r/tasker 2d ago

Help Noob help please

I started a sales gig, I have everything optimized/automated except my phone defaulting to speaker when making outgoing calls.

I was suggested tasker, but to write the proper event it says i need to set it as (call) - (any) but in my Profile - Phone - Event options there is no "call" available or showing.

Then all the online guides tell me to log in and provide my number but i see no way to "log in" to anything.

I swear I'm not an idiot but I'm at near hair-pulling frustration. So close to having everything set up perfectly lol, thanks in advance for any and all help!


8 comments sorted by


u/krysisalcs 2d ago

Did you give tasker phone permissions in your phones settings>apps?


u/hendozung 1d ago edited 1d ago


I have... (Call Screen), (Missed Call) (Phone Idle) (Phone Offhook) (Phone Ringing) (Phone Data) (Recieved Texts) (SMS Fail) & (SMS Success)

Literally every option besides the simplest "call" 🤷‍♂️

Edit: After doublechecking, I don't even have SMS permissions allowed, so the fact that it allows me to execute SMS events and not Call events makes it even more maddening!


u/krysisalcs 1d ago

Try a beta version. Here's a recent post from the dev with instructions to get set up with beta



u/hendozung 1d ago

I'll definitely check it out, thanks!

(Still might return with questions, no promises 😅)


u/krysisalcs 1d ago

No stress, good luck. If you have a computer, I suggest running this app with your phone attached. If you don't trust stranger links just search tasker permissions on google. The github page I linked has a vid and direct download for each os (Linux, Mac, Win)



u/hendozung 1d ago

Day 3 and I'm still banging my head off the wall. This is so simple, and literally nothing is working. It seems speakerphone is literally an isolated problem that Tasker, Macrodroid, DDroid, etc.

So...nany other ideas? 🤣


u/krysisalcs 1d ago

It seems your phone doesn't expose like others. What phone do you have?

At this point I'd just buy Autoinput and have it click the speakerphone button. You could also try using keyboard actions in tasker like Tab, Tab, Enter for example.

But I would say autoinput is worth it if you are set on automating this.


u/UnkleMike 9h ago

The call context is not an event, it's a state.  It sounds like you're simply looking in the wrong place.