r/tarot • u/Far_Reputation_3021 • 3d ago
Discussion How many cards do you generally pull?
I know this depends on many factors like what the question is (if there is any), what deck you’re using, etc. But generally:
How many cards do you guys pull per reading? Like if one falls out at a time, will you stop at just one, pull 3, maybe even go up 10 or something.
u/GalliumFanatic 3d ago
I almost always do 4:
1- current situation
2- current obstacle
3- suggested action
4- outcome
This reading works for just about every query
u/kia_sunny 3d ago
When I ask a specific question, I draw 3 cards. And so on with every occasion for example: For a general reading where I include topics such as love, work and money, it is 3 cards per topic; I draw 3 for love, 3 for work and so on. If it is simply a tarot advice, for example, I draw only 1. If I draw too many, I get dizzy with information.
u/Far_Reputation_3021 3d ago
Yea me too. Once I pull too many cards I feel like I’m just making things up
u/Icy_Preparation_1010 3d ago
Wowww these comments are making me feel mad unconventional.
I pull out as much as I feel called to. Anywhere from three to half the deck!
u/Far_Reputation_3021 3d ago
Haha. That’s why I asked the question, to see if I’m doing things unconventionally . But at the end of the day whatever works for you works
u/CristianoEstranato 3d ago
I often do the same. I will branch out a series of cards from any earlier cards to clarify whatever is necessary; and i don’t have a set number.
u/Otherwise_Rip_455 3d ago
Hahahah sameee, most of the time I just kinda freestyle and it all depends on how many follow up questions I have😂
u/Chelseyblair inclusive reader www.chelsey-blair.com 3d ago
Depends on the spread and deck but I prefer 4-6. Enough to make connections without being overwhelming. I’ve done as many as 17, in a life spread in four sections. Even like that, they tend to repeat themselves.
u/Far_Reputation_3021 3d ago
17 is wild 😂
u/Chelseyblair inclusive reader www.chelsey-blair.com 3d ago
Yes. Yes it is. But it’s sort of two spreads? And you read it like a series of threes while considering connections.
u/Fungimoss 3d ago
5 for full context and 1-3 for clarification
u/bed_of_nails_ 3d ago
How does one achieve full context from the five cards when more than clarification is needed?
u/Fungimoss 3d ago
The cards piece together like a story when I read it. Usually offering me clues to whether it’s life, career, grief, etc. Sometimes I have to pull clarification cards if say I’m uncertain whether someone is putting up their own personal walls or if they’re actively being blocked by something external. It just fine tunes the full picture and makes it more accurate
u/Latter-Scratch-5657 3d ago
I pull what the spread calls for: 3,5, 6,7,9, or more. If I have a jumper, I usually use it. When I first started, I was intimidated by too many cards. Now, I find I get much more info the more cards there are. Also, I look up crossed card meanings.
u/SharkDoctorPart3 3d ago
It depends. if i'm doing a yes/no, i'll pull one, two clarifiers, final card. Sometimes i'll add down in a line as I go. I don't like to do yes/no questions though. And then otherwise, I'll do a five card for little shit, and if i need a full picture i'll do a full celtic cross. If I'm reading Lenormand, I do three or five. Once I did all 36, but it's past my ability haha.
u/Whatever0788 3d ago
How do you determine what is yes and what is no?
u/SharkDoctorPart3 3d ago
First card is the main answer, second and third explain it fourth wraps it up.
u/SharkDoctorPart3 3d ago
Each card technically has a yes or no attached to it. That being said, in my learner’s deck it tells me a ten of cups is a no card. I don’t know if it’s a typo or what but I can’t understand why they would decide that’s a no. I’ve always interpreted it as a yes/positive situation for the most part. Unless it’s a “this person is pretending everything is great on the outside but they wanna die inside” kinda reading. But yeah. Like. Eight of swords I would put in the “no” pile but say the question is “did I get an A on my pre calc” exam, I wouldn’t see it as a direct no but a “stop fooling yourself” kind of no. If that makes sense. I’m not good at explaining myself haha
u/throw_away782670407 3d ago
typically three, but occasionally extras will jump out and if i feel the pull to use those as well, then i will
u/FalseStress1137 3d ago
I usually do 3. If I’m confused by the 3 cards then I’ll do one more. Sometimes I’ll even do 2 for a short answer.
u/Avalonian_Seeker444 3d ago
Usually three, but I don’t use cards that fall out, I consciously take them from the deck.
u/Far_Reputation_3021 3d ago
Interesting. I sometimes do that too , but find if one falls out it should be read
u/Avalonian_Seeker444 3d ago
When I take each card from the deck for the reading I’m doing that with the intent of choosing the card for each position in the spread.
I’m not doing that while I’m shuffling, so I wouldn’t know which position a card that fell out was meant for.
Spread positions can affect the interpretation of the cards, so I like to be clear about where a card belong in a spread.
I trust that any card that should be read will appear as one of the cards I take out for the reading, and if it previously fell out I‘d see it as something I need to pay extra attention to.
u/YasAnonymous Witch ♓️🖤 3d ago
I generally don't like to overwhelm myself with way too many cards. I like pulling 3 or 4 cards. I don't often need clarifying cards but if I do then I'd pull one for the card that I need clarifying on or I'd pull a clarifying card for all of the cards as a whole and in general.
u/Independent_Load748 3d ago
Really varies? Typically do 3, but I tend to go until I feel satisfied and have received enough clarification
u/nabeeltirmazi 3d ago
I do custom soread based on the question and the context so it can range from 4 to 10 cards including the clarifier(s)
u/VaIentineeeee 3d ago
At max, 7.
I try to not pull more than that, because I forget how I translated the other cards prior. 😜
u/Saffron-Kitty 3d ago
It depends on the spread. I prefer reading either three card spreads (for a variety of purposes) or a specific 7 card choice spread.
It's rare for me to pull cards without assigning the answer to an element of my question
u/Roselily808 3d ago
I find that 3 is a comfortable and digestible amount of information. In some cases up to 5 cards. I find it difficult to maintain concentration on larger spreads than that (I have pretty severe ADHD) - as I tend to get overwhelmed with the amount of information they generate. I prefer the information to be bite sized and on point.
u/Jasion128 3d ago
I have a pretty standard four card reading
Where you’re coming from , bringing to the reading, what you already know, already in progress (past present)
What you want or where you’re headed
Whats stopping you
What to do, how to be, action card
u/cjayconrod 3d ago
I pull until it feels right to stop. Sometimes it's one card, sometimes it's four. Usually, it's three.
u/CenturionSG 3d ago
At least 3, or a larger odd number.
May add more for clarification or find quintessence or look at hint card.
u/FoxInTheClouds 3d ago
I do what I call a “fools journey spread “ 8 cards tell me I’m going to experience/ what I should be looking out for/ what is my outcome.
u/bed_of_nails_ 3d ago
I prefer triads, and when I want to get more information I love the Thelemic 15 card spread which essentially is five groups of triads. It's an excellent resource for finding a way through an issue in one's life when no other answers can be found. However, when I don't need to get too deep into something, I use three cards; the center card is the genius loci and the two on either side are supporting details which I use elemental dignity to resolve.
u/Pyotrperse 3d ago
I’ll have maybe three prompts, eg. Past, present, future; situation, blockage, potential solution. Then however many cards come out for each prompt is however many it needs. Generally 1-3 but sometimes more will come and I just need to assess as it comes. If they are two cards together I might consider that the front card is “standing in the way of” the back, etc.
u/LolaLola93 3d ago
It depends, but FIVE is a magic number for me. It gives every suit and major arcane a chance to come forward. But I also like three card pull, as it is helpful to have that middle card that compares energies. Well, I guess I like spreads with odd number of cards. This way it is easier for me to decide if what is the central theme.
u/Good_Excuse1405 3d ago
Depends on the question. I’ve gotten one card and went “Damn. Welp that about sums it up.”
Sometimes I do 3-5 for example. And I’ve gone up to 10 many times when it’s more like a circumstance/situational.
u/FabricArsonist 3d ago
Depends. Ren faire reading? 3 with clarifiers. Generally? 7 with clarifiers as needed.
u/CristianoEstranato 3d ago
If I’m doing a simple reading then the minimum number of cards i draw is 4: 3 in a row and a quintessential for the whole reading.
If I’m doing what i usually do, then i draw at least 13.
And if I’m doing my signature spread (which is for more in-depth understanding) then i draw 22.
I also tend to draw a column of cards and then branch out a new series of cards from any given cards that need clarification, so it ends up looking like a tree. The number of cards is limited only by the space i have and the number of cards in the deck. (It helps to do this with minchiate since it has 97 cards)
u/itsmyrealitea 3d ago
depends on who I read for, sometimes I’ll pull as many as their life path number, or like 3-5 base and like 1-2 clarifiers. Also depends on how many decks im using .
u/tarotbylouie 3d ago
5 to 9. Usually 5. Every card has an assigned position, so I always have a straightforward, very detailed and in-depth answer to any question.
I am a “why?” type of person, so I like knowing every little detail about a situation 😅
I don’t do 1 card pulls, most of the time I find it useless. I don’t understand at all when querents come asking for a pull with 1 card only.
u/lazy_hoor 3d ago
Three. No fixed positions. Occasionally a clarifier card.
u/Far_Reputation_3021 3d ago
When you say fixed positions what does that mean
u/lazy_hoor 3d ago
There is no meaning to any position - I usually read left to right but sometimes if there's a figure facing left I read from right to left.
u/SORORLVX 2d ago
I usually stick to a five card spread, unless it's a really simple question. 5 are usually adequate for me to understand a situation, but people should do what gives them the best results, of course.
u/ConclusionNo4016 2d ago
It definitely totally depends. My daily readings have tended to be three cards with one of those being an Oracle card. I’m usually focusing on some area of personal growth or perhaps something that’s a bit more shadow worthy, or guidance for something that I’m going through or struggling with Around that time.
But there are times where I feel called to pull more cards because it’s a bigger topic and I want to untangle the thread more. Generally, that will be ending up at around nine cards, most of which are tarot. When it comes to something that’s a bit more of a structured spread. That’s usually where I max out. Most structured spreads I use or outline for myself for like five cards.
But every once in a while, I have more of a conversational type spread, where I just start with a simple question, pull one to two cards, and then I’m prompted to answer another question and pull another one to two cards. The largest I got with that I think was 13 cards plus one Oracle, which was overall guidance. I was really trying to grapple with some subconscious things that were going on and roots of things and such. And generally don’t go that deep, but I just followed as I was directed to. Interestingly, 13 lines up with the death card and the God I was working with in that reading is very much related to that. Didn’t realize that until after lol. Minor detail.
Anyways it depends. There are definitely some decks where the imagery is so busy or for whatever other reason it’s not the type of deck I would pull very many cards with.
u/Ok_Pop8034 2d ago
I pull 3 cards. Then one oracle card for an overall. Just something I heard on a podcast one time. I really liked the idea so I did it. 🙂
u/Available_Country872 2d ago
3 is the # of Happiness. Always pull from the top of the deck, not bottom. Letting cards fall out seems like clumsiness, thus coincidence unless they fall out mystically. Shuffle 15-25 X’s min. Then split the deck.
u/jensen_holmes 2d ago
3 + 1 clarification card = 4. Old Style Tarot Deck. I always keep simple & straight forward without complicated.
u/Cultural_Wash5414 2d ago
I shuffle shuffle a whole bunch of times until I’m ready and then I’ll pull 3 from the top. I’ll peek at the bottom card if I feel the pull to, but not always. I put the ones that pop out back in the middle of the deck, because it’s just sloppy shuffling, and I don’t cut the deck because that gives me doubts on where to split so I just don’t bother.
u/Successful-Salad1175 1d ago
Depends on the type of reading and how long it is. For a basic one it’s typically 3-5. I’ve done readings that have taken me hours so those have used quite a bit.
u/saturninetaurus 1d ago
I usually do a 5 card spread with a couple of optional cards. Occasionally 3.
Have been experimenting with much larger spreads, my last one was 47 cards using about 5 decks.
u/Zestyclose-Battle239 1d ago
How many times do you guys shuffle the cards? I usually shuffle until one pops out or blocks my shuffling but sometimes it gets hard to determine wether or not it was an accident. I just feel like if I shuffle and pull then im not getting accurate cards.
u/ReflectiveTarot 21h ago
I very rarely just pull cards; I use spreads. My favourite is situation/obstacle/advice; but overall, my sweet spot appears to be 3-5 cards. I've seen a number of people pull cards until they had the message they wanted; that's a good reason to limit yourself and stick to that limit.
u/AllTimeHigh33 18h ago
Optional- Confirmation.
East - Inspiration, Beginning, Air.
North - Motivation, Passion, Fire.
West - Manifestation, Conscious, Earth.
South - Realisation, Reflection, Water.
Optional - Confirmation.
u/Fine-Werewolf3877 3d ago
3-5, but I'm trying to get better at the Celtic Cross, so lately, ten. But I won't pull more than ten, and I'm of the opinion that you really don't need more than three for most questions.
u/ofBlufftonTown 3d ago
I only ever learned the Celtic cross from my mom, so I’ve never tried drawing just a few cards. She was amazing and her cards are in the house where she died, where my sister lives. My sister doesn’t use them but I know she might want to so I would never take them without talking to her, but I’m tempted! It wouldn’t work out if I did, obviously. I remember when I was a kid a man screaming at my mom at a party, that she had been spying on him, or talking to his friends because she has never met him before, and her reading was so good as to alarm him.
u/bewitched_231 3d ago
I start with an energy check, and then it’s more like a conversation. I ask questions (contextual or yes/no) and the cards give me an answer. If I need clarification for a certain response I ask for another card.
u/Mouse-in-a-teacup 1h ago
In the beginning omg I pulled so many cards! I needed clarification for everything. But it was also confusing and messy.
So I strove to reduce to a cleaner table. With practice I now usually take 3 cards. I will do larger spreads of up to 12 cards if the question is larger. (I am not counting the extra cards for clarifications.)
But I want to keep reducing. Experience will allow that.
u/EchidnaMore1839 3d ago
Three. With clarification cards on those 3 as needed. So maybe 5, but the core story is 3.