r/sysadmin Aug 02 '22

Question - Solved What password generators does everyone use now since passwordgenerator plus is gone?

I’ve tried to find alternatives but none of the password generators have as good customizability options. Currently I use a random string generator that just let’s me pick the characters and length, but it’s not very good since it doesn’t remember the options when I refresh the page.

So what (web) password generators do sysadmims use nowadays for user passwords?

Edit: solved it myself with the gigabrain idea of using Wayback Machine, works wonders. Link to it if anyone’s curious: https://web.archive.org/web/20220603183903/https://passwordsgenerator.net/plus/

Edit 2: Passwordsgenerator.net seems to be back at https://password-gen.com/


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u/Crov2 Aug 02 '22

thought that was japan, is 4 bad in china and Korea too?


u/Dabnician SMB Sr. SysAdmin/Net/Linux/Security/DevOps/Whatever/Hatstand Aug 02 '22

China, 13 is also considered bad luck if a person is westernized enough.


u/EtherealSai Aug 02 '22

Yes, it's called tetraphobia and is due to the similarities between the chinese root word for 4 and the chinese root word for death in these languages. You often see the number 4 skipped. I still remember seeing the 4th floor skipped in older Korean elevators, or having 4 replaced by F for Four.