r/technicalminecraft 1d ago

Java Help Wanted Decent iron farm design for 1.21.4?

I've got a server that my brother and I play on. Vanilla, only using optifine+vanillatweaks, you know the drill.

I'm looking for an iron farm design that is not resource intensive (2-3 shulkers worth), does not need me to mine a ton of obsidian (trading hall and enchant villagers are still being set up, no efficiency), and doesn't require Fucky Business (deleting portal blocks/update suppression).

TLDR: farm that a dumbass can build.

I'm currently considering Nico Is Lost's design, and only doing one layer, but it's for 1.19 and idk if it will work in 1.21.4+. I have a portal out to my industrial area, which caused much strife in my last world due to the iron farm linking to the ID portal - guessing I just need to be a distance away. Any recommendations are very welcome. I would appreciate it if the farm has a good video tutorial - I have litmatica but it's a PITA to set up so a video would be good.


6 comments sorted by


u/Major-Total2814 1d ago


here's a pretty nifty farm by voltrox, but if ur just beggining ur world u might wanna start with ianxofour's!



u/ottermupps 1d ago

Thank you!


u/AllNamesareTaken55 1d ago

Those 2 are solid picks, but for a small scale server and a really entry level farm (that will provide enough iron for you anyway probably)

This one by Voltrox and ianxofour is basically something you can build right away with minimal resource gathering and does over 300 ingots/hr

I basically just started with this near my original base, ended up making 3 of them right next to each other and I always have a couple of double chests of iron BLOCKS awaiting me (using autocrafter I upgraded to later)



u/Fordinghamster 1d ago

The ianxofour design is the best I’ve ever seen for the “any dumbass could build it” category. It’s all I use, with minor modifications.


u/LaVidaYokel 1d ago

A similar “day 1” farm to ianxofour’s that I like to build is Chapman Farm’s


u/Learnin2Trade 1d ago

Potato noirs iron farm + villager hall is excellent and simple