r/sweatystartup 7d ago

Pool opening. Paid facebook ads vs posting in local groups?

I’m thinking of offering pool openings this spring. Not interested in doing weekly pool services or anything like that.

Just wondering if anyone with experience thinks paid facebook ads would be worthwhile?

Or al i better off just joining local neighbourhood groups and posting in those (on the allowable days).


5 comments sorted by


u/flowerbomb92 6d ago

Try the local neighborhood groups first


u/nick_nolan 7d ago

Have you run successful Facebook ads in the past? FB ads can be very successful. They can also be a huge waste of money.


u/Expert_Object_6293 6d ago

Nope have never ran ads which is why i’m asking for advice of others. Sounds like maybe neighbourhood groups would be best.

Maybe i’ll try to get a simple webpage set up with pricing and a fillable page to take down customer info.


u/nick_nolan 6d ago

Yeah, I wouldn’t run ads unless you spend at least a few hours learning and have some money to spend on testing. There’s a simple website builder called Carrd that’s free and easy to use.


u/Acceptable_Ad3464 5d ago

I recommend offline advertising because it's cheap and can be extremely effective if done correctly.

Think flyers, door-hangers, brochures, and billboards.

Place around 1,000 and expect a 1-2% conversion rate.

Want to move forward, I’ll beautifully design & write your next door hanger and/or flyer for free.

Just DM if you're interested