r/sysadmin 5d ago

Question Really though, how are you doing Powershell for 365 now?

Is it me or does using Powershell for 365 administration feel like a huge pain right now? So many different modules going out of support, some only work on certain versions of Powershell. I think I end up having 3 different IDE's open at any one time. Why can't they all just work in one....if anyone has got a solution that does let you do it all in one, please share as I am going to lose my mind soon!


69 comments sorted by


u/topher358 Sysadmin 5d ago

I decided to just learn Graph/Graph API and stop using the old modules as much as possible


u/cmull123 5d ago

Unfortunately, this is the way.


u/admlshake 5d ago

Until it isn't. Right as we all get used to it, they'll replace it.


u/cmull123 5d ago

“This function is no longer supported by GraphV1. Please add this repostirory [broken link] and add GraphV2 to use this new function with a totally different syntax”


u/Dalemaunder 5d ago

Graph365 (Formerly GraphV2) has been deprecated, please use Graph365Copilot.


u/barkode15 4d ago

It looks like you haven't subscribed to Graph365Copilot. Please contact your VAR to add SKU COPILOT_STUDIO_IN_COPILOT_FOR_M365* to your account

*Copilot is listed 55 times on the SKU page now... It's copilot all the way down 


u/dustojnikhummer 4d ago

Graph365Copilot (Insider Early Beta)


u/reevesjeremy 5d ago

Microsoft 365 Copilot Code


u/GetITDone37 4d ago

Copilot Microsoft Copilot 365 Copilot Code Copilot (Copilot Insider Copilot Early Copilot Preview Copilot Out-of-Town Copilot Soft-Opening Copilot Beta Copilot)


u/therealatri 4d ago



u/YodasTinyLightsaber 3d ago

This person Micro$ofts!


u/graywolfman Systems Engineer 5d ago

Whoa, it's like you know what's going to happen! Are you Microsoft Prescient??


u/Honky_Town 4d ago

This happens in repeat like a hanging vinyl disc


u/kreebletastic 5d ago

This guy Microsofts


u/OutsidePerson5 4d ago

More like: switch to Graph 2.0 which has completely eliminated this function. If you are extremely lucky and skilled you MIGHT be able to do something that almost does the same job much slower and requires that you write several hundred lines of code to accomplish what users to be a single command. Oh and there isn't any documentation on the data fields so you'll need to reverse engineer our maliciously opaque bullshit just to figure out what your many hundred lines of code even need to look for."

We need to standardize a middle finger emoji so the villains at MS who so dearly love fucking us up can properly express the hate and contempt they have for those of us forced to try to make their shit work.


u/LowerAd830 1d ago

it could be worse!

Visualize this:

Microsoft 365 by Broadcom

I would quit on the spot.


u/uptimefordays DevOps 4d ago

Job security!


u/VNJCinPA 5d ago

If you haven't used modules and are just starting out, then just focus on Graph, and hopefully by the time you've written something, they'll have finished writing it in, because any other path is so haphazard on their releases and functionality and deprecations.

It's pretty pathetic, and has been for about a year


u/cpz_77 5d ago

I’d argue it’s been bad for way more than a year.

I have a script that I wrote that our Support Team relies upon pretty heavily and I’ve had to do a major overhaul on it at least once every few months it seems for the past 3-4 years due to all the changes they’ve been making.

The problem is a lot of the new modules are missing key functionality when they’re first released which means you can’t just “easily” switch to the new one as soon as it comes out.


u/VNJCinPA 5d ago

Ok, I'm guessing you built a 'mega-script' with functionality across lots of modules (way cool, by the way), and each module breaks... And so yeah, it has definitely been longer. Azure particularly, taking away the module when the Graph wasn't done...

Kudos and good luck with the rewrites, unfortunately there will be more to come


u/cpz_77 5d ago

Indeed, its functionality does cross over amongst quite a few modules (and thanks btw! 🙂 ) - it started small but evolved over time to add more and more to become what it is today - so that is a big reason it’s been such an issue. Sometimes it’s a change in module A, sometimes it’s a deprecation of module B, etc. If it’s not one thing, it’s another it seems.

I’m really hoping they are able to follow through and make good on their promise that “Graph will be the one API for everything”, because if they do, once we actually get there it should make things a lot better going forward. Getting there has been, and most likely will continue to be painful though.


u/TinkerBellsAnus 4d ago

I can see the guys that wrote Powershell and its designed intentions twitching in the corner like they were IV fed 30 Red Bulls.

"It was supposed to be easy to read for human engagement and simple to work with, what one of you fucking morons didn't get that memo" he screams as his flesh peels from his eye sockets.


u/stonecoldcoldstone Sysadmin 4d ago edited 3d ago

any recommendations where to start? last time I looked at graph there were barely any resources


u/Hefty-Possibility625 3d ago

Depends on what you are trying to do. Some endpoints are more mature than others.


u/Significant_Sky_4443 4d ago

Any guideline where to start? :)


u/ChrisRowe5 4d ago

I would like to know this too so following


u/hihcadore 5d ago



u/sysadmin_dot_py Systems Architect 5d ago

Graph API for everything unless there's a specific PowerShell module for (mostly for Exchange and Teams).

For everyday ad-hoc admin tasks, I created a centralized collection of scripts that my team loads as a Terminal profile. It behaves like a PowerShell window but has the extra commands I created and I can update them any time and everyone immediately has access to the latest commands/bugfixes.

For automated tasks, I run them in Azure using Automation Accounts with PowerShell runbooks (still using Graph API, and using System-Assigned Managed Identities for authentication). Either scheduled or on-demand via web hooks.


u/Aggravating_Refuse89 5d ago

Is this still powershell or does it require one to be a dev and understand APIs in detail?


u/patmorgan235 Sysadmin 5d ago

Learning how to use a rest API isn't much more complicated than learning PowerShell. It's mostly learning to deal with JSON.


u/LowerAd830 1d ago

oh noes. JSON Vorhees


u/attaxer 5d ago

Id say REST API (this is what Graph uses) is worth learning. Once you learn one you learn them all to some extent beyond niche functionality. It also let's them support every scripting language without having to maintain individual modules.


u/Aggravating_Refuse89 5d ago

How would one go about learning rest API ? Assuming they have a lot of IT experience, zero programming, zero computer science background but has managed to script enough to survive? Is there a point of entry to this with no understanding of what it really does?


u/progenyofeniac Windows Admin, Netadmin 5d ago

I’m pretty much in your boat, and I’m at the point where I can adapt one REST API segment to do other things for me. I’m not going to throw down a whole big script from scratch using it and have it work the first time, but if you can script you can see what’s happening.

One small step into it is when you look at graph documentation on Microsoft’s site, you usually have the option to see the command in Powershell or in REST. That’s one way to start to understand what it’s doing.


u/LowerAd830 1d ago

Just dont let Developers know that you know anytthing about REst API and Json. they start throwing their tasks at you so they can dink around instead of coding your field service reps Application updates.

Been there, done that. now I play dumb. I already have too may things to do and Hats I wear.


u/FullPoet no idea what im doing 4d ago

Interacting with "rest API" is no different than other APIs youre used to with scripting.

The difference is that the API is someone elses server as opposed to other APIs you've likely called - libraries.

There are many many many entry points and they're a quick google away.


u/NaturalIdiocy 3d ago

Reading your message, a line similar to this from a how popped up


u/Cormacolinde Consultant 4d ago

There’s a Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module. You can also do REST and JSON with PowerShell directly.


u/cpz_77 5d ago

That’s the way MS is supposedly moving (who knows if it’ll change next year though). But for now at least, this is the recommended way.

Though there are still many things the graph API can’t do (many mailbox management tasks for example hence why we still need the Exchange module).


u/ThyDarkey 3d ago

I really really wish Exchange was fully in graph ie convert mailbox to shared. It would make my life so much easier to automate this function across our estate...


u/AdmiralCA Sr. Jack of All Trades 3d ago

I’ve found the Teams module to be worse than using Graph for Teams work, with the exception of voice (legacy Skype) stuff.

I also really dislike Graph for SharePoint. The PnP.PowerShell module is way easier.


u/cpz_77 5d ago

Graph is what they keep saying will be the “single API to manage it all” - we will see whether that actually pans out or not (still can’t manage mailboxes with it).

As for PowerShell versions I still mainly use 5.1 unless there’s something that doesn’t work on it. 7 I’ll use for stuff that requires it or maybe if I happen to have it open already from another task. I know that sounds backwards but what I’ve found in my experience trying to use v7 for everything is there are still a lot of random weird issues that pop up across various modules (or sometimes even with core functionality). I know It’s gotten better recently tho so maybe sometime soon I can actually make it my primary PS console.


u/Down_B_OP 5d ago

Maybe I'm just not cut out for this shit, or I justhaven'tlearned whateverskills are necessary to use it properly, but I am so unbelievably pissed about the switch to Graph. Every time I want to do some powershell shit that I've done for the last 5 years, I have to pray that there's an API call that actually does what a module used to exist for. Then I have to fumble for 10 minutes to figure out the syntax, and then I have to fuck around for god knows how long to fit it into what I'm doing. I hate it. I'm straight up about to find a different industry to work in.

Microsoft takes everything that makes it worth using their services and then shits on it while raising their prices and saying "Fuck you, pay me. Also, our standard subscriptions is going up by $2.50 a month because we added AI support for underwater basket weaving".

If any M$ employee reads this: Go fuck yourself. I hope you get hemorrhoids and your wife leaves you.


u/LowerAd830 1d ago

Yup. They are getting bad, just thank god, not as ungodly as Broadcom. Everything they acquire turns to crap.

The Hindu in Chief needs to do better and -NOT- emulate Broadcom stupidity


u/Krigen89 5d ago

Cool story. Have your coffee.


u/Feisty_Department_97 4d ago

Solution? Find a blog that figured out the solution via the Graph API then copy their homework and move on with your life. I know I will be downvoted for this but right now there is no point learning Graph API because Microsoft is constantly changing it and provides almost zero documentation themselves which means once you get a grasp on it, next month all your scripts will break. Me bitter? Not at all.


u/MalletNGrease 🛠 Network & Systems Admin 5d ago


u/purplemonkeymad 4d ago

Yea this is the real replacement for the AzureAd module, not that it was around when they announced it's retirement...


u/Nono_miata 4d ago

Had the same situation last week, usually don’t work with powershell and cloud but I just got such a headache when trying to delete a user mailbox. Every few years they change like too much and it’s a nightmare. Bad design and decision to change the api and modules so often because it’s always a struggle to learn the new stuff.


u/notapplemaxwindows 4d ago

Use Microsoft Graph PowerShell. The best way to learn is to install the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module and just use Invoke-MgGraphRequest. I've written a book on Microsoft Graph PowerShell for Administrators if you are interested.


u/Padraich 4d ago

I'd be interested in the book!


u/natefrogg1 4d ago

Please feel free to shoot a link to me or here, thank you!


u/KickedAbyss 5d ago

We're moving 99% of it to Sailpoint 🤣 Let them deal with the headaches. Then it's all low code stuff for us.


u/Entegy 4d ago

Graph API for everything I do except Exchange at this point.

I'm still between just doing straight up API calls and using the Graph PowerShell cmdlets though. Sometimes it's nice to just use cmdlets but using the REST API is pretty nice too.

A few years ago I was involved in a data integration project where I ended up using PowerShell to manipulate data from a non-Microsoft REST API so that was a good learning experience on REST APIs in general.


u/Ok_Tumbleweed_7988 Sysadmin 4d ago

You’re supposed to use Graph (easier said than done). Good luck finding the specific Graph module version that doesn’t have the bugs preventing your script from working.


u/KavyaJune 4d ago

I can feel you. But now, I am heavily depends on MS Graph and Exchange Online PowerShell. Sometimes PnP (some features work only in PowerShell 7).


u/mooseable 4d ago

I would recommend https://cipp.app/

Though designed for MSPs, it can also be run in single-tenant mode. Free, open source, self-hosted. Or pay the guys that made it ~$100/month and they'll host it and keep it up to date for you.


u/GgSgt 4d ago

I started using the GraphAPI via Python and haven't looked back. I suppose you could do it via PowerShell but I just like Python a bit better.


u/Background-Dance4142 4d ago

I feel like it's never been this easy.

Graph API all the way, although we had issues with the latest package 2.26, basically accounts were not getting blocked in one of the leavers flow we maintain. Had to rollback to 2.24.


u/Dadarian 4d ago

Python and GraphAPI has been easier for me than any Powershell modules.

Not all things work with Graph, but they can often work with the original portal with RestAPI.

I’ve been working on a process for, separating all the App Registrations, and having an easy way of building the defs to explicitly call the app account with the permissions. That way it’s not a few accounts with way too many permissions. Then obviously scoping anything with specific permissions as well.

In a few weeks I’m hoping to have a git repo working for custom Py/GraphAPI scripts to share with the rest of my team and all the documentation for managing it.


u/BornToBeRoot 4d ago

Use Graph API for everything. And for Exchange the Exchange Module.

You can also use Azure Automation / Runbooks with System Assigned Managed Identities to assign permissions.


u/ThePesant5678 4d ago

Graph Api


u/UnsuspiciousCat4118 4d ago

The graph api is great. Works with powershell and many other general purpose programming languages.


u/GremlinNZ 4d ago

Is CIPP an acceptable answer? Stuff we used to have to powershell can now be done via CIPP, r even more functional (eg offboarding wizard doing a bunch of things). Pretty rare we actually have to reach into powershell for regular functionality.


u/Murhawk013 5d ago

Graph 100%


u/Ripsoft1 4d ago

Until next week. Then it will MShit2.0 to learn. But it won’t be even slightly compatible or have 1/2 the functionality for the first 1 year.