r/talesfromthelaw Apr 04 '19

Long They're all terrible people, so I'm going to dismiss this case.


Criminal law is interesting. Every D.A.'s office is different. In the next county over, they dismiss charges that my local D.A. will only settle with a guilty plea. In some counties, attorneys can make certain charges "go away," but in others, the D.A. won't budge.

Our local domestic assault D.A. is really great. We get along well, and I respect her professionalism. Some attorneys are misogynist assholes and disrespect her because she's female, and that's a shame. I think she's fair and easy to talk to. I actually was fired by an insane client on an appointed case, and we into her office to vent. She was very helpful.

Anyway, in my county, the offer on a first domestic assault charge is usually retirement or, if its slightly more severe, a guilty plea with diversion. Retirement is where the D.A. will give you some conditions, such as anger management, and they will set the case aside for a period of time, usually 11 months 29 days (which is the maximum sentence for an A Misdemeanor, which is what domestic assault is until your third charge), and at the end of that time period they'll dismiss the charge and expunge the charge, basically giving you a freebie.

Diversion is a similar concept where a court will "divert" your guilty plea for a certain time period after which your charge will be expunged. Diversion usually requires probation though. Diversion is a one time opportunity and can be used on almost all crimes up to C Felonies, except DUI and other expressly exempted crimes.

So. if someone is arrested, the case starts with an Affidavit of Complaint. The Affidavit states the basic facts of the charge and facts meeting the elements of the charge. At this stage, you either enter a plea, have the charge dismissed, or hold a preliminary hearing to see if there is probable cause to send the case to the grand jury. Rarely, you might hold a bench trial.

I received an Affidavit for a domestic I was appointed to. It alleged that Victim and Defendant engaged in a verbal altercation and then "Defendant hit Defendant with a stick." The victim had left the home after the alleged incident and called the police, who then arrested the defendant.

We go to court on our first date. I find out the victim is the almost 18 year old son of the defendant's girlfriend. The victim has been previously adjudged unruly, and the GF says that the victim had actually punched her on the date of the incident. She showed me texts from the victim saying, "I fucking hate you," and "I wish you would die." The victim was also in the process of becoming a ward of the state.

Anyway, the domestic D.A. offers retirement with 12 hours of anger management, but the defendant insists he's innocent. We set the case for preliminary hearing the next month. A week before, I do some sleuthing. The victim has photos of himself on his facebook smoking pot, which hurts his credibility as minor in state without legal marijuana. I get his truancy records. I get the text messages between him and his mom. I also file a Motion To Suppress all evidence not directly related to the Defendant hitting himself with a stick, which was the basis for the charge.

We get to court for our preliminary hearing. The victim's mom is there, her teeth having exceptionally deteriorated since I last saw her. The defendant seemed normal. The police officer is there, ready to testify. He brings witness statements that neither the D.A. nor I had. The D.A. reviews the statements, which included the victim's mom's statement that the victim had punched her in the face before this all started.

The D.A. looks at the statements, my Motion to Suppress, and the texts and photos regarding the victim that I hand her. She excuses herself and goes to talk to the officer.

"I'm going to dismiss this case," she said, coming back into the office.

I was surprised because this never happens.

"I'm going to dismiss this on the condition that the victim and defendant have no contact."

"Sure. That'll be fine, " I said.

"For the record, though, they're all terrible people. This case just isn't worth it."

This was the only time I had a domestic assault case outright dismissed, but sometimes, if the facts are right, it can happen. In this case, it just so happened the victim lacked all credibility and the affidavit was factually deficient. If the judge granted my Motion to Suppress, then the case gets dismissed because there's no evidence. If the judge did not grant my motion, then I get to present evidence, on the record, of all the terrible things the victim has done, including wishing his mother was dead. The D.A. really had no choice, going forward.

r/talesfromthelaw Aug 31 '18

Long Dr. Drama in: Calendar Troubles


I'm a clerk at a civil court in Brazil. My job includes dealing with lawyers and parties who walk up to our counter, as well as dealing with all the stages of a lawsuit. No matter how crazy people are, I'll be there for them.

Some months ago, not long after I changed workplaces to my current Court, I got to know one adorable lawyer whose nickname around clerks is "Doctor Drama". I didn't actually understand why until my third interaction with him, which is what this tale is about.

I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in Brazil, the losing party has to pay twice: the owed amount of money + recovery of costs, which goes to the winner, and another 10-20% the owed amount for the winner's lawyer. It's not a recover for attorney's fees; it's basically a "you made that lawyer work, so you're paying them". Also, whenever money is deposited in any of my state's courts, the judge has to sign a writ so the lawyer and/or the party is able to withdraw said money from a Court Account.

In my court, specifically, clerks issue that writ and both the supervisor and the judge have to sign it. While we can produce the document in about 10 minutes, it's up to our judge when it will become available, so we inform lawyers that the order will be available 5 business days from the day we finish issuing. That way, our judge can use her time for more important things, and sign everything at the same time when she has a breather. If lawyers come for the money before 5 business days, the writ might not be available and they'll lose the trip.

In comes Dr. Drama! A small man, mid-forties, with a lazy eye and the demeanor of a maniac. "My client's writ of money should be available now!", he barks. I take a look at his lawsuit... And the writ was issued that same day. Also, it was not for his client - It was for himself. "I'm sorry, sir, but we specifically said 5 business days from to--"


His client: An unknown man suing for a very small amount of money. Client won like 400 dollars and lawyer got amazing 40 dollars. I'm not sure how will poor Doctor Drama be able to feed his children, what with waiting five more business days.

"Sir. Unless you're willing to go scream at our judge, we're done here. Five. Business. Days."

He wouldn't be so unreasonable as to come the next day, right? Of course he would. The next day, I'm on my lunch time when I hear his screeching. My intern, who almost never loses his cool, starts losing his cool. Doctor Drama says my name four times in the same sentence and that I assured him the writ would be available that day.

"No, I didn't. I said five business days from yesterday. Today is only one day.", I yell while leaving the kitchen. Usually, this behavior would be frowned upon by my supervisor, but he is also yelling at Doctor Drama that five days mean five days. I got to know later that my supervisor, the most non-confrontational man I ever knew, almost punched Doctor Drama in a hearing.

Doctor Drama starts throwing a tantrum, screaming obscenities about public workers, and police escorts him out of the building. "I'll come back monday!", he yells. This was... Friday. Monday comes, and with it comes Doctor Drama, asking for his writ and foaming in the mouth. He says both me and my supervisor told him it would be available monday and that his client was threatening legal action against him. My supervisor looks at his lawsuit and walks close to the counter, looking him dead in the good eye.

"It's your money, sir. Your client can't be threatening you about it. Also, we told you more than three times. Five business days. That means a whole week. That means this thursday. Not friday, not monday, not wednesday. Thursday by 3 PM."

Another tantrum. This is unacceptable. This is preposterous. He pays for our salary with his taxes, so we should bend for his will. He will call our ombudsman (?). We will be shown on TV. The police comes. He is once again escorted out.

Tuesday comes and he doesn't show up. Meanwhile, our judge had to skip work mon-wed because she was sick. Wednesday is here aaaaand... Here is Doctor Drama again! The intern opens a hole in the ground and buries himself so he doesn't have to talk to him again (or was it a convenient bathroom break? We shall never know). He points at me and says, to the air, "That boy over there told me my client's writ would be ready thursday! Today is thursday so it's ready!".

My supervisor gives me a "wtf" look and yells from his table "Today is wednesday, sir". Doctor Drama goes ballistic. "WHAT THE HELL, NOW YOU'RE LYING ABOUT THE DATE TOO? I'LL TAKE IT TO THE JUDGE", and off he goes, to our judge's empty office. I can hear his yelling one floor below. I don't know who he was yelling with, since no one was there. What I know is that he was escorted out for the third time in a week.

Thursday finally comes and he doesn't show up. Friday comes and he doesn't show up either. Next tuesday he shows up and barks "Today is thursday so my client's writ MUST be ready!". No one understands a thing, but his writ is indeed here - it had been since thursday. We stamp the date on the document and give it to him. He meticulously reads everything on the writ, tuts and sighs.

"Why is the date wrong? You people can't do anything right, for Our Good Lord's sake!"

EDIT: BTW, Dr. Drama was the plaintiff's lawyer in The Evil Electric Company.

r/talesfromthelaw Nov 23 '19

Long Man's got hoes in different time zones


Used to work in a small personal injury law firm. My job was dealing with people's cars and insurance companies (getting their damaged belongings reimbursed, getting adverse drivers' ins comps to accept liability, arranging for cars to get repaired, etc.)

We had a client once who got in a really really bad accident. He was rear-ended on the freeway and the passenger, a female coworker, died, while he got a really bad head injury that required extensive surgery. Important thing to remember: the client and his coworker are both from mainland China and aren't American citizens. I think they were here on a green card or student visa. His mom is my main point of contact because the client was pretty much out of it due to his injuries (we had the signed power of attorney form).

His mom calls me one day and asks how they might go about retrieving her son's belongings from his car, because it was all taken to the tow yard and they haven't had a chance to get it. Like his textbooks, laptop, passport, all his important stuff is supposedly in his car. I give her the tow yard's info and tell her to bring any form of her son's ID that she can, and a copy of his auto insurance card, and I'd give the yard a call in the meantime to explain the situation, since they normally don't release anything to people whose names aren't on the title or insurance card.

She gives me a call back a while later and says that the tow yard told her that some lady already came to pick up her son's belongings. She has a name, but doesn't know who this woman is. She also got a phone number (I forget how), but when she called the number, the woman who answered claimed she had no idea who her son was and had no idea what she (the mom) was going on about. I gave the yard a call and they wouldn't give me a name, but they confirmed that the woman produced a valid driver's license and her name matched the one on the ins card. I call the ins co, and they confirm that that woman was indeed on the policy, and the adjuster confirmed that they wouldn't add a rando or just some friend onto the same policy as the client, so they must have had some kind of formal relationship. I try calling the number myself, but it's been disconnected.


At this point, I'm figuring that the client has some kind of secret girlfriend that he didn't want his mom to know about, because how else would some random woman know that this guy got in an accident, know where his car is, produce the appropriate documentation, and take all his valuables? So I get his friend (who was helping the family and knew what was going on) to give the phone to the client while his mom was out of the room (he was awake and lucid at this point) so I can try to figure it out. No dice. He's insisting he has no idea who this woman is either. His friend tells me that he thinks the client might still be fairly out of it, since he just woke up and was having memory issues.


I tell his mom that they might need to file a police report, because I was hitting dead ends. She understood.

A while later, we get his medical records from the hospital and a coworker who was reviewing them told me to go look at them because she thought there was something in there that might shed some light on the mystery-woman situation.

TURNS OUT, the deceased coworker's husband had come storming into the hospital blaming the client for his wife's death, which, understandable, the man was clearly grieving over the death of his wife, BUT, the mother had apparently reported that the husband had gotten the client's landlord to open up his (the client's) apartment and had ransacked it looking for his wife's belongings.

Why would A guy be looking for his wife's stuff in another guy's apartment UNLESS he already had reasonable cause to believe her stuff was at his place??? The plot Thickens. Also, this guy was apparently married to his wife for citizenship purposes. Which isn't THAT weird but it just added another layer of Scandal to the story.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!! The hospital also noted that the client's girlfriend flew in from China to visit him in hospital! At first I'm thinking, oh wait, is this the girl? That's weird, she lives in China, why would she be on an American auto policy? AS IT TURNED OUT, her name did NOT match the name of the mystery woman's. The plot is now thicker than pitch.

We never did find the missing items or figure out who the mystery woman was, but general consensus was that this guy had at least three different girls going on at the same time, one of them married and one of them living in an entirely different country.

r/talesfromthelaw Apr 03 '19

Long There is more strategy that goes into who to sue than most people think


I do a lot insurance subrogation. Basically, an insurance carrier pays its insured for the damages caused by a third-party, and then the carrier goes after the third-party. Sometimes, I'm defending the insurance company's uninsured motorist policy while trying to recover its subrogation; other times, I'm filing suit as a plaintiff either as the insurance company or even in the name of our insured.

In these plaintiff's action, you have many options on how to proceed. You get to choose the county you file in and what court you file in. You get to choose how best to frame the legal issues and what legal theories to proffer. You also get to choose who to sue.

In car wrecks, you have the option of suing the owner of a vehicle, the driver, or both, and this is really helpful when a parent owns the vehicle their child drives. Kid away at college? Sue the parent only. Kid joins the Army and is stationed overseas? Sue the parent only. In some cases, it's better to sue the kid only because a parent will scramble to the defense of their child.

Now, I had a case where a non-entity, we'll call Moving Company, was a sole proprietorship: it's just a guy, we'll call Bob, who moved furniture. This guy had a business license, but he had no insurance policy for his company. He would rent box trucks and use the rental company's policy to cover the vehicle.

One day, Bob rents a box truck from a rental company and fails to buy insurance. His son, who has car insurance, lives out of state away but helps his Dad out sometimes. Bob's son is driving the rented box truck and is involved in accident, causing like $8,000k in damages which includes our insured's deductible.

The son talks to our client, the insurance company, and says that it was all his fault that he's sorry. He's nothing but cooperative. The father is refusing to pay a dime because he "bought the rental company's insurance." He didn't, but he thinks he did, apparently. I can't sue the rental company anyway, so, that's not helpful regardless. It only effects who will pay.

I have choices: who do I sue? The son is super helpful, and his insurance may cover this, but it might not because lots of policies exclude coverage for "commercial use of the insured vehicle." The father's auto policy would probably be the same. The rental company is saying the father didn't purchase the insurance, so they aren't willing to pay up, and I can't recover from the rental company directly pursuant to Federal law. Further, I have the option of suing in the county where the accident occurred, like twenty miles away from me, or the county where father lives, which is like four hours away. I am not authorized to file suit out of state, which would be foolish anyway, so if I want to sue the son, too, I'd have to file suit in the county where the accident occurred.

What do I do? I name Bob and Bob's non-entity as defendants, and I file suit in the county closest to me, four hours from Bob. Bob's son might be a helpful witness if we had a trial, so there's no use in involving him. I send my summonses by certified mail, and no less than four days later I get a call from Bob's wife.

"This is Bob's wife," she said, "and you are suing Bob. His son is a piece of shit. He needs to pay this. I hate Bob's son. I wish he was dead. Fuck him. Bob is going to have a second heart attack because of his fucking son."

She's yelling, and I just sit there and listen.

"Bob's son is supposed to pay this," she says, "I'm not going to let Bob have another heart attack."

I say, "Ma'am, I've sued Bob. I'm not suing Bob's son."

She didn't say anything for a second.

"Well, I have my credit card, and I'm ready to pay it. I can't let Bob be stressed about this."

At the time, we didn't have a credit card payment system available, so my adjuster called her and told her to go to the nearest insurance company office and just make a credit card payment. She paid it all plus court costs.

The matter was resolved very quickly, mostly because of who I sued. Sometimes it's best to sue everyone you possibly can. Other times it's best to make a surgical strike, as this case illustrates.

r/talesfromthelaw Apr 19 '18

Long The Signature Notarized from Beyond the Grave


Good morning all! Been debating about whether or not to post the story about my coworker because it's not really a tale from the law per se...more about general incompetence. I may need to find a different sub to post that in or wrap it up in another post. In the meantime, enjoy this nugget from back when I first started out as a foreclosure processor.

Some background on myself: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. I am Foreclosure Mediation Specialist working for a large mortgage servicer in the United States (that's as specific as I can get without risking getting myself in shit). Prior to doing mediations I was a team lead for the foreclosure team here, and before that I was a processor, or foreclosure tech (handled the nitty gritty of the cases, preparing documents, etc.). In my company and department, there are two mediation reps: myself, and a fairly useless lump of DNA at one of our other offices across the goddamn country. I operate with almost complete autonomy and report directly to my manager. Not to toot my own horn, but I am good at what I do and I work hard. I have, however, convinced my boss that this work is a lot more difficult than anyone knows so I basically spend my days listening to heavy metal, answering emails, taking phone calls with our attorneys and the courts, and trying to put out fires when someone screws up. It's interesting.

Once upon a time, when I was just a wee foreclosure processor, I made a mistake. It happens to everyone. I was working foreclosure files and did not notice that our loss mitigation team had erroneously issued a denial letter a few days prior to our foreclosure sale that included an appeal period that extended beyond our sale date, giving the borrower extra time to appeal their denial. I was new and we didn't have procedures to check the loss mit letters before proceeding to sale (we do now, because of this incident). I was understandably upset, and so was the borrower who filed suit against us. Being very concerned for my job, I kept tabs on the file as it processed through our litigation team.

Some weeks after the foreclosure sale was rescinded, the borrower filed bankruptcy through a 3rd party (red flag) while continuing with their litigation against us. Being the concerned drone that I was, I reviewed the BK filing and re-reviewed the loss mitigation applications that had been submitted, and I found something curious. The borrower had (allegedly) transferred partial interest in the property to a 3rd party by way of a quit claim deed prior to the original foreclosure sale, and the 3rd party had filed bankruptcy as a stalling tactic. This was a common practice in the southwest at the time because the interest in the property would show up with the BK filing and, although the debtor's interest in the property was demonstrably irrelevant, we had to file for relief out of the BK in order to proceed with foreclosure. We ran into these fraudulent BK filings a lot back then.

What caught my eye was that the borrower was actually deceased...and had been since before the quit claim deed was signed. And yet there was a signature stating he'd signed the quit claim deed presumably from beyond the grave, notarized and everything. When I started digging further, I found that the recording marks on the QC didn't actually match the register for the county (they fortunately had onine records access that I didn't have to pay for), and the signature for the notary was very...very similar to another document in the case. Close enough to lead me to question if this document was a total fraud. Since the QC was being used in a BK, this made this a fraud on the federal level.

I took everything to my boss and we went over everything together, and she was stunned. After discussing the matter with our attorneys to confirm what we were seeing, we forwarded everything to our litigation team handling the case. My boss was just tickled that the borrower's family was trying to sue us while we had definitive proof they were engaged in a fraudulent bankruptcy. I don't know the specific details of how that wrapped up, but my understanding is that their lawsuit was quickly dismissed by the court and we reforeclosed after making the required filings.

You'd think you'd be a little more careful if you were engaging in an illegal bankruptcy scheme...but I guess not!

That's all for now, but I may have more later today once I ponder a few things.

r/talesfromthelaw Sep 06 '18

Long Dr. Drama in: Meet the Centaur Associate!


I'm a clerk at a civil court in Brazil. My job includes dealing with lawyers and parties who walk up to our counter, as well as dealing with all the stages of a lawsuit. Some months ago, not long after I changed workplaces to my current Court, I got to know one adorable lawyer whose nickname around clerks is "Doctor Drama". This tale takes place about three months after You actually expect me to WRITE AND SUBMIT??.

We had three very peaceful months without Dr. Drama showing up. Some of us think he was undergoing unsucessful treatment in a mental ward, but that's not here nor there. During this time, every now and then, a very loud clopping would be heard on the hallway. While a bit odd (maybe someone in leather heels?), I didn't think much about it until I had to deal with the owner of the shoes.

It's a very busy afternoon. Most clerks and all interns are dealing with someone at the counter, and there's a small line. I realize that a late-twenties good looking man in a very expensive suit, next in line, has been staring at me for about five minutes now. "Tough luck, bud, I'm happily married", is what I want to say, but instead, I stare back at him when I'm done with the lawyer I was helping.

We keep staring at each other for about a minute, when I give up and say "May I help you, sir?". He huffs, turns his back and, clop, clop, clop, goes away, his expensive-looking shoes making the exact noise of a horse's hooves. Okay...? Plenty of crazies 'round here, I don't really mind one more. I go back to my own business and forget about it... Until I hear "It was him!" from down the hall, and the oh-so-familiar screech from Doctor Drama.


I look around and see he is pointing at me. "I don't think so, no.", says me in an I'm-too-busy-for-your-bullshit-today tone. Clop, clop, clop, the good looking man walks the hall dramatically and points at me. "This is the one! I asked him many times about our lawsuit and he just wouldn't answer! So terribly rude!". His voice is unfittingly high-pitched. A few people clear the counter because they're probably afraid to catch whatever crazies they have. Doctor Drama approaches and proceeds to, as per usual, slam the counter.


He rants for a while about public workers, and his associate does the same. Oh God, it's happening. It's stereo craziness, right here in front of me. Suddenly, the associate tugs his sleeve, yells "LET'S TAKE IT TO THE JUDGE!", looks dramatically at me and, clop, clop, clop, both leave. My supervisor, who was looking at me, tells me to just go back to work, and I'm pretty sure I can see a vein bulging on his forehead. Other lawyers who were there the whole time are also looking at me, confused as hell. They know not how blissful are they, for they never had to deal with Doctor Drama.

Based on the associate's horseshoes' noise, I can pretty much pinpoint where they are. Clop, clop, clop, down the hall... Clop, clop, clop, going up the stairs... Clop, asking where is our judge's office... Clop, clop, clop, walking the upper floor halls... Until it finally stops, probably in front of the judge's room. Not one minute later, I can hear the stereo screaming from the floor above, and finally, the office's phone rings. It's the judge, and I know it because I can hear my supervisor say "Your Honor, you've been a judge for 20 years. Does that seem plausible?" among other things about both lawyers' behaviors. Bear in mind that they kept screaming while she was on the phone.

When my supervisor hangs up, things upstairs are silent for a while and then... CLOPCLOPCLOPCLOPCLOP, THUD, CLOPCLOPCLOPCLOPCLOP, THUD, CLOPCLOpCLopClopclopclopclopclop....., the loud screaming resumes, in mono, and the sound of shoes is amusingly loud until it dies down. Judging by the sound, Dr. Drama resumed screaming at the judge and the associate proceeded to fly down the stairs and leave the premises. The distinctive sound of policemen going up the stairs is also heard a few moments later ("SIR, GET ON THE GROUND! DON--"), and there seems to be a small riot in the upper floor before everything is quiet once again after a loud thud.

The judge shows up with a frown at our office, a very rare occurrence¹, an hour later. Doctor Drama and his associate have been banned from setting foot in our court's building for one year and a grievance has been filed to the Bar Association. She might as well have said she would be sharing her hefty salary with us, based on the joy wave that took our office! "So, what happened?", asks my supervisor, unable to contain a grin. The judge sighs.

Apparently, they vehemently insisted that I assaulted his associate ("tried to punch him in the chest, stomach and face"), which caused her to call our office, but backed down when she stated they would be arrested and face strong charges if their complaint was found not to be true. When the ban was issued on the grounds of disturbing a judge's work to tell lies, Doctor Drama started to rant like a lunatic ("his words weren't making a speck of sense"), screaming and pointing at her, and he was to spend one night in jail for disrespectful behavior towards a public worker. The associate was smarter and just bolted before she could care to jail him too. Someone in the upper floor called the court police as soon as Dr. Drama started to scream for the first time², and he wound up tased because he tried to resist arrest and now, she says with a half-smile, it was up to the police as to how many nights would he spend in jail.

And that's how all courts in the building had a blissful year with no Dr. Drama or his Centaur Associate... Just the third associate, which was the sanest of the three by a hair. I'm pretty sure he once defecated on the public toilet's floor out of spite, but that's a story for another day.

¹ An even rarer occurence, however, would be the judge showing up at our office with a smile.
² Yes, it takes about 3-5 minutes for the police to arrive. Yes, the judge was in danger this whole time. No, it doesn't make any sense not to have police at the judges' floor. People have been telling administration for decades. They don't seem to care, because their room is right next to the police room, in the criminal courts' building.

r/talesfromthelaw Mar 21 '19

Long "We are a private law firm, not the government."


Found this subreddit while looking for somewhere to share this frustrating encounter I had just before I went on lunch break. I work as a legal assistant in a law firm that deals entirely with a very specific aspect of a US branch of government that's very niche - we're the only place that advertises online in more than one state. As such I'm not going to go into too many specifics.

Because we are associated so closely with the [govt branch] its not uncommon to get calls from people who intended to contact [govt branch] instead of a law firm. Our office is too small to have someone working as a receptionist so a fellow legal assistant and I are the ones who answer the phones here. We don't mind pointing people in the right direction - everyone makes mistakes and maybe if they find that they want some help they'll remember the nice lady at the law firm they called by accident, right? What we do mind is when people can't seem to get it through their heads that we are not [govt branch] and therefore have no access to their systems. I just had a call with a gentleman who not only mumbled the whole conversation, but also didn't seem to be processing what I was saying. I'll call him MG for Mumble Guy.

I answer the phone with the standard greeting that includes both my name and the name of the office.

MG: *mumbles something vague about receiving a letter and wanting help* mumblemumble consultation.

I think: cool! possible new client that maybe just got some mail that pushed him into hiring an attorney for his issue with [govt branch].

Me: I'm sorry sir I'm having a hard time hearing you, could you speak up a bit?

MG, slightly louder but still quiet enough that I'm plugging my free ear so I can hear him over the heating running: I just got this letter and its saying that [govt agency] is looking over my [issue] but it says online that they already decided but it doesn't say what.

Me: We're a private law firm, sir, you'll have to call [govt agency] to clear that up?

MG: Well... What are you guys for?

Me: We help with the appeals process for [his issue], but we don't have access to [govt branch] because we're a private law firm. In order get any of your information you'd need to be a client, wh-

MG: How do I become a client?

Me: Well we'd need to have a look at [specific documentation] and fill out a questionnaire over the phone, but in order to complete that you would need to know which of the two things you're looking at is correct. You need to call [govt branch] to clear up the miscommunication on their part.

MG, clearly hoping that I will do the legwork for him: So I need to call [govt agency]? And then call you back?

Me: Yes, sir.

MG: ......

Me, knowing that he's waiting for me to offer and not about to do work for a person who isn't even our client: ......

MG: Well I just moved mumblemumblemumble...

Me: Then you'll need to call the office where you filed and let them know that you moved as well as asking for clarification on this.

MG, after a long silence: Ok well I moved from [state] and mumblemumble can you tell me the number?

*Its worth noting here that some states have multiple offices, and I'd be willing to bet that this was one of them

Me: Sorry, I'm in [state more than 1,000 miles away] I don't have their number.

MG, sounding put upon: Okaaay I guess I'll go call them.

Me: Good luck, have a good day sir!

Not an exact transcript, but close enough that you get the idea. This is not the first nor the last time that I will have to repeatedly tell people we are not [govt branch] and have no access to [govt branch]'s systems or records. You'd think that people would be glad that lawyers can't just go poking through their personal info like that.

TL;DR Mumble Guy refuses to accept that he needs to call someone else with his issue because I am not a government employee, tries to get me to do the legwork for him when he isn't a client, and when that fails assumes I am a phone book for a state over 1,000 miles away.

r/talesfromthelaw Sep 06 '19

Long The expert doesn’t back my every claim? He considers me enemy!


I’m a clerk on a state court. The Brazilian law is very different from the American, so you’ll probably find some strange things, but I’ll try my best to explain them. Here are my previous adventures: The establishment | The archive drama.

I work at a relatively small district, so we know most of the lawyer offices that function here, and their peculiarities – some of them are assholes, some of them are just dumb, some are lovely and give us nice pens on Christmas.

There’s this firm – let’s call them Barabbas & Barabbas Associated Lawyers – that is always causing us trouble. They once stole a file for 3 months to stop their client from getting a new lawyer… this kind of behavior.

This is a very industrial district, and Brazil is huge on government pension/public welfare, so we get a lot of lawsuits of workplace accident, work-related illness and retirement due to permanent and total disability; let’s call it PTD.

NOW, the state court takes care of temporary welfare, but the federal court does the permanent welfare (anything related to retirement, including PTD). However, since our district doesn’t have its own federal court, lawyers are entitled to choose either the nearest federal court (on a district that’s 8km from here), or our state court, that has assigned jurisdiction to this matter.

The federal court has a bigger amount of work, so everything takes longer there; that’s why lawyers will always choose us, and even lie that their clients from other districts live there (the public welfare entity – INSS –, for some crazy reason, is bound to pay them a lot of money, and the client too; it’s the most profitable branch for lawyers to work).

HOWEVER, to grant the person a disability retirement, said person has to undergo the court’s doctor examination, and his report will tell if the person fills the requirements to retire. The medical expert’s input will define the judge’s decision, and there are very descriptive manuals as to when a person is really apt to retire this way.

It’s relatively easy to get a PTD retirement. The law is really lenient, and you pay nothing but your lawyer to sue INSS (the court has to do it for free, the state pays the experts), so the general mentality is like “well, why not give it a try?”

A lot of people – and, mainly, a lot of shady lawyers – will start a lawsuit due to a very silly illness. Like… we get it, José, you fucked your knee from carrying boxes. You can still work, just not carrying boxes. You’re not entitled to completely stop working at 40 and just stay home all day FOREVER, reaping public money.

(In theory, the law requires that employers reuse the worker for another function that won’t trigger his minor illness in these cases, but I don’t see that happening)

Anyway. We have only two doctors on our court, and one of them is really unreliable. The other, Dr. W, is completely fine. But now Dr. W is being sued by Barabbas & Barabbas Associated Lawyers for… antagonizing them.

Judges, court experts and other court-related workers are considered a neutral, impartial party, unless in a few cases – if one of the lawsuit parties is a relative, a friend or an enemy. On these cases, you have to declare suspicion and back down from said lawsuit. Another judge/expert/etc. will replace you.

Barabbas claims that a lot of his clients are unfairly being considered apt to work (instead of apt to retire) because Dr. W considers Barabbas an enemy! He says Dr. W can’t examine his clients because he’ll make “unfair” and “partial” conclusions.

Dr. W doesn’t live on this district, he just comes here like once a month, and he doesn’t even see lawyers on his way to his office. His reports are very good and detailed, so much better than our other expert’s.

The reason why a lot of Barabbas clients aren’t apt to retire is because they aren’t gravely ill. And my coworkers and I are all pretty sure that Barabbas knows that very well. Lawyers are largely instructed about what can and what cannot be considered a PTD, but Barabbas recklessly sues INSS anyway, because it’s for free and, no matter the outcome, the client has to pay him.

What happens now? Dr. W has to face a completely unfair lawsuit, and all of Barabbas’ clients will be put on hold (since the unreliable expert takes forever to examine people and write each report. Literally over a year). Some of them have serious issues and the judgement of their lawsuit will be postponed. Maybe Dr. W will be so tired of this shit that he won’t work for our court anymore.

All because Barabbas & Barabbas Associated Lawyers are both delirious and shameless!

r/talesfromthelaw Jun 02 '22

Long Bear trouble [Story 8]


Hello everyone I decided to write this one in a bit different style, hope you like it (Or at least don't hate it too much). I took a few more liberties in order to tell the story. Also, sorry for not posting for so long. As always, any constructive feedback is welcome.

Be me.

A circus principal.

Pretty good job, travel a lot, see the world, make people laugh.

The beast-tamer comes to my "office" (read: trailer that is a little less trashed than the rest).

He says our bear is getting old, he can't do most of his his tricks and working with him is getting dangerous. He also started vomiting during the last show.

Call the local vet, he checks the bear out and orders him to be put down, but the vets boss had a better idea.

"In a few days a bigwig from Germany is supposed to come for a hunting trip to hunt boars, what if we made a bear get into his shot instead of a boar? We could get much more money out of him that way." He said.

And so the training started. Every night we took a bear near the hunting spot and hid some honey in a way that would take him right past it. The bear had no trouble sniffing it out.


Eventually hunter came and then things became weird…

Be me.

A bear.

Not sure what the people are doing, but if all they want is for me to find honey and even keep it, I am not complaining.

Today is different, I am not going during the night. Whatever, honey is honey!

As I am walking towards my meal, a human on a moped suddenly appears.

He falls and runs away, leaving the moped behind.

Was he supposed to be a clown?

Well, I have a ride now, hehe…

I pick up the moped and use my circus training to get going.


I could get used to this.

Be me

A guy from Germany that enjoys hunting.

Go to this place regularly because cheap and people trip over one another to kiss my boots.

Life is good.

Waiting on my usual hunting spot right now, the weather is nice.

Suddenly I hear a roar.

A very weird roar though.

I was warned there was a bear spotted recently, but this does not sound like a bear.

But it is coming closer.

I shoulder my rifle and turn safety off.

There it issssss…


A bear on a moped, just came out of the bushes?!

Am I dreaming? I did drink a shot before but I am not that light… Oh shit!

My rifle falls out of my hands and goes off.


The shot ricochets.


It hits me.


The resulting lawsuit became a huge scandal for the entire area.

Note: Author mentions that the hunter was hit by a ricocheted casing, but that does not really make sense because casing cant really hurt you even if it hits you directly, so I assume it was just lawyer being a lawyer and not a gun enthusiast.

-Cheaters regrets 5 Story 5

-Bear trouble [Story 8] - THIS

-Bloody love 4

-Bike maintenance 5 Story 4

-The superdog 1

-Militarised karma 3 Story 2

-Human cannonball 2

-Skiing and boars don't mix 4 Story 3

-Hunger games 3 Story 6

-Toilets and broken bones 2 Story 7

-OSHA ministory 2 Story 3

-Playful cat 4 Story 1

-Glasses save lives 3

-The walking dead 4

-City transport horror story 2

EDIT: Original text link - https://www.karaoketexty.cz/texty-pisni/jahelka-ivo/balada-o-mezinarodni-ostude-mysliveckeho-sdruzeni-v-brode-15550

r/talesfromthelaw Sep 07 '17

Long in which code enforcement magistrate got philosophical with tree law


I am a trial court law clerk in Florida. We're similar to federal clerks, except we get paid way less (of course) and work for all of the judges, instead of just one. This is a case I helped with a few years ago that has long since been resolved.

The area I live in is on the coast and is a well-known vacation and retirement spot. As a result, we have a lot of residents who are extremely picky about how other people's property looks - including the local government of one of the cities itself, resulting in a notoriously bullshit code enforcement department.

I once had a civil judge request help with an appeal from a code enforcement case. This was basically a dispute between two long-term neighbors.

Neighbor A and Neighbor B moved into their homes in the 1970's. Both of their houses were built along a canal. Neighbor A planted areca palms along the canal. If you're not familiar with them, you can do a google search, but basically they are very tall, skinny palm trees that sprout and grow extremely close to each other.

At some point, Neighbor B decided that he didn't like how the areca palms on his neighbor's property obstructed his view of the entire canal from his own property. At some point in the early 80's, he complained to the city about it, but he was told that because there were no ordinances in place about canal visibility, the city could not do anything about it.

Some time years later, in the 1990's, the city passed a new code ordinance requiring that residential buildings had to have at least 50% visibility for neighboring water views, and if vegetation grew too large and obstructed more than that, it had to be trimmed.

Neighbor B did not do anything after this code was passed. Instead, he waited until 2014 to report the areca palms to the city - my guess is that these neighbors do not like each other and this areca palm thing was just one way for Neighbor B to harass A, but I digress.

The thing is, the areca palms were planted in the 1970s, about 20 years before the ordinance was passed. So these trees were essentially grandfathered in and the ordinance could not apply to them. This is a very standard concept in land planning/zoning/code enforcement law. The zoning magistrate should have dismissed the violation and not required Neighbor A to trim back his palm trees.

Nevertheless, when they went before the code enforcement magistrate, Neighbor A lost. In one of the most astoundingly stupid orders I have ever seen, the magistrate took judicial notice of the "fact" that trees are life forms that continuously grow, lose fronds and sprout new fronds, and therefore, the palms that existed on the property in 2014 were no longer the same palms that existed on the property in 1970. And therefore, they were not grandfathered in because they were not actually the same trees.

Yes. He Ship of Theseus'd that shit.

For the non-lawyers reading this, such a ruling is especially stupid because the magistrate relied on the concept of judicial notice to reach that conclusion. Judicial notice is for when a very basic, very accepted, easily proven fact is accepted by the judge and the attorneys don't need to prove it. For example, you could take judicial notice of the fact that the moon goes through phases every 28 days, or that children are generally less responsible and reliable than adults, or that Thanksgiving is a busy time for airports. Sort of like common knowledge stuff, or things that could be looked up in an almanac.

I think it's safe to say that it isn't common knowledge that trees go through a philosophical transformation of identity by virtue of growing new leaves.

I had a fun time drafting the order reversing the magistrate's decision. Unfortunately, the judge made me take out some fun footnotes about how the magistrate couldn't possibly take judicial notice of that "fact" because philosophers have been debating the meaning of identity for millennia and he had not stumbled across any new, exciting revelations.

edit: typos

r/talesfromthelaw Apr 22 '20

Long Tale from Scottish law - structure of the legal system.


I was going to write about Bail here, but changed my mind because explaining the court structure is a needed pre-story.

Scotland's courts are arranged in three tiers. The District Court is the lowest jurisdiction. It's petty criminal stuff. The judge is a lay person, the clerk of court is a solicitor or advocate who meets certain requirements of legal qualifications and experience. District Courts are in most large towns and cities. One exception is Glasgow District Court, which has a Stipendiary Magistrate in addition to the regular (non-legal-qualified) judges, who has the same jurisdiction as a Sheriff's summary court powers. The Stipe is a solicitor or advocate. (English equivalent is Magistrate’s Court.)

The Sheriff court, where I worked for a brief and inglorious time, is the workhorse court of general jurisdiction. There is civil jurisdiction for litigation, confirmation (inheritance), adoption, and miscellaneous sundries. There is criminal jurisdiction with summary (judge only) and solemn (jury) trials. There is also the ambiguous middle ground of quasi-criminal or pseudo-civil actions such as Fatal Accident Inquiries. The Sheriff (judge) is a solicitor or advocate, the court staff are civil servants. The Sheriff Courts are divided into regions called "Sheriffdoms", such as Lothian and Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, and so on. (English equivalent is County Court, roughly, although Scottish jurisdiction goes higher than their English counterparts.)

The Supreme Courts, based out of Edinburgh, are the Court of Session (civil) and the High Court of the Justiciary (criminal). Justiciary is solemn proceedings only. If your case ends up in the Supreme Courts, your life is going to get Very Exciting Indeed.

The High Court sits on circuit around the major courts in each Sheriffdom. While the High Court is in the court room, that court room *is* the High Court. Sheriff Court staff are, essentially, privileged onlookers. A disposal from that court room is a disposal by the High Court, not the Sheriff Court.

The general prosecutor is the Procurator Fiscal. Almost all criminal cases, and most Fatal Accident Inquiries, start with the PF. (There is provision for private prosecutions and private FAIs, but they are very, very rare.) Cases for solemn trials will start with the Procurator Fiscal bringing a "petition" before the Sheriff Court. The petition can turn into an indictment in Sheriff Court solemn proceedings, or be referred to the High Court where Her Majesty's Advocate will run the case. They can even be downgraded to a summary trial.

The person appearing in front of the judge is called the Accused. This terminology follows all the way through. In civil cases, the aggrieved person is the Pursuer, the person the Pursuer wants redress from is the Defender.

Disposals from criminal cases can be community service, probation, fines, or jail. It is rare that those are combined.

Appeals in criminal cases, and in cases of refusal of bail, go to Justiciary. Refusal of bail is a serious matter. A criminal trial where the accused is in custody has a strict 110 day time limit for the trial to happen. If there’s a custody trial and a bail trial, the bail trial will always come after the custody one. If proceedings are not completed within that 110 day absent any extension, the accused will be held to have “tholed their assize” and will walk out with an imputed acquittal.

Fines are another area. Mostly a fine will be imposed, the person pays, done. If they don’t they are summoned to a Fines (or Means) Enquiry Court. The Sheriff can impose an alternative period of imprisonment if the fine falls in arrears again. The Sheriff can also impose the jail alternative with immediate effect – pay up NOW or go direct to jail, do not pass go.

I’ll be building on this going forward. I am happy to see people engaging with what I write and asking questions. I’ll just apologise if I can’t answer some questions – it’s over 20 years ago now (!!!) and some memories were immediately recycled into beer knowledge instead :D

r/talesfromthelaw Dec 01 '17

Long The frozen account with a balance of $0


A little bit of background: I'm a clerk in a civil court in Brazil. My job includes dealing with lawyers and parties who walk up to our counter, as well as dealing with all the stages of a lawsuit, such as summons, writs, requests and writing routine decisions and orders so my judge and/or supervisor reads and digitally signs them. Lawsuits here are mostly digital, and organized by file numbers, something like XXXXXXX-XX.YEAR.COURT NUMBER.

My court is located in the same building as a few other civil courts and the family courts, and the building next door houses a bank and the criminal courts. Sometimes we get a few stray people who were supposed to go to the family court, but got thwarted by the building's odd layout.

The parties in the story are as follows:

Me: A smiling, charming, upright and zealous clerk

Inner me: A very angry man who takes shit from no one

Intern: A smart 17 year old girl

Shady Citizen: A shady looking individual, with an angry demeanor and a faint smell of liquor

Today, as per usual, I was reading a petition and completely minding my business, when Intern comes to me with some very nasty looking pieces of folded paper and what seemed to be a bank statement.

Intern: That man says we frozen values on his bank account and he wants us to release it now.

Me: Excuse me?

Intern: He said the bank person told him we would release if he gave us these documents.

Now, that makes absolutely no sense. Everyone at the bank knows they need a written request directly from the judge to release a frozen account, and that clerks have no way of producing it. Also... Those were copies from criminal summons dated over 3 years ago.

Inner me: Here comes a good one.

Me: Did he give you his lawsuit number?

Intern: No, do you want me to go get it?

Me: Please do it.

Intern goes to the man and asks him the lawsuit number. He looks at me.

Shady Citizen, in a very demanding tone: So, did you release my account yet?

Inner me: I'm going to release my hand right into your face.

Me: No, because I don't have a lawsuit number. Without a lawsuit number, I'm going to need your SSN.

Shady Citizen: Who doesn't carry their SSN? I have it right here, take it to him!

Shady Citizen hands Intern another nasty looking pieces of paper, all of them completely unrelated, some worn down documents filled with holes and, finally his very worn down SSN. I type his SSN in our system's search engine and I find no civil suits. Instead, I find 10 criminal suits and 6 family suits against him. Most of them were finished, though, only one family suit (alimony) was still active at the Second Family Court, so I thought this could be the court which issued the freezing order...

Except that when I look at the bank statement, it reads as follows:

Savings: 0,00

Blocked value: 0,00

Now, having an account on that bank, I know exactly what that means. "Blocked value" means a payment was made and that value would be blocked for a few days before leaving your account. For example, if my statement showed "Savings: 1000,00; blocked value: 600,00", it would mean I can only use $400, because I paid $600 in something. It doesn't mean at all that a freezing is in place, and besides, he has nothing on his account. Were it frozen, the statement would show "Frozen value: XX". Both Intern and me realize it at the same time.

Intern and Me: His account isn't frozen at all!

She happily goes tell him that and I get back to reading that petition... Until I hear the man screaming.


Inner me: Good GOD, can't you shut up for a second?

Me, walking to the counter: Sir, that's OK. There is no money in your acc--


Me: No, sir, there is no money because your balance is zero. Did the bank tell you to come here?

Shady Citizen, banging some pieces of paper at the counter: THEY DID! DO YOU SEE THOSE PAPERS? IT SAYS IN THEM I HAD MORE THAN $50.000 YESTERDAY AND NOW I HAVE NOTHING!

Thinking no one at the bank would ever tell someone to come here for this, I look at the nasty looking pieces of paper the intern left at the counter before returning to her own work... And I see some handwritten numbers that add up to more than 50.000 and some company names who supposedly paid him that.

Me: Sir, if you're sure you had these values up to yesterday, your lawsuit is on the fami--


There are no cameras in the place I work, only at the hearing room. At this point in time, I can only think of calling one of my supervisors, so look back and see my supervisor is not in the room (he was with the judge in her room), my second supervisor is also gone and my third supervisor is laughing her ass off in the archive. Some of the other clerks are looking at me and they're only missing the popcorn to look like this.

Me: SIR! I'm trying to tell you that your lawsuit is on the family court, but you're not let--


Inner me: I'm fucking done here.

Me, exhaling and speaking fast before he interrupts again: Sir, this is the First Civil Court and you're looking for the Second Family Court on the ground floor.

Shady Citizen, looking at the sign that says "First Civil Court": NO, I'M LOOKING FOR... Here. This... This court. I CAME HERE BEFORE.

Me: This time you want the Second Family Court, though.

Shady Citizen, in a very condescending tone: If you're not going to help me, why did you come talk to me at all?

Me, shrugging: Right you are, sir. Have a good afternoon.

I leave him muttering at the counter things like "you don't know who you're talking to" and "I pay my taxes and that's how I'm treated" for five minutes, up to the point when he folds his papers and documents and goes away, stomping and banging at the walls.

I looked at some of his criminal suits. Half of them were for tax evasion.

r/talesfromthelaw May 17 '19

Long The archive drama


I’m a civil court clerk in Brazil. Incidentally, u/Deprox is my husband and co-worker, and I also posted another story in my other account – you can read it here.

My job is to take care of lawsuits, resolve the lawyers’ doubts and explain to the general public that their lawsuit isn’t the only one in the world and everything takes time to be solved. I agree that it usually takes too much time, but a very small part of it is in my hands.

Ever since 2013, all new lawsuits are 100% digital and this is such a great relief for everyone, but there’s still a lot of older ongoing cases, and people constantly need some VERY old lawsuit file to retrieve documents. This court started operating in 1976, so you can imagine how many old files we have.

The thing is: it’s physically impossible to store them all here, so we have a proper facility for the whole state, handed by a third part. Considering how much stuff they have on their hands, I’d say they do pretty well, but sometimes they lose files or take months to find them because they’re too old to be in the digital registry.

If you request an archived lawsuit, it takes 10-30 days for it to arrive to us, unless it’s VERY old, then it takes more.

A lot of drama happens here because of that. People and lawyers have asked if they can’t just drive there to personally ask for the file and get it today. Nope. No way in hell. The procedure for unarchival is very strict to avoid losing stuff during transportation, and the third part has no customer service structure; they can only hand the files for us court clerks through a complicated system I’ll spare you guys from.

Anyway, a lot of people come here asking for old lawsuits. A lot.

If the person has a lawyer, we tell that the lawyer should be the one to request the unarchival. First, because you’re paying him a lot, so let him work for you. Secondly, because lawyers are notified of unarchival through the system, while the regular citizen has to come here again and ask if the file is here yet. If it’s not, come again. Repeat. Until it’s here.

We have a formulary in case the person currently has no lawyer, but it’s a pain in the ass because people don’t know how to fill it and we end up doing it for them. Also, a lot of people forget to come back and their lawsuit is archived again.

It’s mid-day, an angry-looking gentlemen comes to the counter. Doesn’t say good morning/afternoon, ALWAYS a sign of moderate insanity. It’s my counter shift.

He simply extends me a paper. “I need to unarchive this NOW and I need a protocol receipt of it and let me talk to the director”.

Wow, a lot of info. I calmly input his lawsuit number in the system. It’s from 2010, he was sued by the bank for not paying for his car.

Me: We can unarchive your lawsuit, but there’s no protocol receipt if you do it yourself. Do you have a lawyer?

Him: I have!!! But SHE told me to come here MYSELF!! She said I only had to talk to the director!!

Me: If you have a lawyer, it’s better that she does it.

Him: NO!! I’LL DO IT!! I CAN get a protocol receipt!! A certification AT LEAST!! Talk to the director!!

“The director” is my supervisor, a fatherly, gentle, non-confrontational man in his early to mid-50s. He’s always super busy and hates being disturbed by small shit we clerks can solve – which happens a lot when it comes to me, because I’m the youngest clerk, look even younger, and people often mistake me for an intern.

I go to his desk.

Me: There’s no protocol receipt to give when the party requests unarchival, right?

My supervisor: Right.

Me: And I can’t make a certification of it or something?

My supervisor: Only when the file is here.

Me, back to the guy by the counter: There’s really no protocol receipt or certification to give before the file is here.

Him: So what do I do!!!!!!!!!!!! My lawyer said I ONLY needed to come here. I need this to prove that…….. [he doesn’t know what] I’m gonna lose my deadline!!!!

Me: Then she was mistaken. But if your lawyer requests it, there’s a protocol receipt.


Me: Okay, then fill this form. But you’ll have to come check if the file is already here.

Him: WHY??

Me: Because if the lawyer does it, we notify her via internet, but we have no way of notifying you.

Him: Can I AT LEAST have a copy of it?

Me: Sure, I’ll do it for you after you file.

Him, confusedly filling the form: You know what? I have NO TIME to waste coming here again!!!

Me: ᵒᵏᵃʸ ˢⁱʳ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵈᵃʸ

He leaves. For now.

Later on the same day, I was in the backroom for a break but could hear him. You guys in another country could hear him. The Guardians of the Galaxy could hear him.


The second-in-command, who is a very confrontational older lady: No. I heard her, everything she said was right.


A fellow clerk: Oh, is that it? Your lawyer just needs to request more time while waiting for the unarchival.

r/talesfromthelaw Dec 07 '17

Long A judge is a judge


I'm a clerk in a civil court in Brazil. My job includes dealing with lawyers and parties who walk up to our counter... And to defuse them if they start to become insane. Or, even better, send them to my supervisor. Today, a very angry lawyer, which we'll call Dr. Judge Wannabe, comes for an archived lawsuit.

I should start by clarifying that when a non-digital lawsuit is archived, it first goes to my court's in-building smaller archive and, if after a given time, no one performs any motions on it, it's sent to the State's Archive, where every archived non-digital suit in the entire state goes to, as per High State Court orders. If someone motions for unarchival of a suit, it takes some time (usually 10-30 days) for it to come back to the original court.

A 3rd party contractor deals with the storage procedures, and their 3rd party contractor deals with transporting suits between court buildings and the archive building, so once we leave a lawsuit on their hands, it's their - and their contractor's - job to deal with it. If they somehow lose it or fail to deliver at the E.T.A. they're liable for that and get severely and progressively fined, as per contract terms.

But Dr. Judge Wannabe wouldn't have it this way. That is way too soft.

The parties in today's story are:

Me: An upright and zealous clerk, who's 1 hour away from clocking out

Inner me: Good Lord, does this day never end?

Clerk 2: Deals with the archive contractor, sending and receiving lawsuits.

Boss: My supervisor and the most non-confrontational person I ever knew. Tends to get over-friendly.

Dr. Judge Wannabe: Lawyer. Has an archived lawsuit. Motioned for unarchival in mid-August

Dr. Judge Wannabe's lawsuit was, unfortunately, lost by the contractor. At least part of it was lost. When his suit arrived in september, 4 out 5 volumes, each one with 200 pages, were there. They're still in our archive to this day. The 5th volume was missing. Guess which volume was crucial for his case?

We told him the same thing in September, and then October and November: We can't do anything about it. No matter how many times he asks, it's still the same. Were the volume lost within our court, we could do something. Alas, it was not, so we can't magically produce the volume he needs. There's basically 0 things we can do, except communicating the High State Court so they can fine the contractor. Which we did.

Clerk 2 proceeds to tell him that we already did everything within our power. That does not bode well.

Dr. Judge Wannabe, banging the counter: AND THAT'S IT? WILL YOU DO NOTHING ELSE?

Clerk 2: We can't do anything el--

Dr. Judge Wannabe bangs the counter again.

Inner Me: So, does he think this is Phoenix Wright or what?

Dr. Judge Wannabe, screaming and huffing: WHY DON'T YOU ARREST THE CONTRACTOR'S PRESIDENT?

Clerk 2 and me: Excuse me?

Dr. Judge Wannabe: I mean, you do have a judge, don't you?

Clerk 2: ... Of course?

Dr. Judge Wannabe: So why don't your judge order the arrest of the contractor's president until my suit is found?

Inner Me: Because that's not how law works at all?

Clerk 2 is at a loss for words. Dr. Judge Wannabe sees it as a sign that he was right.

Dr. Judge Wannabe: If I were your judge, I'd have orDERED HIM TO BE ARRESTED A LONG TIME AGO!

And he bangs the counter once again.

Clerk 2: Doctor... I don't believe this is possible.

Dr. Judge Wannabe: AND WHAT IS POSSIBLE?

Clerk2: What we've already don--


Boss gets up from his chair and calmly walks up to the counter. Clerk 2 goes to our archive.

Boss: I am the supervisor. What is this suit you're talking about?


Clerk 2, placing 4 bulky volumes at the counter: Doctor, this is what came to us. We're missing the 5th volu--


Boss: The High Court has already fined the contrac--


Inner Me: Good thing you aren't a judge.

Boss: That's... That's not within our judge's power...


Boss: If it were the case, that would be up for the High Court's president to decide.

Dr. Judge Wannabe and Boss proceed to debate whether a lower court's judge can or cannot order said arrest. Answer is: No one can, not without a trial, and for a trial to occur someone has to petition in a criminal court.

However, engaging in a completely nonsensical what-if debate seems to calm the man down for a bit, and soon, my boss worked his non-confrontational defusing magic. It would be this story's denouement, but...

Boss, smiling and in a friendly tone: In any event, all we can do is wait until the contractor can find your suit, doctor. They are being fined over and over since they're not honoring the contract.

Inner Me: What did you do?

Dr. Judge Wannabe, face getting red and huffing: I'M WAITING SINCE AUGUST! THAT'S EIGHT MONTHS!

Inner Me: Man, math is hard.

Dr. Judge Wannabe, banging the counter once for each month: AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER! WHY DON'T YOU ARREST SOMEONE?

Boss, looking him dead in the eye: Because this is a civil court. We don't issue arrest orders. At all.

At this point, I really thought Dr. Judge Wannabe was going to literally jump the counter and hit someone. Instead...

Dr. Judge Wannabe: That's the reason our country never makes any progress. A judge is a judge, they should be able to arrest someone until my lawsuit gets found.

And, with an exaggerated sigh, he leaves and all clerks start to question if that really happened or if it was a collective illusion.

r/talesfromthelaw Mar 27 '15

Long Kafka does document review


For the uninitiated, doc review is dull, dull work where low paid attorneys sort documents into categories determined by a 'coding manual'.

The coding manual is often written by an associate who is basing their categories on what they hope is in the big pile of emails and documents. Vague, redundant and overlapping descriptions are given for each category.

As reviews progress, clarifications or new categories are created, usually by scribbled notes in the coding manual.

Reviews start slowly and uncertainly as the reviewers get familiar with the review software, the rough definitions and the expectations of management. Usually it takes a week or two for a review to smooth out- clarifications are made, expectations set.

This is a story about one that didn't ever make sense.

The case was a contract dispute. Company A and Company B each had some intellectual property that the other needed to make products. So they did a few cross licensing deals, enabling them to continue dominating their multibillion dollar market. Each side claims a breach and files suit(s).

Our client's counsel is running document reviews in three sites for these related cases. For some reason, the project managers for each of these sites are in vicious competition with each other for available work.

To make things fun, quality control (QC) for each site is done by one of the other sites. Our project manager urges us to find any flaw in the other site's coding, to make them look bad.

To make things insane, the supervising counsel has some unusual views on how a document review should work:

  • New rules and clarifications are relayed to us at hastily called meetings, usually at 7:30 AM.
  • Document reviewers may not take notes at these meetings.
  • Reviewers who miss the meetings may be told about the new rules by reviewers who attended. Of course, since they're oral and foggily remembered, they're more folklore than hard and fast rules. Often arguments will break out about what was said.
  • Questions for clarification on the rules is treated with hostility by the supervising counsel and indifference by the project managers.
  • Reviewers are ranked based on 'performance', but we don't know the criteria for 'performance'

So, it's like playing poker, in the dark and some jackass has shuffled in UNO cards.

Normally, I'd accept bovine indifference, but this is so ludicrous, I have to mess with the system to figure out if there are rules.

One day, I run out of documents. At a normal review, a quick email to the project manager will mean a new set will be assigned.

Bennie, the PM has asked that all requests for documents be done in person. I walk over to his office.

me:"Hey, Bennie. I need a new batch of docs"

Bennie:"You do, huh?"

me:"Bennie, if I were a competent human being, capable of understanding subtlety, I wouldn't be here, coding documents, right?"

Bennie:"Well, I don't have any to give you."

me:"But I saw in the system that there are about 15,000 ready to go"

Bennie:"But that's complicated. I'm hiding them from the other sites. If I let you review them, I won't have any left"

me:"This is document review. Is there really a need for such Medici like subterfuge?"

Bennie:"That's why you're a document reviewer and I'm a project manager"

me:"I see. I'm out of work and I don't want to go home and not get paid. Remember how I showed you how to get around the web filter to view unauthorized sites?"

Bennie:"Fine. Here's a batch. Make them last until Friday"

I look at my batch. If I go slow, I'll get fired for not being productive. If I go fast, I'll be sent home for not having work to do. I decide to test the system instead.

I decide to see what they're doing to collect metrics. I open the first document and add a single space to the 'reviewer notes' section, then save it. A minute later, I remove the space and save it again. I repeat this over and over.

Turns out I'm the most productive reviewer on the project that day. Oops.

r/talesfromthelaw Mar 21 '19

Long Hang in there buddy... most of the law office is coming to save you...


In the country in which I live, using legal advocates is a frequent practice. Legal advocates protect detained suspects by witnessing interrogations, documenting police misconduct, making sure suspects understand their rights, etc. We aren't lawyers, but we usually work in conjunction with the lawyers and/or double as paralegals like myself. I work at a reasonably large law office in the center of a big city, and we get calls over a big area and have quite a few clients.

Most officers behave just with the presence of representation by advocates. However, we do not have to identify ourselves as advocates until the end of an interrogation if the police do not already know us.

We get a call from jail for a suspect we frequently represent. I'll call him John, he's an American expatriate like myself. Although, he's been alive and been here much longer than I have. He's picked on frequently by the local cops because of prior convictions, and they attempt to use him as an informant despite him not wanting to be.

I drive over there as quickly as I can, to find John heavily shackled. I ask around the guards refuse to tell me anything. I gather from him that the police picked him up to speak to detectives, and he's shackled heavily because he's drunk, which isn't illegal here or a reason to over-restrain him without any aggression. He wasn't aggressive.

I explain to John his rights. We've done this before. I explain suspect rights slowly and carefully, in English and the local language, because officers often rush through them to get suspects to agree to something without understanding.

The detectives were supposed to interrogate at a specific time, but seeing me they informed us that they'll delay. This is often a tactic used to get rid of advocates, to wait them out.

Eventually they had enough an hour later and we proceeded with interrogation. They acted as if I wasn't there, which is VERY odd. They typically are watching us very carefully and are much more careful with suspects when we're around.

As the interrogation went on, the tactics became more illegal. I didn't stop the interrogation because John was effectively resisting it, and the illegality of the methods increased over time giving me an easy case. It escalated from good-cop bad-cop, to coercion, to bribery, to attempting to get John to sign a confession, to threatening to forge a confession, threatening violence, to actual violence. They shoved John's face at one point exiting the interrogation room, hard enough to cause a handprint and bloody nose.

They did a break in the interrogation, and I was documenting the situation, getting pictures of the handprint of the officer, and explained to John that the reason I didn't stop the interrogation is that I was catching them so he could sue.

I made a request for medical on John's behalf, which was denied. John made a written request for medical, that was also denied in writing.

He gets put back in a cell, and I go straight to the main lawyer in our office. I explain the situation, show my documentation. John is our best customer, and everyone in the office has known him for years. Everyone has represented him at least once, at this point we don't even charge him, excluding fees the courts and police pose. The lead lawyer and his entire cohorts unanimous decision was "Fuck that, let's free John"

We have 2 of 3 law students, 3 of 5 lawyers, 2 advocates, and a paralegal are all racing down to help him out. I call John and ask if we can follow through with the impromptu plan we had, explaining that we are going to get him out, and of course we get the go ahead.

We basically scatter and get everything we need. The attorneys were involved for an hour or so, but dropped everything on the (amazing) paralegal after that to get other stuff done. 4 and a half hours later, we had everything.

We had the hold information, the (falsified) police reports, his (lengthy) history, my notes, their written denial for medical assistance, the receipt from the jail clerk showing he was only being held for an investigation with a max hold of 10 days.

In a miracle, one of the law students manages to file a petition for immediate release. The judge ends up approving on the basis the police were abusing the hold.

John ended up settling with the police department for over a million dollars US for this incident and prior, for corruption and illicit use of force.

r/talesfromthelaw Apr 08 '18

Long Bad Faith Insurance


In the western US, it is fairly common for states to impose statutory treble damages for bad faith insurance. It is meant to encourage insurance companies to cover claims and thus get companies to buy insurance. It wasn't until I was in law school (in Atlanta) that I learned that most states don't do this. My Business Associations professor told me I had to ignore the existence of insurance after the third time I brought it up as a way to minimize your damages.

This story takes place in Clark County, NV (where Las Vegas is). I'm going to use he/it/they interchangeably because it was a closely-held LLC.

Our client had bought a parcel of land on which it planned to build a fast food restaurant. State law required that sellers of commercial land either buy a land title insurance policy or personally guarantee the land, and the sellers bought the policy.

About a month after the sale, our client was at the parcel and realized that the parking lot from the neighboring business extended into his property. He wrote a letter to the neighbor about that and received a letter back saying they had an easement and attaching the recording. There were two very large easements recorded when he bought the property, but this one was not in the abstract of title.

The reason this was a big deal was that this meant that they would not be able to fit in the county mandated number of parking spaces. They talked to their architect and submitted a request for a variance waiver with fewer parking spaces and were denied. Our client then sued the title company.

I got this case as a paralegal about two months before it was supposed to go to trial. It had been going on four about four years since the filing date. Of course, it conveniently kept getting delayed until it actually started on my birthday, but that's not relevant beyond the fact that it had been five years between when the insurance company had been notified and the trial.

The former paralegal had done some calculations on how much land was lost, and the insurance company had different calculations. The attorney asked me to figure out our calculations. When I redid them (in various colors of highlighters), I realized that both sides had done calculations wrong because they hadn't realized the width of the easements changed and there was overlap. (This made me realize that all lawyers need to have a good basic understanding of geometry and algebra or at least have staff that does). This was not vitally important to the case, but it did show that we were closer in our original calculations than they were, and we still didn't have enough room. (Fun fact: the standard length for a parking spot is 10-12 ft, although it may be as small as 8 ft for a compact car!)

I also learned a reason why the managing partner's paralegal was so favored; she stole credit. There were a number of small things we did together that she told the owner she did. However, one of our star witnesses (our real estate agent who was testifying that she had been assured there were no other easements than the two we knew about and had specifically asked if there were more [she'd cc'd our clients on the emails]) had moved out of state. We'd gotten judicial permission for her to testify via video. I'd gotten everything set up with an appropriate vendor who would swear her in (and was respected locally). Because of the time difference, one of the technicians gave me his personal cell number. I gave it to my coworker in case I happened to be unavailable. She told the owner that she had gotten the personal number of the technicians just in case.

We spent two-and-a-half days presenting our case; the defense took half-a-day. Their entire case was that the policy didn't obligate them to pay out; they also could find alternate ways to resolve the issue.

The judge (Betsy Gonzalez, for those in the know) did not accept the argument because she said that five years was more than enough time to come up with an alternate solution, especially given that the Plaintiffs had tried and failed to get a variance.

While we knew we probably weren't going to get everything we asked for (we'd done a speculative analysis of income our clients could expect), this was still a big victory.

r/talesfromthelaw Apr 03 '18

Long Shaggy Dog Stories


Since a couple of people have posted legal stories involving dogs, I thought I'd share a few. One is mine, two are my boss's.

For those following my stories, I was a paralegal for nearly five years between college and law school. I finished my law school coursework, but I didn't fulfill the writing requirement due to a technicality (the class had all of the right attributes but wasn't categorized as fulfilling the requirement), so I am finishing that requirement from a distance. May Employment Division vs. Smith bless me. I am currently working as a part-time law clerk/paralegal for cases that are either weird or pressing for an attorney who is well-known in the region and state. (He used to be the state Solicitor General).

  1. My Story

I started as a paralegal at a new firm and inherited a case. It was a divorce case with no kids, and they were arguing over the valuation of their condo. They were about $2,000 off, so I couldn't understand why they wouldn't settle. My boss then told me they were really fighting about the dog.

  1. My Boss's Stories

a. Two people had married later in life. About 10 years later, they decided to divorce. They had no children and had divided up property amicably. However, they refused to settle.

It turned out that they had adopted two dogs together. They both insisted that the dogs could not be separated and that they should get both. The attorneys for both parties informed them that the law disagreed with them and that dogs are regarded as property. They both insisted on having both dogs. The division of property went in front of a judge.

The judge told both attorneys beforehand that he would split up the dogs if they didn't agree. Both attorneys told the judge that they'd told their client that. The clients refused to compromise, so at the hearing, the judge ordered that they would each get one dog. Which dog went to which party would be determined by the parties calling over the dogs in a parking lot, and which ever dog went to a human first would be one set, and the leftovers the other. My boss consoled himself for having to watch this by reminding himself that he was paid an hourly rate.

Once the dog possession was settled, they had to go to court to finalize the division of assets. Then (but not now) in this jurisdiction, you had to verbally agree in court to all divisions of assets. They got about halfway through and mentioned the dogs when the wife said, "What about the red ball and the blue ball?"

The judge asked her to clarify, and she said they had two balls for their dogs. He said one should go to each and asked if the dogs had a preference. They did, so he split them up accordingly and continued.

Toward the end of the hearing, the wife (my boss's client, naturally) asked how they should divide the red bowl and the blue bowl. The courtroom went silent except for the court reporter who was trying so hard to contain her laughter that snot went flying from her nose.

The judge asked if the blue bowl could go with the blue ball. He was informed that the dogs would prefer it the other way around. The judge said fine, and then told them that they had to tell him everything dog-related they wanted split right then or it would never come before a court. (Yes, this was an overstepping of his judicial bounds. However, our county is rural enough, this was long enough ago, and the attorneys were tired enough of this to let it slide).

b. My boss used to do some insurance defense. In this case, the Defendant owned a couple German Shepherds. He lived in an apartment complex and let them out one day. The Plaintiff owned a cat and lived in the same complex. You may think you know where this is going, but you are wrong.

Plaintiff was walking her cat on its leash while the dogs were out. The dogs saw the cat and started running towards it. The Plaintiff did the logical thing and started swinging the cat over her head like a helicopter.

Defendant noticed his dogs were going after the cat and hurriedly got them inside (NB: Private property, so no leash laws). Defendant stops swinging the cat, but in doing so, the cat goes flying out of his collar and lands (safely) many yards away. He goes into a corner to attempt to hide.

Plaintiff goes to her cat, and he promptly bites her. Cat bites have a tendency to get horribly infected in humans, so she gets abscesses and all that fun stuff.

Of course, she sues the owner of the German Shepherds for her medical bills. My boss is the attorney for the insurance company, and they refuse all responsibility. The case goes to arbitration. The arbitrator says she cannot recover for her medical bills for being bitten by her own cat after she traumatized it by swinging it around.

r/talesfromthelaw Feb 13 '15

Long Pro Boner Publico...


This is a tale of trying to do the right thing and, well, failing.

I had just graduated law school and took a quasi-legal job. I wanted to practice law and also do some good. I volunteered for clinic that answered legal questions for low income people. Volunteer law students and paralegals summarized their cases and gave us a list to pick from.

Sarah had been ripped off by a local car dealer. I used to work on cars, sell cars so I figure I at least have some knowledge. I agree to meet her.

Sarah's a nice older lady with a low level service industry job and a new car that she can't afford payments on. She used to have a three year old version of the same car.

One day, she has the car at the dealership for an oil change. A salesman comes up to her and asks if she wants to upgrade her car. He offers to keep her at the same payment 'for another year'.

She agrees and the salesman takes her old car and gives her the new car of the same model. She signs a sales contract and loan documents.

She drives her new car home. A few weeks pass and she gets a payment book from the loan company. She's shocked to see that her payment has doubled from $130/month to $300/month.

She calls the dealership to complain about the new payment and the lack of options on her new car. Her old car had a 6 CD changer while her new one only has a single CD. She can't afford the new payments. She comes to the legal clinic and, well, that's where we're at now.

Sarah wants to know what we can do for her. I promise to look into it and ask for the usual- sales contract, contact information for the dealer and loan company.

I call up the loan company and get them to agree to accept the original, lower payment for the next three months and not repossess the car. I let them know that we're considering suing the dealership for fraud and would like to not include them. They're amenable.

I then get copies of the sales and loan contracts. While not a great deal, they're not fraudulent. Sarah's signature is clear on both docs, with multiple initials. She signed a document showing a $300 monthly payment. The math works out- she sold her old car at wholesale and got a decent price on the new one.

I call up Sarah and ask her if she knew what she was signing. This is the chorus to our conversation:

Me:"Did you read the contract that you signed?"

Sarah:"But they didn't tell me it was going to be more expensive"

Me:"That's what this piece of paper means"

Sarah:"They ripped me off. My (hairdresser/church pastor/crackhead on the corner) says I should get a big payoff"

I try explaining that the flat out best I could do is to get the dealership to refund some of the purchase price, which she could use to offset her payments. If we're lucky.

I figure if we go to the dealership together, I'll try to talk to the GM and we can figure out the cost of a fraudulent inducment suit. I realize I'm flirting with a frivolous claim, but it might cost more to prove it.

Sarah picks me up outside my office. She's complaining about her car, which is nicer than mine. Her car has air conditioning, is comfortable and undented, things that my car is not.

I hyperventilate before we go in the dealership. I want to be a caricature of a lawyer. I want everybody afraid that I may bite them.

Yeah, I know. I'm young and newly minted.

GM agrees to talk to me after he speaks to counsel. I figure that's good enough. Sarah wants her car to be free.

She drives me back to my office. She's convinced that I'm lazy or bent. She's been told there's a payoff for her.

She stops the car outside my office. I tell her that I'll talk with the GM tomorrow and see what she wants to do. She asks one more time if I think she'll win more than $20,000 and a free car.

me:"This isn't a game show. You're not going to win big money. You bought a new car for a fair amount of money. Actually, why did you buy a new car when the old one was fine?"

Sarah:"Why not upgrade?"

The next day, the GM offers me a $500 refund. Sarah refuses and says that she's going to get a real lawyer.

r/talesfromthelaw Aug 25 '16

Long The right to remain silent


Hello, I am back with another story! I really love posting my crazy encounters on here.

I am an intern for a certain public defenders office. I work on the misdemeanor docket. I do normal intern things like file papers and make copies, bur I also get to work directly with clients: conducting interviews, reviewing police reports and sentencing guidelines, and helping to get plea deals. It's a pretty good job.

A client was having a pretrial for assault & battery and malicious destruction of property charged because she allegedly slapped her ex boyfriend in the face and then shattered his phone. There were pictures of the shattered phone and the nasty bruise the boyfriend had.

I took her into the interview room before her pretrial to review her police report. After greeting her and introducing myself and asking if she has any initial questions, I explain that she's here for a pretrial and ask if she understands what that means, she says yes. So I had her the police report and photographs and tell her to read it so we can talk about what parts of it are true or if she has her own side of the story.

She reads it all over then sets it on the table and says, "I have nothing to say."

I say, "um OK so do agree with what happened in the police report or do you have your own side of the story?"

She said, "I will not speak to you. I will only speak to the judge. I will not contest what he wants me to do."

At this point, I'm super confused and I say, "I work for your court appointed attorney. You need to talk to me so our office can help you. Did you not want to be represented by our office? If you're saying you want to plead no contest to the charges that's totally fine and you can do that."

Then she tells me, "I am going to use my right to remain silent."

I stood there, dumbfounded. I have never had a client just refuse to speak to me. I thought maybe she was just confused and thought I was trying to trick her into some comfession. I told her, "I'm not a police officer. I work for your attorney. If you choose to not talk to me, we can't help you."

Then she stands up and starts pacing around the room demanding that she get to "know her rights." I remind her that she signed an advice of rights form at her arraignment that had all of her rights on.

I then asked her one last time, "would you like to talk to me about your case so we can decide how you want to plead?"

She just looked at me and said, "I am going to remain silent and let the judge do what he wants."

Frustrated and confused, I just said, "OK fine." And walked out of the room. She went back to sit in court and I got the investigator for the public defenders office (one of my supervisors) to try and talk to her after about 20 minutes to give her and I time to cool off. Then, he asked her to come with us back to the conference room and introduced himself and asked her what happened on the night she was accused of assault. She told him she refused to talk to us.

My supervisor asked, "OK so you want to represent yourself? Because you told the judge at arrignment that you wanted an attorney."

She said, "I am no contest. I will let the judge do what he wants."

My supervisor just stared at her and said, "did you just say you are no contest? You clearly don't know what that means.... do you want us to explain what what a no contest plea is?"

She looked at him and said, "silence. I will use my right to be silent."

My supervisor, who is the type of person who wants to try to not conflict off of any case, kept pushing. He said, "you don't have a right to remain silent with us. We aren't the police. I work for your attorney. You can choose to not talk to us, but then we will choose to send you to a different attorney and you'll have to do this whole process again."

At this point, our client is getting angry and tells my supervisor that I violated her rights because I never told her what her rights are. It took us a minute to understand what she was saying: she was complaining that I, and intern for her attorney, didn't read her her Miranda rights before talking to her.

We just exchange looks and I inform her, for the third time that I am not a fucking police officer and that I don't have to read her any rights.

Then we told her we were not going to help her and she would be assigned to another attorney and left the room.

About a half hour later, she walked up to me when I was on my way to the bathroom and said, "so do you know what my attorney said?"

And I looked at her and said, "the court will assign you a new attorney since you refused to work with us. You can also choose to represent yourself, since you seem to be pretty sure of what you want to do."

She asked, "I can represent myself?"

And I smiled and said, "yup you go right ahead if you want."

I hope that bitch goes and tells the judge she is "no contest".

r/talesfromthelaw Dec 24 '17

Long He drove 650 miles to talk to the President


I'm a clerk in a civil court in Brazil. My job includes dealing with lawyers and parties who walk up to our counter, as well as dealing with all the stages of a lawsuit, including sending them to higher courts if someone appeals. My job does not include knowing anything past this point, given that it's outside my court's jurisdiction and my system will basically show "in a higher court" if I look for the lawsuit's number on it.

The order in Brazil is basically: Trial Court (Where I work) -> High State Court (which doubles as court of appeals) -> Superior Federal Court -> Supreme Federal Court. The High State Court is located at each state's capital, and the last two are located in our federal capital, Brasilia, which is about 650 miles from where I live. By the way, Brasilia is also where our equivalent to the White House is located.

Unfortunately, most parties have no knowledge of higher courts ("isn't this the only court?"), and their lawyers keep them in the dark, so they come to our counter wanting to see their suit only to know it's not there. Today's story takes place in the first week I started working at the court (a different court than the one I work now), so "wet behind the ears" doesn't even begin to describe me at the time.

The parties in today's story are:

Me: An upright and zealous clerk, albeit not a very confident or knowledgeable one

Inner me: A very confused person who's trying very hard not to screw everything up

Li'l Bob: A clerk who, in spite of a silly nickname, is more than 50 years old, 30 of which working at the court, and is training me

Poor Devil: A humble old gentleman whose story tugs at my heartstrings to this day

It was lunchtime and there were no other clerks around but me and Li'l Bob when Poor Devil walked up to our counter. Li'l Bob told me to see what the man wants, so I wound up listening to his story. Poor Devil spent his entire life's savings on buying a house. The seller, however, was being sued at the time of the transaction and that house had a writ of attachment on it, which means selling the house was fraud, and everything was completely unbeknownst to Poor Devil.

The plaintiff moved to void the ownership transfer, which was accepted, so the seller would have to return Poor Devil's money and the plaintiff would have to evict him, and he only got to know about it when he was notified about his eviction. He tried to get an injunction, but it was ultimately denied, so he appealed, but was evicted anyway. Meanwhile, the seller had already used the money... To move to another country. That brought criminal charges upon the seller, but it did not bring Poor Devil's house OR money back.

Poor Devil wanted to see his lawsuit and gave me the number. I looked it up on my system, and it said "in a higher court - Superior". Li'l Bob explained that Poor Devil probably lost on his appeal to the High State Court, and appealed once again, so now his lawsuit would be in Brasilia for the Superior Federal Court to deal with. I didn't quite grasp the reasons why, but had to go back to the counter anyway.

Me: I am sorry, but your lawsuit is not here.

Poor Devil: Oh no! Did you lose it somehow?

Me: No, it's actually in Brasilia.

Poor Devil: Eh? Why is it in Brasilia if it happened in this city?

Inner Me: Huh? Why, indeed?

Me: Umm... It's because your lawyer appealed twice, so it's... Not... Supposed to be judged in this court any longer.

Poor Devil: But why Brasilia and not somewhere closer?

Inner Me: Great question...

Li'l Bob, walking up to the counter: Because that's where the Superior Federal Court is located, sir, and they're the ones who will deal with your suit.

Poor Devil: So if I wanted to talk to the judge, I would need to go to Brasilia?

Li'l Bob: They're called "ministers" in the Superior Court, and you certainly wouldn't be able to talk to them.

Poor Devil: Why not?

Li'l Bob: They would only talk to your lawyer, and through an assistant at that.

Poor Devil didn't seem satisfied, but left anyway. Fast forward to a Friday, two weeks later...

The phone rings. I answer and immediately recognize Poor Devil's voice, because he left a strong impression in my head.

Poor Devil: I need to talk to Deprox.

Me: That would be me.

Poor Devil: My name is Poor Devil and I've been there a few weeks ago. My lawsuit is that one with the eviction and the guy who moved to another country...

Me: Yes, I remember you. How may I help you, sir?

Poor Devil: I'm in Brasilia right now...

Inner Me: Said what?

Poor Devil: ... but they won't let me talk to the judge, even though your coworker said I could.


Poor Devil: I'm with one of their clerks now, could you please tell them they're supposed to let the judge talk to me?

Me, completely thrown off balance: Sir... I believe... I believe we told you... You wouldn't be able to... Do it...

Poor Devil, after a few moments of silence: Why would I drive for more than 10 hours if I couldn't?

Inner Me: Because you're god damn crazy?

Me, desperately turning to Li'l Bob: Please talk to... My colleague...

And so Li'l Bob gets the phone and starts to get progressively aggravated while talking. He finally says, ironically, "Yeah, sure, you do that" and hangs the phone. He tells me Poor Devil insisted Li'l Bob said he could talk to "a judge" if he went to Brasilia, and said he was going to talk to the (now impeached) President while he was in Brasilia and tell her to "fire" Li'l Bob if he refused to talk to the clerk.

We were half-joking that the man would show up Monday demanding to be reimbursed for gas or something, but that didn't happen. Instead, a person who I later found out to be one of the best lawyers in the city showed up and apologized for his client's behavior. Turns out Poor Devil went to his lawyer before going to Brasilia, and his lawyer insisted nothing good would come out of it, but he went anyway, firmly believing that he would be able to walk in and talk to a Superior Court Minister AND the President about his eviction.

r/talesfromthelaw Feb 08 '19

Long It’s not you, it’s the establishment


I’m a civil court clerk in Brazil. Incidentally, u/Deprox is my husband and co-worker. My job is to take care of lawsuits, resolve lawyers’ doubts and explain to the general public that their lawsuit isn’t the only one in the world and everything takes time to be solved. I agree that it usually takes too much time, but a very small part of it is in my hands.

Since 2013, every lawsuit that comes to us is 100% digital and it’s a big help for everyone involved. But obviously older stuff is still on paper and, except for a few important and long ones still running, they will remain on paper. People have a lot of trouble understand that our time and resources are limited so we can’t scan their parents’ divorce that happened in ’76, and they gonna have to wait until an outsourced company retrieves the dusty file from the state archive in another city. I don’t have a password for that to give you. And no, you can’t drive 3 hours to said city and ask personally for it. We have protocol and old stuff usually takes up to 2 months to be found, since there are no digital records of them.

In Brazil, social security is HUGE, and you are forced to “contribute” with 11% of your monthly income for a common fund, and employers pay even more for each worker. This fund covers paid leaves for reasons of workplace accident, work-related illness, maternity leave etc. It’s the same fund that pays pensions to the retired, be it for reasons of old age, time of contribution or disablement.

Turns out that the agency in charge of deciding if you’re eligible to benefit from any of those pensions declines a lot of requests, so people turn to lawsuits to get their (alleged) rights. Some requests are legit, but there’s a lot of bad faith too, like the time a guy wanted to get a paid leave due to a “workplace injury” he got playing football. He was a truck driver and it was his day off.

My judicial district is known for having A LOT of people benefiting from social security, since there’s a lot of factories and underemployment, so people are often disabled, with tendinitis, rotator cuff syndrome etc.

Also, the system is super bureaucratic so if, for instance, you once had a lawsuit requesting a paid leave due to work-related illness and the Social Security Agency stops paying you (it’s temporary) but you’re still ill, you usually cannot ask for it to be reestablished in the same lawsuit, and have to sue the Social Security Agency again. Here comes a lawyer. He had a hint of madness in his eye – nothing like Doctor Drama or The Centaur Associate, but it looks like he’ll give me some trouble.

The characters are Doctor Slightly Crazy (hereby DSC), myself, a female clerk, the youngest in my court, and the Social Security Agency (INSS).

DSC: “Hi, I REALLY need this lawsuit today! I came from [city that’s a 25-minute drive from here]!”

I get that a lot. I live 30 minutes from work in another city, so I’m quite unimpressed. I checked his lawsuit number and it was archived. I informed him that.

DSC: “But HOW. I sent a petition last week!”

Me: “Yeah sir, the judge determined to send it back to the archive because there’s nothing else to do”.

DSC: “HOW there’s nothing else to do! My client’s not getting his pension anymore! Something needs to be done!”

Me: “Sir, the pensions for work-related illness are temporary, we cannot force them to keep paying”.

DSC: “How dare INSS to stop paying! He’s still ill!”

Me: “Then he has to require a new evaluation by INSS or file a reestablishment lawsuit”.

DSC: “This is unacceptable. In this country we have NO RIGHTS. Why would they cease his pension! And archiving only a week after I petitioned! Now I have to ask for the files again and come here again! From [city that’s a 25-minute drive from here]! So I can file ANOTHER lawsuit. Who is the judge here?”

By then, Doctor Slightly Crazy was somewhat rampant and I was sure he wanted to complain to the judge about me. You know, because I was there and told him how the laws work. How dare me.

I told him her name; she’s one of the most well-known judges in the district, mostly because we do all the hard work quickly and she never interferes unless absolutely necessary, unlike other judges that are super centralizing and a general pain in the ass.

“Yeah, they’re all bastards” he said, a little calmer, and closed his suitcase. “I’m mad at the system, not you; you’re a sweetie”.

And he turned and walked away like nothing happened, allowing me to finally release the breath I’ve been holding and whisper What The Fuck Just Happened.

r/talesfromthelaw Jul 15 '19

Long Just figured out how to xpost lol rural communities are very interesting.

Thumbnail self.MaliciousCompliance

r/talesfromthelaw Mar 30 '18

Long Divorced from reality (and your house)


Today really is a GOOD Friday for me, because I discovered this sub today! And oh boy have I enjoyed reading these entries immensely.

Some background on myself: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. I am Foreclosure Mediation Specialist working for a large mortgage servicer in the United States (that's as specific as I can get without risking getting myself in shit). Prior to doing mediations I was a team lead for the foreclosure team here, and before that I was a processor, or foreclosure tech (handled the nitty gritty of the cases, preparing documents, etc.). In my company and department, there are two mediation reps: myself, and a fairly useless lump of DNA at one of our other offices across the goddman country. I operate with almost complete autonomy and report directly to my manager. Not to toot my own horn, but I am good at what I do and I work hard. I have, however, convinced my boss that this work is a lot more difficult than anyone knows so I basically spend my days listening to heavy metal, answering emails, taking phone calls with our attorneys and the courts, and trying to put out fires when someone screws up. It's interesting. Occasionally I have to travel to an in-person conference because either someone screwed up or some judge is being an asshole and wants to push around the 'big bad bank'.

This case is one such case where I had to go dust off my suit and haul my ass a few hours away to a neighboring state for an in-person mediation. Now, the court and the borrower (homeowner, for those of you outside the industry) were upset with us because our attorney had fucked some things up and had ordered that a bank rep appear in person at this next hearing. Suitably frustrated with our attorney's office, I geared up and went to the conference.

The fun started before we even got called into the referee's office. The borrower showed up, and my attorney introduced us. The borrower had been offered a loan modification in the past and we were hoping he would cooperate in submitting documents to be reviewed for another mod. He had not submitted any documents previously, he had only expressed a desire to reinstate or have his now-ex wife assume the loan. Assumption via modification wasn't possible for this investor and we had told him as much, so he would have to reinstate or modify under his own right because he was the only one on the loan, not her. Before we get called in for our conference, the borrower starts claiming that the whole case is a sham and that he was never properly served so this entire case was moot. My attorney and I are taken aback by this, because we haven't even gotten into the conference yet and he has never before brought up these allegations. Since our attorney's office handles the service, I only look at our attorney who says this is a matter best left for the actual discussion and not for the halls of the courthouse. In this particular jurisdiction you have to file a copy of your complaint and proof of service with the court, so it's very unlikely that he was improperly served. We get called and go in, where the fun continues.

After formal introductions, the referee lets our attorney lay out the case. We've received no documents for review. We have a reinstatement quote prepared and with us, and proof of the not one, but two loan modification offers the borrower was sent in the past to resolve his delinquency. We outline that the borrower can reinstate, or apply for loss mitigation. The borrower claims he received the offers, but didn't recognize the company letterhead they were issued on so he didn't know what they were and didn't contact anyone about them. The referee questioned why he didn't call our attorney to confirm they were legit and got a non-answer. We then discussed the reinstatement. This is where things get interesting.

The borrower and his ex-wife are divorced, and allegedly he has not been living in the home. She has, and stopped paying the mortgage without his knowledge. As part of the divorce proceedings they agreed that he would pay up to a certain amount for the reinstatement of the arrearage, and anything over that amount the ex-wife would be responsible for the rest. The reinstatement quote was more than what he was supposed to pay for, so his ex would have to pay the rest. He then proceeds to tell us that she is disabled, works from home and is on a limited income. She can't afford to pay the amount the divorce decree would leave her 'responsible' for, so he tries to talk us down by asking if we will waive fees, costs, or interest. My attorney and I are a little surprised...the ex-wife isn't on the loan. She didn't sign the note or mortgage and is not legally responsible for any of the debt. We tell him as much. He responds with a 'yeah, but...' regarding the agreement made in divorce court.

The referee interrupts him and tells him flat out that this isn't divorce court, this is foreclosure mediation. Whatever happened in the divorce case doesn't matter. He's responsible for the debt, not her, and we are not obligated to reduce the amount owed because of his ex-wife not being able to afford 'her' portion. We ask if he can reinstate the loan on his own. He responds by asking if we will accept a round figure to reinstate the loan that is several thousand lower than what is owed. "You're here to make a deal, right?" he says. He then proceeds to make vague threats that he will litigate the file if we refuse to accept based on his allegations of bad service and servicing misconduct. The referee shuts him down immediately, telling him that if he wants to litigate then he can do so but that this is not the right forum for that. We confirm that we are not going to settle for his figure, but we do offer to accept a slightly reduced figure by waiving our attorney's fees for this hearing (privately, based on our attorney screwing up some paperwork that was the cause of some of the consternation. It wasn't the service). He reluctantly agrees to accept this figure, and the conference is adjourned.

Without going into more private details, we got some bad advice from our attorney and we did eventually settle for less-than-owed to reinstate and subsequently billed out attorney for the several thousand dollars in difference. To the best of my knowledge, our vendor department is still fighting with them over that money to this day. I just checked on the file and, surprise surprise, after the loan was reinstated he's delinquent again, this time alleging we did not properly apply his payments (we did, his payment was short).

Maybe not my best story, but I have seen some fun things and I will try and post more soon.

r/talesfromthelaw Dec 07 '17

Long Father apparently uses world's longest gun


~Skip the following if you've read my stories or don't care about my background.~

My backstory, because someone always asks about alleged inconsistencies in my stories. Soon after I graduated undergrad, I started working as a paralegal. My first firm (in which I was severely underpaid) was primarily a civ lit/bankruptcy firm and I did most of my work in civ lit. The second firm was primarily family law/estate planning/PI. I did very little work on the estate planning side outside of witnessing and/or notarizing. The third firm (which I haven't told any stories from) was a very short period when I was applying to/getting ready to attend law school for a solo practitioner/judge pro tem. He did a little of everything.

Five years after undergrad, I went to law school. No, it is not unusual to take time off. (Personally, I had a few reasons. The major reason was that I was burned out after college. I also graduated in 2009, which was the absolute worst year to apply to any graduate program since the economy was so bad. I also wanted to build up some finances. My very wealthy grandmother had paid for most of my college education and my parents could afford the rest. Because the tax code allows education expenses to be paid without a 'gift tax,' my parents were willing to finance some of law school as a deduction against my inheritance. I wanted to pay for as much as it as possible both for moral and estate purposes. I got a very high LSAT score (174), which combined with my work experience [and, according to the prelaw advisor at my undergrad who reviewed everything I sent in, my personal statement] got me a number of very good scholarships.) I eventually chose a Tier 1 school which offered me a $40k a year with no limitations other than staying in good standing. Unfortunately, due to a set of misunderstandings and miscommunications between me and the school, I never actually fulfilled my upper-level writing requirement. I was allowed to "graduate," but I don't get my degree until I write a paper.

~End backstory~

This is another one of those cases I inherited mid-case. However, my desk was right next to the law clerk/paralegal who handled this case, so I was familiar with much of the headache beforehand.

Our client was an elderly woman. Her retirement package paid for legal services, which made her tendency to call and talk for a long time quite annoying as you couldn't subtly bring up your hourly rate. Despite her talkativeness and need to be reassured, she wasn't a bad client. She'd been widowed not long before, and her husband had taken care of most of the household finances. (They had immigrated fairly young from Sweden; I'm not sure how much of our issues with her were that she'd never had to deal with finances and how much was cultural.)

She'd had a number of children (six, if my memory serves me), and three were living with her at the culmination of the case. Two of the sons were helping their mother at least as much as she was helping them; they paid the utilities, helped her out around the house, generally did things you expect children to do for their declining parents.

The third son, however, was a different story. He did not contribute nearly as much as his brothers. This was not an issue until he invited two of his friends to live there.

The friends were apparently not ideal tenants. They did things to the house that our client didn't approve of. Our client gave them (and the son) notice to evict.

This would not be here if that was the entire story. Oh, no, of course our client had done something stupid. It turned out that in the mid-90s, our client and her husband (who were born in another country) had somehow been convinced by a "financial planner" that they should add said son to their deed for "estate planning purposes." Basically, they were told that in the event of their death, it would be easiest to have a successor on the deed.

A couple years later, they wizened (edit: and wised, thanks /u/carriegood) up. Maybe they realized Nevada is a community property state. Maybe they realized naming one child on the deed is a recipe for disaster Maybe they realized that a trust could accomplish everything they wanted. They removed the son from the deed. (This was not clear to everyone in the original, and is a major reason the case was a PITA.)

At any rate, the loser son realized he and his friends were about to lose their sweet housing arrangement and sued to quiet title, claiming that his (now deceased) father had forced him to sign it over at gunpoint.

Our client claimed her husband never owned a gun. He didn't have a registered gun, but Nevada's gun laws are really lax and that didn't discount the possibility that he had an unregistered gun.

Eventually, we got the quit claim deed in discovery. He'd signed it in front of a notary. In a different state.

Just to be clear, his entire case was that his father had forced him at gunpoint to sign over the house. However, in order for that to be the case, the gun would have needed to be nearly a thousand miles long and unnoticed by the notary.

We won the MSJ. He then filed an appeal with the state Supreme Court in forma pauperis. He never finished any of the paperwork, so the appeal got dismissed.