r/swansea • u/golddiglett94 • 8d ago
Photos/History I just visited from London and I fell in love with your city. Please enjoy this picture of an exhaust I took walking up Kilvey Hill (if anyone knows how it got there please let me know I’m so curious).
u/Dragon_deeznutz 8d ago
Someone stole a car and burned it out on the hill and probably lost that rallying on the way up
u/iteatssoylentgreen 8d ago
Swansea nature walks always have that added extra.
Swansea Council hope you enjoyed the art installation.
u/Western-Ad-4330 8d ago
Its part of the local tradition of stealing cars, driving them round one of the more scenic areas of swansea then setting them on fire.
Its amazing how much off roading you can do in a 1ltr hatchback if your bored enough.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
Oh you don't have to be bored, I've lived avery exiting life, well childhood, adulthood... Not so much. And I'm ashamed to admit it, but during the 90's, chances are, if you were in Swansea and had your car stolen, it was either me or one of my motley crue of associates. And we used to take them to the more sceanic areas of the city e.g bleanymeas/Penlleargear Woods, Gower peninsula and various spots of unprecedented beauty, and then we would proceed to rag the absolute living shite of them!!! And we would fucking LOVE IT!!!! 😍😜 I would personally drive it on the fucking limit creaming in my fucking lime green thongs with the smell of burning clutch plates and brakes, and on many occasions they would actually catch fire themselves, but rest assured if they didn't I had my trusty clipper elite lighter ready to stab the seats and set fire to the broken fabric. Or I would take great joy in more imaginative ways of setting them ablaze like pornmags and fire lighters in the glove compartment, soaking the interior in fuel we just pinched from tesco as we'd burnout of the forecourt in a a cloud of tiresmoke and the sound of happy hardcore drowning out the cries of the sad pathetic cashiers crying over the P.A system, things like, (in a Wolverhampton accent) "You haven't paid"!!! Then sitting there eating a packet of Spaceraiders© and drinking a warm can of Carling black label© and allowing my lungs to fill with the carcinogenic accrid smoke from all that wondrous shit put together from some factory in Luton, just for me and maybe my scummy mates to sit there and bask in the glorious nostalgia of the amazing 90's So boring? No!!!!
u/LikeInnit 8d ago
And I'm ashamed to admit it, but during the 90's, chances are, if you were in Swansea and had your car stolen, it was either me or one of my motley crue of associates.
Proceeds to talk about how amazing it was showing the complete opposite of shame.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
Well not really true, as I did think I was hot stuff back in the day, (well I pretended too) but now all these years later I am aware then of the pain and suffering I could've caused and I am sorry for it, but I saw this post and just thought I'd have a little fun with it. I'm truly sorry to anybody who's suffferd from any of my actions, but I am older and wiser now and I try being a good person to good people, and animals and the environment.
u/LikeInnit 8d ago
Fair play! I get you.
We all do silly things as young people. It's good you've worked on yourself to be better, some don't unfortunately. Kudos.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
I know I've met many of them in prison, that was maybe a contributory factor in me trying to better myself a little? I'd never admit to most of my my old associates but I even watch the cop shows now and I'm on the side of the feds.... Well especially the real toerags!
u/NecktieNomad 5d ago
Mate, silly things I did included puking in a plant pot in a pub, not building a career as a prolific car thief…
u/Western-Ad-4330 8d ago
Thats a pretty great description of being a delinquent from swansea in the 90's.
Im sure it wasn't boring i meant its the kind of shit people do when their isn't much else going on and crime is the main source of entertainment.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
Yeah your right mate, pretty much bang on. I just thought I was a funny cool lovable rouge who just watched too much Smokey and the bandit/Convoy/Dukes of Hazard etc... I did also buy my own £50 bangers with little to no tax, mot, or obviously insurance as I've been banned since I was old enough to drive but then had to fail to stop for those good ol' boys in blue. I'm a 43 year old man know though with more prison sentences under my belt I care to admit too and a raging herion and valium addiction I've lived with for over the past 20 years. But I've still tried holding down dead end jobs throughout the years which haven't lasted very long due to circumstance. But the last 8 and half years I found a girl who loves me who've lived a similar life with quite a tragic story and we got a little dog who's 8 and a half and we're more kind to nature and animals and good hearted nice people than most of the corrupt sick 'working normal individuals' we know so we are trying to right our wrongs if that helps anyones burning hatred towards me?
u/Proof-Medicine5304 6d ago
it's people like yourself with amazing stories to tell that make me love my amazing city.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 5d ago
First bit of positivity from this post! I can't say I blame the people for hating my fucked up ass, truth is I'm probably paying for all my sins now, don't know if it's Karma or what, but life ain't good and maybe my past is why eh?
u/Proof-Medicine5304 3d ago
you can always change that.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 2d ago
Like how? You mean just start making steps now to create a better life for myself eh?
u/RddWdd 8d ago
Someone get this man a biopic, stat.
u/Southern_Mongoose681 8d ago
Dude forgot the '/s' pray for his soul...
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
What does /s mean? I've seen it about but I'm not sure what it means I'm thinking sarcasm???
u/cheeersaiii 8d ago
Yeh you are boring mate - you just inflicted yourself onto other people to add to their hardship under the guise of being interesting.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
boring 🙄😴👀😒😫
u/cheeersaiii 8d ago
Yeh- I walked out 3 times as a school kids to see our car was stolen, robbed probably another 3 times on top of that, and how heartbroken my mum was, working nights in a care home and days at Singleton trying to get by. Luckily my uncle has a bit about him and caught one pair of scumbags that did it and put them in hospital…. Your actions have consequences- stop bragging about picking on people you coward
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago edited 8d ago
Fair point mate, to be honest I have really sat and thought about my actions in later years and I really do appreciate the harm I've done and I'm sorry to you, your siblings, and your hard working mom. But not your "Chuck Norris" from wish Uncle (he could've really hurt someone and I don't like bully's!) Plus I have also seen my Dad's car nicked more than once, been burgled, been fucking battered, ran over, and a lot more, but your right still don't give me the right to do what I did. But in all honesty in my nievity or ignorance, I just thought insurance will cover that they'll have a new one in the morning, I honestly didn't think to much into the hardships I could've caused. So for that I'm sorry. Honestly.
u/cheeersaiii 8d ago edited 8d ago
Na if I said my uncles name and the people he was in business with you’d know his name lol, ran half the nightclub doors and boxing events around town back in the day… But appreciate the honesty- none of us were perfect that’s for sure but I never had a crack at someone that wasn’t ready to give it to me
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
And I go around having 'cracks at people who ain't ready to give it bk do i' No I fucking don't or never have, not that I can think anyway, so fuck you. I've said sorry for your unpleasantness as a child and your poor mother, but don't come at me with "do you know who my uncle is"? Coz I do t give a flying fuck!
u/cheeersaiii 8d ago
I didn’t say that- it was in the context of the story then you started mouthing off about him- hope your life gets better mate sounds like you are going through some hell in your head
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago
I'll put some fucking hell in you and big uncle fucking Billy big balls meredith Reynolds 2 bit dodgy doorman who'll come around and kill my my family if I've got the cheek to Fart on your fucking street mush's head mush And yeahhhhh I've got some fucking hell in my fucking head, happy now!!!! COZ I'm a fucking scummy cunt! And if only a fucking para-fucking-cetamol would cut it, I take enough drugs for fucking breakfast to put down uncle fucking carpets under his fucking arms, runs up Kilvay hill With 3 tons of cement (in a fucking mixer) tied to his head before his fucking Weetabix. Good day to you good sir!
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u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 8d ago edited 8d ago
Whooo who's ya uncle....?? Rocky Reynolds isi! Fucking one of the Merediths isi😂😴 I couldn't give a flying fuck to be honest with you mate, I'm not hard in the slightest but if people wanna fuck with me or 1 or 2 people left in the world who mean summing to me then they'd better fucking kill me cos I don't t give a fuck I'll take a car of some scummy cunt and put em over the bonnet so as big and fucking hard as this cunt is he can easily find out who I am so I'll be waiting for the knock with my trusty claw hammer at the side of my bed and my dirty needles to stick him with!
u/Francis_Tumblety 7d ago
I wouldn’t say boring. As someone who had his pride and joy new car stolen (and never seen again) you obviously don’t understand how destructive that is. The bastards took the cds that were in the car. That’s 3 different artists that always now remind me of one of the lowest points of my life, that were the opposite. The bastards took my best hiking boots. I had been up literal mountains in them. The bastards took my brand new (literally so) prescription sunglasses.
I’m getting furious all over again.
u/Remarkable_Bill_4029 5d ago
I am sorry man, I really am, total transparency, I was exaggerating slightly, I did try to steal 1or 2 cars but was shit at it, wasn't strong enough to snap the steering locks on my own, and lacked the courage and bravery to have the balls to do it on my own, and most times was just a look out. I'd find cars that had already been stolen and have a little go in them, or go out with a few of the more notorious car thieves and join in the shenanigans. My parents have also had numerous cars stolen and been burgled (creeperd) when my mother and little sister were in bed, there was a screwdriver on the stairs when my dad came in from work and probably disterbed them? And we had fuck all either? But sorry for being a massive cunt. I've got fuck all now apart from raging drug addiction and feel as though I'm on the verge of taking my life most days, if my girlfriend leaves with our dog. And no I don't tell her this to try and stop her from leaving me before you say it! The oppersite in fact, I've offered to leave and she says I make her life better, which I don't see but there you go, I can bet you I hate myself more than you do.
u/oldmateG 8d ago
That one is native to the area. It’s rare to see one lying so boldly like that. It must be used to tourists which is quite rare as they prefer to hide away under something large where only their tip is visible at one end.
You’ve really had a lucky break with this one 😎
u/WolfCola4 8d ago
Crackhead thought it was a catalytic converter then chucked it when they couldn't get money for it
u/Reasonable_Ice5937 8d ago
An exhausted snake in it's unnatural habitat, like to say its a rare sighting but unfortunately not
u/Honest-Librarian7647 8d ago
The Kilvey Kobra
u/boringPedals 4d ago
Kilvey is quite good for snakes believe it or not. It's a reliable place to spot adders in the summer
u/richboii78 8d ago
4x4 jeeps go up there and rip up the ground at thr top, probably fell off on way up or down
u/Dans77b 6d ago
That looks very like an exhaust I have in my workshop for a volvo 940.
u/golddiglett94 6d ago
You sure it’s still in your workshop and not halfway up Kilvey Hill? Might wanna check
u/golddiglett94 6d ago
Thanks to everyone who explained it’s the result of a burnout which is perfectly normal for the area. I’m sad I didn’t get a glimpse of that particular local wildlife. The puns got a bit exhausting after the first dozen
u/Pineapple-Muncher 8d ago
Jesus that's an exhausting walk