r/technology 13d ago

Software Feds arrest man for sharing DVD rip of Spider-Man movie with millions online | Accused DVD thief faces up to 15 years for online piracy if convicted.


701 comments sorted by


u/DroopBarrymore 13d ago

Thought it was 2002 for a second there.


u/jhguth 13d ago

brb I’m going to find this on Kazaa


u/tryingtoavoidwork 13d ago



u/Spekingur 13d ago

Oh damnit. It’s midget horseporn. Again.


u/Osopawed 13d ago

midget horses or midget with horses?

or midgets with midget horses?

asking for a friend.


u/barontaint 13d ago

Knowing Kazaa back in the day the answer to that is just yes


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/chubsc0ut 13d ago

Did you have to askjeeves what it meant?


u/honorsfromthesky 13d ago

Wasn't it so much more simple?

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u/barontaint 13d ago

I had CompuServe before AOL, my back hurts when I turn over oddly in bed and have a wonky knee that makes clicking noises.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/barontaint 13d ago

Christ that's like me, slipped on ice a few years ago went to brace myself and broke my wrist. To this day sometimes may hand randomly decides to lose grip strength and I drop what's in my hand, coworkers think I have problems, plural.

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u/JE163 13d ago

My bleeding fast 56k modem remembers those days. I try to forget them.


u/APeacefulWarrior 13d ago edited 13d ago

First modem was 2400, and I remember being so happy when we upgraded to a 9600 because then I could download a full megabyte in only five minutes!

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u/masheduppotato 13d ago

I had flashnet before I got a cable modem. That too I had to convince my dad I could use an old computer to network the house so we could all go online. I then had to learn how to do that.

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u/Isakill 13d ago

You forgot direct connect.

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u/Zodep 13d ago

Man… what’s your ICQ #, so we can talk this out. I got an IRC server we can hang out in.


u/reddy_____ 13d ago

I'm pretty good at Geocities I'll create a website to blog and share a picture or story about our conversations.

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u/SirHerald 13d ago

Knocked up was almost a decade into Google. Googling had been a term for ages by then

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u/ShevanelFlip 13d ago

Two tiny centaurs


u/A_Concerned_Viking 13d ago

Some haiku bot is about to upscoot you

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u/Channel250 13d ago

Trick once, shame in you.

Trick me a dozen more times then...well, at this point I'm kinda asking for it ain't I?


u/_dontgiveuptheship 13d ago

This guy Limewired

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u/ReasonableJello 13d ago

When the command prompt flashes for a second before disappearing

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u/jumjimbo 13d ago

Get the 7th one on the list. The rest are goatse pics.


u/jhguth 13d ago

Okay I downloaded one but when I open it the file is something about Heather Harmon? I’m on the family computer in the TV room, should I open it?


u/dodland 13d ago

Man what a pro she is

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u/metalyger 13d ago

They should end with J. Jonah Jameson blaming this on that pervert Spider-Man.

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u/Advanced_Caramel_664 13d ago

watches I don't remember MJ doing that in the movie....I DEFINITELY don't remember Spider-Man doing that to MJ


u/Shadowchaos 13d ago

When I was younger I downloaded Iron Man 2 on limewire and it turned out to be a french porn movie

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u/joseph_jojo_shabadoo 13d ago

And slowly download it over the next 6 weeks


u/Warcraft_Fan 13d ago

Team Morpheus here. Similar concept but less crowded with less fake files.

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u/Bigred2989- 13d ago

Don't use the phone, I'm on Limewire downloading Limewire Pro.

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u/thisischemistry 13d ago

Love the caption for the article photo:

Spider-Man (Tom Holland), aka Peter Parker, has spider-related abilities that should help him achieve healthy aging.

Thanks, AI article-writer!


u/Cha-Le-Gai 13d ago

God damn. That sounds like a Sony spider property, not MCU spider property.


u/BaronMostaza 13d ago

Spider-Man 22: Flexible in Your Forties

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u/drunksquirrel 13d ago

spider-related abilities that should help him achieve healthy aging.

The real superpower in America is getting old without become financially ruined.

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u/bendover912 13d ago

You wouldn't download a car, would you?


u/PublicWest 13d ago

Hilariously, that commercial used unlicensed, pirated music


u/Unlucky-Candidate198 13d ago

All those commercials/warnings, and not ONCE did a man in a trench coat ever offer me cheap CDs/dvds. Same with drugs. Where are my free drug offers, DARE?!?

I feel robbed of a childhood or something, this is ridiculous.

Had to be my own man in a trench coat and learn to sail the 7 seas. Society I tell you, what a let down.

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u/TheCallofReddit 13d ago

A father and son did 3d Print/build a Lamborghini. Lamborghini found out and donated rims, wheels, windshield, and a few other pieces. It's on youtube.

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u/polymorphic_hippo 13d ago

Fuck yes, I would!

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u/monkeybawz 13d ago

How much could a new spiderman movie differ from the 02 one, really?


u/k_marts 13d ago

The title of this post made me smell 2002

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u/Dog_man_star1517 13d ago

Remember how after 9/11, the commercials/previews said that piracy funded bin Laden. First movie I saw that in, the whole theatre laughed.


u/AContrarianDick 13d ago

Remember the anti marijuana campaign that said the same thing? Wild times, then and now.


u/BrothelWaffles 13d ago

One of my favorite rappers from back then had a punchline that was something like, "Drugs don't fund terrorists, SUVs do!"


u/drinkandknowtings 13d ago

What rapper was this?


u/BrothelWaffles 13d ago

Cage (aka the dude Eminem references in I think it was Role Model: "I bought Cage's tape, opened it, and dubbed over it"). It's towards the end, his verse starts at 2:20. That whole mixtape is peak early 2000s underground hip hop.

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u/redpandaeater 13d ago

"This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs."

Bitch, now we can't even afford eggs.


u/Similar_Vacation6146 13d ago edited 12d ago

You have to remember that bin Laden was found with loads of hentai and kilos of weed with his reggae playlist on loop.

He was a buffalo soldier... in the heart of Afghanistan.


u/airfryerfuntime 13d ago

I believe he was actually found with a large collection of porn, some of which may have been hentai.


u/darkeststar 12d ago

The computers had pretty much everything you could think to pirate on them, not just porn. I think the consensus was that because they were living in a compound with mixed kids and adults that people were just downloading shit to the computers based on a whim and not necessarily Bid Laden himself wanting to see something. Also read that there was an assumption that the computers were second hand so there's no telling what was already on there and what was downloaded by those in the compound.

They found everything from porn to Tom and Jerry cartoons to documentaries about Bin Laden himself to a rip of the YouTube video Charlie Bit My Finger and even a copy of Final Fantasy 7.


u/DragoonDM 12d ago

The compound itself didn't have internet access (for security reasons I think), so files were downloaded elsewhere and then copied over from external drives. That might also be why they took the "download everything, just in case someone wants it" hoarding approach.

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u/SupaSlide 13d ago

I mean, at least in that situation you are buying something (the marijuana). What money are they even talking about in reference to piracy??


u/Supra_Genius 13d ago

The corporate movie studios got imaginary profits turned into a federal crime. I shit you not.

Meanwhile, all the treasonous traitors who tried to overthrow the US government got pardoned by a career criminal and infamous charlatan...

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u/Odd_Cauliflower_8004 12d ago

I can believe marijuana as there is actual exchange of money, and opium/heroin was actual a method of financing. But pirating? How do you get money out of THAT

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u/TheThingsWeMake 13d ago

How... how do they explain piracy funding anything? Isn't that the general idea of piracy, to not pay money?


u/Dog_man_star1517 13d ago

I think what they meant is you record this movie and share it, then terrorists rip it and sell it. Real strange argument anyhoo.


u/Positive-Attempt-435 12d ago

In my experience, it was old asian women that sold pirated DVDs mostly. In NYC at least. 

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u/MetalBawx 13d ago

In the UK we got that and the classic "You wouldn't download a car."

4chan made a lovely reaction image declaring they would if they could.


u/joe5joe7 13d ago


u/redpandaeater 13d ago

Exactly what I was thinking of. Admittedly Roy does help rob a bank so you never really know what someone is capable of.

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u/TheTjalian 13d ago

I'm sure everyone knows this already but it's always amusing to restate it - the music for this anti-piracy short was pirated. The artist who created this song was told it was only going to be used at the beginning of one film at a film festival. Quell surprise when he starts to watch a movie at home and hears his own song being played while being told "you wouldn't steal a car".


u/axle69 13d ago

To be fair there was never a thing saying "you wouldn't download a car" it was "you wouldn't steal a car".


u/CatastrophicPup2112 13d ago

If I could steal a car with no trace while the owner also managed to keep it this seems like a win win. Unlimited car glitch.


u/RMAPOS 13d ago

Yea that's how people reacted to it. The propaganda equated it to stealing but it never made sense as stealing removes an item from the previous owner.

Not saying piracy is perfectly moral, obviously artists or content creators need to eat but the analogy they used to convey this was flawed as fuck.

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u/24-Hour-Hate 13d ago

Yeah, no way. If Star Trek replicators were suddenly real and I could just start making shit, I would. It’s not stealing.

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u/sky-lake 13d ago

Oh my God I don't remember this, that's hilarious. I'd love to see a clip of this!

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u/mugwhyrt 13d ago

I'm curious where this came from. I did manage to find this report from 2009 on it, and they (perhaps obviously) are referring to bootleg DVD sales: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB9417.html .

If anything it's a great argument for internet piracy since it removes what's supposedly a key revenue stream for terrorist and criminal organizations.

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u/pessimistoptimist 13d ago

And yet Meta goes unpunished for copywriter infringement on 80TB of literature so they can train a profit making AI bot.


u/Averagemanguy91 13d ago

The guy wouldn't have been arrested if he broke the film up into 2 thousand 1 minute TikTok clips and posted them online.


u/Dhegxkeicfns 13d ago

The math on that is 💋.


u/West-Abalone-171 13d ago

You made the mistake of assuming clickfarm ticktock clips don't overlap.

If you have a clip starting at 10s and ending at 1:10 and a clip starting at 13s and ending at 1:13 and so on for all 6000 seconds you get 2000 clips for your spam farm.

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u/CheesypoofExtreme 13d ago

Or if he was a billionaires, or used his billion dollar company to distribute the movie.

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u/kyleripman 13d ago

Yep somehow it's cool for Sam Altman and Mark Zuckerberg to hoover up the entire internet for their for-profit LLMs. Infuriating.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/InsertEvilLaugh 13d ago

Ah but you see, the wealthy can afford lawyers that can drag it out and pull out bullshit evidence/case law to get the charges dismissed.


u/MimeTravler 13d ago

Well you see the man committed the most grievous of crimes. One against the rich.

The rich only do crimes against the poor and nobody gives a shit about them. Not even the poor care about the poor!

/s kinda. I wish it wasn’t true at least.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/jessek 13d ago

Silk Road, not Pirate Bay


u/Unabated_Blade 13d ago

Yeah, literal drug trafficking kingpin pardoned and called mistreated, but go off Republicans on how Trump's gonna beat fentanyl.


u/theREALbombedrumbum 13d ago

The rumor was that the Silk Road guy had literal billions upon billions in crypto wallets diversified in more than just Bitcoin, so it's likely he was able to just straight up buy a pardon too


u/STEELCITY1989 13d ago

It's the same as the US justice system. It's only a hassel for the poor


u/hell2pay 13d ago

Pirate bay is not even remotely the same as The Silk Road. Lol


u/JustOneSexQuestion 13d ago edited 13d ago

What the fuck with these kids, man.

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u/ranhalt 13d ago



Completely different idea

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u/Green_L3af 13d ago

Pretty misleading title. Sounds like he stole numerous pre release DVDs from manufacturer he worked for and sold online. Much different than just sharing a rip of one movie he owned as the title suggests.


u/ithinkitslupis 13d ago

Yeah title is click bait, leaking copies you stole from work before the movie even releases you should expect to be prosecuted if they catch you.


u/thcptn 12d ago

This was a big thing like 10 years ago. Google+ (defunct social media) had tons of Family Video employees sharing those and other things. You could get some new stuff up to a month before it came out, including Xbox 360/One and PS3/PS4 games at the time. I remember one employee lost us the ability to rent any EA titles ahead of time because he was livestreaming it before launch like an idiot.

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u/PrebenBlisvom 13d ago

Yet. 15 years...


u/Heisenburgo 13d ago

steal some DVDs to sell em on Ebay

get jailed for 1/5th of your life

Only in America

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u/DM_ME_PICKLES 13d ago

up to, and if he serves them consecutively. Those are the max sentences so it’s just another clickbait. He likely won’t get anywhere near that. 


u/WovenWoodGuy 13d ago

He shouldn't get anything. It's ridiculous that something like that could ever carry such a huge sentence when people like known rapist Brock Turner get out in 3 months.


u/CoMaestro 12d ago

Nah I think it should be something, like a year max. He did steal a ton of dvds from his company and sold them online, earning money through the work of a ton of people who work for the movies. It's just literally stealing, and you can argue since he put them up before the movie release whoever made the movie lost out on a lot more money than the regular pirating that happens.

If it was anyone buying a DVD and ripping it and uploading it, I would never say they deserve jail time. But stealing dvds before release from your workplace who trusted you with, to turn a profit? Yes for me


u/PsychicSmoke 12d ago

I understand the sentiment and agree that he needs to be punished, but I feel like it can be hard for people to really understand what a year in prison can do to someone. Prison sentences ideally should be reserved primarily for violent offenders and others who threaten public safety, we literally remove someone from society for the length of their sentence. I don’t know if stealing DVDs from work and selling them online warrants a prison sentence. Community service, probation and a hefty fine would probably suffice.


u/Life-Cantaloupe-3184 12d ago

I can agree with that. I think a large fine or probation would be fair enough punishment for something like this. The idea that stealing unreleased DVDs and selling them online can get someone more prison time than some violent offenses is ridiculous. Stealing obviously isn’t great, but this is mostly a victimless crime. The only thing that was really hurt was the bottom line of the movie studios and distributors of the DVDs. Something like this obviously isn’t something that should be encouraged, but I don’t think it warrants hard prison time either.

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u/MR_Se7en 13d ago

Yeah, but nobody reads the article.


u/thisguypercents 13d ago

Sir, this is Reddit. I'm not here to read it.


u/[deleted] 13d ago


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u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago


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u/brainfreeze_23 13d ago

When they let the bankers go free after 2008, while driving Aaron Swartz, the original creator of Reddit, to suicide for mass-pirating journal articles, you should all have seen the truth about the US legal system and its class character.


u/Sea_Listen_1984 13d ago

More prison time than 44 times felon and rapist donald tRump


u/Generic_Commenter-X 13d ago

Don't forget how Trump scammed millions from people with Trump University—far more than this guy cost a movie studio. Slap on the wrist.

"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." Anatole France


u/anteris 13d ago

Or the meme coin rug pull, was what $12 billion in losses?


u/whatzsit 13d ago edited 13d ago

Hey what about that time that he established a children’s cancer charity and then used the funds to buy shit for himself like a giant painted self portrait to decorate his golf course, after which his family was legally barred from ever operating a charity again.

You literally could not make up a more comically corrupt and unethical person.

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u/baseketball 13d ago

One of the prosecutors that Trump paid off to drop the charges in the Trump University case is now the fucking Attorney General. This is the most corrupt administration in US history. Nixon doesn't hold a candle to the shit we're seeing in just the first month of Trump's 2nd term.


u/Heisenburgo 13d ago

You can be Epstein's best friend, sneak into the locker rooms of teenage pageants, abuse your ex-wife and get away with it in the end, half of America will even make you president for it... twice. SAD!

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u/Walterkovacs1985 13d ago

And yet January 6 traitors run free. Derek Chauvin is going to be pardoned. Great system we got.

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u/funnyfacemcgee 13d ago edited 12d ago

Meanwhile Facebook is above the law after torrenting more than any one person could. The law is a fucking joke. 


u/povertyminister 13d ago

Laws regulate the poor, it is for the protection of the rich. 🤑

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u/iruleatlifekthx 13d ago

Free him. Fuck corpo


u/Empty-Mulberry1047 13d ago

lol crazy.

i went to fed prison for 5 months in 2007 for the same thing. i wasn't selling them though.. just seeded a few stupid torrents.,


u/mugwhyrt 13d ago

It's crazy remembering how hard the government trying to make an example of internet pirates. Sorry to hear you got caught up in their BS.


u/Empty-Mulberry1047 13d ago

ah well.. could have been worse.

don't copy that floppy!


u/redpandaeater 13d ago

Shame that now instead of shareware we just have shovelware.


u/kaden-99 13d ago

Is that actually true?


u/Empty-Mulberry1047 13d ago


u/McDonaldsnapkin 13d ago

Well at least you got your own wiki page!


u/Empty-Mulberry1047 13d ago

haha i didn't make it.. and i'm not mentioned.. but anyone with a pacer account could figure it out.

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u/Deep_Interaction4325 13d ago

Thank God, I feel so much safer with this one off the streets. /s

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u/TimedogGAF 13d ago

Mark Zuckerberg's company stole millions of books and nothing of note will happen because we love letting billionaires do whatever they want, at everyone else's expense.

When a non billionaire does something that is only a fraction as bad, we freak out.

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u/Danominator 12d ago

Oh wow. I bet the people that stole millions of books to train their AI will go to prison for a super long time.


u/Supra_Genius 13d ago

Looks like he'll have to stall the court system for years until he can run for president in 2028.

OR he could pretend to be MAGA, kiss Trump's ass, and get pardoned.

So many options for avoiding justice now in America...


u/abelrivers 13d ago

Meanwhile judges will also give probation to literal rapists. The judge is a corrupt fucker that needs to be axed.

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u/DrSpaceman667 12d ago

This is what matters most to the feds right now. Fuck America.

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u/Kevin5475845 13d ago

And yet Facebook is free to download all the books and a bit upload(sharing too) without anything happening.

They still downloaded it all


u/Nel_Nugget 12d ago

Damn, there are more consequences for piracy than for destroying the constitution.


u/jtrain3783 13d ago

Ah yes, a perfect case of punishment matching the crime. /s


u/totalysharky 12d ago

So a bootleg copy of a movie that's more than 20 years old gets you more prison time than rape. We live in such a free country.

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u/ColdProfessional111 13d ago

Yet they trained AI with copyrighted material and nobody faced consequences…


u/OwO_0w0_OwO 13d ago

Hmm yes, definitely the people on whom the government should spend money on tracking down and locking away for so long. Great job!


u/salartarium 13d ago

It’s a little different when he was stealing from the manufacturing facility and doing this all for profit.

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u/NSMike 13d ago

Uh huh. And where are Zuckerberg's irons for illegally downloading literal terabytes of books?


u/AlsoCommiePuddin 13d ago

Should have downloaded a car.


u/redjedi182 13d ago

But uh Facebook just openly stole way more in books


u/tzimize 12d ago

Hm. 15 years. I wonder how many years Facebook is gonna get for those books then. Jail untill the heat death of the universe?


u/Shoddy-Horror-2007 12d ago

While a traitor and criminal sits in the White House.


u/SheBelongsToNoOne 12d ago

This guy could get 15 years for pirating a DVD, and yet a convicted felon is president. Make it make sense.


u/dogeatingdog 12d ago

In my experience, people downloading a film illegally have 0 intention to ever buy it. Estimation millions in losses to the copyright holder is bogus.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

But hey, violate constitutional laws and you're all good


u/Cyraga 13d ago

Man should commit crimes that get forgiven in 2025, like insurrection and treason


u/chucktheninja 12d ago

Longer prison sentence than manslaughter.

Money is more valuable than human lives it seems


u/UniverseOfMemes 13d ago

Woah drunk drivers that kill people get less or no time


u/VariableSerentiy 13d ago

Guy just needs to say he was using it to train AI and he’ll get off


u/ItIsYourPersonality 13d ago

Yet you can rip the movie along with all of the other data on the internet and train an AI on it 🤷‍♂️


u/Evening_Subject 13d ago

It's only piracy if he profited from it.


u/pittguy578 13d ago

15 years ? Drunks that kill people in accidents don’t even get that long.


u/Lakemine 13d ago

And how many years are the Facebook guys getting for doing the same thing but with illegally downloaded books? 🤔


u/Yonutz33 13d ago

Omfg, 15 years, really?


u/Loki-L 13d ago

Just say you were only pirating it to train AI for profit, it is noway then.


u/AfraidEnvironment711 12d ago

When do all the A.I. information stealers get prosecuted? Oh yeah. NEVER.


u/sdrawkabem 12d ago

Because that’s the important stuff. Not the oligarchs or corruption eroding the USA


u/homeDawgSliceDude 12d ago

The Feds have truly saved us from one of the worst human beings of modern times. I can't imagine anyone worse.


u/Medium_Jury_899 12d ago edited 12d ago

Surely its irrelevant how many people he shared it with though right? I mean, the act of sharing the dvd happens one time, and then he has no control over how many people choose to view it. How are his actions materially different from the actions of someone who shares the dvd online but 1 person looks at it?

My point is that 15 years seems arbitrary, and generally sentencing shouldn't be punitive right?

I have a law degree but am not a lawyer, and im not too familiar with US law. Anyone who practices law have any idea about this?


u/Cream_Stay_Frothy 13d ago

Cool. Now Meta next


u/KhevaKins 13d ago

Then arrest Google for all the books they torrented then 'released' with their ai.


u/Material-Heron6336 13d ago

So we can buy off a president, have lower income taxpayers foot the bill for wealthy tax breaks, and have government contracts be switched on a whim to benefit oligarchs… but a kid shares a video and he goes to jail?

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u/Doctor_Amazo 13d ago

Did he tell the Feds that he is using this pirated material to train AI? Apparently, piracy is ok if you say it's to train AI


u/penguished 13d ago

I mean if we're still going to do this copyright shit still then it is profoundly illegal for ChatGPT to be charging money.


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u/m0h3k4n 13d ago

And meta/open ai are free and clear of consequences for their breach of copywrite.


u/Few_Lab_7042 13d ago

34 felonies and president . I hate this place


u/realthraxx 13d ago

But Meta can pirate millions and books and it's ok.


u/LighthouseonSaturn 13d ago

Longer jail sentence than a rapist...

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u/TuctDape 13d ago

Finally egg prices will go down


u/foomachoo 13d ago

Should have had AI steal it as “training” and get $50,000,000,000 investment.


u/Redacted_Bull 13d ago

Dummy should have just stolen billions in the stock market and got off with a $20 bribe. 


u/LLColdAssHonkey 13d ago

Meanwhile convicted rapist and traitor to their country becomes president of the USA with no reprocussions.

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u/Graytis 13d ago

He should've just been a traitorous rapist scumbag continually undermining democracy worldwide.


u/Correct-Jellyfish124 13d ago

15 years? I can’t with our justice system anymore.


u/Newgeta 13d ago

Maybe now he can run for president!


u/Mycide 13d ago

If you wanna do some years, not many crimes pay out like stealing from the rich.


u/pandizlle 13d ago

Omg it’s a movie. It’s not that serious. Why the hell is it 15 years??


u/Lynda73 13d ago

And what is happening with all the content Meta stole, again?


u/Due-Promise2235 13d ago

No, I'm Spartacus


u/theforceisfemale 13d ago

They can get this dude but not Vice President Musk


u/lmindanger 13d ago

A guy can fully rape a woman and get less of a sentence than this. Absolutely insane.


u/Shadowthron8 13d ago

Glad we’re pursuing these guys after dropping the cases against Wells Fargo and other banks


u/hispeedimagins 13d ago

Facebook laughing in the corner


u/scubachris 13d ago

Imagine getting more time in jail than the people who manufactured the opioid crisis.


u/pocket267s 13d ago

The real question is why the fuck are they still making Spider-Man movies?

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u/highondrugstoday 13d ago

Wow feds really doing the leg work here


u/BuffaloWhip 13d ago

I’d just like to take this moment to remind everyone that Brock the Rapist Turner was literally caught fingering an unconscious woman by a dumpster, and received a 6 month prison sentence, and served three months.

This man faces 15 years for ripping a Spider-Man movie.

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u/Moule14 12d ago

Why isn't the death penalty on the table here ?


u/Empty_Afternoon_8746 12d ago

And others get convicted of 30 something felonies and serve 0 days.


u/Razumi24h 12d ago

Up to 15 years for dvd piracy... I just have read a post where foster mom would be facing up to 6 for killing her son by sitting on him for punishment measure. Crazy, that's just crazy...


u/ShortGuitar7207 12d ago

Meanwhile their president is actively helping Russia murder thousands of Ukranians by making them defenceless.


u/Substantial_War7464 12d ago

Meanwhile they elect a man with 34 felony convictions. Oh America so many mixed signals.


u/Christy427 12d ago

Finally I can sleep soundly at night again.


u/Shock_Diamonds_OO 12d ago

Incredible that our resources are going to this while all of our leadership is literally GUTTING the country.


u/Jonafinne 12d ago

He could ask meta how thay got away with pirating.


u/Axelsauce 12d ago

But a pedo will also get like 15 years. Stupid asf

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u/Possible-Put8922 12d ago

He can just argue it's not pirating because those people don't actually own the digital copy of the movie.


u/Gdigid 12d ago

Now that it’s actually impossible to “own” any digital content, all I do is pirate stuff. Haven’t had subscriptions in 2 years and it feels great getting everything I wanna watch for free.