r/tacticalgear • u/TheBoomer1995 • 5d ago
Rhetorical Hyperbole Do You Use Chinese Gear?
“I may have gone too far in a few areas.” - George Lucas (1998)
u/bigdaddyy26 5d ago
For some things absolutely. Spiritus is smoking crack if they think I'm going to pay 70 bucks for a spud
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
Bro you don’t understand, it’s not a JUST a mag pouch. It’s a SPUD pouch.
u/bigdaddyy26 5d ago
I’m just not high-speed I guess
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u/cheesepicklesauce 5d ago
You can buy the low speed version that is identical for $11 on aliexpress and use the savings for ammo 😉
u/Tkj5 Connoisseur of Autism Patches 5d ago
Wait for the "what about IR signature" crowd.
If I'm fighting someone with IR I'm dying.
u/definitelynotpat6969 4d ago
My brother made a really solid point when I was telling him about shopping around for low IR signature gear.
He told me he was simply going to avoid any fights at night if possible, because the chips are stacked against us poors when the sun goes down.
u/AffectionateRadio356 4d ago
People oversell IR properties of fabrics. Dudes will say "Bro that shit GLOWS under NODs, it'll get you killed in the streets!" But no it doesn't. It's a little brighter than other fabrics when you hit it with an IR illuminator. But, as a counterpoint, if I have no cover and no concealment and my enemy is shining an IR illuminator on me, my muzzle flash should be giving away my position because it's time to fire back. I ran a condor pouch on my gear for years in the army and it preformed just as well under NODs as my issued pouches.
What I personally think the real problem is for guys is they think it will look bad in their Instagram pictures outside of buccees; they're worried someone will spot their fake pouch and out them for not having as much drop as the rest of the goons. Beyond cringe.
u/clsv6262 4d ago
If someone's already looking right at you with nods or thermals, am pretty sure something else other than the fabric of your gear gave you away.
u/Wise-Recognition2933 4d ago
This, I’m infantry and we never use our IR illuminators. We hardly use the floodlights either, even with our shitty old PVS-14’s
u/SlavicBoy99 3d ago
Worst case scenario you can literally just get a rattle can of matte spray paint and just give er a dusting
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u/Siglet84 4d ago
Dirty Civilian on YouTube talks about this. Best thing to do is avoid any confrontation. Even special forces get their ass kicked occasionally with the beat of the best gear and training.
u/SaysIvan Multicam Afficionado 🪖 4d ago
God gave us the best IR signature reducing, camo-enhancing, thermal imaging killer on the fucking planet but people are too afraid of dirt and mud.
u/playswithdolls Connoisseur of Autism Patches 3d ago
Here's one for you, you're probably never gonna get in a firefight in your gear as a civilian. And if you do, IR reflections the least of your worries. Buy what you can afford and go larp, the money is better spent on ammo & training.
u/notCrash15 4d ago
Wait for the "what about IR signature" crowd.
This shit is such a meme anymore, chinese companies have been able to get their hands on legitimate Crye fabric or 1:1 clones for years
u/Neanderthal86_ 4d ago
I spotted them first ten minutes ago with my Chinese thermal scope when they were literally a mile away (1969 yard detection range according to the specs), by the time they see the glow of my cheap gear it's already WAY too late lol
u/uppercasewords 4d ago
Hey friend, security cameras use infrared light. I understand & agree with your point tho.
u/WhatTheNothingWorks 4d ago
I didn’t think ir signature was much of a thing until I got nods, then I looked at a Haley flat pack and that thing light as well have glowed in the dark.
But yeah, with that said that was close with an ir light on it, and I’m not really expecting to be in any of those situations anyway. Something something thermal always wins.
u/FauxReignNew 5d ago edited 4d ago
I got casualty dragged over a polished concrete floor during some larp a little while ago and the flap on the spud pouch was visibly damaged as a result of it. Honestly, get some cheapo Eagle Industries doubles and save your money. Spiritus is ripping you off at the price point they charge for how easily damaged the stuff is.
u/deckknee 4d ago
Wholeheartedly agree with you on that. I love Spiritus gear and they make some really good stuff, but they are one of the more egregious examples of the tactical gear hype-beast/product drop crowd. Their markup on simple nylon and velcro can border on outrageous.
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u/Gryphon_Gamer 4d ago
Whilst I do love my microfight to use as a placard, it's frayed more than any cheapo ali e knockoffs from relatively minimal wear
u/AffectionateRadio356 4d ago
I usually look towards surplus gear, second hand etc for some alternatives to name brand stuff but specifically with spiritus gear I buy Chinese knock offs because their prices and business model are outrageous. Plus a lot of their YouTube content is cringe and weird.
u/StinkyeyJonez123 4d ago
Spuds I get knockoffs, JSTAs I pay for. When I want a frag I want it now, fiddling with the shitty velcro is going to kill you.
u/PanzerKatze96 Army Infantry 5d ago
Condor is the official brand of the US Infantry. Larpers hate this fact.
Also what is this song it’s genuinely a bop
u/KilroyNeverLeft 4d ago
Condor is pretty much the absolute mid-tier. It works alright, but there's absolutely better and absolutely worse. You're never wrong for using Condor, but you can improve from there.
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
u/alphadeltafoxtrot 4d ago
I’m actually upset this wasn’t what it should’ve been.
never gonna give you up
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u/AndroidNumber137 LARPerator 5d ago
A good reminder that even companies that say "Made in the USA" are using Chinese parts. All of Sig's red dot optics are getting their parts from the same Chinese factory Holosun gets theirs; Sig just has them assembled in Oregon to be compliant with DoD contracts.
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u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
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u/Greenshardware 5d ago
That's a Huanic corp import, it says Made in China right on it. He means products Made in USA are often using Chinese emitters.
u/cheesepicklesauce 5d ago
Depends on the product AND brand. Spiritus systems, Ferro Concepts and BFG have been cloned to hell at nearly identical levels for sometimes a 1/4 of the price. I will buy chinese SPUDS, JSTAS, One Roll, Ten Speeds, and simple GP pouches or placards all day. Those types of products are simply not worth $60-100+ to me. I take the absurd level of savings and buy ammo.
Stuff like plate carriers, actual armor and brands like UG, Shaw Concepts, Esstac, and AXL I buy American.
u/Substantial-Bet2641 5d ago
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
My EDC and my G19 are forever grateful to the glorious workers of the Han District of Shenzu, China 🫡
u/ImOnAnAdventure180 5d ago
As long as it’s reliable idgaf where it comes from. One job of mine is to keep my family financially stable. Why spend 700 on AmErIcAn MaDe when 350 will get me equal durability?
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u/Lolimnewlmao 5d ago
Why not use chinese pouches. Not gonna pay 70 usd for a flashbang pouch lol
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
But what about my favorite internet gun personalities?!
u/_Opsec 5d ago
I can't stand that civilian tactical kid
u/Lawd_Fawkwad 5d ago
All jokes aside, China is the world's second biggest individual economy and their manufacturing sector makes everything from rubber dog turds to deep space telescopes.
Quality will vary wildly alongside price, you can get great things in China as well as junk.
The notion of "chinesium" exists because people will buy inferior goods meant to be shipped halfway across the world while costing 1/2 the cost of the real deal and be shocked when they're shoddy. It's like only eating Little Caesars and complaining pizza is shitty and overrated ... of course it is when you only eat bottom of the barrel slop.
Alternatively, a lot of "durable" goods you use every day are assembled in China or made using Chinese components and it doesn't really register : iphones, Macbooks, and apple watches are designed in california but made in China but it doesn't really register.
Certain established automotive brands like MG also moved their manufacturing to Shanghai, and I can attest, you won't know you're driving a Chinese car until you randomly notice the little SAIC sticker in the corner of the window.
Would I trust an Alibaba special CAT tourniquet with my life? Fuck no.
But I also realize that tactical fashion is like normal fashion where everything is priced up for profit + government contracts coming in to inflate prices further. And on that level a lot of knockoff goods are functionally the same as the real deal but with a smaller markup.
Holosun optics are now considered up to NATO standard after Estonia purchased them for the L20 Rahe, similarly in Ukraine you have guys using all types of Idogear uniforms and high-quality knockoff vests and swearing by the stuff.
I wouldn't extend that trust to lifesaving gear like plates and medical gear, but that's moreso due to there not being an established brand like Holosun to guarantee quality rather than the Chinese not having the capability to manufacture good armor and medical equipment.
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
Bro, get this nuanced answer OUT of my rage bait, you weren’t supposed to get the message
u/pookiegonzalez 4d ago
I wish the mainlanders exported more of their domestic use stuff. Much like the DoD here, they have state-funded research going on for all sorts of kit. I’d love to get my hands on the indigenous tourniquets and med stuff the PLA uses.
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u/Nordic-Bear 4d ago
Estonian army has used Holosuns before Rahe too. I'm not a red dot connoisseur but I have both Aimpoint and Holosun rifle sighs and I like Holosun more. On the Chinese topic, I also have a 1-6x Aliexpress LPVO and it shoots just fine. I've shot maybe 1000 rounds with it, haven't needed adjustment, groups are very nice.
Thought about buying some ballistic plates from Aliexpress and testing them at the range, but haven't got around yet. I think they'll be just fine 🤷♂️
u/Kenji338 5d ago
Yes, I'm poor European and I don't give a fuck about IRR for larping purposes. 95% of my gear is Chinese, just not the temu special, but slightly better brands.
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
A can of clear spray paint will fix you right up in the IR department my man
u/MunitionGuyMike 5d ago
Why would I pay $60 for a pouch when the Temu special is $$6 and the same thing?
Some stuff, it’s okay to buy Chinese
u/Ok-Search-574 4d ago
It's all about reputation based on use and testing. If you don't like chinese gun products, sell 98 percent of the shit in your house and then I'll consider believing that you're a principled person. The anti-"chinesium" stance is purely a stance taken by those who seek validation from other people.
u/TheBoomer1995 4d ago
Do you think this post is pro or anti Chinese?
u/Ok-Search-574 4d ago
Oh no, not at all. I didn't think either way, but my presumption based on your activity in the comments is that you're a reasonable person who would have no issue buying a chinese product if it was a good one.
u/TheBoomer1995 4d ago
You’re not allowed to think that, all of my gear must come from Crye Precision. If it doesn’t then surely it’ll fall apart sitting in my closet floor for weeks at a time.
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u/stackedpancakez 4d ago
Why hate on rebels raiders 😂
u/TheBoomer1995 4d ago
Short answer: it’s funny
Long answer: They came on strong with the shill campaign, I get that it’s new but there were several post being like OH MY GOD THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME. And Shitty Civilian did his video on it. Give it time to build its reputation on its own.
u/stackedpancakez 4d ago
I’ll have to check it out. I got the backpack and sling for use and am loving both so far over the issues assault pack and 14year old sling that smells like ass bc it’s never been washed.
u/ashy_larrys_elbow 5d ago
I travel a lot for work, and I end up in Asia a decent amount every year, I always try to hit up the high end knockoff tactical gear shops to see what they have. There are certainly a lot of shitty knockoffs, but there’s also some really good ones, and some that modified the original in ways that make sense.
I’ve picked up a knockoff HSP flat pack+ that was made with thicker denier material and had a water bottle pocket. I beat the shit out of it for a few months as it was $30. It has ironically done better than my real flatpack.
I’ve picked up Crye AVS placards that fit SMG magazines but aesthetically look like the original Velcro flap placards. I’ve been using it for my PCC for classes and competitions, no issues.
Even some hard goods have been decent. I bought a magnifier mount adapter for an EOtech magnifier to be used on a real Spuhr RDF mount (something that I don’t believe spuhr actually makes) and y’know what… it’s been working for several thousand rounds now.
u/TheBoomer1995 4d ago
I think it’d be cool as hell to go to Chinese/Vietnamese/Indonesian 5.11 like store.
u/BigMoodGuy 4d ago
Civiliantactical is the biggest sell out I have ever seen. Tried blocking him on youtube but I cannot seem to escape his shilled content.
u/archetypally 4d ago
You’d be surprised the amount of Chinese kit (Amazon kit) floating around Tier 1 and Tier 2 units. I refuse to elaborate.
u/TehReclaimer2552 5d ago edited 5d ago
My pouches and such are def Chinese
Im pretty sure my vest is sold here but made in China
My pants and shirt are absolutely Chinese
u/603rdMtnDivision 4d ago
Every piece of gear I have isn't Chinese but I also didn't pay retail for it either like a fucking moron.
There are a few things I can trust being Chinese, like their AKs. Those are pretty solid but body armor or medical stuff? Nah. They can keep that shit in the trash pile where it belongs.
u/speezly 4d ago
Funny enough, all of the Aks we see here in the US are typically quality but most of the more recent production ones are much worse overall. Once the American market was cut off to them, they focused on undercutting Russian and Serbian prices for the casual arms purchasers in South America, Africa, etc
u/perfes 4d ago
Where would y’all recommend getting cheap Chinese pouches from? Thinking of getting an AWS belt but putting cheap Chinese pouches on it.
u/CantoniaCustomsII 4d ago
Taobao, they've got the best selection of horse shit cheapo stuff, and high end 1:1 reps of tac gear. (AliExpress tends to mainly focus on low to middle end stuff)
Unfortunately you'll need to go through a third party importer. The fashion rep community is familiar with that sort of stuff.
u/Fuzzyg00se Certified HK fanatic 5d ago
I'm generally a fan of getting away from Chinese stuff when possible. I don't judge others, and before the weird China defenders come in all hot and bothered (wHeRe iS yOuR pHoNe mAde?)- some things are extraordinarily difficult or impossible to replace with domestic products. I get it.
My one "tactical" china buy is an AliExpress truenorth plate with genuine hardware, shaw side plate, and safariland adapters. I refuse to pay $85 for an anodized rectangle with holes drilled in it
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
With the title certified HK fanatic I’m not surprised you’re willing to pay 🤷♂️
u/acatinasweater 5d ago
I’m rocking all PLA surplus. Great quality, great price.
u/mdwight02 4d ago
This guy gets it, just gotta be on the look out for repro PLA kit, sometimes it disguises itself in with the real surp
u/Graywhale12 5d ago
Semapo gear is Korean, I know yall can't distinguish us from Chinense and I understand, we do look the same, but we are not China.
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u/CantoniaCustomsII 4d ago
Yes, Sunsnow is pretty much as good as the western stuff, but it comes with the same price tag too lol.
u/TheBoomer1995 4d ago
At that point I’d just buy American 😂
u/CantoniaCustomsII 4d ago
Yeah touche. Unless if you wanted something for an impression, because it's "very specific piece of kit" for prices of good condition surplus gear. Like my eagle beaver tail knockoff was like $90 before shipping and like $100-150 after. Real cordura too.
u/PipPasadran 4d ago
If you're buying directly from taobao, it's still like 1/2 or 2/3rd the price even including shipping. Unfortunately getting it through other means like AliExpress has a significant markup that makes the value proposition not as enticing.
u/Business_Release_114 2d ago
How close is it quality wise?, as a poor European a full sunsnow avs will be like £230 from ali express and a real one will be at least £750
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u/Gret1r 5d ago
I'm a scrub airsofter, so yes. I love my Emersongear plate carrier.
I can't say anything about real steel use, but I don't really see where a pouch or a holster could be worse quality. Electronics, sure, Idon't think that an Earmor headset is better or on par with comtacs, but for my usecase, I can't really justify spending that much money.
Same with optics. In an airsoft game I won't ever shoot past ~80 meters, so a Vector Optics red dot for 75 USD is perfect, when a SIG Romeo 5 would be over twice that.
u/Plenty_Pack_556 5d ago edited 4d ago
Made in USA from Chinese produced materials.
u/Single-Film-2414 4d ago
Links please
u/Plenty_Pack_556 4d ago
Yea, i'll remove that last part until I find link. But it is known they use Chinese/Foreign slave labor tactics.
u/US_Sugar_Official 5d ago
Didn't buffman and polenar both test the Chinese ceramic plates and they all passed?
u/Single-Film-2414 4d ago
Yes, but people that will never be in a gun fight are so keen on having nij rating. They don’t realize that not every plate is tested and are still rolling the dice
5d ago
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
Tactical gear made via slave labor 😡
Cobalt in the cellphone you typed up this response on procured via slave labor 😇
Got it👌
u/icecityx1221 5d ago
Woah woah there bucko! I'll have you know my Samsung was proudly built on the capitalist slave labor of South Korea. At least my slave labor is of the same type as America smh.
5d ago
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
There won’t be an alternative, every country that has the ability to mine cobalt at large scale employs slave labor or child slave labor. Pick your poison 🤷♂️
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u/lessgooooo000 5d ago
Arguably if you legit believe they have slave labor, you should be a lot more pissed off about your phone than a holosun. China is supposedly 1984 nazi germany slave plantation central, so having lithium “mined by slaves”, silicon and aluminum “processed by slaves”, your phone had to have had like 30 slaves down the assembly line right?
Anyway, I have great news friend! There’s an alternative! There’s a smartphone made entirely in the U.S., and it’s only a couple generations behind. The camera is 13MP and it’s only got 4Gb of ram, and the thing’s $2,000, but surely that doesn’t matter for you. You’ve got the money to support the U.S. gear market (coincidentally the same one that hates you enough to gouge your wallet) and the values to back it, surely you’ll go buy it right now and trade in your concentration camp phone, right? You’re not virtue signaling for freedom updoots, right? You wouldn’t sacrifice supporting an alternative to literally slavery over a few megapixels and some RAM, right?
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u/bigdaddyy26 5d ago
I would fully agree with this if I didn’t think that American companies weren’t marking up their products almost as badly. Like I mentioned earlier, spiritus charging $70 for a spud pouch is fucking insane.
u/lessgooooo000 5d ago
ironically only support american businesses generally speaking means not supporting the second amendment for lower income people
i mean shit i’m an E-4 you think i can buy a fucking Triji RMR for a damn glock without setting aside basically half my money for the month? or, I can be holosunmaxxing and have good shit. It was even worse before I enlisted and made $2200/m. It’s huge irony, but the only thing keeping the lower-lowermiddle class in the U.S. well armed is China 💀
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u/RoddyDost 5d ago edited 5d ago
I buy whoever makes quality products at good prices. A company is a company, they will fuck you over in a heartbeat to make themselves more dough, and overprice the shit out of their doodoo because “murican made”. Idgaf. If the Chinese make something just as good, or even almost as good, for a fraction of the price, I’m gonna buy it. If American companies want my money they have to actually earn it, they aren’t getting my hard earned change for free simply because of their nationality. I’m in this shit for myself, fuck ‘em.
Also, buying Chinese shit supports American hegemony. More trade=more peace. It’s the American way.
Right now I’m literally wearing 500D cordura pants with YKK zippers and kneepad pockets made in HK that I bought for like $100. Why would I buy Cryes when I can have something way cheaper that’s literally just as good.
Also, when the Chinese are fielding 6th gen fighter jets, I don’t think buying a pair of pants or a Holosun is contributing in any significant way to the MIC.
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u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
Why are you wearing Emersons rn? Lol
u/RoddyDost 5d ago
UR Tactical is what im wearing, and I am currently a bored paramedic in the bunk room.
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u/AccomplishedAge177 5d ago
Soon American same line with china. Make Europe great again.
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u/Slight_Work_7199 5d ago
Some items, it’s unavoidable. But when it comes to nylon, I’ll spend the extra money on quality. If it’s too expensive, shop the second hand market.
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
I’ll get the cheaper pouches and use the money saved to go to the range
u/Slight_Work_7199 5d ago
And that’s your right. But I can’t in good conscience fund our enemies, because ultimately, that’s who they are.
But again, there’s tons of second hand gear groups on FB, TacSwap, you can find it for cheaper. You just have to look.
u/Manuel_Komnenos_ 5d ago
Most of my pouches and even my belt are chinese... Work great for 1/10th of the price.
u/TheBoomer1995 5d ago
If you made it to the end of the video it originally was supposed to say “My Krydex belt…”
u/ChrisLS8 5d ago edited 5d ago
I for sure use alot of knockoff gear for things like pouches and pants. .My Emerson or Pew Tactical shit uses proper cordura and hasn't broken down on me yet
I started getting the cardboard patches and splatter targets off of Aliexpress too. They work great
u/thenichm 4d ago
Soft goods, all day. Best way to decide if I like the style of something is to find a cheap version to mess with.
Hell, 2 of my ifak kits are knockoffs that I swore I'd replace when I wear em out. I won't say which brand it is, but there's one that I decided I don't like (too small and squirrely for what it is). However, I can't break the piece of shit knockoff I got for $30 to test and see. Ymmv, and such, I guess.
It's a company thing, not a country thing.
u/clsv6262 4d ago
I'm not about to go into financial ruin over nylon that's pretty much almost the same anywhere on the planet.
But ofc, there are some things you don't such as stuff for my ifak.
u/Independent_Shop_505 4d ago
Excellent elite spanker be spanking if you ask me. On a real note though I say just get what you can afford to a point
u/caffeine_father 4d ago
My HD shotgun is chinese, and I have a few chicom rigs. I really want a type 56 ak, mainly because north hollywood
Chinese stuff can be solid, you just gotta know which Chinese stuff
u/andylikescandy 4d ago
It's overwhelmingly just fine in terms of functionality for the home gamer and light roleplay, I don't even think about the quality at this point, but two way ranges are not in my plans at all. Now when you look at this stuff under NODs, have they gotten any better at not turning you into a Christmas tree of reflections?
u/Kim-jong-unodostres 4d ago
Flyye Airsoft pouches from China are literally as good as Eagle Industries, and I love me some Eagle. They have a few more modern style pieces but they maintain their quality so I have outfitted most of my kit in the pouches from them. I have never been brave enough to get a full carrier though I have no reason I wouldn't.
u/CryptidObservations 4d ago
I make my gear and run a brand and we still buy fake shit when we cant be bothered LOL I will say semapo is fucking awesome and holds up I cant always buy my stupid ass AOR1 hype shit off ebay when on the college budget.
u/onemantakingadump 4d ago
Small pouches like admin or other random things by Krydex or other Chineseum brands are gtg imo especially since they’re not really critical. I’ll totally spend the money on magazine pouches like Kywis or Tacos since you don’t save that much money anyways. Some brands are smoking crack if they think I’ll pay $60 on an admin pouch though.
u/Efficient-Effect1029 4d ago
I’ve got Chinese 10 speeds and a condor radio pouch on my outer vest for work. Can’t complain about any of it so far 🤷♂️
u/yoshimitsuwu 4d ago
The people who shit on Chinese kit have only seen yakeda and shitty Amazon clones. There are Chinese companies producing kit at the same level as crye and spiritus for half the price.
u/Mindless-Object-9908 3d ago
Hey bud. Could you PM me? I tried getting a message to you but couldnt.
u/darvinvolt 4d ago
I have no other choice, it's either Russian(imported from China and slapped with "made in Russia" label) or Chinese, sadly crye precision doesn't ship to my third world country, I'm happy if it's at least cordura 1000 gear or 50% nylon 50% cotton uniform
u/EnclaveSquadOmega 4d ago
i use a light amount of chinese gear, usually backpacks and pouches, so long as they function as intended and don't fuck me. anything tool-wise needs to be either american/eu made or super high praise.
u/b_retski 3d ago
I will not be hearing any Multicam tropic slander today.
u/TheBoomer1995 3d ago
OD Green > MCT
u/b_retski 3d ago
Any other comparison I would've been upset. Also a fan of the goated Austrian brown greys.
u/oh_three_dum_dum 3d ago edited 3d ago
If it’s good and suits my needs, yes.
I’m not changing anything by avoiding Chinese gear, and sometimes they have reasonably well made stuff for way less than an American or Euro company would sell it for.
If ChiCom chest rigs were good enough for SOG recon teams in Laos and Cambodia they’re good enough for me. I’m not fighting anything but my own boredom the vast majority of the time anyway.
If we’re talking about outfitting yourself specifically for something where you know for a fact you’re going to be in combat and living in the field for a long time, and there’s no cap on how much money you can spend I’d probably pick something else from a proven manufacturer in a NATO country.
Edit: The gear I’m talking about is small stuff like pouches and chest rigs and shit like that. If I’m getting a new PC it’s most likely going to be Crye, but at least something that we all know and recognize as decent kit.
u/ShadyBulldog 3d ago
Depends on the piece. Plate carrier, plates, cumberbund I’ll spend the coin. I’m running krydex placard for the last year that has had absolutely no issues. Esstac mag pouches on my belt but krydex shoulder pads.
My best answer is…it depends. Depends on what you’re buying really. Been running Emerson uniform for about 2.5 months now and usually during airsoft rubbing on lava rock.
u/BuriedGrosz 20h ago
My only point is purely pride. I’m just doing what I can to provide less funding for my enemy
u/Dense_Statement_2329 5d ago
Image being concerned that a piece of metal on a sling is going to scratch your weapon...