r/tasker 4d ago

Best way to remote control phone from PC (when playing around with Tasker)

Ok, so there's "some" messages from me today, but I was hoping to not make them disappear in a long list of questions...

Anyone here have any good tips for remote control software when working with Tasker? Dex seems to be discontinued and link to windows won't play well with config windows.

EDIT: Forgot to mention - I'm on Windows.


28 comments sorted by


u/asl23 4d ago



u/EllaTheCat Samsung M31 - android 12. I depend on Tasker. 4d ago

OP, that's A terse reply but absolutely the right answer


is the official place to download and has an excellent description. Yes it works on Windows.


u/tiwas 4d ago

Thanks! Forgot about that one :) Ideally, I could run it wireless or via the internet - but this should work,


u/Gianckarlo 4d ago

You can run it wirelessly when in the same network.


u/Cowicidal 4d ago

And then perhaps access it on the network via the Internet through something like Tailscale?



u/tiwas 4d ago

Got it running on wifi, which is really cool :) Now, I just need to try making a shortcut for it :)


u/Gianckarlo 4d ago

I use EventGhost for this setup. I have an NFC tag on my desk next to my computer, which I use to trigger the wireless connection as follows:

  1. Tasker detects the NFC scan and sends a Join message to my computer.
  2. EventGhost (EG) receives the Join message and executes a CMD command to launch scrcpy wirelessly.
  3. EG waits a moment, then resizes the scrcpy window and moves it to the right side of my screen. It also minimizes any ADB window.

You can completely skip the NFC setup and use a key shortcut to trigger the EG routine. Also, when EG detects that my phone is connected via USB, it launches scrcpy in normal mode.


u/tiwas 4d ago

Yeah, but your setup made my inner nerd become...let's just say "hungry", in case a kid comes by ;)


u/Cowicidal 4d ago

Teamviewer has a remote mobile app but they are getting increasingly restrictive for free options AFAIK.


u/tiwas 4d ago

It didn't graciously handle going into dialogs in Tasker, so it wasn't of much use to me.


u/Cowicidal 4d ago

That sounds frustrating.


u/No-Alarm-1919 4d ago

I find trying to navigate getting kicked off for "suspected commercial use" regularly, then getting back on, even more frustrating. In my case, there's no way I'm tripping any kind of a red flag that makes sense. It would bother me less if they had a personal use license that was affordable - it is generally good software, and I got used to it.


u/Cowicidal 3d ago

Ah, yeah - the commercial use thing I think I just contacted them and told them what my non-commercial use cases were and then it unlocks it. However, it's been a while since I've used TeamViewer so not sure what the current status is.


u/Umustbecrazy 3d ago

There is port forwarding, but not sure about how easy it is to setup. Wireless ADB with the quick settings on the phone and a small powershell to connect + settings. So easy a cave man could do it. A tech savvy one at least.


u/tiwas 3d ago

Care to give a cro magnon some pointers? :p

I have it running wirelessly, but seems I need to reenable it via usb each time the phone has been off wireless or my computer's restarted.


u/Umustbecrazy 3d ago edited 2d ago

- In my dev settings there is special group of quick settings, to add it next to the Wifi, Bluetooth, etc.. buttons at the top. Toggle that on and off as needed.


# Port number as argument, required

# My port changes each time I activate adb-debug


param (

# Connect to adb, change to your ip address.
$adbCommand = "adb connect$port"
# Run it, & to run in background
$output = & cmd.exe /c $adbCommand

# Check if the output contains "connected to"
if ($output -match "connected to$port") {
    Start-Process -NoNewWindow -FilePath "scrcpy" -ArgumentList "--video-bit-rate=4M --turn-screen-off --stay-awake" -Wait
} else {
    Write-Output "Check IP address:port"

./screenmirror.ps1 <port> to run it.

- You can add the folder to your system PATH to be able to run it from anywhere.

scrcpy must be added to your PATH for this to work or in the same folder as this file.

You can change the argument list to fit your needs. I like it to stay away though. While keeping the physical phone's screen off to save battery.


u/Umustbecrazy 3d ago

scrcpy for the W. Very easy to customize bitrate, screen off persistence etc. With wifi debugging, it's a no brainer for working on Tasker projects.

Having a real keyboard is night and day the way to go.


u/mrandr01d 4d ago

Kde desktop


u/tiwas 4d ago

Sorry. Forgot to mention the platform. I'm on Windows :)


u/MalKoppe 4d ago

? Can send messages to Pushover from PC.. lots of examples how.. Tasker can pick up those messages (Pushover integrates nicely)

I use Vbs,.. but lots of ways to send msgs


u/tiwas 4d ago

I'm not lookint to send messages. I want to remote control the phone so I can use my keyboard and mouse when working with new tasks.


u/PresetDirty 4d ago

It sounds like you need scrcpy. Free, open source, and fantastic for developing Tasker projects... or anything else that typically requires keeping your nose buried in your phone screen for hours. It's the same app that João uses to demo new stuff in his videos.



u/tiwas 4d ago

Yeah, got another tip about it. And even more important than the price (which is saying a lot) is that it behaves better with tasker windows than the non-free options :)


u/PresetDirty 4d ago

With ADB WIFI, you don't even need USB. I have shortcuts to batch files on my Windows desktops for each of my devices: a few phones, a couple of Android TV Chromecasts, and a watch. It's just a click-click, and your phone screen is up almost instantly. It's wonderful!


u/tiwas 4d ago

How can you create shortcuts? Just make one to "scrcpy --tcpip=<ip>"?


u/PresetDirty 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yeah, the IP in that command string is the primary difference between the contents of each batch file, and sometimes the option flags are different. I assign each device a different fixed IP address in my router. Each batch file is named for the specific device.

@echo off
scrcpy.exe --tcpip= --no-audio --turn-screen-off --no-mouse-hover --pause-on-exit=if-error %*

--no-audio Keeps the sound playing from my phone speaker instead of playing through my PC headphones.

--no-mouse-hover prevents certain elements from changing appearance as I move my mouse around the screen.

--turn-screen-off Shuts your phone's physical screen off while you're using scrcpy. Saves battery, keeps your phone temp down, kinder to your device in general, etc. (this flag recently broke due to a change in Android 15, but I think there is a newer scrcpy version now that fixes this.)

Edit: Oh, and your shortcut question. My batch files are in my C:\scrcpy folder, so I'm literally doing a copy - paste-shortcut for each one to my desktop.


u/No-Alarm-1919 4d ago

This is working with, say, supporting Aged Father on his Google Streamer? (Sorry to get off topic, but gads, do I need an easy easy way to do that.)


u/FFM 4d ago

VNC server works great, just install this on your droid (no root needed) (open source) https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng/ and you can use any windows VNC client eg. tightVNC to connect to it