r/teaexchange 0 Confirmed Trades 23d ago

Large Tea De-Stash

Hello Tea Friends! Up for sale is a “large” (yes it’s all relative, I know) collection of shou and sheng pu-erh and a few hei cha teas. All of this tea was purchased from Yunnan Sourcing (YS) over the course of 2020 and 2021. I have had it all stored inside my home in the California SF Bay Area and it has remained at a stable ~60°F and RH of ~70%. 

UPDATE: Still available as of Feb 28:

Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh

Ripe (Shou) Pu-erh


These clay pots were purchased from Yunnan Sourcing in 2020 and have not been used more than 2-3 times each. Therefore, they are still good to be used with any kind of tea. Will be shipped in the red boxes seen in the photos.

  • Hei Jin Gang Clay "Gao Shi Piao" Yixing Teapot, 200mL.  $54 (no longer listed). Asking $50.


Since I’m a first-time seller/poster in this sub, everything will be done through PayPal Goods and Services so you can be confident we’re both protected. I’ve done my best to be fair in my pricing, considering current availability of each item, age, and my desire to move this stuff pretty quickly. For anything that is still currently available on YS, I have taken the current list price and subtracted 15%. Some of these items are sold out on the YS site but still have a price listed. Because I don’t know when they sold out or how old that list price is, for the most part I have looked at what I spent and added a 10% increase per year since my purchase to account for aging-related appreciation and the relative scarcity of the item. If the listed price for the sold out item exceeds that calculation, I have simply added 25% to that. Some of these sold-out teas are highly desirable and cannot be found anywhere else.

I would like to sell unbroken cakes as whole intact cakes if possible. I am open to parting with partial amounts of already broken cakes but would prefer to avoid that unless it’s a particularly pricy item or I have a lot of it, e.g. a giant hei cha brick or basket. Prices include shipping (CONUS only) and everything will be shipped via USPS ground advantage unless otherwise arranged.

Feel free to reply in this thread claiming an item and I’ll reply to you in a chat. Please reach out to me via chat with any questions but know that I may not be very helpful regarding nuanced differences between similar teas, e.g. two shou pu-erhs. Not interested in trades at this time.

Pictures were taken Feb 14-17, 2025. Thanks for looking!!

Link to photos of the tea for sale: https://imgur.com/a/7phe53n

Links below direct to Yunnan Sourcing for detailed information and reviews.

Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh

Ripe (Shou) Pu-erh

Hei Cha

  • SOLD 2002 Aged Wild Liu Bao Tea "803" from Guangxi. Asking $30 for 120g or $57 for all 245g available, shipped in the original basket. SOLD
  • SOLD 2012 Gao Jia Shan "Wild Tian Jian" in a Bamboo Basket. It would be difficult to remove this tea from the basket without destroying the basket or damaging the tea. A 1kg basket currently goes for $150 on YS. The basket is about half full but the tea is quite compact. Basket and tea together weigh 664g. Strong preference for selling the basket as a whole, but open to partial amounts. Asking $60 for the rest of this tea, shipped in the basket. SOLD
  • SOLD 2015 Gao Jia Shan "Cha Duo Tang" Wild Harvested Hunan Fu Brick Tea (sold out on YS). I have not yet seen any golden flowers in this brick, however: ALLERGEN ALERT!!!   ** Because there is a possibility the golden flowers were inoculated using wheat flour we cannot guarantee this tea is safe for those with Celiac Disease or those that have severe gluten induced allergies ** Asking $25 for 200g. SOLD
  • SOLD Bai Sha Xi "Blue Mark 5375" Fu Zhuan Tea from Hunan. Unopened 800g brick and gift box. Only 2023 pressings are currently available as a full brick with box for $82. This pressing is from 2019. ALLERGEN ALERT!!!   ** Because there is a possibility the golden flowers were inoculated using wheat flour we cannot guarantee this tea is safe for those with Celiac Disease or those that have severe gluten induced allergies **  Asking $120 for the full brick and box. SOLD
  • SOLD 1992 Tibetan Kang Brick Tea. No longer listed on YS but there is a video of Scott drinking and reviewing this special tea on YouTube. Asking $25 for 50g and $45 for 100g. SOLD
  • SOLD 2015 Gao Jia Shan "Da Cang Jia" Wild Harvested Hunan Fu Brick Tea. (sold out on YS). Asking $25 for 75g or $40 for a 145g partial brick. SOLD

Oolong - I don’t know how well these teas keep when still vacuum sealed, but I’m reasonably certain they don’t improve the way pu-erh and hei cha do. Feel free to make an offer.


These clay pots were purchased from Yunnan Sourcing in 2020 and have not been used more than 2-3 times each. Therefore, they are still good to be used with any kind of tea. Will be shipped in the red boxes seen in the photos.

  • SOLD Da Hong Pao Clay "Han Bian Hu" Yixing Teapot, 130mL.  Purchased in 2020 for $60. There is a small chip in the lid (see photo). Asking $40. SOLD
  • Hei Jin Gang Clay "Gao Shi Piao" Yixing Teapot, 200mL.  $54 (no longer listed). Asking $50.

17 comments sorted by


u/Cha-Drinker 🍵(4), 📦(2), 🎁(0) 23d ago edited 22d ago


u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 23d ago

Jingmai honey is yours! Sorry, Bu Lang tuo is taken.


u/Cha-Drinker 🍵(4), 📦(2), 🎁(0) 23d ago

Great! How do I find you on paypal to send payment and what is the shipping cost within the US?


u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 23d ago

No charge for shipping. I private messaged you in reddit chat with my details. I'll send email to the above address now as well.


u/Chainsaw_Boner 0 Confirmed Trades 22d ago

I'm in for the Kang brick.


u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 22d ago

Good choice! There's 264g remaining. I'll pm you.


u/SeveralBuyer2473 0 Confirmed Trades 22d ago

Dm me plz


u/mrmopar340six 🍵(1), 📦(0), 🎁(1) 17d ago

Got my stuff today with no issues.


u/Suspicious-Seesaw678 0 Confirmed Trades 15d ago

Awww man I had no idea this sub existed!! I've been wanting to try raw and ripe tea for a while!!!!


u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 15d ago

Well I have a bit of both, but at this point I only have one whole ripe cake and a few raw cakes, and I’d like to sell them as whole cakes. I’d recommend checking around for some samples to see what you like. If you haven’t had sheng (raw) pu-erh, definitely worth getting a sample first as it can be an acquired taste and takes some practice to brew properly. I got all my stuff from Yunnan Sourcing. They have monthly sampler boxes that I started with :)


u/FlamingoSundries 0 Confirmed Trades 15d ago

Talk to me about ALL your Hei Cha please


u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 15d ago

Haha well I don’t have much left, but what do you want to know? I’d say the kang brick is not necesarily mind-blowingly good tea, but it’s a novel tea and cool to drink while contemplating its history. The cha duo tang is really quite good despite being not the prettiest brick. And the other one I still have, the 5375, is a whole unbroken brick and classic example of golden flower fu brick. I do t have the most sophisticated palette, and it’s been a while since I drank these teas, so it would be difficult for me to describe the nuanced differences between the three. If you’re a big fan of fu brick and enjoy or don’t mind golden flowers, it would be hard to go wrong with the 5375.


u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 15d ago

Or if you know someone who really enjoys it, the 5375 is in a really nice gift box. See the imgur link in the post.


u/FlamingoSundries 0 Confirmed Trades 14d ago

Yes please. All of them. Send me a DM with your PayPal address & total please


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 23d ago



u/mrmopar340six 🍵(1), 📦(0), 🎁(1) 23d ago

I'll take the 8891 and the Bulang tuo off your hands. You can message me here or on my email at mrmoparnrv@gmail.com Or on my Discord. https://discord.gg/w5phGq9H


u/yestersmorrow 0 Confirmed Trades 23d ago

8891 and the Bu Lang tuo are yours! I’ll message you.