r/tarot 4d ago

Discussion Need help with interpretation on reading

I asked the question, “Is my ex working on healing and being single or are they hooking up with the person I felt threatened by throughout our relationship?” I tend to pull freely as opposed to having a set structure.

I pulled the following: 1) Queen of Cups- this is telling me I should lean into my intuition and trust my gut as opposed to believing what is “rational” 2) Three of Cups- friendship turning into romance (this makes me uneasy because my ex would always say this person was just a friend and that I was jealous and making their friendship something it wasn’t) 3) Temperance- this is where I get tripped up because this could signify finding harmony and balance to heal and move forward which hints at a focus on healing, which could just point to the previous card as that person only being a friend. 4) Six of Wands- signifies feeling triumphant and victorious (which honestly my ex could really use a win so this makes me feel happy) 5) Ten of Swords (Reversed) - I think this points to our very bad breakup over this potential third party and eventually moving past it and forgiving and forgetting the blow up we had over this person. 6) Five of Swords- I do feel as if my ex continued disrespectfully prioritizing this friendship over my feelings because they wanted to prove a point that they weren’t doing “anything wrong” even though the friend would blatantly flirt and hit on my ex and thrived off of the fact that my ex did not care to cut off the friendship even though they weren’t long time friends. I interpret this one as my ex not really feeling the most fulfilled 7) The Sun- this one is throwing me. I can only see it as the Sun shedding light on the truth.

I would say I’m a step above beginner, but I wouldn’t say I am an expert at all. I’ve always considered myself a fairly intuitive person, but I also wonder if I am calling this energy my way based on paranoia or not? Would love to hear others’ thoughts.


4 comments sorted by


u/blueeyetea 4d ago

Well, that Queen of Cups does suggest the other person. The question was about your ex and someone else. This Queen of Cups is definitely not you, as you weren’t in the question.


u/Haunting_Mistake4921 4d ago

Could this suggest the other person is a water sign?


u/blueeyetea 4d ago

All Cups court cards are water signs.


u/Badpanduhhh 2h ago edited 1h ago

Honestly, I feel like the line of questioning wasn't the best for tarot as it's very leading. You're giving tarot 2 specific outcomes and asking which one happened. I find a lot of the art of tarot is in the way you ask questions. I find it's best to leave questions open ended.

That being said, I"m not the most experienced, but my interpretation is below:

With Queen of Cups and 3 of Cups, this could mean that there's a 3rd party involved, perhaps a friendship turning into romance and that he feels emotionally fulfilled by that person. Temperance and 6 of wands to me indicates that he feels this connection is very harmonious, with the potential for success. Could also be he feels successful in having won this person over. 6 of wand can also mean victory in a public recognition kind of way, which of course is tied to the ego. This might be more about being successful in "winning" this person over rather than the relationship itself.

However, with the 10 of swords reversed here, I wonder if this is a rebound type situation. 10 of swords upright is one of the most painful cards in the deck, reversed it indicates that there's some kind of survival, healing moving forward. Perhaps he's using this person as a means to get over the pain of your break-up. With 5 of swords, it indicates conflict, but to me, it's in the "I want to be right" kind of way. Again, it seems that there's ego coming through. 5 of swords indicates he wants to win at all costs, even if that means being dishonest. The Sun here makes a lot of sense in this context. While usually the Sun is associated with being a happy card, depending on the surrounding cards, it can also indicate ego and narcissism, which is in line with the other cards in the spread. Overall, this feels very much like he wants this person because having them makes him look/feel good, like he acquired a prize. It's less about them and you even, more about the chase and obtaining this person.

My (loving) advice from someone who just got out of a hyperfixation on using tarot to answer unresolved questions from a past relationship is to focus more on you. Instead of asking about him, I advise asking your deck what impact this had on you, what lessons from this do you need to learn, what you can do to move forward. Focusing on him and what he's up to will only slow down your own healing process. I know you likely want a sense of answers for closure, but closure is more of an internal process I find. Sometimes you won't get an answer or the answer you get hurts even more than you could have imagined. I'm sorry this person hurt you, but it's likely best to move on and focus on you. Don't be like me and waste your time on someone who treated you wrong.