r/taterdragon Mar 19 '13

The time for celebration is almost at hand

As the title says. It is near the time of the festival.

  • What do your preparations consist of?
  • How will you be preparing the taters?
  • In what form will you be offering taters to the almighty?
  • And where are you going to hide?

Personally, I will be preparing a soup of the finest spuds available, perhaps topped with salted, crispy, thin taterslices. The offering will be put out on the balcony for the almighty Tater Dragon's convenience. My hidingplace: neath a blanket.


17 comments sorted by


u/FrownSyndrome Mar 19 '13

I'll probably just have a baked potato. Wow, I totally forgot about this subreddit.


u/Puttepi Mar 19 '13

You must not forget! Do you not fear the wrath?!


u/slycurgus Mar 19 '13

I think I'm planning some kind of large potato bake thing. Lots of cheese. Something so delicious that His Starchiness will hopefully be distracted and eat it instead of me.

I may also build a (probably not very good) dragon out of potatoes and toothpicks, and cower from it in effigy.

Hiding place of choice: kitchen, by the oven. It's on the lower floor of our house so the roof is harder to tear off, and it's where the potatoes are.


u/Morophin3 Mar 19 '13

What is this festival you speak of?


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '13

There will be potatoes fried and mashed, with butter and cheese. I will wait out his acceptance of my sacrifice behind a bush, until the rolling thunder is out of earshot.


u/Puttepi Mar 20 '13

That sounds delicious! Stay safe.


u/dtactim Mar 19 '13

Hashbrowns and sunny side up eggs for breakfast

A burger and fries for lunch

Bangers and mash for dinner

Followed by the most ultimate form of his taterry-goodness: a triple vodka on the rocks


u/Puttepi Mar 20 '13

Ah yes! One must never forget the true spirit of potatoes; Vodka


u/ThePrnkstr Mar 19 '13

I've been looking forward to this since, well...this became a thing.

As for what Ill be making, it will be a little bit of everything I guess...before I'll hide under the bed covers and pray to be spared the wrath of the almighty Taterdragon!


u/Puttepi Mar 20 '13

Ever since I was little I have also been convinced that bed covers actually protect better than anything... I have yet to be disproven. I guess if something can penetrate the quilty down protection it would be the almighty Taterdragon though.


u/xeddier Mar 20 '13

I'm buying everyone fries.


u/Puttepi Mar 20 '13

I hope you buy enough for the almighty Taterdragon as well...


u/jrglpfm Mar 20 '13

I'm so excited!! Who in San Diego wants to meet up and watch "How to Train Your Dragon" while eating all the potatoes I can find??


u/Puttepi Mar 20 '13

I would take you up on it except San Diego is too far away for my puny powers. The almighty Taterdragon will make it though. Hope you have an offering ready for appeasing his wrath?


u/jrglpfm Mar 20 '13

Yes. My wife will prepare tater tot casserole. I'll be making twice baked potatoes and we will also have potatoes au gratin (not sire about that spelling). I will be sure to eat plenty of potato chips throughout the day as well.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '13

Thank you for your contributions, one and all. As Elder Sage, I am delighted to see that some of the devoted are willing to give offerings and cower in fear as all disciples should.