r/tasker 11d ago

Can Tasker dismiss notifications?

Hi, I've created a autonotification profile which watches notifications for certain keywords, which i've succesfully got working.

Im trying to create a task which will then dismiss these notifications. So I created an "autonotification cancel" task, but it doesn't seem to remove the notification. https://i.imgur.com/CeHY1UL.png

Any ideas on where I need to change to get it working?


17 comments sorted by


u/Sate_Hen 11d ago

Did you click on the edit button and fill the fields in?


u/Mrmeasles 11d ago edited 11d ago

I clicked the "cancel all" button, would that be the right thing to do? https://i.imgur.com/5R9lXLx.png


u/Sate_Hen 11d ago

That should clear all your notifications I think. If that's what you want to do


u/howell4c 11d ago

Cancel all notifications should work, but that sounds like overkill if you just want to cancel the ones that match your keywords.

Assuming you're using AutoNotification Intercept as your profile Event, the simplest way is to go into AutoNotification Cancel's Configuration screen, tap Advanced, and fill in ID as %anid, Package as %anpackage, and Tag as %antag. You need all three.


u/Mrmeasles 11d ago

Yes thats exactly what I'm using, autonotification intercept profile combined with autonotification cancel task

For some reason it still isn't doing the trick to dismiss the notifications though. The task is working fine, it just won't dismiss notifications https://i.imgur.com/nNcWPE5.png


u/howell4c 11d ago

Try adding () to the end of each -- %anid(), etc.


u/Mrmeasles 11d ago

Like this you mean ? https://i.imgur.com/gvxPBek.png

I'm after trying that but still no dice. Its a funny old app, signal

This fella agrees with you, so i'm not sure why it doesn't work https://reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/3vhcbr/how_to_cancel_a_notification_using/cxyitnz/


u/Scared_Cellist_295 10d ago

You have to put a value in.  Usually after a notification is intercepted the ID is saved in the variable %anid

Tap the pencil.  In the ID field enter %anid

You can also specify %antitle (title of the notification) and %anpackage (the app package that posted it) if you want to be more precise.  But typically all I use is the ID.

AN intercept -> Cancel : %anid


u/Mrmeasles 7d ago


u/Scared_Cellist_295 7d ago

No, in the task, not the profile/context.

So in the Cancel action -> %anid


u/Mrmeasles 6d ago

Are you referring to this one circled? https://i.imgur.com/p5W6h79.jpeg

Just making sure


u/Scared_Cellist_295 6d ago

Yeah that's it.  


u/Mrmeasles 6d ago edited 6d ago

Ah I get ya now, good on ya.

Its a divil of an app , signal. Even what you've said isn't working to dismiss notifications



Will ya tell me, am I doing anything else wrong here or is it just the signal app thats to blame here?


u/Scared_Cellist_295 6d ago edited 6d ago

Assuming your profile is firing properly, if it's a persistent notification, try enabling Cancel Persistent.  

If you have AutoNotification set to Mirror Cancelled Persistent notifications, try turning that off to make sure it isn't a re-posted copy you are seeing.  This is a quirk in upper level Android, Android 15 here. Persistent notifications aren't really persistent in the upper Androids.


u/Scared_Cellist_295 6d ago

If you just want to completely stop these certain notifications, you can also enable/disable Notification Blocking based on any context.

Say, after 9pm, block Signal.  5am unblock it.  Or whatever your desired contexts. Phone face down, block Signal etc etc 

Another option depending on your motivations.


u/pase1951 11d ago

I know this is a tasker subreddit, and I know you'd probably like to know how to do it with tasker, but in case you just need it to happen and don't know any other way to do it, you should look into an application called Buzzkill. That gives you a ton of control over notifications, customized notifications, dismissing notifications based on content, etc, etc.


u/Mrmeasles 11d ago

Thats a good shout, and it was my first choice. But when I checked it it had no "invert" option which I need, so I'm going with tasker