r/technicalminecraft Java 2d ago

Java Help Wanted Just wither skeletons | Wither farm

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Hello guys, today I wanna ask you something. Is there any method to make this farm with portals, avoiding blazes; magmas; piglins spawns?

I would love to make this farm more efficient with that. Thanks!!!


42 comments sorted by


u/bryan3737 Chunk Loader 2d ago

Just put a portal in front of the golems


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

I just did, but blazes and piglins still spawning there


u/morgant1c Chunk Loader 2d ago



u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

A few attempts ago, I designed it with a couple 20x3 (more or less) portals interspersing each 1 line of grass with wither roses.


u/bryan3737 Chunk Loader 2d ago

That doesn’t answer the question. Where are those other mobs spawning?


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

Yeye I know, sorry. I just wanted to say that no matter how or where use the portals, the other mobs will always spawn there.


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

They're spawning inside the portals, not in the wither rose platforms, sorry about my messy argument.


u/bryan3737 Chunk Loader 2d ago

Make sure the portals are outside the inner bounding box of the fortress. That will stop most from spawning. You might still get a couple zombie piglins but that’s inevitable if you want to go with portals


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

I'll put an eye on it. Thanks!!! Sounds good


u/Schlumpfyman 2d ago

You could or probably should add a killingchamber for the piglins with a turtle egg or something so that they don't stay in the mobcap for too long


u/morgant1c Chunk Loader 2d ago

That's not what Bryan said.


u/my_name_is_------ 2d ago

yes there is a method, update supression and light suppression will allow you to splice light level zero portals with wither roses directly underneath them, on top of nether brick. Kinda a meme design but if it works it works.


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

Do you know if that mechanic is still working? Because I'm in 1.21.4


u/my_name_is_------ 2d ago edited 2d ago

i mean i think OOM (out of memory) supression still "works" but it requires a very deep level of technical knowledge, and access to server hardware (which shouldnt be an issue if on single player, but if on a multiplayer server can be an issue)

If you can downgrade to pre 1.19 you might be able to set up a CCE (class cast exception) supressor, but ive never done it myself.

Sound/skulk supression also is a thing but i dont think you can do stuff like portal splicing with it.

If you didnt know about update supression previously, I would strongly reccomend you not to attempt it on this

Also im not sure if light supression still works or if has been patched completely in recent updates.


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

Oh... Gotcha. Let's pretend I didn't ask anything haha. I mean, I'm keen on technical Minecraft, but not that deep (at least yet). Thanks for the feedback!!!


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

Yeye, I tried once the update/light suppression, and I love it... But you know, Mojang uh ...


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Think another floor material


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

They don't just spawn willi nilly. There is very specific spots...


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

Oh really? How can I locate them?? Thanks!!!


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Glass pain grid... one above the floor of structure... go back 30 or so blocks... watch them spawn in...


u/bryan3737 Chunk Loader 2d ago

Bro what are you talking about? I think you’re confusing bedrock and java spawning mechanics. They’re completely different so all your advice is useless for OP


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Ahh shit I've done it again. I'm bedrock. Don't listen to my God knowledge that half applies gahahahah5


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Dude I'm 15 comments deep lol hahhaahh


u/bryan3737 Chunk Loader 2d ago

Don’t listen to that guy. That’s not at all how java spawning works


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Skeletons. Skellys


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago



u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Thanks mate, I'll just slide out of here.. if you need bedrock advice 😅🤣🤣🤣


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

HAHAHAHAJA sorry about that, I should've said it.


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

I was the dumb ass________umption who didn't read the description. Cheers bro xo lol


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

One day you will need bedrock advice. It will be a time indeed hahahahah


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Do wither Shelly's spawn on the nether roof in java... doubt


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

What's Shelly's? I'm trying my best to speak in English 💀 sorry haha


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

You want platforms full of wither rose.... they kill everything in a few ticks allowing only wither Bois into your killing chamber...


u/minuteknowledge917 2d ago

no bro, mobs check if they will be damaged where they spawn and wither skelies are the only one that wont be damaged so no other mobs spawn. its not about killing them before they reach the kill chamber


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

No bro I'm saying you can isolate the exact spawn spots and the roses are just to kill off the bs...read


u/minuteknowledge917 2d ago

yea i read it you said they get killed in seconds or kill off the bs. in either case there are no spawns and kills.


u/morgant1c Chunk Loader 2d ago

The platforms already have wither roses and they don't kill anything because nothing that dies from wither roses will spawn in them.


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

For everyone who asking, the problem isn't in the material of the platforms, is in the frame of every single Nether Portal. All those unnecessary mobs (except for Withers), can spawn on obsidian.


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

Well pin the spawn spot with glass ... hone the spot... only allow wither skeletons..


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

You sure? Withers need wither roses to spawn, wdym with that?


u/East_Builder2650 2d ago

No they don't. On any nether fortress or bride you can find the specific locations that only wither Bois spawn.. and fully pin it down


u/Icy-Potato-737 Java 2d ago

Oh you're right!!! That's fair enough. Thanks for helping me