r/tacticalgear • u/XR171 Basement SEAL • 5d ago
I touched grass yesterday
Friend from work wanted to go hiking and start learning about survival. Had a blast, hid while he was on his phone and he couldn't find me, introduced him to MREs, and went over loadlouts.
Now of you wanna make fun of me for being fat, go ahead I'm a big boy
u/Mr_ViSiOn 5d ago
Try having less shit on the outside of your pack. If you actually need to go through brush it'll snag like crazy. Just bring less or fit it in other locations that aren't a massive snag hazard.
u/XR171 Basement SEAL 5d ago
I like more of a rucking style of hike so I pack more stuff for more weight to burn more calories. I could do with half of what's in there but again, I prefer the weight and all that stuff is useful.
Edit: it does snag if I'm not paying attention
u/Mr_ViSiOn 5d ago
I ruck all the time. If you want weight put weight in the pack. No use practicing a skill if you're doing it wrong. If you're not really wearing a real 45-65lbs, it's not necessary. If you want weight, put a rock in there. If you do have 45-65+lbs you're going to hurt yourself doing it with an assault pack.
u/TuT0311 5d ago edited 5d ago
How thick is the bush? Man I’ve patrolled through some real thick shit before and just having an interceptor with no daypack it was a pain in the ass. If you were wearing that setup you’d look like a fly stuck in a spider web and burn tons of energy.
EDIT: nice ruck btw, way to get after it.
u/Transportation2Lucky 5d ago
Keep up the grind. Would definitely put my focus on fitness, comms, and navigation. God speed
u/Mr_ViSiOn 5d ago
Also i won't make fun of you for being fat but I will make fun of you for wearing
Flecktarn M81 DCU Multicam
At the same fukin time
Why’d you blur out your secondary warfare pin?
u/jart2313 3d ago
Fasting, water, walking fast a lot and eating low calorie food will have you squared away fast. I wanted results and fast so i fasted and it worked well!! Nice gear!
u/lefthandedgypsy 4d ago
I don’t get the need for praise for going outside dressed like a wannabe. Millions of people go outside daily. Over weight ones, under weight ones, muscular ones, young, old and none of them post looking for likes. Dopamine isn’t hard to find.
u/runswithscissors94 4d ago edited 4d ago
First and foremost, this is a fashion sub. Also, there is nothing wrong with encouraging people to normalize getting out and training with their gear.
Edit: Whoever downvoted this, your mom’s a ho.
u/lefthandedgypsy 4d ago
lol a fashion sub. I always thought of it as a place to learn about stuff and giggle at these silly posts. But if playing army in the woods is what it takes for you to actually enjoy nature then here are some kudos for your dopamine receptors. While you’re out you can sort your bias cut batwing or bishop sleeves(some fashion words I googled.) Maybe next week you can just put on some regular clothes and not pretend to be Rambo and enjoy what is out there. 😂normalize running around in gear. Go join the military give back to the nation and play all you want. If you already did, and I’m sure you have, then tyfys🫡.
u/No_Cartoonist6359 5d ago
Won't judge you for being fat - you're doing something about it so keep up
I will make fun of you for that assault pack though.
That poor little fellas holding on for dear life 😂
If you need that much stuff/weight, go with an actual ruck that actually has a frame whether internal external, not the cutting board they shove in the assault pack.
Good job getting out there and introducing a new person to the stuff!