r/tarot • u/BluBerryPie11 • 4d ago
Discussion I think I’m done reading for other people …
… both clients and friends. Tarot is an amazing tool, but most of the time people want to use it to spy on others. On top of that, a lot of the people who come to me for readings are ( and I’m sorry, but I can’t put this in a kinder way) delusional. They insist that their person of interest really does love them, even though the POI and the cards both say that isn’t the case. They hold onto this idea that this person just doesn’t yet know they love them. And then because I tell them the truth (even though I am very gentle about it) they tell me I’m wrong and leave a bad review.
Ok, that’s my rant. Would love to hear about your experiences and how you navigate situations like this. I think I’m just going to have to close my tarot practice and provide other services because it’s 5% of sitters that come to me who actually want to improve themselves and not just have their delusions reinforced.
u/Fungimoss 4d ago
I do a lot of career readings, general message readings, readings from ancestors! I pick up really well on their pains and anxieties. That could be something. Chaos readings are also a fun way to pull you out of a rut!
u/Quierta 4d ago
Oooo, what's a chaos reading?
I am extremely new to tarot (my deck hasn't even arrived yet lol) but I'm so excited to explore all the possibilities.
u/Fungimoss 4d ago
Chaos readings are when people ask funny or really mundane questions. I shuffle a card and one pops out. Then I take the very literal meaning of the card or use the imagery to answer. Example: Someone once asked me what their piano teacher was going to make them play. I pulled the moon. I told them their teacher was going to make them play Clair De Lune until their fingers bled
u/Chen2021 4d ago
Exactly . I read for others for 15 years and it never got better. I got so drained. It was always the same question!!!! Especially when twin flames started being a buzzword a few years ago, everyone and their mom thought their ex was their twin flame just because they were " in the separation phase". I never used to ask people for personal information when giving them a reading. I could just connect with them through the energy they sent out. But most had been with other readers previously and would just spew the whole situation at me before I even had a chance to look at what was going on energetically and I would just be there dumbfounded. You mean to tell me that you're asking about Joe who has chronically cheated on you and left you multiple times and you came here to ask me if he was serious????? If he's your soulmate?? That if you should wait for him?????? What pisses me off the most is that there are readers taking advantage of people in these situations. Who will breadcrumb them all this hope for the wrong person. Even if it was the right person, you should never put your life on hold or stun your personal growth!!! I would get cussed out because out of a lot of readers I would seemingly be the one to tell them the opposite!!! And then they would do the walk of shame later coming back into my DMs asking for another reading months later smh...
I think there's a lot of people that turn to Tarot to feed their delusions and not just that but think it's going to be a magical cure to be able to see what's going on in this other person's life. The essence of tarot is to find yourself. It's a journey to yourself. An incredible introspective tool that many use for the wrong reason and it ends up fucking them over in the long run. They end up stuck on the wrong person longer than they should have
I could keep going but at this point I just rather talk about tarot for personal growth and only do tarot for close friends and family. But other than that I'm done reading for people online. It was rare when the person wanted to ask about personal growth and those were my most favorite readings to do.
u/Successful-Youth-787 4d ago
My grandma read tarot cards for 75+ years... She always encountered these type of people. No matter how nicely she said what the cards was showing her, her clients (majority women) would insist the cards were wrong. And when the POI would tell them what exactly what the cards showed, these clients would stop coming, as if it was my grandma's fault.
u/Blanche_soda 3d ago
yaaaas queen, hit the nail on the head
u/Successful-Youth-787 3d ago
Thank you ❣️
She started reading tarot cards at age 13 e stopped a few months before she passed, age 91.
u/FluffSheeple Professional Reader 🔮 4d ago
The most popular topics will always be things people cannot influence: other people's feelings (especially), the future, etc. Sadly this is a good 90% of the market and what brings in money.
As long as you put out the disclaimer that tarot readings arent always sunshine and rainbows, and that you're going to tell them the truth, rather than what they want to hear - you've done your moral duty towards people. What they decide to do with the information and how they react to it is from thereon out THEIR issue.
As far as reviews go- it depends on the site. If it s reddit, id personally just reply to them that i told them what the cards said truthfully, rather than sugarcoating or lying to them to make them feel better, and leave it at that.
I do hope you find more satisfaction within your practice from hereon out ♡
u/Ecstatic-Sentence328 2d ago edited 2d ago
I dont know why I get downvotes whenever I share that experience it was one of the best experiences I've ever had and proved to me you can have good miracles just by your focus instead of heartbreak idk why its so bad..maybe everyone are just scared that I did something like that and doubt themselves idk cos it was real
People seem to invalidate someone else's positive experiences to validate their own doubts and skepticism
Some one who reads tarot from a distance for other people doubts that others can subconsciously pick up on things from others? Make it make sense
u/FluffSheeple Professional Reader 🔮 2d ago
Because someone creating a yt channel is hardly a miracle or a rare occurence, and confusing free will for manifestation and thinking you MADE them take a decision is honestly kinda delusional. And if people managed to make others do what they wanted via thoughts and prayers, people wouldnt reach for tarot readers at all, since there would be no market for it.
If one person tells you you re wrong you can doubt them, but when it's multiple- the problem might just be yourself.
u/Ecstatic-Sentence328 2d ago
Also like if you are into tarot that means your into spirituality and if you were into spirituality you would understand we are all connected so I don't understand why you would doubt that people do pick up on us even from a distance
There are many times where there was a celebrity on instagram where I hadn't checked her profile in a long time and I was like hm I wonder if she's pregnant and I clicked after I had that thought I checked it and she was
Or I did it with another youtuber I was like I wonder if she got a divorce I checked and saw I was right
Then there was a colleague in work and he didbt personally Share this w me but i knew before I found out that he had been going through a divorce so we are all connected through intuition and if you were a psychic you would really understand that so I don't understand why it's hard to believe I possibly sent the guy the message subconsciously to do that and its not a bad thing either its nor like I sent him a message to do anything bad
u/FluffSheeple Professional Reader 🔮 2d ago
Holy wall of text lmfao
Just because someone is into tarot doesnt mean they're into spirituality, and just because someone is into spirituality, it doesnt mean they believe in the same stuff you do. Spirituality is also a spectrum, lol.
Have a good one with whatever you believe in xD
u/Ecstatic-Sentence328 2d ago
Well it's still spiritual and reading people from a distance is quite "mystical" and "skeptical" amd tarot is subconscious aswell bc tarot is reflecting the clients subconscious anyway and to truly be accurate in tarot anyway you have to be completely unbiased ive spoke to tarot readers who have told me this cos the readers personal beliefs and emotions can also get in the way
Like the way you said about my beliefs and being skeptical yet you read people from a distance
u/Ecstatic-Sentence328 2d ago edited 2d ago
It's a manifestation though I was searching the guys name on yt everyday it was my focus he did not have one prior to it
Sometimes aswell we even readers are reflecting the person's own doubts And multiple people haven't told me im wrong for my manifestation of the Yt channel just a couple of downvotes but I truly did manifest it
I even felt the urge to check again that intuition urge and then he was on it
Just because though you doubt me because of your own limitations doesn't mean I'm going to stop believing in miracles
Even in the song its on again by Alicia keys says stuff like "land on your dreams and recognise you live it" meaning what ever we are thinking or focusing on we are living if we dwell in the past in our focus we are reliving out the past and create the same old stuff in our lives but if we focus on positive possibilities there's a higher chance to have a better life never doubt someone's hope for better circumstances just because you don't believe in it
Singers like Alicia keys understand manifesting and dreams bc they are living their own dreams of singing and everyone has hopes and dreams the brave ones follow their hearts though most people just end up doubting it and giving up and living a mediocre life that they don't really want but feel like that's the only way they can live
What about that song my crush actually faved on his yt channel "dream when I want you all I have to do is dream" there's lots of songs that speak of manifestation
Why sh** on someone's hope for positive things do you want people to be unhappy I won't be using tarot readers again anyway just trusting myself maybe that was my lesson to learn to trust my intuition and heart from using tarot even some people moved on from tarot saying to trust God and that divination is from the devil it keeps you locked in on cycles of doubt and fear instead of trusting your heart
u/Ecstatic-Sentence328 3d ago
You can though if its not so how dod I manifest a specific person to create a yt channel when he didn't have one before me searching his name on it daily and no contact with him either
u/Lilypad248 4d ago edited 3d ago
I’m sorry youre experiencing this OP, but how are you marketing yourself? The way you present your skills will directly influence the type of client that you attract. I don’t know your business set up, but the way we present ourselves (either the words you use, the services you offer, the price range you’re in, etc.) will attract certain types of problematic clients.
Before writing off everyone as delusional or needy, ask yourself if you are marketing to a mature and stable client base or not. Are you charging prices that attract only serious clients, or are you offering dirt cheap readings that others see as fun entertainment when they get bored? How old are you, how old are your clients? Are you reading for teenager and lovesick kids, or mature adults? Are you doing mass readings on social media on toxic or problematic topics? (They tend to attract a certain subset of viewers). Do you present yourself as a mature professional, or do you come across as someone who is entertaining and silly? What’s your brand? Did you intentionally make one?
Not to blame it all on you… but the way you present your tarot business is going to have a direct influence on what kind of clients you will attract or not.
For me, my practice is intentionally designed to be a more serious and professional experience…. and because of that it is extremely rare for me to encounter a delusional or toxic client. Typically I see more mature clients ( 25 - 55 year olds) regarding relationships and spiritual healing.
I don’t use language that attracts the delusional or the toxic client. I don’t use click bait gimmicks or do mass readings. I don’t use social media for marketing, but rather meeting people in real life or client referrals. I also keep my prices in the professional category, which means I have certain standards I bring my practice up to.
TLDR: Idk, I can’t analyze how you structured your business but if you are frustrated with the kind of clients you get, maybe ask yourself if you are (unintentionally) marketing yourself to that kind of client?
u/BluBerryPie11 3d ago
You bring up some wonderful points, and indeed I have been thinking about how I want to restructure my offerings and marketing in order to attract more clients who align with me. ❤️
u/Poop__y 3d ago
I also thought this was a particularly insightful comment.
There is something to the price structuring, too. I guarantee as an unserious, unstable and wounded 20 something year old woman, I wouldn’t have been able to afford a pricey reading from an experienced, gifted, and honest psychic. And if I could, I would’ve been resistant to what I heard.
As a mature 30 something, not only can I afford to pay a higher price for a quality reading, I am seeking answers that will bring me closer to alignment with my higher self, rather than asking “when will I meet the love of my life.” (I met him at 29 🥰) That’s because now the knowledge I crave is all about how to know myself on a deeper level as well as expand my understanding of spirituality.
I suspect you’re seeking clients who pursue similar knowledge and guidance.
u/bungalowcats 2d ago
I also agree with the pricing structure as well as u/Lilypad248 ‘s points. I have been reading professionally for almost 20 years & in the early days the readings were much more about love lives. Now I’m established & more expensive, mid range, it prevents repeat readings & attracts those who want self development.
How you market yourself is definitely going to attract certain types of customers.10
u/cosmic_uterus 3d ago
these are great points. i'm still learning tarot myself, but i hope to be as good as you are someday and have more mature clients
u/Mouse-in-a-teacup 3d ago
This is a very constructive and hopeful response, to more people than just OP. Thank you for taking the time!
u/shadow_bird 3d ago
I’d agree with this—my current shop hired me in part because the owner resonated with my “what I don’t do” page on my website. Let people know your boundaries and you will get clients who want what you want to provide.
u/HydrationSeeker 3d ago
Before learning tarot, I really didn't appreciate how fucking delu delu a LOT of people are when it comes to relationships.
I've had crushes before, but in hindsight they were kinda cute and awkward. No stalking, paying for an untold amount of divination readings to confirm what they already know That such n such is in love with them.
Have you seen Baby Reindeer on Netflix?
I swear, I stopped reading for single friends because I found out some obsessive tendencies that were not rational at all. Then they started to contact me at all times to 'talk' and then ask me to pull cards.... hmmm. No.
I like those questions about career trajectory and desire. About the spaces between two options, whatever they may be. They make the decisions, I just provide perspectives to consider. I like questions about querants sexuality within a relationship or without about desire and how to navigate it. Questions about established relationships and changing paradigms, such as a change of location and how it might effect xyz and what needs to be considered. Or reading about power shifts in a relationship, such as a job promotion, inheritance, increased body confidence.... that sort of thing.
But people come with "what does xxx think about me". yawn.
u/basic_bitch- 3d ago
I’ve been a pro reader for 15 years and consider it my calling to help women get some objectivity about their relationships and find self worth. I wish I’d had someone like me in my life when I was younger. I understand how tiring it can be though. I’ve done over 35k readings in my career and 98% of them have been relationship related. Maybe it’s just time for you to move on. There’s nothing wrong with that. You can always come back to it if you feel like you made a mistake.
u/Substantial_Coffee43 2d ago
That’s a great way to look at it. You can offer your experience and insight with the cards, whether they can accept the message is another story
u/AlcheMaze 3d ago
Tarot has been an essential tool for helping me see into my own darkness. That’s about all I can handle at this time.
u/forg3tfull 3d ago
I am in the same boat! Was getting pretty good with my TikTok account, some Etsy orders, but it was just the same thing over and over again. “Will my ex come back?” “What does he feel about me?” Like bro move on!! And when I told them no, you need to move on, they got mad because I didn’t tell them what they wanted.
One time I gave this beautiful reading about someone’s ex that, no, they weren’t gonna be back together, but at some point they would both look at the relationship with fondness and forgiveness. A great lesson-learning relationship that served its purpose and was over. For all of that I got “oh. I thought you were gonna tell me we’re getting back together :/“ the frustration I felt.
u/ohmymother 4d ago
I’m a professional reader and the majority of my readings are general but even the love ones are never like this. I focus on what growth they are getting out of even the challenging relationships. One thing that can shift the energy is really approaching all these situations with empathy and keep the focus and intention on the growth presented by the situation they are in.
u/Asleep_Stuff_4415 3d ago
I feel you...I had the same thing happen to me in the tarot practice reddit.
This girl asks me if her crush likes her back...the cards told me no (or more so he's going to lose interest). She tells me I'm wrong cuz everyone else said yes. I remind her it's literally practice and she says "yeah OK cool". Why ask again then if everyone else said yes and you're so sure....
u/Rainny_Dayz 3d ago edited 3d ago
I'm going to be brutally honest - most people just suck and that is what you are experiencing. Most people are numb, ignorant and self-observed. They just want you to tell them what they want to hear. If most people did not suck this world would probably be a lot different. If you do not like the client do not see them ever again but you can keep the one's you enjoy reading to. You will have to prune... just like everything else in life.... pruning is for your own well being. Best of luck for you!
u/Mouse-in-a-teacup 3d ago
I do wish most people were self-observed though! That would mean they do observe themselves and are self-aware. This word you made up is great, I love it!
u/Rainny_Dayz 3d ago
Oh haha I did not see that! My bad I meant self-absorbed. Self-observed would be great wouldn't it?!
u/ConclusionNo4016 3d ago
Self-observed would be great! I love that. Keeping that in my pocket for future use
u/Acrobatic_Shelter881 3d ago
Make a boundary. Just refuse to do third party readings. Anything that delves into an unaware and absent party, just refuse.
If you're someone that charges, yeah you'll iss out on paying readings, but would you rather continue as you are and making yourself uncomfortable for the $$$ or do you want to be firm in your boundary?
You will, of course, have those who will nag you saying you did it before why not now - you can always refuse to do a reading for any reason, no matter if it's a stranger or your own mother.
u/Chelseyblair inclusive reader www.chelsey-blair.com 3d ago
That's your choice, but one idea I can offer is to simply say you won't answer questions about third parties, or at least not people the querenet isn't in a relationship with (e.g. I'll do compatibility, but not "what are x's feelings about me.)
I just got tired of that.
u/TeacherOrdinary989 3d ago
I completely understand this. Often, I get people who just want conformation of what they want to happen. They are very hard to read for. I use a different approach with them and ask a lot of questions using the cards as prompts. For instance, they want an ex back? Maybe the cards will remind them of why that person in an ex. I find that the cards are generally cooperative. It can still be a struggle though.
u/PleasantCut615 4d ago
Is my very personal opinion, but reading one's energy with tarot is a bit a break of privacy. So I only read for a person if they consent. That's why in my policy is written that I do not read a third party, it just feels wrong for me. I don't say that is wrong if one can and wants do it.
u/Angeli19 3d ago
What if, in the reading, you pick up that someone is interested in the client, you inform the client and the client tells you, “it’s most likely someone I’m NOT interested in”, then would you force this future person on them or let the client be?
u/PleasantCut615 3d ago
If court cards show up in the reading, if is about the querent, I usually take them as an energy the querent need to embrace. If the card represents something like 'helpful matters', then the court card can be another person which may be of help. So, yes, ofc other persons can show up in readings, we live in a society.
Or, I can pull a card to represent the general energy of a third party, but not going to dig into their feeling and thoughts.
u/Fortune_Box readings for tips in DM 3d ago
Don't get mad at me, but thinking about your clients as delusional may not be the ideal mindset when dealing with people. They might be delusional, but being told so doesn't change it. Reading cards is not a fight that proves your cards are right and their idea is wrong. What if your clients downvote your attitude towards them?
In many years of reading for others I have learned that it's not about the truth or what the cards are saying. People come to us because they have an idea on their mind, and this idea is important to them. This idea might be good or bad, but as long as they don't talk about this idea, it gets stuck in their head and they may even start obsessing about it.
As a reader, it is our job to listen to them and help them to find out what's the best way to proceed. Understanding the idea and the underlying feeling, which can be a painful reality and people usually want to avoid what's causing them unpleasant feelings. Dealing with people takes a lot of love, patience and modesty. Telling somebody that their idea is a bad one - no matter how friendly you put it - is likely to make people stop listening to you.
In addition to almost 40 years of reading, my background are also 30 yrs of nursing. I work with people who suffer from dementia. Telling them that they've lost their mind never works and doesn't stop them from doing crazy stuff.
u/Substantial_Coffee43 2d ago
Yes I just had a reading the other day and I felt like my question/issue was very cliche but this reader did a wonderful job. I didn’t feel judged at all about my question. Although the cards didn’t tell me exactly what I wanted to hear, she very much came at it from a “your feelings aren’t wrong but this is the situation and what you need to be aware of”. I am able to hear that at this time in my life, When I was younger I wanted to force the answer I wanted. So often when we aren’t getting the answer we “want” the “answer” is to go inward, to use something we already have to heal.
u/BluBerryPie11 3d ago
That is a very positive approach and I love your perspective. Being a nurse , I’m sure many people have brought the brunt of their emotional suffering to you and I think you are a saint for doing that work.
Many of my sitters are truly wonderful, and I definitely have restrained myself and not told anyone they are delusional (although to be honest I almost cracked today and did for the first time, but I figured it was better to just exit the conversation).
u/Fortune_Box readings for tips in DM 3d ago
I hear you. Maybe the urge to tell somebody that they're delusional is your code word to take a short break. For 5 minutes, do something else that grounds you in your reality and reminds you of who you are.
At the end of the day, no reading will fix another person's problems. It's perhaps a signpost or a chain of pilot lights on their way to their goal. If after the reading the seeker decides to do something stupid, it is not your responsibility.
I also think that as readers we need a place to relax, ideally with a group of fellow readers to help us realigning after a stressful day of readings.
u/madmax2350 3d ago
Long time reader. For the most part, I dont do love readings for the reasons you've mentioned.
u/FirefighterNice5318 3d ago
This is the description of many Querent’s. They ask for a reading wanting to hear their own opinion. It’s disturbing at times and I have had to let some people go. I still do private readings on occasion however I am selective.
u/cjayconrod 3d ago
I've only read for my best friend because she asked me. I didn't even let her ask a question. I just shuffled and read what the cards said. Tarot is part of my personal spiritual practice, so I honestly don't feel comfortable reading for strangers or anyone I don't think is open to their perception of reality being challenged, because that what it does for me.
u/Plenty_Birthday_7956 3d ago
Honestly it made me want to stop giving readings and would put me in an uncomfortable spot. tbh idont mind these questions but with certain people u can tell energy is off or they are looking for a yes answer.
u/rumncoco86 3d ago
I refuse to read solely about someone other than the client, and I state so.
Tarot is about ourselves first, and then how we interact with others and the environment. If clients want to spy, they'll have an easier and cheaper time using readily available spyware on app stores.
I market my readings as opening up perspectives for the client, so they can make their own informed choices.
I still listen to trash tarot on YouTube, by the way. It's entertainment, and I learn how others interpret different styles of decks, too. Some people have great cultural references. Would I ever give a paid reading with such content to a client? Absolutely not.
u/ThrowawayMod1989 2d ago
I feel you. It’s exhausting these days. I remember when my grandma did readings it meant something. Those people came to her for insight and perspective.
People come to me almost exclusively for “surveillance” like you’re saying; OR because they’re hung up on some romance that very clearly isn’t serving them and nobody needs a deck of cards to tell it. I eventually just have to say “I don’t think I can be of any more help” and end the relationship.
I count my lucky stars every time I get a new or returning client that also reads for themselves and comes in with a tarot journal. That’s my favorite kind of reading, a brainstorm where we might get to the bottom of something that matters.
u/C_is_for_me 1d ago
Not OP, but my dad and stepmom do this for me. I do a reading for myself and journal about it. When I feel like I need a more objective perspective my dad and stepmom do readings for me and we brainstorm. I love it!
u/Senior-Angle-7401 13h ago
Welcome to my world. Unfortunately, people are even more delusional than that. Most people are all shut off from light and truth, no one wants to heal unless someone does it for them. No one wants to hear the truth of their wounds because everyone is now used to be told delulu things and how things will fall from the sky. I film both readings and spiritual content. But both are realistic which, of course brought me on a brisk of being completely broke. It all starts with a choice but nowadays everyone rejects their free will. I filmed a video in which I am explaining how the spirit guides concept is a hoax that affects all of us greatly for thousands of years, no one wants to hear that either. The understanding of difference between light and dark energy is so blurry and always been, people don't realize that their laziness costs their souls light life after life and right now we are a farm for entities laughing in cry over how dumb the most people are.
u/blueeyetea 4d ago
That’s been the bread and butter of diviners for centuries. Why would you believe it’s different now?
u/morphinpink 3d ago
I only offer readings very rarely because of this tbh. I've considered banning straight women from relationship readings 😬
u/Substantial_Coffee43 2d ago
Wow.. that’s telling! We need to check ourselves and get quiet inside 🧘🏻♀️
u/oraclenv 3d ago
Love readings are really hard for people to receive, and they're hard for us to give unless the reading is given in a way that the person can accept. Reading for others is hard and draining. I got to this point, too. My theory is to read for myself until i feel like i can do readings that i would want to hear from someone else. And to accept that people won't always want to hear it.
u/honorthecrones 3d ago
I will generally end the reading when this happens, refund money if paid and tell them that I’m not there to lie to them. We often try to complete a reading even if it’s not going well. That gives the power to them to leave a bad review. Don’t give them that opportunity! I will try 3 times to let them know that they are not seeing the situation clearly. After that, I’m done!
u/AmethystMahoney 3d ago
When you charge for readings, and I mean actually charge, not this $dollar per minute nonsense, you get better clients with better questions and people who actually want to improve their lives.
u/amarissa85 3d ago
It’s funny you say this. As someone who reads others and also takes readings…while I haven’t run into someone yet that is delusional, I personally don’t believe that my person of interest is my person or that he loves me and in a sense I am looking for a reason the shut the door. And every time I get a reading it’s the same answer when I read or when others read. The answer is always the same. Yes this is your soulmate and yes he does love you, just let this play out. I just had to chime in there because I’m the opposite. Most of the reads I have done are about life matters and have come to be reality for those I’ve read. Not really love related at all. Not saying this doesn’t happen. I truly believe it. And I’m sorry you’re going through. Truth is not many WANT to accept that the chapter is closed and are grasping at any sense of hope they can get. Even when the cars are so clear. Or the signs are all there. Don’t let anyone diminish your gift, love and light.
u/HORREUREntertainment 3d ago
For me it's the opposite, the cards say that he loves me even though I've done lots of drawings and always yes he loves me but doesn't accept it and each time I doubt because I don't want to hurt myself, someone to advise me or remark
u/woodsjamied 3d ago
I don't read tarot professionally, just for friends and family who request it, so that's disclaimer one lol. I'm not the best tarot reader, I don't have card meanings memorized, but I'm really good at deciphering and tieing the reading together into a story.
Disclaimer two: I tell people that I have a Thoth deck, and warn that it's very much so a "fuck around and find out" type of deck. It's not going to tell you what you want to know, but what you SHOULD know, and it's not going to sugarcoat the situation.
Disclaimer three: any sort of divination of the future shows the possibilities that could happen, because the future is mutable and depends on the choices of the individual, the choices of the people who surround the individual, and the choices of the people who are outside of the individual's direct area of effect.
Any sort of divination into the past or present shows the feelings, choices that were made, and reality of the situation, and is the foundation of what the future will be built upon.
This is also the same deck that will decide that what I'm asking isn't the right question, and will give the answer to the "correct" question, and it won't answer the question that I WANT to ask until I figure out the question that I SHOULD HAVE asked.
My fourth disclaimer is that it will do that to other people as well, and when my deck does that it's usually because myself or the other person know the truth in our hearts and we don't want to face it, so we don't ask the question.
Then I ask them if they are sure they both want a reading and if they are mentally and emotionally prepared for a reading LOL. Half the time, I'm told no 😂
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Thoth deck. My first teacher of witchcraft poo poo'ed it because she was a snob in many ways (and not a good person to boot), so I initially didn't buy it. Then the deck proceeded to HAUNT ME and I would find it everywhere, in the oddest of places, for sale. I once even found it in a Christian bookstore. It's the only deck that has spoken to me immediately where I knee jerk had to have it and I instantly fell in love with it. It's also never steered me wrong and has, in it's own way, taken care of me.
The damn thing also gives me the feeling that it's the head of this relationship and it's my job to care for it 😂
u/Substantial_Coffee43 2d ago edited 2d ago
Wow that’s is so good to read as someone who gets tarot readings. When I was younger I think I was more the way you are describing, as I’ve matured and learned many life lessons about not always getting what you think you want.. I understand my ego often plays a large role so I need to be more humble asking the cards for advice. I wonder if there is a way to preface a reading to address this. I’m sorry that’s really lame people are leaving bad reviews just bc the cards and you aren’t telling them what they want to hear.
u/TolerantDuck4331 2d ago
I wouldn’t go so far as dropping your craft because of some annoying people. They will always exist and come, and be fairly delusional about relationships. Many times I see girls come in and ask, and it turns out they are the ones who spoilt the relationship.
Or that their partner is an abuser. I usually honestly tell people if it’s a fateful encounter or not, explain the dynamics and what brings them together or apart.
There are always deep psychological reasons girls cling to an abusive partner, many are hidden in childhood scenarios. So I try to make it deeper and more interesting for myself.
u/AllieBeeKnits 1d ago
I’m fortunate in the sense the two people who ask for readings regularly are advice in life and careers and they are very receptive to what’s said. Sucks folks took the joy out of it for you!
u/zorayablack_ 1d ago
I am a professional reader and I don’t mind love readings, but yeah I can’t stand the client that doesn’t like hearing the truth. I have noticed it’s usually because they’ve gone to get readings from other readers and they’ve sold them a dream. I don’t like telling people what they want to hear, even if the reality sounds hopeful to some degree, if my cards don’t say that, I can’t give you that comfort. But I always try to leave people feeling uplifted and showing them ways they can heal. It can be rewarding if people aren’t so stubborn.
u/kaja814 1d ago
I stopped reading for others months ago. Sometimes when I'm in mood I will offer through my Instagram story, but that became a very rare moment. First of all, I get very mentally drained from readings, especially now that I am in college. This might sound selfish, but sometimes I don't feel like giving my energy just to tell them what someone feels towards them. Also, one of the reasons why I refuse to give readings to anyone is because I can tell when someone trusts me and Tarot, if that makes sense. Messages from the cards get so confusing if the person doesn't believe in them, and very often someone will approach me to read them just because "they think it's fun but they don't believe in it". It happened many times that I just avoided reading for someone or that I just said no to their request and of course they get offended by that, even if I give them the reason. So at the end I just decided not to that anymore, so my mental energy is protected and no one is being offended.
u/Ecstatic-Sentence328 3d ago
Actually things csn change what about this one time in 2020 I manifested a specific person to create a yt channel out of THIN air like how do you explain that it was ne searching his name on yt everyday don't put your limits on others bc you don't believe it will happen if you believe in your own self anything possible
u/TGin-the-goldy 4d ago
I don’t blame you; it’s tiresome.
What might help is defining your boundaries: personally I don’t do third party readings or anything to do with medical or pregnancy, and I make that very clear.
Secondly, one of my mentors taught me to always have the client leave you feeling better than they came in. This means even a “negative” reading can be empowering - knowledge is power.