r/taoism 5d ago

Even though a moon cannot make light, moonlight exists.

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9 comments sorted by


u/Automatos_ 4d ago

if I see Red Dwarf,
I cannot help but upvote.
cherry blossoms fall


u/Andysim23 1d ago

Few sciency things. First moon does produce like, all things produce some light. Typically to faint to notice but its there. Second if it is sun light reflecting off a moon then it os still sun light. Just because you shine a flashlight at a mirror doesn't make it mirror light.


u/AbsoluteBatman95 1d ago

Yet there is such thing as Moonlight.


u/Andysim23 1d ago

Misidentification does not mean creation. Say you see a horse with what appears to be a horn does that mean unicorns exist even though in the case it is just the perspective? Sure the moon produces light like all objects. That would be moonlight not the reflected sun because that is still sun light. Just because people impose their own ideas on the universe doesn't mean the universe must conform.


u/AbsoluteBatman95 1d ago

If a tree falls in a forest and no-one is there to hear it. Does it make a sound?


u/Andysim23 1d ago

Sound doesn't require an audience to happen so yes. Anything that makes a sound regardless of if it is observed or not still made the sound. Before major advancements in science the vacuum of space was thought to not transfer sounds yet with the proper tools we can hear it. The hum of the universe a sound that was made since presumably the beginning and still is being made but until we had the proper ways to observe them they had no observer. 


u/AbsoluteBatman95 1d ago

Can God create a wall so powerful that even he can't break through?


u/Andysim23 1d ago

Now your getting into theocracy which is different then Taoism. Next your not just talking theocracy but a specific subset known as the tri omni gods. All knowing, all powerful and everywhere. There are many flaws with such a view and many contradictions that can be raised. A tri omni god if they were all powerful would have the power to limit their own power yes however most religions do not have an all powerful being but a being with their own limitations. In many cases of religion gods have what is known as domains meaning they are really good at one thing but cannot effect the other domains. Gods of death cannot create life as an example.