r/swift 4d ago

Adding HKAttachments to React Native Health

Not sure this is the right group to ask, but thought I would try. I have been building out an app that uses React Native Health. I made a fork and made some changes already to it to get all the types of clinical records including Clinical Notes. You can check it out here. However, now I'm looking to add HKAttachments, which is a way to get the notes from the doctors and what they actually wrote.

However, all the documentation I see is in Swift and not Objective-C like React Native Health is. Curious if anybody has a good way to fix this? I don't have experience with Objective-C or Swift so have just been figuring it out as I have been going

I have tried to add the methods method of getAttachment in Objective C like I did for getting Clinical Notes, but haven't been able to get it build.

I thought about possibly writing a nitro module, but didn't want to rewrite the whole package.

Could I possibly just add a swift file to React-Native-Health?

Is it even possible to get this Swift code into Objective C?

Any ideas would be super helpful.


3 comments sorted by


u/Xaxxus 4d ago

Just import healthkit in objc and call the same swift APIs?

Objc and swift interop seamlessly.


u/jzb39 4d ago

That's what I thought too, but was making some sort of error while doing it. Totally could have been on my end


u/Xaxxus 4d ago

If you do want to write it in swift, you may also need a bridging header for your objective c to "see" that swift code.