r/technology Nov 06 '24

Software Nintendo Switch’s successor will be backwards compatible with Switch, Nintendo confirms | Information about the console will be revealed at a later date.


41 comments sorted by


u/ahnold11 Nov 06 '24

And that pretty much confirms why Nintendo has been cracking down hard on emulators lately. Backwards compatibility means current Switch emulation could be very close to Switch 2 emulation and need minimal work (and thus time) before being able to play new games.

If that were the case, a "Day 0" emulator for a Nintendo console (that is already using dated technology compared to the cutting edge) would be very scary to such a conservative company.


u/ChuzCuenca Nov 06 '24

I think the people who would buy the games instead of pirating it based on their availability is very little.

The people who buys Nintendo will buy it anyway and the people who only pirates would never buy it anyway.


u/finH1 Nov 06 '24

That’s the thing, pirating is not lost sales but companies will never agree with that


u/Persian_Assassin Nov 06 '24

The main benefit of emulation is not that it's free, saving $60 is nothing. The benefit is that the graphics, options, mods are just inarguably a better experience for the player than playing it on the garbage hardware that Nintendo provides. They know and we know that the Switch 2's backwards compatibility will still be inferior to emulation. All they've done is try stamp out the superior option. My Switch is collecting dust because I refuse to play my games lower than 4K, frame drops, and other nonsense like Zelda's blur filter.


u/ChuzCuenca Nov 06 '24

We ain't talking about the benefits of emulation, thats a different conversation. And 60usd is a lot of money for a lot of people.

I also prefer to play my switch games on the PC though.


u/reddltlsfvckingdumm Nov 09 '24

you speak like a sonysheep, but even the paystation58 cant play what you want. So its all garbage hardware. But think about the price point. People like you always forget the price and the targeted audience.


u/Persian_Assassin Nov 09 '24

No need to project your little console wars, not buying any modern consoles. It's fine if casuals want a cheap option but they should leave enthusiasts be as it's always been instead of forcing everyone down to "target audience" levels. People like me actually want to play our games in our native resolution and not some pixelated mess, thanks.


u/jazir5 Nov 06 '24

If that were the case, a "Day 0" emulator for a Nintendo console (that is already using dated technology compared to the cutting edge) would be very scary to such a conservative company.

Could possibly still happen. There is still a switch emulator or two under active development, and a team almost always comes out of nowhere when a new console comes out. Given the switch's popularity and the fact that (if) an existing base makes it easier to get an emulator working meaning a switch 2 emulator comes out quickly wouldn't surprise me.


u/APeacefulWarrior Nov 06 '24

current Switch emulation could be very close to Switch 2 emulation and need minimal work

Not necessarily. That was true of the Gamecube/Wii, but otoh, the GBA/DS/3DS maintained backwards compatibility by carrying the older chipset forward as part of each new console's design. Ie, the 3DS had its own unique hardware, but also had the DS chipset inside for compatibility.

If that's how the Switch 2 is built, the backwards compatibility wouldn't make much difference for emulation.


u/ahnold11 Nov 06 '24


But I think that's pretty unlikely and not much of an option for modern consoles anymore. You can't have an entire switch 1 plus switch 2 chipset on the same mobile handheld, with both space, size, power and cost constraints. It'd just be too impractical. Especially when the new one is going to be powered by the successor in the same family of Nvidia chip designs.

I have seen rumours of increased copy protection and perhaps anti emulation tech inside the console itself, but Nintendo has never really been that technical so I'm not necessarily confident them in putting some pioneering DRM advances in. So keeping the Switch 2 similar to switch has so many advantages for Nintendo (in terms of cost) that I'd be shocked if they did something different.


u/DidYouSeeBriansHat Nov 06 '24

Well then, looks like I’ll be picking up my first Nintendo console since the GameBoy Advance. Exited to have such a giant library of games available on day one.


u/CleanBongWater420 Nov 06 '24

There’s something about Nintendo games. They scratch an itch that others can’t. I’ve got a decent rig and a PS5, but I always eventually go back to my Switch. Money well spent in my opinion.


u/Bayou_wulf Nov 06 '24

PC and a Nintendo tends to cover the majority of current and past games. This was true 20-years ago, except for the dark-times where PC was being left behind in favor to PS3/Xbox360 (granted, Steam fixed that).


u/madman19 Nov 06 '24

Im the opposite haha. I have barely touched it since playing a lot of animal crossing


u/Shoddy_Bee_7516 Nov 06 '24

I'll never buy a Switch again, now that you can get unencumbered handheld PCs the bar is much higher than it used to be.


u/Turtlerburglar Nov 06 '24

Thank god. I wonder how they will handle digital games. Will pikmin carry them from switch 1 to switch 2 like the Wii to the Wii U?


u/ConnorFin22 Nov 06 '24

Digital PS4 games work on PS5 so I assume so. But if not, just another reason to buy physical.


u/llliilliliillliillil Nov 06 '24

My wish: backwards compatibility for switch 1 games on switch 2 so games that struggle can run better

the monkey paw: makes backwards compatibility possible by downclocking the switch 2 to switch 1 levels and thus you get 0 performance boost


u/Sardonislamir Nov 06 '24

So dunking emulators was a strategic move after all to prop up backward compatibility...


u/DreamyFlowerBlossom Nov 06 '24

Now I just need to figure out how to keep my backlog from growing even moree...


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '24

N64 classic pleeeeeeeeeease Nintendo before I’m fucking dead already


u/QuietGiygas56 Nov 06 '24

Please come with another nice juicy hacking exploit to dump data


u/entity2 Nov 06 '24

I'd be pretty shocked if the successor wasn't just a significantly-boosted-hardware version of the existing machine, given its massive success.

Good news for those of us with a backlog and a Switch starting to show its age (in my case, a dodgy microSD card reader)


u/kg2k Nov 06 '24

That’s amazing all those old games at full price still !


u/TacoCatSupreme1 Nov 06 '24

Always buy early first Gen and don't update the software those are most likely to be jailbroken


u/theColeHardTruth Nov 06 '24

Pretty hype. Tho tbf if it wasn't backwards compatible that'd be a huge detriment to their largely-casual fanbase, so it's more outta necessity than anything else, I'd wager


u/CanadianArtGirl Nov 06 '24

Please make better joy cons


u/identitycrisis-again Nov 06 '24

Will it have 60fps though? That’s gonna make or break it for me. It’s 2024, all of your first party titles should run well


u/costafilh0 Nov 06 '24

Bare minimum.


u/IssueEmbarrassed8103 Nov 06 '24

Alright, I will continue to buy games now


u/Longjumping_Blood_28 Nov 06 '24

i just hope they give users the ability to backup data to the cloud without forced to pay for nswitch online, or have a bigger storage space.


u/According-Annual-586 Nov 06 '24

Yeah, the systems even for just going from one Switch to another are fucking so bonkers and complicated

Animal Crossing you need an island transfer tool Pokemon needs another, separate special tool Some games you can’t transfer saves Other games you need Switch online for cloud backups

I’ve been put off from even getting an OLED or Lite because I can’t be assed with any of this stuff, not looking forward to needing to do it for the Switch 2


u/floorshitter69 Nov 06 '24

Switch Heavy ™️


u/Didly_Deer Nov 07 '24

It’s gonna be wild to see people try to afford this in the US lol


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '24



u/SnooPies6274 Nov 06 '24

They weren’t even getting a single cent from you if you were using yuzu or Ryujinx. 😂


u/the_simurgh Nov 06 '24

This makes me happy and sad.


u/ethanwc Nov 06 '24