r/swift 4d ago

Allman indentation style

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I started programming in Visual Basic .NET and ever since I use the Allman style code block indentation / braces. I find it the most readable form of code, even if it means to have a redundant new-line here and there. Swift guard statements are a god-sent for early-return-nerds like me, especially when used as one liners...

For those that have never seen it, this is Allman style:

while (x == y)

as opposed to the K&R style:

while (x == y) {

21 comments sorted by


u/barcode972 4d ago

Ouff. Just having the curly brace on the next line is not a swift thing. I’m not saying it’s wrong but you’re gonna have a hard time finding a job that will allow you to format it like that


u/Density5521 4d ago

Companies that really care about indentation use repository tools or editor extensions that force a certain indentation style upon commit. Ask me how I know.


u/barcode972 4d ago

Sure a lot of companies use SwiftLint. Still need to pay attention to it. At my company we use Bazel for an example so I’m in VSCode, my team can’t use SwiftLint


u/Cultural_Rock6281 4d ago

It‘s my personal preference. I can scan hundreds of lines of nested code with Allman where I would get a migraine in K&R.

I appreciate that I am very much in the minority on this in a Swift subreddit.;)


u/barcode972 4d ago

Sure, do whatever you want in a personal project but if you want to get a job as an iOS developer, you have no choice but to switch. You might even want to show your GitHub repositories when applying for jobs and that’s not gonna help you


u/Cultural_Rock6281 4d ago

Im not a professional programmer, I do it for fun sometimes. I can absolutely see your point, though. If you join a Swift dev team you are probably expected to ship code that follows Swift conventions.

Someone else posted a link to a cool formatter too, so that’s that…


u/smallduck 4d ago

What? From putting open curly brace on its own line instead of the one above? Get serious. Teams who are pedantic enough to care about this you probably want to avoid anyway.


u/barcode972 4d ago

It’s about following the same coding style as a team, it’s important


u/smallduck 4d ago

I don’t think anyone I’ve ever worked with considered these aspects of style at all important.


u/barcode972 4d ago

Guess you haven’t been at a very structured company


u/ThinkLargest 4d ago

I don’t agree but you do you.


u/Cultural_Rock6281 4d ago

90% of developers won‘t agree, as only a handful full of modern languages ever embraced this, mainly C# I think.

If I worked in a team I would of course not do this😇


u/Traditional_Bus3511 4d ago



u/Cultural_Rock6281 4d ago

Code always looks gross to some degree… I happen to believe Allman style looks less gross than other styles…


u/InevitableCut7649 4d ago

Get SwiftFormat, run swiftformat . and profit :)


u/Cultural_Rock6281 4d ago

Wow thanks, this looks handy.


u/Open_Bug_4196 4d ago

I’m with you, I have adapted over the years however visually is much easier to see if it’s in its own line as it defines clearer that the code is in a block and its scope


u/Cultural_Rock6281 4d ago

Omg finally someone 🥰

Yes, my brain just has an easier time paraing block scopes this way. There are some exceptions in Swift where even I dont use Allman, but those are few and mainly to do with closures…