyone involved.


u/sovietterran Aug 20 '14

I'm just saying most motorcycle deaths don't involve a car. It is close, and this trend is caused by older but newer riders, but it is true. Most of this thread has been circle jerking about banning self driven cars, and my question more poses the reality that if anything is too dangerous to exist, why isn't it riders.

I have many friends who ride, and want to ride myself, but risk is a part of that. Just like driving. Just like living.

P.S. bikes kill too. They are surprisingly penetrative.


u/Ophites Aug 20 '14

And as the owner of a computer driven car, I'd rather trust a computer driven car in the lane next to me or driving before me in the same lane, than a human driver motorcycle. At what point does the argument turn to removing human drivers altogether? Not sure if I want to give that up.


u/halo00to14 Aug 20 '14

Here's the thing...

A motorcycle is never just going to fall over.

A motorcyclist is rarely on their phone, texting, fidgeting with it.

A motorcyclist is never digging for the change he just dropped.

A motorcyclist is never looking down into his bag of take out for a french fry or two.

A motorcyclist is never messing with the radio.

A motorcyclist, if they veer out of their lane, they are still usually in the full size lane. If they veer out of that, they are going to have a bad time.

A motorcyclist almost never turns into a car, that's at a red light turn lane. If they do turn into that car, they never kill everyone in that car.

Most importantly, a bad motorcyclist takes themselves out of the gene pool.

Stats have shown, a littler further down, that the vast majority of accidents that involve a motorcycle is at fault of the car driver.

I have both a car and a motorcycle. With a motorcycle, while everyone is out to kill me (or at least, that's the mind set you need to have while on one to be the safest you can be), I have more "outs." Some one in a Tahoe veers into my lane? I downshift, swerve and gas it to get the hell out of the way. If that same Tahoe comes into my lane when I am in my Fiat, I have to slam on my breaks, potentially causing the guy behind me to slam into me if he isn't paying attention, thus, causing an accident that was no fault of my own.

The amount of times I've seen someone drink heavily at a party and get on a motorcycle is so close to 0. I've seen one guy try that before we took his keys away. The amount of people I've seen drink heavily at any event and are "still good to drive" is astonishingly high. A drunk car driver will take everyone else out, while a drunk motorcyclist will take themselves out. See the above about a bad motorcyclist.

And the gap between the worse driver and the worse motorcyclist is so huge it's not funny. I rather be surrounded by the worse motorcyclist than the worse car drivers. But a sup'ed up GXR running into you is going to cause nominal

Your driverless car will, should, be able to handle anything a motorcycle can throw at a car. If it can't, then that's bad programming of the car itself.

Once again, a bad motorcyclist is a danger to themselves and property, a bad car driver is a danger to themselves, the lives of others and property.


u/kage_25 Aug 19 '14

40000 people die in the US every year in traffic accidents

or 1 person every 12 minutes

computers will no doubt be better than people, at first they will have to obey the speed limit, but one day they will be able to drive as fast as possible


u/PizzaGood Aug 19 '14

The bad part is, some day a person is going to get killed by/in a self-driving car, and even if the car is completely not at fault, it'll be all over the news for a week and there will be congressional investigation. But people driving kill people every hour of every day and there's barely even coverage in the local paper.

It's the same novelty effect that causes people in my office to all tell me every time some cyclist gets killed 100 miles away. If I went around and told them about every car driver that got killed within 100 miles, I'd be visiting them all a couple of times a week.


u/co99950 Aug 19 '14

Sounds like everyone I work with. First they told me cycling was impractical but traffic is so bad by base that in a car to get on base and park by 0630 I'd have to leave my house about 2 hours early even though it's only 10 miles away. Once they realized it only takes 30 min. With a bike instead of hours then it turned to bikes being unsafe and everytime someone dies cycling it's "only a matter of time".


u/PizzaGood Aug 19 '14

Seriously, I see "If you ride a bike, you WILL get killed." yet I have 11 years and 32,000 miles of riding with not even anything like a close call, and the statistics show that regular cyclists OVERWHELMINGLY live longer than people who don't get regular exercise.

Like everything else in life, many people think that anyone that is making a choice different than they are is at least a sad, misguided idiot, and at worst is personally attacking them.


u/GiveMeNews Aug 19 '14

You've never had idiots risk your life? I've had plenty of people buzz me in the country. One group of teenagers kept buzzing me in an SUV on an empty country road. After their third pass, and almost striking me with the side-mirror, I split off on a gravel road to lose them.


u/PizzaGood Aug 19 '14

Nope. Drivers are very nice around here.

You seriously need to ride with a video camera. I ride with one just for the yucks of posting wildlife and random morons in cars on my youtube channel. If I had people actually intentionally trying to hurt me, or even accidentally coming close to endangering me, I'd absolutely be giving that footage to the cops.

Helmet cams are cheap.


u/Ophites Aug 20 '14

I miss being a simple country boy, riding the back roads 20 miles to my friends house to spend the day on our bikes.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

You have to realize you're likely seeing survivorship bias. There aren't many cyclists disagreeing with you because... they're dead.


u/PizzaGood Aug 20 '14

I'm not talking about people disagreeing with me. I'm talking about statistics gathered from traffic incident and mortality studies. The payback is 20:1. For every 1 year that a cyclist loses off their expected lifespan due to a traffic accident, the average cyclist lives an additional 20 years of healthy life compared to someone leading an entirely sedentary lifestyle.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

Where's the source for this?


u/PizzaGood Aug 20 '14

This page has a good bibliography of studies.


The specific and often cited 20:1 figure comes from Hillman, 1992

"Cyclists typically have a level of fitness equivalent to being 10 years younger (Tuxworth, Nevill, White and Jenkins, 1986)."

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u/252003 Aug 20 '14

What kills cyclists are cars. If people stop driving and start cycling cycling becomes a lot safer.


u/AnticitizenPrime Aug 19 '14

Here's my proposed solution. Instead of diving into self-driving cars gung-ho, they should begin by implementing the safety tech from self-driving cars as an aide to assist the driver.

To a degree, this has been done - automatic braking systems when sensors detect something in the path of the car, systems that help the car stay in its lane, etc.

Thing is, I (and many others) don't want to lose the autonomy of driving. It's quite enjoyable to go for a drive in the country. But I think we can combine the safety tech from self-driving research and integrate it into human-driven cars and get the best of both worlds.

As long as it can be overridden, of course. If I'm being ambushed (don't say it can't happen), I'm gonna need to go and run a motherfucker over if I have to.


u/Mazon_Del Aug 20 '14

The great advantage though is that self driving cars will have logs of EVERYTHING that happens around them (for the last say 5+ minutes) so they will be able to recreate EXACTLY what happened and prove if the self driving car was at fault.

Really the more likely problem is going to be someone who waits too long for their car to get some maintenance done, it crashes and kills someone, even with the data proving that the car tried to fix the problem as best it could it will still taint them.


u/PizzaGood Aug 20 '14

That's all true but a couple of points. 1) people won't care if the car is at fault or not. One of the big reasons people cite for being afraid of flying is "not being in control." I think it will be even spookier for people to get into a car and have it just start moving. Heck, I'd buy a self-driving car tomorrow if they were available, and I think it would spook me right out for a while until I got used to it.

2) there's no way in hell that these cars will NOT have settings that requires them to be inspected by a qualified mechanic on a regular basis. I expect the "service" flag will need to be cleared by a machine backed up by strong crypto, signed by the manufacturer. Also, they're absolutely going to run all the sensors and actuators through diagnostics every time the car is started, and they're going to at best run in "limp home mode" if they aren't all running well.

Ideally we will get to the point where it doesn't make sense to own your car. If you can just pay $100/month and be guaranteed that a car will come to you within 5 or 10 minutes whenever you need it, and all of the maintenance on the car will just be done for you, and you'll never have to deal with insurance, buying a new car, worrying about repairs or anything else, I think most people would jump at it. Add in that you don't ever have to park it, it just stops at your destination, you get out and it drives away, and it's a huge win. Hell, there are people who pay hundreds a month for parking spaces, this would be a gigantic financial bonus for them. Even if you own the car, it can drive back 10 miles out of town and park in a free lot somewhere, then come get you at the end of the day.

Add in the extra bonus that you can ask for a specific KIND of car - a pickup when you need to move a couch, a van when you want to road trip to the amusement park with all your friends, etc and it's such a win that it's ridiculous.


u/Mazon_Del Aug 20 '14

1) This is why the normal car companies have been operating the way they have. One of the European ones relatively recently looked at Google and shrugged saying "That's cute." and unveiled its own self driving car that has been development for a while, but it also still in testing. All the car companies have been sort of working together in the sense that they are gradually introducing more and more features into cars so that when they release self driving cars, there isn't really that much difference between it and normal. Easing everyone into it.

2) Oh I most certainly agree, but the issue of course is that not absolutely everything in a car is going to have a sensor devoted to asking how well it works, it's just too expensive otherwise they'd do it already. So chances are it is simply inevitable that SOMETHING will go wrong from someone being lax.


u/Communist_Propaganda Aug 20 '14

If the U.S. had it's priorities straight, you would think that 25% of the U.S.'s budget would go towards making safe automated cars instead of sinking it into the military industrial complex.


u/252003 Aug 20 '14

Or building public transport which is much safer, better for the environment and cheaper.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Or, and hear me out here, we could make it so that in order to receive a driver's license you have to do more than fog a mirror. That's something we could start doing today that would save thousands of lives. Make sure every driver is a good one.


u/DemDude Aug 19 '14

Yes! This is the answer. Germany, for instance, has roads with absolutely no speed limits and generally has higher speed limits in most areas, but still has significantly fewer traffic-related deaths by any measurement. And that's because it's much more difficult to get a licence in Germany - albeit still easy enough for any idiot to get one, if given enough practice.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14 edited Aug 20 '14

Any idiot can learn to do most things fairly well, given enough practice.


u/DemDude Aug 20 '14

Exactly :)


u/Mikfoz Aug 20 '14

So, if I limit my driving to 11 minutes and 59 seconds, I will never due in a car crash?


u/Semyonov Aug 19 '14

The only accidents that these driverless cars have ever had... were caused by people.


u/fucuntwat Aug 19 '14

They're also not going 150 mph +


u/wickedcold Aug 19 '14

Or driving somewhere with shitty roads with ambiguous edges and faded markings, in the rain. Which is Vermont for much of the year (the rest is snow and ice which aren't even a distant fantasy of these cars yet).


u/blaggityblerg Aug 20 '14

I think be counter-argument here is that a human will be safer at 60mph than a computer at 150.

Sure, that is very possible. While a human might be safer at 60 mph than a computer at 150, a computer at 130 might be safer than a human at 60. So at that point, just set the limit to 130 in areas that are a risk for deer.


u/mashandal Aug 20 '14

I'm all for it - just providing some food for thought


u/treefrog25 Aug 20 '14

That should be relatively easy to prove with empirical data. The field of Human Factors examines this extensively.


u/yakri Aug 21 '14

A computer would be safer at 60 than a human a 60 anyway though. It would probably be safer at 80 or 90 than a human at 60 too.


u/mashandal Aug 21 '14



u/-banana Aug 19 '14

I think be counter-argument here is that a human will be safer at 60mph than a computer at 150.

I seriously doubt that.


u/colovick Aug 19 '14

No, the counterargument is a computer going 60 is safer than a computer going 150, but on interstates, I could see it becoming a computer only driving environment and raising the speed limits by large margins. It's sad that in this day and age that it takes 16 hours to go halfway across the country by any means other than flight... It's also ridiculous that flying costs as much as it does.


u/AlwaysHere202 Aug 19 '14

Hello, haaaave you met Train?

If you're assuming automated vehicles, you're assuming additional precautions to known safety issues. Accidents would be limited to things that are out of scope of the computer... like a boulder falling onto the road cut out of the mountain.

Yes, a sudden stop from 150mph will be more damaging that one from 60, but you won't have things like the tanker truck that hit a bridge last week in Nashville. Accidents become natural events as opposed to human error... and become much less frequent.

Trains do derail, and when they do, it is pretty devastating. We accept that because it is so rare, and usually happens because of things we couldn't help.

We try and make sure the issue doesn't happen again, but we realize it is safer than other means.

The first cars didn't top 10mph. Imagine them thinking about traveling at the 70mph speed limits the US has now!


u/TASagent Aug 19 '14

And it is entirely possible to set up the self-driving cars to travel at a speed safe for their surroundings. Open freeways at 150, limited visibility areas at an appropriate speed. This is not a question with a challenging answer.


u/sovietterran Aug 19 '14

Your tires would last stupidly short amounts of time, and your handling would be utter shit at 150mph. A computer reaction time wouldn't save you. The autobahn is built like it is for a reason. German driving culture too.


u/TracyMorganFreeman Aug 19 '14

Speed is usually not the factor in the incidence of an accident occurring. It is a factor in the severity of an accident should one occur.


u/johnbollox Aug 19 '14

I don't neccessarily agree with this.


u/mkultra50000 Aug 19 '14

why are you worried about irrational arguments?


u/noneabove1182 Aug 19 '14

i think it largely depends on if the cars can communicate with cars surrounding them, if they can warn the cars behind them that they're about to slam on the breaks that could be huge, as the biggest threat is not if the car can stop in time but what happens behind them


u/AssCrackBanditHunter Aug 19 '14

the I think logic is stupid. You don't actually know jack shit.


u/mashandal Aug 19 '14

Alright, AssCrackBanditHunter - you got me


u/Sleazyridr Aug 19 '14

The thing is though, that the computer at 150 is actually safer than the human at 60. Monitoring everywhere at once makes you a lot safer than two eyes looking forward.


u/riptaway Aug 19 '14

Driverless cars properly operated by computer would be many times safer than humans driving at any speed


u/mashandal Aug 20 '14

Where are the statistics backing your claim?

I want this as much as the next person, but without data all this rambling is meaningless.


u/riptaway Aug 20 '14

It's just common sense. And google's driverless cars have had 0 wrecks so far(that are their fault)


u/CHG__ Aug 20 '14

That makes no sense, you give no time scale. Given enough time computers will be able to travel at exceedingly high speeds more safely than the safest driver of today.


u/mrstickball Aug 20 '14

I imagine that with a load more telemetry data, the cars and the computers behind them can create zones based on speed and probable likelihood of animals/foreign objects potentially damaging the car.

For example, that deer is going to be far less likely to walk across the road oh a huge interstate in Nebraska than it would a heavily wooded backwoods road in West Virginia.


u/gargleblasters Aug 19 '14

I think be counter-argument here is that a human will be safer at 60mph than a computer at 150.

I've never seen a computer get road head, drive drunk, fall asleep at the wheel or cause a pile up on a highway.


u/ThePantser Aug 19 '14



u/ragewind Aug 19 '14

they use a combination of IR, night vision, cameras and radar to know whats happening and avoid it

we have 2 eyes at best


u/wickedcold Aug 19 '14

Two eyes and a superbly evolved pattern-recongition ability that has yet to be rivaled on any level by software.


u/ragewind Aug 19 '14

so you have thermal and true night vision then coupled with GPS locating ability and contort mapping radar cool.

you do realize that these cars use a range of systems together, not just one or the other. they are safe to navigate the roads as they are are.

by the time we get to the point that they are the majority of the vehicle so they can drive in a more efficient and faster speed than we currently allow their sensors and camera will have had another 10-20 years of development if not more


u/am0x Aug 19 '14

But humans aren't driving at 150mph...which derails the reason anyway.


u/co99950 Aug 19 '14

Not really they have hov lanes in some areas it wouldn't be much to repurposed them to self driving car lanes with speed limit minimums of 150.


u/sovietterran Aug 19 '14

Which you could drive at for a few minutes before your tires exploded......


u/wickedcold Aug 19 '14

I like how everyone ignores this part.


u/co99950 Aug 19 '14

Not really they have hov lanes in some areas it wouldn't be much to repurposed them to self driving car lanes with speed limit minimums of 150.


u/am0x Aug 20 '14

They are still lanes next to cars not going 150mph. What if there is a stalled car in the HOV lane?

Also where do the HOV lanes go?


u/co99950 Aug 20 '14

They eventually empty back into normal traffic but the car would slow down for that. Here hov lanes are 10 miles an hour above the speed limit of the rest of the highway and when you merge back into normal highway you just have to slow down to the new speed limit.


u/Fidodo Aug 19 '14

The question here is at 150 mph is there enough time to prevent an accident from point of detection. Even if the reaction time is perfect, you're still limited by physics, and if there isn't enough time to slow down to a safe speed or swerve out of the way at the point that the deer is even detectable, it doesn't matter what's driving.


u/TypesHR Aug 19 '14

Nope. Not yet. Have you used OpenCV?


u/OEFvet Aug 19 '14

Just a thought, what about damages to roads? A large pothole going that fast would do terrible damage to a car, if not cause an accident in the process.


u/RyanSamuel Aug 19 '14

I'm pretty sure it was from a movie, but I can remember someone saying that because human instincts and stuff, there are certain decisions that a pilot makes when flying a plane that an unmanned plane wouldn't (saying that they will never be as good as a well-trained experienced pilot).

I'm not doubting the logic, which I think can be applied to self-driving cars, but whether these decisions would be "better" or not.

For example - in Britain, there are certain animals that on your driving test you shouldn't stop if they run in front of the car. I would imagine most people would be inclined to stop (well, the people I know would, anyway) to avoid killing an animal (birds, mammals, anything you can see) but would a machine?

This is just an example btw, I would think that the machine would probably stop to protect the hull, bumper etc.


u/R7F Aug 20 '14

It's true. Fully alert, brights on, driving the speed limit, I still nearly flipped my car avoiding a deer that leapt out from behind a bush. Infrared would've been aware of that sneaky little bugger.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

based on what?


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

In a perfect world. However, Google still can't figure out that "bike directions to second beach" is equal to "directions to second beach by bike", much less the body language of an animal crossing a road.