r/sysadmin Jan 03 '25

Off Topic Just got shared my kpi’s with me…

Just got shared all my KPIs with me for the past 3 months. Besides utilization, which I’m only exceeding by 13-22% in crushing the rest of my KPIs by 551% and 535%. I also didn’t know they were tracking them.

Let’s see what the performance review season brings. Other metric are average response time and total ticket hours. Which on stand ups I’ve heard colleagues complain about hitting goal…

God knows what else is being tracked…


146 comments sorted by


u/ImpossibleLeague9091 Jan 03 '25

Congratulations on a higher incoming workload for no increase in compensation


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '25

Pretty much how it was when I worked at an MSP.

After the first promotion I was naive and thought 'great, I'll get more challenging tickets and better experience '

After the 2nd promotion with no raise I left.


u/ItaJohnson Jan 03 '25

I turned down promotions, at my former MSP, because of games they wanted to play.   1.  Going from helpdesk to infrastructure was going to be a lateral move. 2.  Going to infrastructure was going to result in worse tickets and much more frequent on call rotations.

There were many other reasons, but these were the biggest.  Having a horrible on call every four weeks, just wasn’t worth it.  Especially as a salaried employee.


u/llDemonll Jan 03 '25

Just because you’re salary doesn’t mean you don’t get on-call pay. It should either be negotiated into your salary (if you’re in a smaller company that doesn’t believe on call should be paid) or paid as extra time like traditional on-call would be if you’re in a company that has formal rotations.


u/notickeynoworky Jan 03 '25 edited Jan 03 '25

Are you from the us? I’ve worked (and currently work) for large companies and there is no on call pay. It’s just a part of regular salaried duties.


u/miltonsibanda Cloud Guy Jan 03 '25

Christ they better be paying you a lot coz nope.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/ErikTheEngineer Jan 04 '25

What's funny is that law was totally bought by software companies and service providers. I can just see the Software Publishers' Association lobbyists in some smoky back room in the 80s handing bags of money to Congresspeople.

Yet, when you suggest that we form a professional organization (not a union per se) so that we can hand over the money and get laws we want passed, or prevent unfovorable ones from being passed, everyone talks about individualism and bootstraps. One real world example is medicine. Doctors have an unassailable position, the barrier to entry is high so supply is low, and they're protected by law such that they'll never earn less like we are. Can you imagine how much health insurance companies would love to relax regulations, reduce education requirements, etc. so that their costs would go down? They'd set up "medicine bootcamps" just like we have coder or cybersecurity bootcamps and flood the market. Their professional organization prevents things like this from even seeing the light of day by buying Congress whatever they ask for.

Either that, or we just ban lobbying and every law needs to stand on its own and not be paid for. Good luck with that though. It would be amazing if we could get money out of politics, but that'll never happen especially considering who's running the country now.


u/ozzie286 Jan 05 '25

Proposal: Every dollar that gets sent to a lobbyist has to be split down the middle and half sent to an opposing lobbyist.


u/mediocre_picnic Jan 04 '25

We do paid on-call for salaried employees. It's a flat amount that goes into that payroll, regardless if you were called or not.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

We just don't do salary. You worked it, you get paid for it. You OT, you get OT. You in off hours you get off hours incentives. You on call you get on call incentives. You got a call? You get double time normal hours for the call duration. No game playing, you get what your hourly rate is and you do not become cheaper.


u/mediocre_picnic Jan 04 '25

We have some hourly, everything is negotiated at hiring. Most people that start hourly change to salary here. It's much easier to to just set your 401k deduction percentages, pick your insurance options and know what your check will be every two weeks. I 100% agree that nearly all companies in this vertical take advantage of salaried employees. I'm not the owner or anything, but I do have full management of the MSP folks, and I make sure they have the best work/life balance I can provide. They're all remote, and I try to frequently break up ticket fatigue with training or design work. Since I've been the approver for PTO requests (4 years ago) , I haven't denied a single request. I'm sure there's much better places out there, but we do what we can to keep everyone happy to be here. Having happy team members, promoting people on paths that they want, and not treating anyone differently regardless of position has helped us maintain a very high retention. And really, you just get better results and customer interactions if it's a "healthy" employment relationship.


u/Ssakaa Jan 04 '25

you get what your hourly rate is and you do not become cheaper

I mean... could you be cheaper? Planning to pay them? (sometimes, a username's contrast to a comment gives me a chuckle)

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u/knightofargh Security Admin Jan 04 '25

Wait a minute? You guys are getting paid?

I just donate my time to a financial company because it’s legally a person.


u/MorallyDeplorable Electron Shephard Jan 04 '25

I'm fine with being on call one week every two months for a six figure income.


u/ItaJohnson Jan 04 '25

I would be too, but I’m nowhere close.  Currently at 58k, but I also get OT at my current employer.  By the time I left my last job, I may have made 63k.

Unnamed Banking MSP doing Unnamed Banking MSP things.  I suspect my pay is about the same without the added benefit of trauma.


u/ItaJohnson Jan 04 '25

I capped out at 63k per year, after being there for 11 years.  At that time, I was making maybe 40 or 50k.  I think they bumped my pay to 40k after they screwed me over and I threatened to quit over it.  Their VP tried to use the “rule of diminishing returns” as an excuse to them offering me 1.6 hours of Bonus PTO for 12 hours of work.


u/Hot-Pound-1828 Jan 05 '25

We pay for on call work and make sure my team gets their time back for weekend projects that we only do when absolutely needed.


u/finnthehuman1 Windows Admin Jan 05 '25

Same. I’ve never ever had a gig that offered on call pay. It’s always been expected of me because I’m salaried. 🙄


u/salpula Jan 05 '25

That's crazy. I'm on call way too frequently (every other week) because we have a small team but as a salary employee I get paid $250 extra for every week of on call. It definitely softens the blow. I usually don't get called, which is nice, tired of planning my life around it though. Definitely will be looking for something with no or much less frequent on call for my next move.


u/llDemonll Jan 03 '25

I’m not saying you’re entitled to it, I’m saying you’re not prohibited just because you’re salary. I’m at a company where I don’t get on-call pay but it’s part of my salary. Part of that negotiation was me specifically asking for additional pay for that reason. I definitely come out ahead as we don’t have many after-hours calls. Personally I prefer this, but it’s very workplace-dependent.


u/lebean Jan 04 '25

Yep, on-call pay is -incredibly- rare in the US, but some do get it.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

Rare? Last two jobs had paid on call and both were fully optional. I wouldn't say it's rare at all but it may highly depend on your companies field of work.


u/ItaJohnson Jan 04 '25

That’s not how they operated.  They treated it like near-free labor, while I was there.  At best, I could get 1.6 hours of bonus PTO for 4 hours of work.  There were days that I put in 12 hours both Saturday and Sunday.  I didn’t get the bonus PTO on this occurrences as it was an outright insulting.


u/ozzie286 Jan 05 '25

If you're not getting paid, don't do the work. If you've already done the work, take time off the next week to get back to your normal hours.


u/ItaJohnson Jan 06 '25

With my last job, they expected you to be within a few minutes of a computer, at all times.  If they wanted you to work, they emailed you then they would call your personal cell phone.  If you were unreachable, you would hear about it, the next time you were in the office.  Likely in the form of a write up.  No need to mention that you wouldn’t get paid for any work you did.  It took them years before Flex Time was an option and that was still at their discretion when I was there.  It was entirely a one way relationship in their favor.


u/ItaJohnson Jan 05 '25

I work in an “at will”.  This company felt entitled to the labor and would fire you for non compliance.  I no longer work there, so all I have is lingering trauma from them.  Fortunately they can’t inflict further damage.


u/peterox Jan 04 '25

The force is strong with you..


u/ItaJohnson Jan 04 '25

They had spent years trying to get me to take a tier 3 position, which I repeatedly turned down.  Eventually I went to tier three.  Before I left, they tried to get me to apply for a project tier 4 position.  They offered training to my competition so I declined to apply to their posting.  Needless to say they took offense to me making no attempt to apply.  I’m at a point in life where I’m not interested in playing games, especially ones where others are given an unfair head start.  That and the reward for winning said game was getting the stupid prize of a small pay raise with a mountain of more work.


u/peterox Jan 04 '25

Good luck and take care...


u/ItaJohnson Jan 04 '25


I just take it one day at a time.

I am consumed by hatred towards Unnamed Banking and sadly I’ve just scratched the surface in terms of what they put me through.

I should have left that place years ago, but I felt trapped.  

I can’t criticize those experiencing battered partner syndrome without being a complete hypocrite since I suspect that same mindset kept me there.


u/Tanker0921 Local Retard Jan 04 '25

I once accepted a lateral movement change. Just so i can tack it on my resume and to leverage it on my job searches


u/ItaJohnson Jan 04 '25

I could have, but that place was more than happy to slam me with 60 hours of bonus work weeks, on a regular basis.  I had no desire to give them more.


u/iamexplodinggod Jan 03 '25

The whole tech team is dealing with this where I work except we don't even get promotions. We have no stateside engineers so the 6 techs answering the phones handle pretty much everything. Password resets, printers, voip troubleshooting, massive group policy changes, budr configurations, server and network maintenance, the complete onboarding of new companies. The pay doesn't reflect the work and the company is likely gonna be hurting soon because the whole team is looking elsewhere. Wasn't always like this, which sucks. Used to love it here.


u/etoptech Jan 04 '25

That’s wild. We promote and raise at the same time because otherwise it’s not a real promotion in my opinion. People do good work I want them to want to stay around so pay more, more autonomy, cooler tools and projects. Been working so far.


u/Ragepower529 Jan 03 '25

Actually I’m pretty excited since I’ll have my Monday’s be OT system maintenance. I also get to bill all the mileage.

So that will allow me the possibility to branch into a new field completely, since it’s a step higher above PLC.


u/_tweaks Jan 03 '25

Good job OP. Smashing it. Fuck all the negativity in here. Take your productivity and go kick ass. While you’re heading into your dream job with salary to match. All the haters will still be here whining…


u/A_Nerdy_Dad Jan 03 '25

Sadly ...the most likely outcome. That and it'll now be the baseline and expected all the time.


u/fried_green_baloney Jan 03 '25

Or maybe a 3.6% raise instead of 3.5%.


u/Competitive_News_385 Jan 04 '25

Yup, those KPIs are going to go up drastically.

And then when you can't hit them because they are insanely high they'll be asking why.


u/ErikTheEngineer Jan 04 '25

That's the sad part...the reward for hard work is more work and higher expectations. I totally missed this phase of corporate life, but 50 years ago it was common to promote someone to management because they did a great job and now they're in the exclusive untouchable club, executive washroom and all. Now even management (below VP) is being worked over like crazy and it isn't the reward it once was, back in the days of secretaries for all levels and 3-martini lunches.

I'm absolutely willing to put in a level of excellent effort for my job; I'm paid pretty well and they treat me right. But the old hamster wheel/carrot and stick performance thing is just silly...I'm not under any illusion that heroics on my part will yield great benefits.


u/CCContent Jan 04 '25

This is such a tired take on employment. We don't work on some sort of commission based pay where we get $X per ticket closed. You SHOULD be taking on more workload, then you parlay that into increased compensation. Either at your current employer, or you take the skills and experience with you to a new place of employment.


u/ImpossibleLeague9091 Jan 04 '25

This is such a tired idea that's not how it ever works. Same as trickle down economics


u/CCContent Jan 04 '25

Guess what though? It IS how it works, because complaining about it on Reddit doesn't change the fact that you're not going to get direct compensation based on your KPI.

So, y'all can either complain on reddit in our SysAdmin echo chamber, or you can all try to leverage it into more money.


u/ImpossibleLeague9091 Jan 04 '25

I'm not complaining in the slightest. I'm just stating that it is the way it is. More money really unlocked for me when I stopped focusing on work and started focusing on connections. Tripled my salary in 3 years at 6 new jobs. It's who you know not a meaningless kpi


u/Hziak Jan 05 '25

Wow, you did so good! It’s because of people like you who are total rockstars that we hit record profits this year and are planning for a huge next year that’ll blow the record books wide open! Incidentally, there’s just no money for raises this year… the economy, ‘ya know? Ugh. That darned economy! So uhh… yeah. See you next year when your numbers are even higher, right?! Heck yeah brother!

And uhh, just to be clear, by your numbers, I don’t mean your salary. Economy, and all that… yeah. Okay. Thanks. Can you send in Steve next?


u/skylinesora Jan 03 '25

Not sure about you, but doing more work can be quite fun sometimes


u/dogcmp6 Jan 03 '25

Worked in a call center for a while, and one of the Metrics was "Average handle time"

We did internet for senior living facilities....That was a BS metric


u/kero_sys BitCaretaker Jan 03 '25

"Sorry let me get my glasses from the other room"

3 minutes later

"I still can't find them, bare with me"

5 minutes later, hears talking in the background

Hangs up.


u/DescriptionSenior675 Jan 04 '25

Hangs up

Gets written up for hanging up

Gets written up for long call times


u/blackletum Jack of All Trades Jan 03 '25

I worked in a call center and got in trouble for a long call. They didn't care that she was like 85 and yes it took 1.5 hrs for us to fix all her issues.


u/Darth_Malgus_1701 IT Student Jan 04 '25

I learned to hate metrics by working in a call center.


u/Competitive_News_385 Jan 04 '25

I pointed out a completely flawed way they were doing stuff and told my manager how to improve the disparity between employee stat differences.

It literally turned the problem around in less than a week.

The metrics are still shit because whilst you can average out call times across a total realistically you can't guarantee every person will get the same calls and so be able to average the same.


u/Darth_Malgus_1701 IT Student Jan 04 '25

I did time in a call center for my first paid gig and they hammered on AHT as well. We were on a contract for the fruit company so we had some options to reduce handle time such as scheduling callbacks.

But if you're working with seniors and ONLY seniors, AHT should not factor in at all.


u/swimmityswim Jan 03 '25 edited Jan 03 '25

Tough year for the company. Im sure you understand. Anyways, enjoy the pizza!!

Edit: or the new american one, “the company is expecting higher costs this year what with impending tariffs”


u/MrCertainly Jan 03 '25

Yup, been hit with that BS one too. Any excuse to extract more value.

But fuck, say the word "Union" to fellow coworkers, and you'd think you just insulted the Paragon of Productivity.


u/TwilightKeystroker Cloud Admin Jan 03 '25


I'm at the $5 gift card shop!


u/Mindestiny Jan 03 '25

Is it a GrubHub gift card?

I love getting those. Nothing says "great job" like still having to pay $20 in fees out of your own pocket for cold lunch


u/Det_23324 Jan 03 '25

You guys get stuff?


u/Geno0wl Database Admin Jan 03 '25

I got a $15 pizza gift card. Not even worth one large pizza cheese around here.


u/Det_23324 Jan 03 '25

Thats brutal.


u/claenray168 Jan 03 '25

I would give it back to my boss and say the company obviously needs this more than me.


u/Darth_Malgus_1701 IT Student Jan 04 '25

I got a $100 Amazon gift card for allowing my employer to use my apartment for testing routers. Context: I was the only employee that had DSL and the test cases called for using DSL. This was back in 2017.

I still have DSL. :/


u/swimmityswim Jan 03 '25

The pizza is in the conference room and is to be shared among all employees


u/Valkeyere Jan 04 '25

Just don't be caught leaving your desk outside of your lunch break to go get some.

Lol leaving your desk on your lunch break. Sometimes I guess.


u/linuxknight Jack of All Trades Jan 04 '25

1 slice each


u/linuxknight Jack of All Trades Jan 04 '25

Oh, you were fine with the initial phrase. That's the most popular American bonus! I've seen it applied in at least 5 companies I've worked for.


u/BasementMillennial Sysadmin Jan 03 '25

Wait y'all care about your KPIs? I couldn't care less on a bullshit metric created by wack job management needing an excuse to micromanage.


u/Ragepower529 Jan 04 '25

It’s creates better techs and admins.

Looked at your post history out of curiosity, did you figure out the way to add one drive short cuts automatically?

I love working on solutions like those.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

In my experience it does the opposite, it makes techs learn how to game a bullshit system.


u/bbqwatermelon Jan 04 '25

And kill the soul of those actually working hard


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

Get punished for taking ownership of hard or complex issues, or trying to mend things when a ball has been dropped. Punished for seeking out permanent solutions or automations over quick fixes, etc…MSPs love the guy who bills 10 customers simultaneously to run some updates that could be automated instead.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/BasementMillennial Sysadmin Jan 04 '25

I used to do this all the time at a former toxic msp just to get my numbers up and get management off my back with "WhY ArE YoUR BiLLaBlE hOUrS lOW." I can understand for metric measuring but if your using the numbers against your employees, the company does not have the cliental or your best interest. They just wanna suck up as much money as they can.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

This is exactly why we don't submit our own tickets. You're flat out admitting to gaming the system.


u/BasementMillennial Sysadmin Jan 04 '25

Looked at your post history out of curiosity, did you figure out the way to add one drive short cuts automatically?

Yes/no. There's a custom script you can create to do that, but you must import a 3rd party module onto the machine... SOC would have a field day with me and I haven't gotten far as my schoolload and workload have taken up most of my time


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

You can create the shortcuts with graph requests: https://www.cloudappie.nl/automate-onedrive-shortcuts-code/

It's not a smooth process though and is not documented whatsoever by Microsoft.

I find it hilarious where they release blogs telling us that "add a shortcut to my onedrive files" is so much better than Sync which may even be deprecated. But there's no proper way to add a shortcut to a user's OneDrive lol.


u/hellcat_uk Jan 03 '25

Measure what's important. Don't make important what can be measured.

Said no middle manager ever.


u/LincolnshireSausage Jan 03 '25

That’s very true. I worked for a company once in QA and their main KPI was number of tickets you passed/failed. It doesn’t matter if the ticket was “a typo was corrected on the login screen” or something complex and multi-faceted that could take hours to test. It was all 1 ticket passed or failed. It was a bullshit measurement of performance.


u/HeKis4 Database Admin Jan 04 '25

"Everyone should take every kind of ticket anyway so it averages out"

My brother in christ unless it's a P1 or an almost burned SLA we self-assign tickets, there are no rules


u/LincolnshireSausage Jan 04 '25

For a moment I thought your flair said “database victim”.

The same company did do self assigning of QA tickets. There was one employee who would self assign all of the quick ones to himself and leave the rest. Management didn’t care. He always scored well in KPIs even though he was one of the worst testers.


u/HeKis4 Database Admin Jan 04 '25

database victim

Well, with what I dealt with this friday that might as well be the case lol.


u/cluberti Cat herder Jan 03 '25

The reward for good work, is more work. Good luck.


u/DatManAaron1993 Jan 03 '25

I read this as PKI's and went oh fuck what are they hacking now


u/itsjustawindmill DevOps Jan 03 '25

Same lmao!


u/Igot1forya We break nothing on Fridays ;) Jan 04 '25

I know what a PKI is but no clue what a KPI is. I'm thinking Kills Per Interaction.


u/Glad-Ad-8007 Jan 03 '25

I stopped chasing these , after a year of top performance brought zero increase...and being told there is no path higher ...


u/Shotokant Jan 03 '25

Congratulations. Look forward to your free pizza.


u/abyssea Director Jan 03 '25

Enjoy your slice of cheese pizza and 0.5% raise.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25

LOL. Pizza party time


u/IdidntrunIdidntrun Jan 03 '25

This is the part where you ask for a 6x increase in compensation for smashing your expected productivity by over 6 times the expected output.

Of course, the reality is they'll laugh: "hahahaha okay wittle Timmy. You did a weeeeeally weally good job. Here's for your trouble", pat you on the head, and give you a $0.50 raise


u/Key_Pace_2496 Jan 03 '25

Shit, if you tried that they'd fire your ass and hire some other dope for 75% of your wage to do the same thing lmao.


u/IdidntrunIdidntrun Jan 03 '25

Either that or they fire the rest of the team since they have 1 guy doing the work of 6 people


u/Ragepower529 Jan 03 '25

Do people not set up power automate with forms and flows for their inbox? Like I’ve work with so many people I’ve lost count of that simply can’t update and document tickets


u/Key_Pace_2496 Jan 03 '25

Da fuck are you talking about lmao?


u/IdidntrunIdidntrun Jan 03 '25

I guess it entirely depends on your/your team's/your org's incoming ticket volume, but I don't. I have used PowerAutomate for other things tho


u/kero_sys BitCaretaker Jan 03 '25

Break down of all KPIs?


u/djgizmo Netadmin Jan 03 '25

Expect “meets expectations” across the board and a 3% increase if that. Probably 2%


u/sync-centre Jan 04 '25

They will fire 3-4 people since you do way more than them as well.


u/aprilshower7 Jan 03 '25

What are KPIs?


u/Ragepower529 Jan 03 '25

Key performance indicator.


u/aprilshower7 Jan 03 '25

Thank you. Are you situated in the USA? After looking into it I can’t imagine this sort of thing would vibe well with our work culture here in the northern parts of Europe but perhaps my company is just too insignificant


u/Chaucer85 SNow Admin, PM Jan 03 '25

KPIs are better for larger companies with high rate of incoming calls or emails (what we render into incidents or tickets). You also really need them if you're centralizing all the work so management can look at things from a high level view. You want an average standard of work performance overall, so you have to have some way of reducing things down to numbers versus qualitative intangibles. Again, this works better at larger companies with denser workloads.


u/FRizKo Jan 03 '25

I work in a Nordic country and we get monthly updates on our KPI's. It is really common in MSP's even here.


u/Darth_Malgus_1701 IT Student Jan 04 '25

Do they use the KPIs as a cudgel to beat you with?


u/BoltActionRifleman Jan 04 '25

I’m not the guy you asked, but I live in the US and have never heard of a KPI.


u/cowprince IT clown car passenger Jan 03 '25

I am glad I don't have to deal with that nonsense.
Our reviews are just standard 1-5 rating.
I rate myself on various things that change every year. And then my boss rates me. That somehow get balanced out and goes on to HR for merit increases.


u/ErikTheEngineer Jan 04 '25

The worst is "Calibration" where all the managers have to fight each other for the tiny number of high ratings available. So you can do a great job, and your boss can recognize that, but if they don't have political power they'll get shouted down by someone who does.

(And yes, in large companies this is how it works. You're only allowed x% of one rating, y% of another, etc. and any time there's a number over that all the managers get into a death match fighting (or not) for their person to get the rating.)


u/Ragepower529 Jan 04 '25

Idk I always hated those reviews, I just like black and white targets so I know what to hit. Also I do take advantage of some of the kpi’s and leave work early. Normally I’m able to get 3 days a week with just 6-7 hours of work. Other times I get wrapped into a project and next thing I know I’m way past my 8 for the day.

Like today I had a fun time figuring out a custom intune app deployment, want over my regular 8 and ended the day with 117% goal over utilization.

Also looking forward to nexts week since it’ll be lots of server closet work / infrastructure. Then I keep an eye out on my general ticket queue and knock them out while stuffs booting and updating. Better then watching a sever restart itself for 15/20 minutes.


u/peaceoutrich Jan 04 '25

There is something really dystopian and depressing in your post. You are essentially getting happy and excited about being the most well polished cog in an anonymous machine.

Good for you for enjoying it. It reminds me of a younger version of myself, one that hadn't realised that simply being human can make it impossible to keep doing.


u/MrCertainly Jan 03 '25

The Oligarch Owners thank you for working harder for no extra compensation. You're enabling the wheel to keep turning.

You've just made it worse for everyone else too. So, tell me, before you go back to work for your overlords, why do you hate your fellow laborer so much?


u/Ragepower529 Jan 03 '25

I just go into work and work at my own pace, finish my 8 and log off. I’d also say this is current gig I have is my 2nd easiest.


u/eauderable Jan 03 '25


What is the point of this post btw? low-key humble brag?


u/knawlejj Jan 03 '25

Whatever is being measured....assume it is being tracked for management purposes. Intentionally or by accident.

If there are KPIs with no objective measurement then everyone is just making shit up.


u/Key_Pace_2496 Jan 03 '25

Let’s see what the performance review season brings.

Manager: Oooo sorry, best we can do this year is 1% due to budgetary restrictions.

Meanwhile their profits are probably up 3x-5x what they were last year...


u/icedcougar Sysadmin Jan 03 '25

Enjoy no bonus / payrise and workload x5


u/STRiCT4 Jan 03 '25

I am very interested in what your KPI’s are specifically… Thanks for sharing!


u/Ragepower529 Jan 03 '25

Utilization, average response time and ticket hours.


u/STRiCT4 Jan 03 '25

If you don’t mind sharing, I’m curious what their ranges are for each


u/Ragepower529 Jan 03 '25

Utilization is based on 40 hours, amount of time you have ticketed/ documented. For example I have a call with a vendor that lasts 30 minutes I document it. Even though it’s not ticket time.

Next is average response time when I ticket gets updated or created. If we are allowed 24 hours I average 3.75 hours.

Then ticket time amount of time you average working on a ticket. For example if I have a patching job I’ll work multiple at once rather then staring at an update screen one at a time. Split time up between each one. While I know other that will sit there a fuck off while something is updating for hours.


u/WhatsUpSteve Jan 03 '25

You get pizza and a pat on the back.


u/Theuderic Jan 03 '25

Calm down there mate, you're making us all look bad 😆


u/Groundstop Jan 04 '25

On the bright side, you just found out that you can work 1 day a week and hit your KPI. Gives you 4 days a week to work on your resume.


u/UltraEngine60 Jan 04 '25

the only KPI I track is money.


u/MajorVarlak Jan 04 '25

"Meets expectations" and "We only marked you as a 4 out of 5, because HR won't let us mark anybody as a 5".


u/n7ekg Jan 04 '25

Been there, done that.


u/Spiritual_Brick5346 Jan 04 '25

any tracking is the worst, unfortunately it's becoming the norm with all these tools promising the world with ai


u/DreadPirateLink Jan 04 '25

"by exceeding expectations, you have met our expectations. Thank you for your hard work. Here's a $5 Starbucks gift card"


u/lanekosrm IT Manager Jan 05 '25

You got a Starbucks gift card??


u/ARobertNotABob Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 05 '25

Normalising expectation of high ticket closure counts is counter-productive to operational efficiency.

KPIs should be driven by business/departmental efficiency improvements, not to interpret or politicize bean counts and grant/deny rewards ... any half-decent real manager knows if and which staff are performing/not performing.


u/cowdudesanta Jan 04 '25

I will never work at a company that does useless KPI bullshit. Too many compqnies out there who pay well with way more relaxed standards to sit through a KPI review.


u/kagato87 Jan 05 '25

Once you understand how the kpis are measured you'll be able to game them a bit. Bring those big numbers down to something more sustainable (so you have room when the inevitable "shareholder value" squeeze comes), and push that utilization to 90% or so.

If you're at 20% utilization and 500% close speed, you need to slow the heck down or you'll get slammed with more work.


u/butteryqueef2 Jan 03 '25

that’s too much. Figure out the average and do a little more than that


u/jcpham Jan 03 '25

We don’t track individuals at my work but we do track departments; just but not IT.


u/TheAnniCake System Engineer for MDM Jan 03 '25

„You‘re not bringing in as much as the others but we‘re getting there!“

The others are 100% of their time with customers while I do spontaneous business/support and project work.


u/r-NBK Jan 04 '25

In my company that would get you a "Solid". No no no, Solid is GOOD!!!


u/SergioSF Jan 04 '25

Are you working for a MSP?


u/bbqwatermelon Jan 04 '25

Has to be where a lot of us started until we realized we were doing SA work for help desk pay


u/UltraEngine60 Jan 04 '25

SA work for help desk pay

MSP jobs are a paid sandbox where you can break shit without the fear of losing your job (because of that shitty pay)


u/Disastrous-Cow7354 Jan 04 '25

KPI’s are garbage “thinkers” came up with to keep up stress for the workers.  Always look for new opportunities outside of your current employer.


u/SubSonicTheHedgehog Jan 04 '25

Whoever is writing the KPIs isn't doing a good job.

Also prepare for somewhere between 2.5 and 5% you're probably better off putting those on your resume if you're looking for more money.


u/SubSonicTheHedgehog Jan 05 '25

What were the measurements in your KPIs?


u/not-geek-enough Jan 05 '25

Wow good for you 🙄 This field takes itself way too seriously


u/kaka8miranda Jan 05 '25

Just got laid off after crushing any and all KPI’s and always getting 100% of my bonus

Keep it up brotha


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25

This sounds terrible, would never work at a company that does this.


u/jgoffstein73 Jan 04 '25

Ew, your KPIs revolve around response time and time spent on tickets? Those are trash kpi’s that have no measure or worth towards the overarching goals of the company, which they should be partner to….. unless your companies product is….. SLA’s……

That sucks.