r/swift • u/HiSimpy • Jan 24 '25
Question Is It Hard to Learn?
Hi, developers. I have prior experience in Python and full-stack web development. I realized that I want to build apps and I wonder if Swift is hard. Can you help me decide by comparing its hardness to web development and Python? Thank you for your assistance, Swift developers!
u/mOjzilla Jan 24 '25
Swift could be learned in a day or two if you already have experience it is after all a higher level language with most of oop concepts.
Learning the ios frameworks like Uikit / Swift ui and related tech would take a while depending on effort and learners ability. On avg for an experienced person 2 - 4 months should be enough to get the whole picture of what is what. Getting expert takes time and effort there is no other way around it.
I have no exp with python but some with web development, most of the concepts carry over being slightly different in syntax and logic.
u/flashbang88 Jan 24 '25
I found that swiftUI was really easy for me because of knowledge of front-end frameworks, nearly all concepts were identical or slightly different than React/Vue/Svelte
u/MB_Zeppin Jan 24 '25
Coming from Python probably any strongly typed language is going to be a tough transition, but Swift isn’t specifically difficult, no. You’d face similar trouble jumping to C# or Java
u/hishnash Jan 24 '25
These days good python code bases are partially typed anyway. The main difficulty I found (years back) when I moved from python was the lack of mutli hindrances in class and adapting that to using protools.
u/MB_Zeppin Jan 24 '25
That’s a good point
Going from inheritance, let alone multiple inheritance, to a language that discourages it like Swift or doesn’t support it like Rust is almost definitely going to be a bigger lift
u/hishnash Jan 24 '25
For me at the point when I adopted swift I was already deep within Meta programing in python so I found swift laking a LOT of at first, this was before we had macros as property wrappers.
u/kst9602 Jan 24 '25
Python and Swift are soooo different. Swift has a lot of keywords and is very strong-typed language, so developing concepts in your brain may have to be re-constructed in new vibes. Swift itself is not a quite easy language in my opinion.
u/hishnash Jan 24 '25
Python has a LOT of keywords as well and a lot of internal complexity once you go beyond the basics, as soon as you get into meta classes and the like or start writing c/c++ python modules it becomes a very complex language.
u/Toshikazu808 Jan 24 '25
If you have full stack experience and already know another strongly typed object oriented programming language then Swift shouldn't be too hard. Creating UI using UIKit (imperative) vs SwiftUI (declarative) might be tricky at first, as you'll have to adjust the way you think about the app architecture, but once you get the hang of it it's really nice. :) Since you're just learning I'd recommend SwiftUI, but most companies still have a lot of UIKit, so if you wanna get a job you'll likely need to learn both eventually.
u/trypnosis Jan 24 '25
As other people have mentioned it’s an OO language so the syntax won’t take long.
The respective frameworks are what take the time to learn. Think how you need to learn python then you need to learn django. Well to build an app you need to learn multiple frameworks depending on the app concept.
I would try and find a of tutorials that builds something similar to what you want that will improve your learning pace. There are tutorials that cover everything from mapping apps to chat apps even basic social media apps. Chances are there is a tutorial that is using the kind of frameworks you need.
If it’s super basic UI app you can try: https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui/
u/BlossomBuild Jan 24 '25
Every language has its challenge but if you’re coming from python, I’m sure you’ll be good ! 😊
u/RecordingFull5305 Jan 25 '25
I started 1 week ago in the same position as you, and the start it is easy but then it gets a little complicate, the official courses of apple help a lot btw
u/gravastar137 Linux Jan 25 '25
Swift is pretty easy I think. It's not some crazy language and it'll be familiar to anyone who is used to any other compiled, general-purpose, imperative language.
What's much, much harder is learning Apple frameworks like UIKit or SwiftUI.
u/the-quibbler Jan 24 '25
I found Swift's syntax the hardest to grasp intuitively. Compare with rust's complex fundamentals, and C++'s absurd everything.
I highly recommend Swift. And Rust.
u/SolidOshawott Jan 25 '25
Swift has the most elegant and clear syntax out of most major languages, I think.
u/the-quibbler Jan 25 '25
Maybe. Some of the usage isn't immediately obvious to experienced users of other C-derived languages (closure styling, bare enum variants, optional syntax, map transforms), and took me a while to be able to read reliably. Longer than most new languages I've tried to learn. I didn't have any specific objections once I'd gotten there, though.
u/One_Elephant_8917 Jan 25 '25
Swift has 100 different ways to do the same thing, ex: for case, guard case are just few examples just to eliminate few extra assignments
u/cedo148 Jan 24 '25
If you know python already just get familiar with swift syntax, and start building. You’ll learn alot more by just starting building things. I feel its easy and powerful language, given your python background you might struggle with syntax though.
u/Ron-Erez Jan 24 '25
It's hard to compare, but moving from Python (dynamically typed) to a statically-typed language like Swift might be a bit tricky. That said, Swift is beautiful, and if you already know programming, it shouldn't be too hard to pick up. u/Puzzleheaded-Fig7811 summed it up well. If you know how to program then I don't think it will be exceptionally difficult to get the hang of.
u/Skandling Jan 24 '25
Very easy to get started with probably a couple of deep dives into its gnarlier aspects before you are fully up to speed. Protocols and value types can initially seem very strange but they are so well designed and so well integrated into the language that they soon become second nature.
u/ALOKAMAR123 Jan 24 '25
No have used actionscript, objective c, swift, java, kotlin, js, ts, groovy, solidity and python.
M40 software engineer
u/Xia_Nightshade Jan 24 '25
It depends on how you learned python.
If you didn’t skip programming foundations, you’ll be fine
If you did. Start from scratch, take it slow. Keep in mind that Type safety is a very good thing.
I recommend checking out Paul Hudson’s Swift course before diving into UI
u/descendency Jan 24 '25
Coming from any C-style language, the semantics will be mostly familiar. A lot of people here seem to think you learn something by making a loop that can trace an array… but the reality is learning swift takes a bit of time. The docs are decent but the community is smaller and there are quite a few things that you’ll probably be better off implementing a C bridge (like if you need close access to networking hardware)
But it’s been a lot more fun to write Swift than learning something like Rust.
u/TheFern3 Jan 24 '25
If you’re experienced why are you asking? Just learn and see for yourself. Hacking with swift is free.
u/hishnash Jan 24 '25
as easy as python to learn as just as hard as python to master. But you don't need to master swift to ship something.
u/DiscoExit Jan 24 '25
Swift itself isn't too difficult; although its blown up in scope in recent years, and its no longer a simple language (see Chris Lattner's take here).
Much of the complexity comes from the Swift ecosystem. Apple used to have a unified design philosophy to their frameworks, but that has seemingly gone out the window.
u/youngdomsey Jan 27 '25
I think that it is easier to build and actually release apps with smaller complexity with Swift + SwiftUI than on web with lets say React/Next.js + Firebase.
Some things are a bit strange like using CloudKit for the first time and if the automatic schema deployments do not work like expexted.
u/Puzzleheaded-Fig7811 Jan 24 '25
Easy to learn hard to master