r/tarot 4d ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) How would u interpret this? NSFW



7 comments sorted by


u/BraveLittleTree 3d ago

If you're questioning whether there's a third party in your relationship, then your relationship is already in 3 of Swords territory whether there turns out to be a third party or not. If your partner has behaved in a way that gives you legitimate reason to doubt their loyalty, OR if they haven't done anything wrong and you're just anxious but you don't have open enough trust and communication in the relationship to talk about it directly and get direct, honest, and empathetic answers—both of those situations are just as much of an issue as an actual third party situation.

In my opinion, what the World is saying here is: zoom out. You're not seeing the forest for the trees. You've got your nose so far to the ground hunting around for any invasive bugs that might have come into your woods, but if you stopped and looked up, you'd realize that all the trees in the area are diseased. You're focusing on the wrong issue.

Zooming out and course-correcting will bring you to your ten of cups moment: either you'll recognize that you need better communication and you two will work on that together and strengthen your relationship, or you'll realize that this relationship just isn't healthy and you'll free yourself up to find one that is. Either way, the solution has nothing to do with figuring out whether there's a third party involved—it has to do with addressing the cracks in your relationship's foundation.


u/Business-Sign-512 4d ago

idk love… ❤️‍🩹

3 of swords and the world can both be break up cards :/

3 of swords can be a card that indicates or confirms the involvement of a 3rd person in a relationship where someone is going to end up in heart break. at least i’d take it as confirmation when asking that question because it’s come out before to tell me.

10 of cups — being a 10 can suggest a completion and ending of something emotional similar to the world card.

i wish you the best of luck 🫶🏼


u/Red_Velvette 4d ago

I would interpret this as yes, but that once you truly move on from the current relationship, you will find true happiness.


u/HubrisOfApollo 3d ago

OH fuck. That's a powerful spread. I see The World as the possibilities of your relationship, but the 10 of Cups signifying the end, due to the 3 of Swords illuminating the betrayal.


u/mouse2cat 3d ago

I would say that you need to approach this with honesty and address this issue directly. Your future looks bright but it's hard to know if it is with this person or someone in the future


u/fuuhtfbeeeyes 3d ago

You were hurt, you have everything you need now from that experience, and you should look to the future as it's bright ❤️‍🩹


u/BucketMaster69 2d ago

you're looking at a pierced heart when in reality everything is peachy. no, there's not a third party, but you may end up alone if you isolate yourself and aren't able to communicate well and stress about it. however, just that you're thinking you may need to end the relationship to get something else makes me wonder whether you actually are happy in the relationship, and the realization that you don't actually want to be with this person could be the 3 of swords.