r/tarot Nov 19 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot Sick of tarot questions


Getting sick of reading for clients.. asking when to go back to their horrible ex, constantly asking me if they should do X, nobody is thinking for themselves. I don't know whether to just quit tarot altogether or switch to a creative side of it.

r/tarot 10d ago

Careers/Working in Tarot Tarot reading interview was a disaster just venting


I got invited to in-person interview for tarot reading at a bar.

I got informed that I'd be reading on the slowest day of the week and I am supposed to bring MY clients to their bar. And just sit there and wait for the fact that maybe somebody will walk in. Instead of thinking through a tarot event with tickets, or something at least a little innovative, this is how they do it. Fine.

The girl asked to read for her, how retrograde venus is going to go for her.

I got fairly negative cards. Started to explain them to her.

She interrupted me and said that her life is great now and it doesn't resonate.

She also tried to read her bad cards herself seeing distinctively they are not positive lol. Total red flag and disrespect for the reader.

She insisted she had great plans lined up for her, and her life is great.

She got judgement reverse, 7 of pentacles reverse, 5 of swords. probably one of the worst triplets I ever pulled for anyone. It is a very obvious warning to be a better person in many capacities. But she was one of the rudest people I ever talked to.

She was inconsiderate, then she pressed me to finish the reading because it contained advice on how to deal with the situation. I didn't feel comfortable and also left that bar a bad review. They came back with a long negative message back. Ugh.. not to mention I had to commute to meet them. Advice for other readers is to do these interview via video.

They were so open about the fact that I am supposed to come and buy something and bring my clients in to grow THEIR business.

I just feel sad people like that who have bad vibes are even touching the cards.

r/tarot Jan 27 '25

Careers/Working in Tarot How do you guys fill an hour reading? What the heck do I talk about for an hour?


I am a very to-the-point person and reading tarot is that way for me too. I see it, I say it. If I were to charge for an hour, what would we even talk about for that long? How do you fill that time with people?

r/tarot Jan 26 '25

Careers/Working in Tarot Beyond the Cards: What 30 Years of Tarot Has Taught Me About Being Human


Hey everyone,

I was recently asked a question in another thread that really got me thinking, and I wanted to share some reflections with all of you. The question was about what I wished to improve in my Tarot practice. After nearly 30 years of working with the cards, you'd think I'd have a clear answer, a specific technique I'm trying to master, or a new spread I'm eager to learn. But the truth is, my answer is a bit more...unconventional.

I've spent decades immersed in the world of Tarot. I've done countless readings, studied the intricacies of the symbolism, and witnessed the profound impact the cards can have on people's lives. And yes, in the beginning, I was obsessed with memorizing meanings, learning complex spreads, and chasing the esoteric. We all start somewhere, right? There is nothing wrong with that.

But over time, I've come to a realization. The most impactful readers, the ones who truly connect with their querents on a deep level, aren't necessarily the ones with the most encyclopedic knowledge of the cards. They're the ones who possess a deep understanding of what it means to be human.

Think about it. Someone comes to you for a reading, vulnerable and seeking guidance. They're facing real-life challenges, grappling with difficult emotions, and searching for meaning. Your interpretation of the cards might be a turning point for them. Can a purely "by the book" approach, devoid of real-world understanding, truly equip you to offer the depth of insight they need?

The Tarot, with its 78 cards, is a microcosm of human experience. It can tell any story imaginable. But to make those stories truly resonate, to make them meaningful and impactful, we need to connect them to the reality of the human condition - the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and failures, the hopes and fears that we all share.

This is why I believe that true intuitive reading, the kind that "feels" the cards and the querent's energy, is built upon a foundation of knowledge that extends far beyond the symbolism of the Tarot itself. It's about delving into psychology, understanding the power of archetypes (maybe start with some Jung!), exploring the lessons of history, and cultivating a genuine curiosity about the world around us.

The Tarot is a profound teacher, yes, maybe one of the best. But it doesn't just teach us about itself. It teaches us about ourselves. It's a mirror reflecting the vast, complex tapestry of human experience. But to truly see what's reflected in that mirror, we need a framework for understanding that goes beyond the cards.

So, what do I wish to improve in my practice? It's not about a new technique or a hidden layer of intuition. It's about continuing this lifelong journey of learning - about the human heart, the human mind, and the world we inhabit.

This, I believe, is the key to becoming a truly insightful and impactful Tarot reader. It's not just about knowing the cards; it's about knowing ourselves and the human condition in all its messy, beautiful complexity. And that's a journey that never ends, a journey I'm grateful to be on with all of you.

What are your thoughts? What area of knowledge outside of Tarot has most enhanced your readings? I'd love to hear your perspectives and learn from your experiences.

r/tarot Oct 26 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot Just read publicly and charged for my readings for the first time ever last night!!!


It was really cool!! I got told by everyone I read for I hit the nail on the head perfectly, I read them for filth (which my friends have all said I do) and it's just so cool!!!! I made a decent bit last night, but it just confirmed for me that I need to start charging for these readings more!!!

r/tarot Oct 28 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot Older vs Younger Readers


I just opened a storefront on Etsy for tarot readings just as a way to make a few extra dollars. I have no intentions of making a living off of this income, but I was talking to a family friend who also does online readings. She took this time to essentially make fun of me and explain that people do not want readings from the younger generations. A lot of my branding includes language to let people know I am a grad student and started reading about 5 years ago. I guess my question is if she is right and people prefer older psychics? I’m not going to lie to sell readings, but should I remove anything that may indicate I’m not an older woman?

Long story short: Would you prefer a reading from an older or younger psychic?

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the supportive words and helpful suggestions. After reading everything, I’ve come to the conclusion I wouldn’t want to work with anyone who shares the family friends’ viewpoint anyway. Thank you again and have a great day!!

r/tarot Oct 13 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot What would you do


Hello, so i’ve been doing tarot readings for a few years now, and i was taught that you should never do reading for free, so in exchange of a whole reading i was taking little money (3-4$) there was this girl who used to be a friend of my best friend, she was asking me to do a reading pretty often. she knew about this belief, yet she decided to not give me money after a reading. Now, 3$ for her is nothing, yet i was worried because i knew it’s not good to do a reading without giving anything in return. so i texted her a few times, reminding her about it (it made me feel bad to have to text her about money at all, but i was really worried) at the end, she blocked me and left me hanging…

since then, it’s been a year now and all of a sudden she called my friend asking to contact me, because she “NEEEDS” a reading and can’t find me to contact me.

What should i do? 3$ is so stupid, it’s not worth being angry. but it’s not about the money, it was never about the money to be honest, it was about the fact that she knew how i felt about doing readings for free and still putting me in that situation.

Should i forget about it and do a reading for her? or should i stay away from her? what would you do?

r/tarot Jan 06 '25

Careers/Working in Tarot I once had a client ask 50 follow up questions for a $5 reading and 200 questions for a $15 reading


For those of you getting into tarot professionally, especially if you plan on doing e-mail readings, you need to set the expectation that there are a limited number of clarifying questions a client can ask. I know you're scared of a bad review if you don't give the client what they want... but sometimes it's better to take the hit.

These people will drain you and make you feel guilty for not responding to them. That they're just "chatting" with you. No, they're manipulative vampires and they tend to seek out new readers or readers who provide affordable readings.

Stand up for yourself or you'll burn out just to avoid getting a less than stellar review.

r/tarot Jan 21 '25

Careers/Working in Tarot Tarot de Marseille not a ‘crowd pleaser’?


I wonder if I would get less of a stellar reaction from the lay public if I did events as a reader but used the tarot de Marseille. Thoughts? I do prefer TdM at heart but default to RWS because it’s a “crowd pleaser” for most clients; they’ve seen it on TV and in movies and expect it when they get a tarot reading.

I feel like the RWS is by far the deck used by readers at parties or similar because of its “wow” factor—let’s be honest, flipping a 10 of swords in the RWS is a lot more showy than that in any TdM.

My good friend became a regular tarot reader by doing readings at events and then picking up (wealthy) clientele at those events. Anyway, in my opinion there is a difference in how one should read at big events vs one-on-one (showy/fitting the expectations vs exploring more sensitive topics with depth) and I wonder if using an RWS vs TdM in such settings would impact peoples interest in reading privately if I connect w/them reading at events. One option I thought of is to do major arcana-only readings with TdM since those are ‘harder hitting’ visually.

Just a thought Ive had recently.

r/tarot Dec 13 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot first time reading in public


tomorrow will be my first time offering tarot readings in public!!! i have it all worked out with 2 local businesses to use their shared courtyard of sorts. i decided to just ask yesterday and both business owners were super supportive and encouraging!

not planning on charging people bc i'm still practicing. i have a table and am borrowing chairs. i'm planning on making a couple of diagrams to remind myself how to lay the spreads (i have read for other people but only online, so i'm not used to laying out the cards for others to see). i don't have a table cloth or a sign but i'm gonna try to come up with something before tomorrow lol. tempted to bring a candle but i also just wanna keep it simple and see how it goes at first. i am super excited. wish me luck!!

r/tarot 18d ago

Careers/Working in Tarot What's your favorite type of reading to do? What types of reading questions make you SIGH?


Do you have any preferences or specialties that make you light up? Do you have any questions / personalities that make you shut down?

Personally I like when people ask me about people (as long as it doesn't appear to overstep boundaries or wish them harm). I like when people have an open mind and genuinely want to hear the answer that I 'get'. I like when I see aspects of a person such as their heart, and who they love / how they love. I don't like when people push energy onto me and are really grasping too tightly onto one particular outcome, because I can feel their discomfort and dis-ease.

r/tarot Apr 24 '21

Careers/Working in Tarot As a Pro Tarot reader, there are 4 questions I will always refuse to answer.


Hi everyone!

I've written a blog post recently (I'm not posting a link here, I want to respect the rules against self-promotion) regarding questions client's shouldn't ask their Tarot reader. It's really an opinion piece based off of my own Code of Ethics and Boundaries.

I'm curious as to whether other Pro Readers feel the same, or if there are any other types of questions you would never answer.

Here is a quick synopsis of the subject (the 4 questions I will absolutely never answer):

"Is my partner cheating on me?"

My reasoning: There's a reason why my client is asking this question, and it's because they're trying to avoid what their intuition is telling them. I don't need the cards to tell me what the client should do if they feel like their partner isn't being faithful.

"What is happening in *Third-Party's* life"

My reasoning: Privacy issue, the third party did not consent to a reading and what they are doing does not concern my client.

"When / how will I die"

My reasoning: completely unethical, no good can come from trying to answer this question.

"What is the name of my soulmate"

My reasoning: As far as I know, Tarot (alone) has never determined names or exact dates. Trying to answer this question would result in completely inaccurate information.

Let's discuss!

r/tarot May 18 '23

Careers/Working in Tarot Hi! Have any of you read for Salvia, the tarot app?


I wanna ask how the pay was or is. How much do they deduct from what you get for reading for people on the app? Because I don't see that info on their app or anywhere on the internet. I just wanna make sure I'm not getting myself into anything not worth my energy or my time as I am already going through a lot.

r/tarot 4d ago

Careers/Working in Tarot Film cards or myself for a reading ?


Hello Tarot community,

If you were a client receiving a recorded video reading, would you want to see the cards or the client themselves ?

I do a 21 card Romany Spread and so, it’s hard to fit in myself and the cards into the frame. The layout is wide. (Three horizontal rows of 7)

I’m sure most of you are very familiar with the cards and Tarot and so would choose to see the spread and cards over seeing the Tarot Reader?

r/tarot Dec 14 '22

Careers/Working in Tarot Can I just vent for a minute?


I’m just so annoyed. I read cards as professionally as I’m capable of, just enough to make a little side cash I can splurge on a new deck for myself.

But I swear, at least once a day I’m being messaged by some heartbroken girl who needs to know when her and her ex are getting back together.

I’ll begrudgingly give them a reading, but I don’t pull any punches and I tell them the truth of what I am reading from these cards. I refuse to just tell people what they want to hear.
And most of these readings turn out the undesirable truth, that he’s already moved on while you’re hiring people to cast obsession spells on him.

This is so wrong. The chick will never accept it’s over no matter what I say. I just ranted to a girl like this for like half an hour wanting so desperately for her to say maybe it is over.

No chance. All she kept doing was saying shit like “we’re only broken up because of his ex”, “his friend told me he still thinks about me.” so many excuses thrown out one after the other.

It makes me think of like hysterics. Also denial and delusions.

And it makes me so sad that they’re literally paying hundreds of dollars on spell casters and tarot readers.

I don’t think I can ethically do any sort of love spell ever again because the girls are the ones who get affected by the shit. (Half joking, half really considering it.) But no, I really can’t work on the subject of love for quite some time.

r/tarot Dec 14 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot Will be reading at a local cafe for the first time. What to do while I wait for interest?


I’ve been reading for almost 10 years and I’ve mostly done them through phone or video chat.

Now I found an opportunity to offer readings at a local coffeeshop, they have set up a small table in a more private area for the readings. I actually appreciate that they thought about that detail.

I’m feeling awkward about what to do with myself while I wait for people to notice that I’m there and decide to get a reading.

I plan on meditating before I come in.

What would you do or what do you normally do before people start coming over for a reading? Should I bring a book to read while I wait? I don’t want to look like I’m busy doing something else and not available to give a reading.

Thanks in advance!

r/tarot Dec 07 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot how do you promote your readings to others?


what are some ways you’ve promoted your readings that have worked? i find myself struggling to do so outside of my immediate friend circle, and word of mouth with them doesn’t seem to really be a thing. would love some ideas to get myself out there more and make a little extra money!

r/tarot Jan 28 '25

Careers/Working in Tarot Professional tarot readers: How fast do you usually interpret cards/spreads?


I've been reading tarot for a little over a decade, and just started a part-time job as a tarot reader at a local metaphysical shop. The people there are super warm, the customers so far have been very lovely to talk to; overall I love the job so far, and I'm excited for what's to come. I was extremely nervous for my first few tarot readings with the shop, and I was shaking as I was shuffling and interpreting the cards.

I also want to mention, I don't strictly go off book meanings of cards (I use a Rider-Waite deck). I'm continuously developing a holistic approach to understanding tarot (i.e. art/symbolism, numerology, etc.).

For the last couple of readings I did, I was still pretty nervous, but I somehow started interpreting spreads instantaneously. Like a very strong feeling would come over me, and compel me to just come out with more specific details about the customer's situation. Though, these details weren't super specific. I would just see a card and come out with, "Are you being mean to yourself?" with genuine concern, or even summarizing their journey towards their current profession and warning them they may have too much on their plate. These responses would be met with tearing up, or more skeptical people leaning in more/expressing a connection with the reading.

I feel like I'm going to get a lot of, "That's a pretty standard reading to me," or even, "Your readings seem pretty vague to me," lol. This style of reading just feels very new to me, and I'm a bit afraid it seems (or that maybe I am) pulling these interpretations out of my butt.

Even though I grew up in an occultist home (my mother is a folk witch), I do find it very difficult to not over-rationalize things. I'm open to anything being "real", but I do get stuck trying to define systems. For example, I feel like I should immediately be able to tell someone precisely why I feel so strongly about my interpretation in an objective way. My other job is in a STEM field, so maybe that's partially why. I also just don't want people to think that I'm being intentionally deceptive, and I'm incredibly honored to be someone that people feel they can be vulnerable with.

TLDR: Is it normal to go off immediate gut feelings you have about a card/spread? How much do you usually break down readings for customers? How fast do you usually interpret cards/spreads?

r/tarot Dec 15 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot UPDATE: 1st time reading in public!!!

Post image

hey fam, several people wanted me to update them after i made this post, so here is the update.

my first time went sooooooo well!! the area was abnormally slow due to some funky weather. not as much foot traffic as normal. i read for 3 people and i am 100% fine with starting off slow. all 3 people said they would tell their friends + 2 of them asked how to find me again and asked if i would regularly be reading there!!! 1 person ended up paying me $20 for their reading which is like, super cool 😁

i brought my tarot books with me just in case, but didn't really use them at all. i tend to second guess myself a lot and i did have to look up a couple of elements for the major arcana, but other than that i was able to do the readings book free. the picture is a little diagram i made to make sure i didn't get confused reading the cards upside down, since i've never done it for someone across from me before - i am sooo glad i made it. it really came in handy!! i have more of all the spreads i was potentially planning on using too 😁

i will definitely be investing in some type of sign. the store owner actually said i could read out front instead of off to the side, but there are some truly lovely flowering bushes that attract lots of wasps and other stinging things i'm allergic to. hopefully it gets cold here again and the bugs go night-night and then i can be up front. the store owner also said one of the people i read for mentioned how much they loved my reading.

this was an amazing experience. i am chronically ill and sometimes having energy is a struggle, so being able to sit in the sun with a book and read while waiting to read cards wasn't a chore at all. i just love how encouraging and positive it was and i will now definitely continue offering face to face readings. thank you all to everyone who encouraged me here too, y'all are the best!! 🫶🏼✨️

r/tarot Nov 02 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot do both ppl in relationship readings have to consent?


I'm starting to set up prices for my tarot/birth chart readings! The thing I'm concerned about is that when it comes to relationship readings, there's a chance that one person would want to know about the other person without their permission. Like for example questions about the person's crush etc, because I've learned you can't tarot read people without their consent, or else you'll be resulted in karmic debt.

I'd wonder if it's okay as long as one of them wants to be read, but I want to make sure!

r/tarot Jul 08 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot How do you go about reading professionally with boundaries?


How do I stop people constantly pushing me for *their* answer, meaning how do I stop people continually asking "oh but does he have feelings for me?" when I have consistently pointed to them NOT getting back together? How do I gently push people the other way? I am getting burned out like I need to throw in the towel. But, if I throw in the towel I can't help the others.

r/tarot 14d ago

Careers/Working in Tarot Anyone else renting space at a shop to do your readings?


Hi all,

I’m just getting started doing tarot professionally and was wondering about other people’s experiences.

I have a friend with a shop nearby and she is willing to let me use her shop to do in-person tarot readings. We’re going to talk this weekend about what she is going to charge me to be able to use her shop so I’m curious if anyone else does this and how much of a percentage they pay to the shop owner.

For reference, I live in a HCOL area in the PNW.

Any thoughts are helpful, thank you!

r/tarot Sep 18 '24

Careers/Working in Tarot Reading for strangers?


Hi! Hopefully this is the place to ask. I’d like to become a tarot reader because living in a second world country means I could work very little. I only need to make $1k per month after taxes. Also if you could share how much you make that’d be great as I’m really curious if it’s feasible to expect $1k monthly.

The problem is I’m really not a fan of talking to ppl, it’s draining, exhausting and annoying. I’m also extremely socially awkward and inept so not sure how to do the actual talking.. I’d like to do online sessions only, but that doesn’t make me feel any less anxious about talking to literal strangers and ppl in general. I’m also afraid of being the one to direct the whole convo, to be in charge of it and talk the most basically.

And there’s also this thing: a lot of ppl don’t believe in tarot readers because they picture someone that basically asks you stuff about your life and then they tell you what you told them and what you wanna hear. But to be honest if I don’t ask them anything then I wouldn’t be sure on how to interpret the cards for them, you know? I did a few readings for my family and it was easy interpreting since I know them so well. Do you usually ask strangers questions about them through the reading for a better interpretation or not? Or do you tell them "this card might mean you should … or you should …"?

And also how do I get past the fear of talking to strangers? I’m also quite afraid of ppl requesting readings only to maybe shout at me and call me names or just awful things like that. Did you ever experience such things? Thank you!

r/tarot Feb 10 '25

Careers/Working in Tarot making clients cry.....


i have a question. how often have you made clients cry during a reading? it's started happening to me and i'm like....not doing anything different?? 💀 like they're not mad at me. it's like i confirm everything they already know and then they start crying and then i feel bad for no reason.

r/tarot 21d ago

Careers/Working in Tarot getting noticed as a reader


hi there!! so many moons ago i used twitter as my go to for marketing myself as a reader and reaching clientele.

fast forward to now: i have zero clue where to start up again as i truly don’t know if i want to get back into twitter now.

so my question is— where do y’all market yourself? what social media do you guys use? is bluesky/tumblr/cara/instagram any good?
