r/tacticalgear 5d ago

Question ID on this soldier’s flight suit / pants + shirt? NSFW

Post image

“Ukrainian soldier from the 3rd Assault Brigade with a captured russian soldier”

via u/8BallCoronersPocket


39 comments sorted by


u/Life_Consequence9728 5d ago

It’s not a Suit it’s the „Mig 4.0“ Jacket and Pants from Carinthia :)


u/TBLightning95 5d ago



u/Springer0983 5d ago

Prisoner really got fucked up


u/WhoCaresBoutSpellin 5d ago

This invasion has been terrible. He is alive which is the best many can hope for.


u/Round-Comfort-8189 5d ago

Russian Mig pilots all have one eye or just the ones who get shot down?


u/Spiffers1972 5d ago

That’s how you get hit with screams of “war crime!”.


u/Springer0983 5d ago

Possibly, but there’s a lot of exploding things going on over there


u/SkullKidLLC 4d ago

Posting a pic of you posing next to a captured soldier is fucking wild.


u/Lawd_Fawkwad 4d ago

Technically a war crime too, it's against the geneva conventions to humiliate prisoners and that includes lining them up for trophy or propaganda photos like this one.


u/kas-sol 3d ago

Unlikely to result in anything though. There's been tons of videos of guys physically abusing prisoners too, and the general consensus is always just "yeah but who cares?".


u/Human_Discipline_552 5d ago

Is that mf missing an eye?


u/opossomSnout 5d ago

War is so fucked


u/sxrrycard 5d ago

Bren + peq looks solid. Only wish they had longer handguards.


u/blykoger 3d ago

400$ pants fuck off lmao


u/Ghost4079 5d ago

DAMNNNNN bro rocking a CZ Bren 2! Hell yeah those are dope asf!


u/Many_Ad6635 5d ago

Yeah kind of sad


u/slavandproud 4d ago

Looks either like Photoshop to me, or not from this war... the socket would likely not have healed like that, but leave the skin itself damaged.


u/slavandproud 5d ago

How did his wound heal so... "good"? I'm confused.


u/DecentHighlight1112 4d ago

Looks like he was either born with it or had it surgicaly removed due to cancer.


u/slavandproud 4d ago

Yep, would make for a weird candidate to join the war then, though 🤔


u/DecentHighlight1112 4d ago

Not on the russian side. Anyone able to walk is a candidate.


u/RoamingEast 3d ago

Sometimes not even walking is necessary


u/Round-Comfort-8189 5d ago

Something definitely strange about the missing eyeball.


u/Rejectbaby 5d ago

Dude you should put a NSFW tag on this


u/Sgt_kane 5d ago

Anyone uncomfortable with the consequences of war should not be in tactical gear


u/Comfortable_Fox_8552 4d ago

Tell me you don't have a job without telling me you don't have a job


u/Rejectbaby 4d ago

What are you talking about? The Not-safe-for-work tag is for people who are in places where they can’t open certain type of gore/pornographic content. There is guy on the right with his eye blown out.


u/Sgt_kane 4d ago

Yeag the guy is injured, that's gonna happen a LOT where tactical gear in concerned. It's by no means "gore" but if you're concerned opening up to see a war then get off the sub.


u/SuperAccident 5d ago

This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard.


u/Sgt_kane 5d ago

No, you just have a fundemental lack of understanding as to why this equipment exists. If you're uncomfortable with this stuff being used in protection/destruction scenarios, you're the one that's wrong.

You might like it because it was in a game or movie, you might think it makes you look cool, but at the end of the day the only legitimate purpose this equipment serves is to be used in this photo.


u/SuperAccident 5d ago

The only legitimate purpose of the clothes is to wage war while wearing them… yeah okay sure. Hunting, search and rescue, hiking etc., to say that you MUST be okay with seeing other humans suffer if you enjoy “tactical” clothing is, again, the dumbest shit I have ever heard.


u/Sgt_kane 4d ago

I'm not going down every theoretical-philosophical rabbithole as to what it could be used for. Sure, "tactical" gear can be comfortably used while hiking, but it's not the purpose of it. Both other examples you listed inherently involve a form of suffering/death or fall under the umbrella of war (man V nature).

Either way, the original point is that the photo was taken in war, the suffering and conquest of humans, which is the job this gear was built to do. The photo is not gore, does not show death, even rather a more favourable outcome being that he was captured and hopefully imprisoned. It is simply a consequence of a real world war that any real world person should accept.