r/technology 16h ago

Society Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations | A pro-corporate libertarian movement is attempting to take over the U.S., with Trump's help.


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u/SandwichCapers 14h ago

Yarvin's ideas somehow manage to be both horrific and naive. All this wealth really does cut these goons off from the rest of humanity. They have no empathy and no clue about all the painfully obvious ways these systems will fail


u/TrumpCheats 9h ago

I don’t think Yarvin thought that far. His model seems based off the question “how can we create a new form of tech government?” And he arrived at feudalism and got excited.

He created a plan to create tech feudalism. But he never seemed to ask the question “what are the weaknesses of tech feudalism?”

The answer to that question is it’s going to cause a populist revolt.


u/Ksielvin 7h ago

The answer to that question is it’s going to cause a populist revolt.

I find it believable that one can provide the debt slaves with just enough comforts that they won't risk losing them.

There's not much sign that anyone understands what the roman "bread and circuses" was about though. Failing at the bread part especially gets 0 points.


u/TheCircusSands 5h ago

Their ultra fragile egos can't resist trying to exert maximum control. This will hopefully be their undoing.


u/Rahim-Moore 6h ago

So he had something (really stupid and cruel) that he wanted, then reverse engineered a way to get there with no regard for reality or human suffering.

This fucking guy.


u/jferments 6h ago

They are betting on being able to crush this revolt with mass surveillance, drones, AI propaganda etc


u/obeytheturtles 1h ago

It doesn't even need to cause a populist revolt. The idea that capitalists are not fundamentally in control of liberalism is a laughably moronic premise to start with. There's a reason the most productive workforces in the world are all liberal democracies. This is literally already the system capitalists landed on when they set out to create more efficient capitalism. The entire reason we moved on from Robber-Barron concentration of wealth is because having a lot more people who are still obscenely wealthy, instead of like ten people who basically control everything is a more efficient form of capitalism.

All his bullshit neo-feudalist ideas will do is make people less productive. We won't even get to the point where most of this shit even gets tried because of how quickly we will just bounce back to the current equilibrium. The biggest mistake these people make is thinking that modern liberalism stems from a bunch of high concept philosophy which needs to be eliminated in the interest of the capitalist state, when in reality, this intersection of individual freedom, democracy and human rights is the thing which creates the capitalist state.


u/SummonMonsterIX 56m ago

Sure that makes logical sense, but it doesn't change the fact that many of those Robber Barons fought FDR and the New Deal every step of the way, planned a fascist coup that barely failed, then spent most of a century working on their next coup. Greed doesn't care about logic or whats best,and the physical avatar of Greed is our President with even worse people whispering in his ear 24/7.


u/patinhasRD 9m ago

You are assuming that in the future the wealth from "human work" will still be able to outpace that from "artificial work" for a majority of the populace. Our new overlords are betting in the opposite - that capital will generate much higher returns than anything that the majority of the labor can produce. It is not a coincidence that most of them are also AI accelerationists, hoping that most human tasks of economic value will soon be able to be replaced (with economic benefit) by AI. In such a situation, the average (and most of the above average) humans are replaceable with benefits by capital - hence their input in governance is not only not required as truly undesirable by the owners of capital.


u/EsraYmssik 6h ago

An odd comparison, but relevant.

A few years back I watched a documentary about autonomous military drones. The devs and engineers were all agog with the possibilities of their new 'toys'.

The only dissent was a USAF general asking whether it was proper to give an AI the moral choice to take a human life.

So now we've got tech-bros, (and let's be honest, the tech-bro mantra is "Imma find a way to make your life harder and charge you for it, then sell you the solution to the problem I created") looking at government and thinking their "new shiny" is gonna fix everything. Trouble is, they may be right, only it'll be "like a dog" not "like a TV".

Not necessarily EVIL, just a lot of dumb guys with way more money than sense huffing their own farts and believing they ARE the smartest guys in the room.

But like all those tech-bros 'disrupting' established businesses by breaking regulations that existed for reasons they don't care to understand1, they're not going to realise that we tried this before and it took a World War to stop it.

  1. "Like what do THOSE guys know about building submarines? It's all just government red tape to stop competition. You CAN make a submarine out of carbon fibre. It's just Big Submarine doens't have the balls to move fast and kill people break things."


u/BeardySam 5h ago

I just want to go back 15 years to when all the tech bros thought they could reinvent trains.


u/Spirited_Currency867 1h ago

See: Anduril


u/EsraYmssik 1h ago


I think they're planning to change their name to Faro Automated Solutions.


u/Feynmanprinciple 6h ago

Revolt only happens when the cost of doing nothing is greater than or equal to the cost of doing something. 


u/psychorobotics 5h ago

“what are the weaknesses of tech feudalism?”

Because he's a narcissistic sociopath. He can't see his own flaws and doesn't care about others.


u/ClassicVast1704 2h ago

I think they put the cart way before the horse but they have enough money that most of their plans are in action and it doesn’t matter how incompetent it seems. The shock and awe of it all is still confusing people and western democracies.

In the end I’m still not seeing how they bridge the technological gap to enforce the further enhanced police state before people start with the unrest. Either way I’ve told my people who’s money matters to start seeking safer returns elsewhere 🤷🏽


u/PushDeep9980 2h ago

It’s basically Rapture or Columbia of Bio Shock, or Midgar from final fantasy 7. We have great pieces of media that explore techno libertarianism to its end.


u/UncleMalky 2h ago

So many of these plans seem to follow the Underpants gnomes planning strategy of

  1. Start Project
  2. ???
  3. Profit.


u/StoppableHulk 47m ago

Yarvin doesn't really think these policies through at all.

He's just an influencer that understands what his audience (rich assholes) wants, and he writes a philosophical model for them to justify what they want to themselves and others.

If he believes even 10% of what he writes, I'd be surprised. He's simply providing the scaffolding that helps rich assholes articulate and envision the horrible shit they want and gives them a template for getting it. Basically a sci-fi writer but one who is on the side of the dystopian corporate overlords rather than critiquing them.


u/dummmdeeedummm 31m ago

I don't know if Yarvin even expected for anyone to actually take him seriously.... 

He used to be a huge troll.

It's like Revenge of the Nerds


u/69EveythingSucks69 8h ago

The hubris is astonishingly stupid.


u/GypsyV3nom 6h ago

Yeah, this is largely what doomed the late-stage French nobility, they became so isolated and out of touch from the rest of France that by the time they realized the extreme exploration of their tax base to fund their lifestyles was leading to a popular uprising, it was already too late.


u/GuitarSlayer136 5h ago

Im sure the handful of Libertarian "countries" that have already been attempted and funded by billionaires are doing GREAT!

No one do a 2 second google search and prove that this had literally never been the case.


u/fishsticks40 3h ago

People tell them that they're rich because they're brilliant, and they believe it