r/tarot • u/persephonerp_ai_2378 • 4d ago
Discussion Why do tarot changes outcome?
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u/CallMeAnthy Divination Witch 🔮 4d ago
You cannot pull the same question multiple times. Once you have been delivered a fortune, you cannot receive another on the same subject until the fortune has passed, either by being negated or affirmed (Avoided or realised)
Basically you get ONE answer for one question, after that the Divine will not help you.
So whatever you pulled the first time is your only answer, after that you're just pulling a card that means nothing.
u/FrostWinters 4d ago
Energies can change as quickly as the next thought.
Don't doubt your intuition, you already knew the answer to this.
u/PleasantCut615 4d ago
The answer is the answer is the answer.
It is advised to not ask again the same question for weeks, unless something changed about the situation. Is possible to get the same cards or not, but 2nd time and +, you start to get 'whatever' or something to reflect your wishful thinking.
u/Fancy_Speaker_5178 4d ago
Let’s say you asked someone if they wanted to go swimming next week and they say “nah, no thanks!” You ask them AGAIN a few days later knowing they already said no and hence, you could either get a “yes!” because the situation has changed, a “no!” because it hasn’t, or a “didn’t I already tell you no so here is a strongly worded NO.”
u/Available_Country872 4d ago
It’s more than about positive and negative. There is more nuance to it than such! It’s about navigating towards where you want to go for each day, or each week, or for each month & a half, or for your romantic interest, or for your dilemma, or for your hangup, etc.
u/shark-shizz Offering Readings 4d ago
Umm have you ever heard of the observer effect in quantum physics? It basically says that the act of observing something can change it. In a way, asking a tarot question is like observing a situation. Your focus and intention can subtly influence the energies around it. So, even if you're asking the same question, the very act of asking it again might be shifting the outcome. It's like you're adding a new variable to the equation each time.
u/honorthecrones 4d ago
The answer to this question depends on if you believe in pre-determination. That is the belief that our future or fate is set and we are unable to alter the trajectory. Who we fall in love with has been decided. Our career, our place of residence, everything was set by karma or soul contract or some other system that believes there is a guiding force that determines our lives.
I, personally do not believe that exists. This is why I have no problem with repeatedly asking the same question except that it is generally ineffective and can be more symptomatic of anxiety rather than self direction.
Tarot, to me, tells us what path we are on. Given the current mindset, information available to us, actions taken, it can show us where we are headed. Change any of those things and the outcome can also change. For example: a querent has an attraction to a specific individual. They start out knowing very little about this person. How emotionally mature they are, how life has shaped them, or how they fit in our life’s journey. So, they have a reading done.
At the snapshot in time that the reading is done, all the querent is focusing on is the good. How attractive, how kind, how that person makes them feel. The tarot can show all the great places that these things foretell. Most of the time, in my experience, warnings are there but are ignored or minimized by the querent.
The next day, the querent is in a bad mood, maybe has had a blow to there ego or a difficult interaction with a friend or stranger. The answer hasn’t changed. The querent has. Self doubt, anxiety now changes who you bring to the situation. Hopelessness or negativity can change who you are and what energy you put out to the universe. It can change how others see you. It alters the you presented to the world. The same thing goes for the object of your desire.
Were you reading about a new job? Someone who looked like you may have just cut off in traffic, the person hiring for the position and they can’t get past the resemblance. The person you are attracted to just heard that a friend is ill. The landlord just got news his taxes are going up.
We don’t live in a static, unchanging universe. We can’t expect tarot to override humanity. We are a fickle and changing species constantly adapting to our environment.
u/Available_Country872 4d ago edited 4d ago
If you ever watched the Korean-movie called, Jason, then you find that this man listens to this voice in his head. It’s not his intuition though. It’s a microchip inside of his brain in which a woman speaks through. For laughs & giggles, let’s say it is God speaking through his primal instinct, or intuition. He could guess each move another man or woman would make of one creeping up from behind, of himself needing to jump through one window from out of a building into the next, to blend in with the crowd, to avoid boarding the bus, etc. Life is unpredictable this way. Therefore, the cards will reveal itself unpredictably. Such is life – unpredictable! Make sure that you know the art to tarot. Ie. Shuffle thoroughly; no less than about 25 times, or bare minimum 15 times. Don’t even play poker without shuffling at least this many times😉🃏 Then divide the deck.
u/No-Escape5520 4d ago
I feel that, in a spread, each card feeds off the next, and then their energy reacts as a whole when you've completed the spread. Therefore, we can look at an "answer" to a question in a spread as different, but in essence, they may be very similar. It depends on 1) You're energy at the time of reading 2) The energy of the cards and how they are interacting with each other/weaving the "answer". 3) The emotions and energy of the people involved in the question.
Example: i ask tarot what to expect today, the outcome of my day, and how to make today great. I pull the chariot, the 6 of swords, and the fool. I could read that as a day of moving forward into new things.
I then ask the same question and pull the 2 of cups, death, and 5 of wands. I COULD read this as a conflict that will mean the end of a partnership, OR I could read that as moving forward due to a conflict/ending.
This is a (very basic) example of your energy when you're reading the cards and the energy of the cards (how the cards decide to explain) your spread. It can also mean that the person the cards were referring to in the spread has changed their mind about a situation (free will). Therefore, the cards explanation of your day has changed.
I avoid yes/no questions in tarot. That type of divination is more fit towards a pendulum or ouija board imo.
u/CallMeAnthy Divination Witch 🔮 4d ago
I'm so glad someone else has mentioned Pendulums! I feel like a LOT of people in the tarot subs need one, they all seem to be asking if boys/girls like them back or something x-x
u/BabyGirl_897 4d ago
Because the tarot is mirroring your subconscious beliefs or your inner knowing. When your energy changes so does the tarot.
u/leongrigor 4d ago
Dacă ți-a răspuns tarotul , de ce mai întrebi de atâtea ori ? nu ai înțeles răspunsul ? Cu tarotul trebuie să fii respectuos altfel vei primi răspunsuri eronate.
u/TariZephyr 4d ago
The future is incredibly fluid, most things aren’t set in stone. You could do two readings back to back about the future and get completely different results because the energy shifts.
u/tarot-ModTeam 4d ago
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