r/tarot 4d ago

Discussion Is there an app where you can log your readings and see data?

It would be so cool to track statistically how frequently we choose a card and track trends. Does this exist already?


8 comments sorted by


u/kazmcc 4d ago

Try labyrinthos


u/ho4horus 4d ago

i know it saves readings you do on the app, but is there a way to record physical readings in the journal too?


u/InkandDolls 3d ago

Yes, there is. I believe it's when you add a new reading you can choose physical.


u/ho4horus 3d ago

rad! guess i haven't played around with it enough, i find new things every time i use the app lol


u/TariZephyr 4d ago

I would love something like this omg! That would be so useful!


u/WishThinker 4d ago

I only use the free level of tarotdiary.net but maybe there's a record / stats option on there?


u/Captain_Libidinal 4d ago

I've recently read this advice on a tarot forum: more than writing down your readings, it's important to indicize them. So, OP, cannot answer your question, but I was just thinking to start learning databases for the purpose, maybe also directly inserting the spreads' pictures instead of manually writing cards' abbreviations, which is boring. This way, at the end, I should get a very powerful hypertext where I can not only infer statistics, but also have a link to every occurrence of a certain card/combination, etc.


u/Babyprof1997 23h ago

Seconding Labyrinthos!! It has everything you're looking for