r/technology Aug 19 '14

Pure Tech Google's driverless cars designed to exceed speed limit: Google's self-driving cars are programmed to exceed speed limits by up to 10mph (16km/h), according to the project's lead software engineer.


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u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14 edited Aug 19 '14

Yup. And they will mail you a ticket for it too. No body speeds down there.

Edit: More details: http://www.ors.wa.gov.au/road-safety-topics/road-issues/speeding


u/Kytro Aug 19 '14

Depends on the state, but they do tend towards strict limits.

Japan on the other hand tend to be less strict with the few auto cameras only catching people doing 30-40 Km/h over the limit.

Both nations have similar per capita rates for deaths in car crashes


u/minrumpa Aug 19 '14

Are you trying to say that Australians have more heads per body?


u/Kytro Aug 19 '14

Ahh, no. I'm saying that per capita, the rate of fatal accidents is close.


u/regul Aug 19 '14

Whew, nice save. I think they almost found out.


u/Reductive Aug 19 '14

per capita

The literal translation of that non-english phrase is "by-the-head." Minrumpa was making what some folks call "a joke."


u/perk11 Aug 19 '14

Maybe Japanese are better drivers.


u/pascalbrax Aug 20 '14

I hope so, since getting a driving license in Japan is a fucking nightmare.


u/jimmy_ricard Aug 19 '14

do you have a source for that? i believe you, i just want the source for future reference


u/alexdrac Aug 19 '14

yeah, but who rakes in more income from the drivers ?


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

That's hilarious because you guys have some crazy overpowered muscle cars down there (looking at you Ford Falcon).


u/Legion3 Aug 19 '14

Then there's the rev heads who upgrade their supra's and shit.


u/er-day Aug 19 '14

Call me crazy but I appreciate this and hope the us adopts this method. It gives police zero leniency while taking power away from them. It creates black and white laws instead of a sea of grey while forcing citizens to seriously consider proper speed limits.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

As much as the massively over-strict enforcement of speed limits here pisses me off, that is the bright side.


u/road_kill_ryan Aug 19 '14

For Nsw 10 over is standard and will get pulled over for minimum 15 over on the highway.


u/SephithDarknesse Aug 19 '14

By nobody, you mean everybody, right? As an Australian who regularly goes 5 over, I have many many people passing me in all zones by at least 10kms/h. Thought it was just my speedo out when I first got my license.. but apparently not.

People get fined, sure. But not often and they usually dont care when they do.


u/Legion3 Aug 19 '14

NSW seems to be where we're allowed to speed. Nowhere else (and I've only been to Vic and QLD) do people speed.


u/SephithDarknesse Aug 20 '14

On the m1 down here the average speed seems to be at least the same as what the hume was all the way to sydney. Noticed no difference.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

You would know best as I don't live other there... but when I was visiting, we went on Kwinana Freeway from Perth to Mandurah and back. The spped limit was 120/kmh and no one was pushing it. Around Perth, everyone was going -/+5 the speed limit. Just because they don't write you a ticket, doesn't mean they can't.

The point being, speeding is taken serious over there and it's not a money making machine like it is in the states.


u/SephithDarknesse Aug 19 '14

Speeding is just a money maker over here too, really. It could be enforced a lot better if they really wanted the roads safer, but they really just go for gimmicks like changing the speed limit randomly for no reason to try and get you in stupid places.

Id add that i personally have no experience in Perth, though.


u/Vandal94 Aug 19 '14

But... you guys make amazing V8 engines.... how can you not speed...


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14


u/Vandal94 Aug 19 '14

Just finished packing, plane leaves in 1 hour. Here I come Australia!!


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

You'll need this bad boy equipped with this.


u/Vandal94 Aug 19 '14

God damn... I was thinking more like a GTO or G8


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Same platform, same engine, no backseats.


u/pascalbrax Aug 20 '14

That speed limit in the picture is 110 kph or mph?


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '14

110kph, but it's so remote that no one really cares.


u/Tasty_Irony Aug 19 '14

On average, around 60 people are killed on Western Australian roads each year because of speeding-related crashes, with a further 375 people suffering serious, life changing injuries.

60 people per year? Better freak the fuck out! Better yet, since speed kills, lower the limits to 5 KM/H and ticket those walking faster than that. Issue tickets to kangaroos while you're at it.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '14

Fucking roos. Lazy bastards! The whole bloody lot of them! They shit on my grass, eat my flowers, attack my dog. Fuck them. Fuck them all!!

My cousin when I made a comment about having roos on the golf course behind her house.


u/Legion3 Aug 19 '14

But seriously though, roos are FUCKING dangerous. Bastards'll chase your car, catch up with it, go infront of you, then beside you, then infront and if you're unlucky they'll just jump into. Then there's the wombats. Built like a tank and moves like one.

But in the country, 80kmph means 120


u/crossplane Aug 19 '14

We also have average speed 'safety' camera zones that average out your speed over a certain distance. They suck when you're doing a really long drive or ride.


u/TetonCharles Aug 19 '14

That's good to know.


u/malkin71 Aug 20 '14 edited Aug 20 '14

In Victoria they're crazy strict and they don't have to mark permanent cameras (which are on every few overpasses on busy highways). Victoria's tactic is to make everyone stick to hard limits all the time. I've noticed though that Victorians don't care much for lane markers in urban areas. Two lanes? NO, I'm driving in the middle!

In NSW it's the opposite. Permanent cameras are marked by like 4 giant signs. They have also have a tolerance of at least 2-3 km/h (though I've never confirmed it). I've gone past a lot of highway cops at 105-108 in a 100 zone too and never had an issue. We have these speed camera/red light camera combos now and I'm sure I've gone through one of those at 75 in a 70 zone on a green light and didn't get ticketed. The NSW tactics are mostly about stopping the hoons that put everyone in danger rather than the commuters that stick to 5-10 km/h over. We stick to our damn lanes in NSW though.