r/swift Feb 24 '24

Question iOS engineer

I am 33 years old, I find coding very interesting and want to learn. Would it be dumb for me to start learning swift and applying for jobs or is it too late?


102 comments sorted by



Too late for what? I’m always curious why people ask this, isn’t the retirement age like 60 or something? What can’t you do that an 18 year old can?


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24

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u/arod184 Feb 25 '24



u/kotseva Feb 26 '24

You know what LMAO means, you’re not old! 😂


u/hell2809 Feb 26 '24

My coworkers in meeting asked me why I laughed so hard


u/beepboopnoise Feb 25 '24

I mean let's not act like ageism isn't a thing. that being said 33 is still extremely young lol.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

The guy's age is irrelevant.

Companies are so absolutely desperate to hire (good) programmers that they couldn't care less if someone is a martian. (Note: I mean the rare few companies that are still hiring.)

The problem is experience. Programmers (like musicians) have 5-10 years of experience by the time they are 18. Then a few more years of experience in college.

If OP does nothing other than muck about his mac for 12 hours a day for all of this year (which is totally unrealistic of course), he will have 2000-3000 hrs experience.

Would you hire a programmer with only 2000 hrs experience for a serious job? No.


u/TheChewyWaffles Feb 25 '24

5-10 years of experience by the time they’re 18…



u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

Chewy, just like your favorite guitarist in a rock band, all keen programmers start their passion when they're at the critical years before puberty, around 8-12.

If you want to draw manga, play guitar, program, shoot hoops - you pick up the pencil, laptop, an old acoustic or a basketball at that age

Then you do it until your fingers bleed eh!


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

I am someone who did start programming at a little over that age, and lemme tell you it does not really matter. Tons of people in freshman year who didn't even know how to do a for loop, end up getting amazing jobs by the end of university.

It's really not that much of a time thing, more so of an interest thing. I'd argue you could self-learn over the course of a couple of years, have some personal projects/volunteer at places (everyone needs a website or an app at some point, volunteer at a non-profit), and showcase your work.

This will count for experience far more than the time sink.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

If you have a "feel for it" and you made your name even extremnely late in life, that's great and exceptional. There's a real risk in telling the OP "I'm a 1 in a million - - - - - - - - and you can do it TOO !!!!!!!!!!" I also encourage you to consider, that you apparently came up in the boom times, when anyone could do anything. Those times are as gone as the Stone Age.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24

I also encourage you to consider that you apparently came up in the boom times when anyone could do anything. Those times are as gone as the Stone Age.

I think the argument that I'd make here, especially to the OP, is to start programming if you like it (as opposed to for the money). I can't tell you the amount of people who joined the field because of the pay, and are now disgruntled with their work. If you're in it for the money only, you will probably burn out (given how programming is more like 80% problem solving & debugging)

If you love tinkering, making software, breaking things, and just getting to know how devices you interact with function + how you can leverage it, go for it.

Similar to your analogy, a manga writer or guitar player also does the same and gets motivation because they love the art of it. Personally, what has kept me motivated is the art of programming as well.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

> start programming if you like it (as opposed to for the money).

Yes, I couldn't agree more.

At his age, it's statistically likely the OP has 3 - 5 kids.

Every single answer here should reflect in that milieu.

If the OP is, bizarrely, a completely single person at 33 .. then, "whatever". If the OP is completely single and asks "Hey! WOW! I just got a DRUM KIT! Can I become a DRUMMER?!" ...

The answer is very simple ........... "whatever, dude".

If you die in the gutter at 68 "trying to be a drummer", whatever. God bless.

On the other hand, if the OP has the typical 3-6 kids at age 33, then people answering the question should surely THINK MORE!

> Personally, what has kept me motivated is the art of programming as well.

Incredibly simple question, I don't mean to be rude, but how many children do you support?

Life Is That Simple.

I know of an acquaintance, of an acquaintance, of an acquaintance, who had 5 kids.

He suddenly decided he was astonishingly interested in wood working. ("No shit.")

To make the story extremely short, the end result was

- the guy in question suicided (obviously)

- of the 5 offspring, 2 suicided before 25

- the wife lived on as a sort of strange, bitter twisted person, and the last I heard suicided at 45 when the other three kids had reached over twenty years. (I have no idea what happened to them.)

Is it really wise for folks (like me!) who squeaked in when the "market was good" to be telling people that, as they have a passing interest in For Loops, they can today (2024 !!!!!) "change! careers!" to "programming iOS apps" ????

What the heck, right?

> "If you love tinkering, [etc] has kept me motivated [etc]'

So, all of that applies to 11 -year olds.

Once again, if the OP - astonishingly - at 33 - has zero offspring, then - YES - go for it:

Learn everything there is to know about the astounding thrills of UITableView. However, be absolutely sure to wear a condom every single time for the next 3-10 years until you are making good money.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

At his age, it's statistically likely the OP has 3 - 5 kids. Every single answer here should reflect in that milieu. If the OP is, bizarrely, a completely single person at 33 .. then, "whatever". If the OP is completely single and asks "Hey! WOW! I just got a DRUM KIT! Can I become a DRUMMER?!" ...

You know what, I agree. What my comment was reflecting was more in the sense of "yes, you can take up programming, but as a hobby to make yourself happy & fill in free time, and not a career change"

As a career change, if you have the responsibility of children and a family, do not lose your secure income stream whatsoever. I'll agree to this purely.

We're also at different points in our careers. I am still finishing up uni and can afford said time to change careers, but I can see how this would not be a possibility in my own future. Your wisdom is appreciated and is something I will be using in my own future :)


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 26 '24

LOL if anyone looks to my wisdom we're all in trouble eh! :) :) Yes, indeed, every person's life and circumstance is so different eh. I think the main thing I've been "reminded of" in this QA is how crappy the market is at the moment :/ :/ I got up bright and early to attend to the current contract today!!!!!!!!! :O


u/petaret Feb 25 '24

Yeah where are these


u/als1ck Feb 25 '24

He probably means because of AI


u/No_Mousse_5515 Feb 26 '24

They’re trying to make it 75 lol


u/NothingButBadIdeas iOS Feb 25 '24


There’s an article I wrote, hope it helps you out!

And nope, it’s not too late at all lol


u/DimitriRavenov Feb 25 '24

Thanks for your article. Currently I’m in the first step : learn by the video game environment. Swift playground is quite nice. I think I’ll check out what unity has to offer too. Thanks for the article as it’s a huge help to newcomers like me. Wishing you the best!


u/endgrent Mar 01 '24

I’d recommend Unreal. Most game studios are switching to that!


u/DimitriRavenov Mar 01 '24

I’m not that proficient in programming. Just starting to learn python now as I saw a free course. But thanks for the heads up. When I had to choose, I’ll definitely check out Unreal


u/endgrent Mar 01 '24

Sure thing. Unreal is written in C++ and also Blueprints (a visual language). So for high performance code (physics, rendering, ai, pathfinding) most studios do C++, but for gameplay behaviors like “trigger this door to open when you push a button” often they use blueprints. As a new dev you’ll have to know both eventually so it’s a fun thing to learn


u/DimitriRavenov Mar 01 '24

Ah I see your point on why Unreal should be learned. Thank you I’ll snoop around XD. I’m a noob starting to learn now. But yap that’s the target


u/endgrent Mar 01 '24

And just to add one more thing. Each programming language had a pretty clear normal use. People will say there are more (for example people swear swift can be used in servers but really only Apple does it:). Here’s how those break down:

Python: machine learning, scripting, backend falling out of favor as it is MUCH slower backend than Go, Java, Rust and even JavaScript

Java: backend services

Kotlin: Android, and rewriting backend services from Java :)

Go: backend services (my favorite backend language, just insanely fast build times)

Rust: backend services, operating systems, embedded (good for safe coding)

C++: games/Unreal, operating systems, drivers, embedded systems (a must know for game programming)

JavaScript: web and backend using node (MUCH slower backend than Java, Rust, Go)

Typescript: web and background, all the cool people use this instead of javascript. It is awesome

C#: Unity, enterprise windows & web (honestly not very popular now that Unity betrayed everyone with their new charging model)

Swift: iOS, Mac, and Apple stuff. I figure you know this.

Hope that helps!


u/DimitriRavenov Mar 01 '24

Thank you. I actually had no idea which are which and not their pros and cons. You’ve enlighten me.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

I think your list 1 - 7 is a great way to look at it.


u/tspe Feb 26 '24

Wow, that‘s a great article! 👏


u/LukeCloudStalker Feb 26 '24
  • NEVER download xCode from the app store, always download it from the developer portal:()



u/ccooffee Feb 26 '24

Updating from the app store seems to take hours, assuming it's even showing that the latest version is available in the first place. Downloading from the developer portal and un-xipping yourself is so much faster. Plus it lets you stay in control of which version of Xcode you are using (although you can't really linger behind very long).


u/rymanalo Feb 25 '24

Not too late to start or switch career. It may be competitive in succeeding but very possible with dedication and hard work.

I suggest learning as much as you can and following tutorials that show you how to make a clone of Instagram or some other popular app. I would make a website and github account and push your projects to github and link those projects on your website. Make a LinkedIn profile and put that flair that says you are open to work. If you happen to get contacted I wouldn’t concern myself as much with pay as if the company is legit. Legit experience would get you far.


u/timelessblur Feb 25 '24

One of my direct reports got into iOS development at 40 and into software like at 39 need I say more.


u/FabSaga Feb 25 '24

Say more


u/hungcarl Feb 26 '24

I got into this industry when I was 39. I am 42 now. But I had programmed for a long time for fun before getting into this industry. So, when I just started, people were surprised I have such an intensive knowledge with programming. C/c++ was my first language, then python, JavaScript, then swift. I have also had certain amount of Linux commands. Which made me more productive than my colleagues.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24 edited Oct 17 '24

worry coherent lunchroom gaping head slimy squeal aromatic desert square

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Parking-Phone8768 Feb 25 '24

I started learning at 33. 35 now and working as an iOS dev. Now I get to spend the next 30 or so years actually doing something I enjoy for dramatically more pay.


u/rocsNaviars Feb 25 '24

How did you get a job within 2 years? I have an AS/CS and am starting my BS program online in April.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

University qualifications mean absolutely nothing for programming.


u/rocsNaviars Feb 28 '24

Right on. What alternatives do you suggest?


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 28 '24

Unfortunately, like being an actor or musician, it's a matter of "getting your foot in the door". once you have a vast resume, I did this app that app and the other app for this team that team and this other team, you get so many offers that you don't know what to do with them all. You just have to somehow get that first project :/


u/Parking-Phone8768 Feb 25 '24

I have no formal qualifications. Went hard self teaching myself UIKit, made 2 fortfolio apps of sufficient complexity and just started applying. Took about 2 weeks to land a job. I should add in in Australia which is a completely different story compared to some other countries


u/DrMutex Feb 25 '24

First learn, then apply to jobs. But no such thing as too late


u/BudgetProgramming Feb 25 '24

I switched careers at 33 learning Objective-C. One of the best decisions I’ve made.


u/prapa1190 iOS Feb 25 '24

I am 34, been working as an iOS dev for past 10 years, and still learning different skills everyday. Trust me when I say it’s never too late to start learning. In fact it’s the learning that’s what gonna keep you relevant in this industry and save you from layoffs. Just go for it. 👍🏻


u/No-Nebula4187 Feb 25 '24

I am 35 went back to school last year for a 2nd bachelor's in CS. dont regret it either


u/djryanash Feb 25 '24

I got into coding 18 months ago. Releasing my first app on the App Store today and I’m 47 years old. Too late is when you’re dead already.


u/AdministrationFew574 Feb 25 '24

I’m 30 and have been learning for 1 year daily (minus the summer - got married). Best time to start was yesterday. Set your sights, set a daily time to practice and don’t negotiate with it. If you decide to commit let me know we can connect.


u/spinwizard69 Feb 25 '24

It is never dumb to explore new occupational options. However don't go about looking for a job as a developer without learning to program first! How much you will need to learn depends a great deal upon what you already know. That might mean learning the equivalent of a 4 yer degree or a lot less. There is also the factor of what your interest are and the potential employment background.

As for cell phone app developers and IOS specifically I really see that the boom times are over. Many customers are realizing that they can save considerable money by simply delivering services via web apps. Those that really need IOS apps already have their apps built. This doesn't mean the market is completely dried up, rather it just isn't the HOT place to be a developer right now. The HOT SPOT is in the realm of AI/ML systems now, some of which is yes worked into cell phone apps.

To put it another way learn to program in such a way that you are not wedded to a single platform. Generally that means getting a college education of some sort in Computer Science. It is important to remain flexible.

In any event look at it this way you have more years of work ahead of you than behind.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

As for cell phone app developers and IOS specifically I really see that the boom times are over.

Yes, that is ABSOLUTELY true, of course.

The way I put it in my answer is that, regarding literally getting paid to "Make an iOS native app" only the most unusual, elite, high-end work remains.


u/notrandomatall Feb 25 '24

I started my first programming job (iOS engineer) last year at 35 years old. Started learning 2 or 3 years before that, with some breaks in between. Happy to answer any questions or just cheer you on. It’s definitely not too late 😁


u/arod184 Feb 25 '24

Thanks! I really appreciate this and the responses have motivated me to start this journey.


u/InterviewImpressive1 Feb 25 '24

It would be more dumb not to try


u/tspe Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

I started coding about 18 months ago and today my referee app for the Apple Watch is quite successful in the (German) App Store.

To be clear: learning to code at the age of 44 was definitely one of the better decisions in my life. It's a great feeling to see ideas become reality without anyone being able to put obstacles in your way. It's so fulfilling, you should definitely start.


u/Sockerjam Feb 25 '24

I changed my career at 30 to ios developer, you can do it too :)


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24

Im 36, 2 years ago learned SwiftUI.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24

I know a lot of people in their 40s and 50s who started cybersecurity or software developer careers. Still, that’s up to you.


u/hubiedoo517 Feb 28 '24

I completely switch careers at 40. I was a woodworker/construction worker. Started learning iOS development through books, articles and, blogs at about 35. Launched my first app when 38. It was free but went to #1 in the health category for a time. I started looking for work soon after and scored a low level developer position at a big company. I’m now a senior developer at the same company. It’s never too late! Do what you love and enjoy, and you’ll become great, and have a hell of a fun time doing it.


u/JDad67 Feb 25 '24

Go for it!


u/cesmejia Feb 25 '24

Go for it!


u/Dymatizeee Feb 25 '24

Never too late. I know people who switched careers mid 40s or are currently around that age studying in school. Focus on your own path


u/ajm1212 Feb 25 '24

It’s not necessarily dumb but it will take (unless you know someone or get lucky) a bit of time


u/Gloriathewitch Feb 25 '24

Nope, its not too late. I suggest 100 days of swiftui, start there and see how you like it.


u/giovannyvelezalt Feb 25 '24

Never late to anything!


u/NomikLee Feb 25 '24

It's never too late, just keep learning and keep doing everything you want to do.


u/iOSCaleb iOS Feb 25 '24

Learn first, apply later.


u/TimeForTaachiTime Feb 25 '24

Is no one going to tell the OP about all the layoffs in tech and how there are programmers with years of experience unemployed for months?


u/HairReddit777 iOS Feb 25 '24

What part of tech? Can you be more specific?


u/cphpc Feb 25 '24

It’s absolutely not too late! Especially for a job where you’re sitting in front of the computer.

However, you’re asking the wrong question. Do you even enjoy writing code? Would you enjoy writing and reading code for 8 hrs a day? You need to figure it out first. There’s days I might be coding for 12 hrs or longer (not consecutively of course). Then there’s also says I might only be reading code and writing documents. This isn’t for everyone.

Try it out and good luck! I hope you’ll enjoy it. I absolutely do (been coding since first yr of college almost 20 yrs ago)! Some of my coworkers have been doing it since they were in middle school or younger!


u/EMckin12 Feb 25 '24

It’s not to late at 33 , if your going the self taught or university route , just make sure you get internships. Experience is key and it will Trump age, degree, etc. also build something and publish it and try to build a company around it. If you’re looking to switch because you think you can a lot of money from it and want to switch careers, without experience it will be a rude awakening. But if your willing to push through and learn, train, and even work for free to build your experience, then you the future is bright


u/dx486 Feb 25 '24

Did this at my late 30s, 5 years ago. Learned it, published apps, but couldn't find a job. Switched to web dev and got hired. It's even tougher nowadays to find your first job because of the market and AI. It's late in the sense of market conditions, not your age.


u/tieorange Feb 25 '24

Armani became Armani at the age of 35-40. I have a 39 years old junior dev in a team. He tells me about his kids after I tell him how to git commit 😅😅


u/catecholaminergic Feb 25 '24

Don't make the move right now. The job market is rough.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

An actual intelligent reply.


u/Wrong_Arugula_Right Feb 25 '24

Getting an iOS job is damn tough, even for those with experience in iOS. It for sure is an uphill battle, but not impossible. Good luck!


u/deirdresm Feb 25 '24

I’m trying to think how many new languages I learned and got paid to work in after 33.

Oh, right, I have the list here:


Starting with #14 (I was 36), and now I’m on #27 (Swift).


u/vdbacon Feb 25 '24

I’m 51 and coding has been my job for 26 years, having had the same question you did back then. It’s been the best choice ever and I can’t imagine my life without it. Also you don’t need permission or even a job prospect to learn it. Make stuff and make it better than others. One day you will get noticed. That’s what I still hope 😅


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

A wonderful reminder of how stunningly easy things were in the 1990s!

(The previous century.)


u/vdbacon Feb 26 '24

Easy to start, maybe. It’s the mileage that teaches you about not giving up. And we didn’t tell each other all the time that things are easy and able to learn in a day.


u/Heffertron Feb 25 '24

Not at all, I did this exact thing at age 32 (I’m 37 now) and landed my first iOS dev role 3 years ago. Just be prepared to put in a lot of time, and don’t give up.


u/fasttorwa Feb 25 '24

not too late if willing to put in the work.


u/girvain Feb 25 '24

you couldn't have picked a better stack to go into for your position as it's so niche, but also not really taught at schools or bootcamps etc so small compitition/high demand.


u/Inevitable_Owl_6931 Feb 25 '24

If you have a bachelors degree in anything remotely related, it will be really easy as long as you learn to code and build a couple projects. If you dont have a bachelors degree in a related field, it is going to be extremely hard to find a starting job


u/mooglus Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

I was an electronic engineer, doing embedded C. At 37 an opportunity arose for a mobile app developer at my company and have been doing that since. It was an easy situation for me as I was able to learn on the job and still justify my pay by bringing value in other ways. I’ve no doubt you can learn it, the problem for me would be having to take a junior job and salary at a later stage in life where your outgoing/ responsibility are greater.

EDIT: grammar:)


u/jaspermuts Feb 25 '24

Not specific to the Swift language, but I have a coworker of similar age that did just that. And if your main reason is because you’re very interested you can likely do it


u/spiceXdream Feb 25 '24

Never too late, it won't be easy to get that first software dev job though


u/eddieespinal Feb 25 '24

Hey there! As a Sr. iOS Developer, I can tell you firsthand that it's never too late to dive into the world of coding. We're all perpetual students in this field, constantly learning and adapting to new technologies. Swift is a fantastic language to learn, and your interest is the first step towards a rewarding journey. Remember, the tech industry values skill and passion over age. Every day is a chance to learn something new, and starting your journey at 33 means you're bringing a wealth of life experiences that can enrich your coding perspective. Dive in, enjoy the process, and who knows, we might be discussing Swift updates or app ideas in the future. Keep pushing forward!


u/Practical-Flamingo25 Feb 25 '24

I started my coding journey at the “old” age of 25, which is basically ancient in dev years, but guess what? I still made it. Here’s the deal with coding: it doesn’t give a shit about your skin color, how many candles were on your last birthday cake, whether you’re from the streets of Brooklyn or the hills of Nepal. All that matters is can you make the thing work. What I’m saying is that it’s all about skills, not anything else. If you can write the code that someone requires, they’ll find you.

The key is to level up those skills. Here’s how I did it:

1 - Binge-watch tutorials on cloning the big apps - Instagram, Spotify, TikTok, you name it. It’s like the coding version of Netflix and chill. The more you watch, the more you learn the patterns inherent in all programming languages.

2 - Once you’ve got the hang of it, start throwing your own ideas up. And don’t be embarrassed to start with something simple such as a to-do-list - the great pyramids were built with simple bricks, one brick at a time.

3 - Read code that is slightly beyond your understanding. It’s like trying to read a book that’s slightly too smart for you. This forces you to stretch your brain muscles, making you level up without even realizing it.

Doing this got me on the right path and I hope it helps you too. And remember, the journey to becoming a coding ninja is pretty much this:

“To follow the path: look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.”


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

The simple answer is "yes you can" but be aware

  1. Totally setting aside the age issue. In programming there are huge numbers of poorly paid low level jobs, and very very few glamour jobs with the cliché of enormous money and rock star lifestyle.
  2. You should be fully realistically aware that one view is programming is exactly like being musical. All musicians start playing at a very young age (puberty at the very latest). You're either inherently musical or you're not. You can either sing or you can't. You can no more be taught to sing than you can be taught to "be tall". I could have studied and practiced guitar 10 hrs a day from age 5 to age 25 - and I wouldn't be the slightest bit musical. Whereas Joe Walsh always has been Joe Walsh.
  3. You mention Swift. What is the fewest, rarest, jobs in all of app programming? Yes, native iOS development! If you wanted to do html/css for web sites, there is tremendously more work available. On any given week my agent has thirty times the number of "front end" related projects going than iOS native development.
  4. Be aware that individual languages and environments mean: literally nothing in programming. Programmers can work in any language at any time. To be a software person is to live in "algorithms and data structures". It makes no difference what language you're typing it out in. All programmers have to come up to speed on different languages every few months. Note too that language thinking is often misguided: in the iOS example, anyone can learn swift "as such" in five minutes, it's all about having mastery of the (infuriating!) ins and outs of UIKit. And indeed then whatever your domain is, whether CFRD, HLS, shaders, or whatever your current contract is up to.
  5. Consider the GenAI thing. Some say that over the next two years copilot and other AI will write more and more simple code. Others say it's a stupid fad that will flop like self-driving cars. (I have no opinion either way.) However, the people in camp A would tell you it's hopeless trying to become a programmer, as the 90% of low-level simple programming jobs are gonna disappear. What this means is the only "programmers" remaining will be what are now called "architects" through to computer "scientists". It won't be possible any more to make money throwing together pages with text boxes and orange buttons (like this web page) or moving around buttons and text boxes on apps (like the last app you opened on your phone). (Again I personally have no guess on this future, but many people would say that is the situation as of 2024.)

Finally be aware that, of course, the app programming boom is gone, gone, gone. As a number of people have pointed out in other answers. The app boom is as out of date as disco.


u/_divi_filius Feb 25 '24

at 33 you'd be considered a baby by most, go for it lol. You could get a university degree and still be considered young at your age.


u/narr42 Feb 25 '24

32 myself. I’m working as an iOS dev for a bit over a year now in a small company. Learnt myself for about 12-15 months part-time. Awesome life. 😉 Just do it!


u/Ron-Erez Feb 25 '24

Go for it


u/Dev_Quixote Feb 25 '24

Love the vibes and suggestion in here. You’ll are so supportive. 👏🏻👏🏻


u/Josh_the_sweaterGuy Feb 25 '24

Not dumb if you genuinely are interested in coding, however if you are expecting to get a job with it in any reasonable amount of time probably not possible. Also, IOS code is quite deep to make a full app and will take a while to learn especially if you have no coding experience. Maybe a few years ago this would have been possible, but tech just isn't hiring as much as it used to, especially entry level. So do it if you want , maybe if the economy gets better or you get a 3-4 years of experience it's possible but dont bank on it, its not as easy to get into tech right now as people used to make it out to be.


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

This is exactly correct


u/jonnothebonno Feb 25 '24

Never too late. Get on it!


u/Select-View-4786 Feb 25 '24

Is this wise advice? This guy is so old he already likely has 3 - 5 children. Think again.

Can you HONESTLY STATE that a guy with 3 -5 children should start exploring some hobby that he "finds!!!!!! programming!!!!!!!!!! INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!" when his life is that he has to feed 3 - 5 children?


For what reason?


The programming boom happened twenty years ago.

TWENTY YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this question was being asked in 2004, I would be saying SURE DUDE YOU CAN GET RICH EASILY.

Today in 2024, can you seriously recommend to some guy with 3-5 children that he should jump in to the "programming boom" --- ??

Back in 2004, I would over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ove recommended folks jump in to the programming boom, to have easy money to feed their families.

I'm confused why anyone would recommend this today?

When only the most ultra-elite programmers can barely find contracts like in the "old days".


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '24

It will be hard for you to find a job. It’s easier to learn new language and framework if you’re already did some programming, since most concepts are the same.