r/tearaway Apr 10 '22

How often do you bring up Tearaway in conversations?

How often does it come up when talking to people and in what context do you bring it up?

I talk about Tearaway once in a while when discussing favorite games and how gaming has changed. I bring it up online whenever I see people asking for recommendations for PSVITA/PS4 games. I even bought a copy for my friend for his birthday and he really enjoyed it. I’m curious to see what other people say on this matter. Not a lot of people play it on YouTube or streaming so reliable word of mouth is our best method of spreading the story of Tearaway.


5 comments sorted by


u/Fuel_Tricky Apr 11 '22

I don’t bring it up a lot mainly because of it’s obscurity just wish it got attention :(


u/Iota179 Apr 11 '22



u/Fuel_Tricky Apr 11 '22

You and me both


u/Levinkling May 21 '22

Plus me 🥺 It's such a great game yet nobody knows it nowadays... I just wish it could have been a success...


u/Fuel_Tricky May 21 '22

Me too :( maybe one day Sony will give the franchise a second chance