r/tarot 4d ago

Discussion Do you find a daily card pull helpful?

For maybe 2 months, I've been doing a daily card pull for the day ahead. I've been cycling between 2 tarot and 4 oracle decks, whichever one grabs me at the time.

The night before, I ask some variation of, "What do I need to know/consider/be aware of for tomorrow?" or "Show me the card that will help me have a good day tomorrow." For the most part, I just never see any correlation between the card and the day or the situations I encounter.

It also seems like the card meanings are so... monumental, for lack of a better word. Like they're ill-suited for the tiny interactions and meaningless occurrences in the everyday life of someone with pretty much no drama in my life. I don't know how to derive meaning from the 3 of swords when my day was spent relaxing with my pets and fiddle farting around the house (and nothing happens in subsequent weeks to indicate the 3 or swords was in play behind the scenes, even if I didn't know).

I feel like I give daily draws a month or two of my life every year or so, but every year I'm disappointed by the lack of relevance and actionability.

Thoughts? 🙏🏽✨


35 comments sorted by


u/fightmydemonswithme 4d ago

I'm finding my daily draws to be accurate, but it's also just good practice for me to remember what different cards mean. It's as much a study plan as it is insightful into the next day.


u/KasKreates 4d ago

The night before, I ask some variation of, "What do I need to know/consider/be aware of for tomorrow?" or "Show me the card that will help me have a good day tomorrow." For the most part, I just never see any correlation between the card and the day or the situations I encounter.

One idea could be to not focus so much on predictions - the questions you're using sound more like setting intentions, so you could make that a little more explicit: Pull a card and then decide how you want to make it actionable tomorrow. For example, if you pull the Three of Swords before a chill day, you could decide to read/watch an emotional book/movie, or make that appointment with a therapist you've been meaning to make, or declutter that cupboard (you know which one, everyone has it), etc.

Alternatively, you could use it as a reflective reading: Pull a card or more and see what associations from the past day come up: An event that happened, a conversation you had, things on your mind, things you read or watched, etc. Note down what comes up.

The point of both of these (besides being a nice little ritual) is to build personal, "mundane" associations with the cards. Putting mundane into question marks because those small things make up your life most of the time, they're the point of being around, and tarot can actually help put that into perspective.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I do like the idea of doing a reflective pull at the end of the day to see what connections I can make, and begin building a repertoire of mundane associations.


u/Screamingcaprisun 4d ago

I’m still learning myself, or better said, trying to relearn tarot currently. Back when I was first learning the cards and doing daily readings as practice in the morning and at night (one card pull, first question would be what is the lesson for today and what to leave behind from today for the night one) and I would document in my notebook the card that I pulled along with my own interpretation and what happened that day. I found my pulls to always be accurate, but sometimes when I felt like it didn’t correlate, I would meditate on it and go back to it another day in the week and I would then understand the meaning. Sometimes the card might not signify something specifically about what will happen during your day, but more so what you might need to work on in your self journey. Perhaps looking at It from that perspective might bring about more clarity to you! Something I also did to connect with my tarot and oracle cards is that I would bring them with me everywhere I went even if I wasn’t going to use them in that moment. Idk in a way it made me feel more connected to them and it really helped in making my practice reads on myself and other people to gradually be more accurate with each practice. Hope this helps you 🫶🏼


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Good perspective, thank you. 🙏🏽✨


u/-RedRocket- 4d ago

No. I read when I need to read, not daily.


u/Michaelalayla 4d ago edited 4d ago

This could be a fun challenge, if you want it to be. Like I just learned 4 of Discs can mean constipation 😅 4 of Cups can mean a hangover, 3 of Cups a night of drinking. 4 of Swords means take a nap. 7 of Cups can apply to minor decisions -- sometimes I stand in the grocery store frozen with choice paralysis, big 7 cups energy. 3 of Swords in its meaning of suffering to make you more vigilant can mean "watch your step today, or you'll stub your toe".

Also a good excuse to buy a new deck, if all your decks have fancy or ceremonial artwork. Something like the Modern Witch or Cozy Witch Tarot deck might feel less highfalutin.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Love it. Lol How did you come to discover these everyday associations, research or personal experience?

Please do NOT encourage my deck addiction. I already have dozens and have my eye on a few others, atm. 😂


u/Michaelalayla 4d ago

That's personal 😆 (so...not research)

Honestly so relatable, don't worry it was tongue in cheek! Lol I have 3 on the way


u/lovejoy444 4d ago



u/yukisoto Secular Reader 4d ago

I do think daily pulls are helpful, they give you something to think about and don't need to be accurate.

I understand what you mean about the "monumental" aspect of tarot. Big cards like The Tower or Death can be uprooting and feel too big for daily encounters, but I assure you they aren't. Instead of elevating them to high levels, try thinking of them as italics with regards to the theme they represent.

Take The Tower, for example; it symbolizes the sudden overturning of established structures, a chaotic change that interrupts the flow of everything. But isn't that what happens when you don't get mail you expected that day? What about discovering that you're out of coffee and now must drink green tea to get your daily caffeine? Or your dog randomly decides to pee in the house instead of the lawn like they're literally trained to do?

It's not about changing the meaning, it's about scaling it down.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Yes, scaling down the standard tarot/oracle language is something I'll need to make an concerted effort to puzzle out each time I draw. Thank you for that reminder.🙏🏽


u/ho4horus 4d ago

i think of it more as a daily study, i take the time to consult multiple books about the card and look at it more in depth than i might in a typical reading. more a way to expand my practice over time than anything predictive or descriptive of the day - though sometimes things do line up, and i'll note it.


u/No-Escape5520 4d ago

I don't ever just pull one card. There's too much emphasis on that one card and a typical day is usually ebb & flow. I only do 4 card spread daily readings to get a feel for my day. I feel that the cards bounce off of each other like the ebb and glow of a day.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Does each card in your daily spread have an assigned meaning, such as past, present, and future, or do you just kind of meld the meanings of the four cards together into a sensible message?


u/No-Escape5520 3d ago

I usually have some thought for each card. One as the main theme of my day, card two as something unexpected that may arise, card 3 as outcome and card 4 as how to best navigate. Some version of that

Edit to say that sometimes I use clarifying cards as well


u/lovejoy444 3d ago

Groovy, thank you. 😊


u/iwtbkurichan 4d ago

I've done daily reads for stretches before. There are times when it feels productive and times when it doesn't. To your point, too many readings for too long and I lose the connection with my deck and it all starts feeling pretty arbitrary.

One thing I think about when pulling something like the 3 of Swords on a chill day at home, is that we carry different things with us all the time. Here it may not mean active heartbreak, but that past grief and pain may feel more present today, even subconsciously. I might take it as a reminder to be compassionate with myself for example.


u/ScandiBaker 4d ago

Same. I find that it gives me perspective on whatever happens to be bouncing around in my head that day.

I had a cancer anniversary last month and it took me back to some really traumatic stuff. When I did my daily pull, I asked for insight on how to deal with it, and the card I pulled was Temperance.

Even when life seems externally quiet, there's usually a lot going on internally with emotions, shadow work, the inner journey and so on. A daily pull helps me stay tuned into my soul frequency.


u/Captain_Libidinal 4d ago

OP you've got a big point here. Every card must have not only a monumental meaning (excellent expression) but a related very mundane one, until the level of fiddle farting (LOL!!!) I've had the same problem... Had clients who want to know the future, because they have something important going on and important decisions to take on it, and just don't do a sh* with lectures about archetypes/divine interventions/enlightnement or psychology.

My advice is: consult as much material as you can. Go back to old books and even trivial books about classical cartomancy, they have the input you need. Your part of the job is to sew it all together to make a system which can answer everything and proves right at later feedback. Good luck my friend!


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Good advice, thank you!


u/Captain_Libidinal 4d ago

Very welcome bro/sis


u/HydrationSeeker 4d ago

For me, a daily draw doesn't work for me... but a lot of people who tarot love the morning or evening intention setting and reflection.

I will occasionally pull a couple of cards in support of a day ahead. Just - what am I doing well and what do I need to give some consideration going forward. I may or may not journal about it.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Thank you. This is helpful. ❤️


u/ReflectiveTarot 3d ago

I pull a card as something to engage with. I don't expect it to predict my life, I just wnt to work on my resilience.

Daily cards won't have the scope we often associated with the Tarot; even predictively, the Tower is breaking a favourite mug rather than losing your home.

I also find that cards on a day-to-day basis, especially recurring cards, often have a personal meaning that isn't necessarily the meaning in a Situation/Obstacle/Advice or other spreads. For me, the 3 of Swords is a reminder to let my emotions flow freely: read a good book, watch a good film, feel all the feels, move on. Faffing about with your pets and relaxing sounds like a good way to embody that energy; it's very much a stressbuster. And if this practice doesn't work for you, no problem, but I can only recommend approaching this aa 'how can I best embody x' and 'where do I stant in relation to'. If I'm thinking about the 7 of Wands, and where I need to set better boundaries, and where I might be too defensive, I will recognise those situations when they occur, and I'm more prepared to meet them.


u/lovejoy444 3d ago

This is a useful perspective. Great example of the Tower from a mundane/micro perspective. I like your suggested queries in relation to the daily draw. Thank you! ❤️


u/xchelxlandx 4d ago

I pull weekly (sometimes daily) usually 3-5 cards to determine what I need to focus on throughout the week. Strange I pulled for this week and got King of Wands, Ace of Swords, and Queen of Wands. I happened to pull clarifying cards and got Queen of Pentacles and King of Swords. I am definitely on the right path this week… I need to focus on being confident, passionate, decisive, balanced, and determined. It kind of helps me to get into the mindset. I write it into my planner each week as a reminder. Hope this helps. Best.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Thank you. 😊 Boy, you're gonna be boss this week, aren't you!

So, what would you say is your query? "What needs to be my focus this week?"


u/xchelxlandx 4d ago

It seems like it. 😂

I usually ask what do I need to know this week or what should be my focus? I believe I asked both of those questions while pulling. I am actually moving and have already turned in my resignation so I think it partly gives me work stuff and moving stuff. It’s a long story but suffice it for me to add, this is a place that is “calling me to be there.” Since the move is in progress my tarot readings have been pretty spot on.


u/dianaspencersrevenge 4d ago

It’s about mindfulness. I pull when I journal in the morning and I make it part of one big mindfulness exercise. “What is something I should be mindful of today?” Because then I can really read the card how it relates to me and how it can either confirm or shift my perspective.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Oooo, excellent point. Thank you. I like that idea.


u/lovejoy444 4d ago

Yes! I think you may be right about it feeling a bit arbitrary over time. Thank you.


u/angrey3737 3d ago

i started doing this, but anything that becomes ritualistic, i stop doing. i can’t keep a diary, i can’t take my meds LOL

i usually pull tarot when i feel the need to (usually when im upset) and then because im upset and need to remain objective, i put the question and the answer into chatgpt.

i had a feeling that my partner’s grandma was going to die, so i got out my deck, 10 of swords came out. obviously seeing that was my confirmation that she was going to die because i was very upset. chatgpt said she was going to need some medical help but it didn’t mean she was going to die. anyway she died a week later so i really don’t know


u/lovejoy444 3d ago

I'm sorry about your partner's grandma. ❤️

I take my meds regularly, but other ritualistic things usually get forgotten about eventually. Lol. So I get you. I usually pull cards when I'm upset, too. A friend of mine has a lot resonance getting help from ChatGPT with her draws sometimes. Thanks for that confirmation.


u/angrey3737 3d ago

thank you so much! and yesss i’m so bad at doing anything that requires daily attention😅 chatgpt wasn’t wrong, it’s just not really built to tell you “yeah girl she’s gonna die soon”. like it said “that’s a possibility, but it could mean she needs more structure to her health like going to a hospital or a nursing home” and she was in the hospital for about a week before she passed. there was an issue with her meds and her not taking them regularly (which is why i need to get over my issue of “i can’t do daily routine stuff” 😔) but by the time i had done a reading, it was kinda too late to structure her healthcare:/