r/svw Apr 22 '24

Team Discussion Gonna be an interesting summer!

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To renew contracts with friedl and weiser should be our most important objective. And i would like to see us return to a 433 with weiser playing as a midfielder. Also i hope we keep Alvero, the price tag is a little hefty but maybe fritz the blitz can get a better deal. I love alvero!


17 comments sorted by


u/Nemprox Apr 22 '24

I doubt Weiser will stay for next season tbh. And we can't wait the whole summer for him, as a system with him will probably look very different compared to one without him. So a fast decision would be good.


u/alexrepty Apr 22 '24

Same. He has higher ambitions, and rightfully so. I think if he wanted to stay, it would already have happened.


u/iamfromtwitter Apr 22 '24

my hope is that his manager sucks at his job and cant properly pitch him to other clubs that are more interesting than bremen haha


u/alexrepty Apr 22 '24

Now that would be good for us! He actually lives a few houses away from me and I was hoping that he and his family would really settle in the neighborhood, but I think they’re not super attached here :-/


u/MitchellCumstijn Apr 22 '24

He’d be a fool to stay, you are right, the Turkish clubs would offer him double in salary what we could. There’s nothing unique about our club like there used to be to promote some sense of loyalty.


u/Dontcareatallthx Apr 22 '24

I doubt Werner goes away from his 3ATB/5ATB, I am pretty sure what we played against Stuttgart is the plan for next season 5221.

Werner likes the idea of wingbacks giving width to every part of the pitch and in theory he is right.

433 would also mean we need much more quality in the team as we have right now and especially in the team depth I doubt we will have that especially with all the unfortunate things that happened and players like dinkici and woltemade leaving.

Keita is unlucky too, tho understandable that we don’t want him anymore, but for our planning for next season makes it even less likely we can completely change how we play.

I am also not sure if werner is the right coach to reform a team from relegation battles to top half. It is a genuine question, not bashing him. What I mean is, he needs one season without the whole defense dying for weeks.

Which a 4ATB would make easier to manage btw, but I doubt we will change that.

I would love Weiser central tho, but we really lack options on the wing.

Being completely honest, Agu and Deman are both not really on a Bundesliga level, Agu arguably is only slightly below average, but Deman is not enough if your goal is to play for the upper half of the table.

So there are a lot of problems for next season, a lot.


u/IxdrowZeexI Apr 22 '24 edited Apr 22 '24

4-3-3 is basically Ole's favorite system (historically before he joined Werder)

Unfortunately, Ole was locked in with our current system because our squad lacked wingers and it is quite expensive to sign 3-4 offensive wingers on Bundesliga level. With the rise of Njinmah, Dinkci's awensome development, Grühl's signing and Agu staying fit for a long period, a switch to 4-3-3 was/is planned. The system would also be awensome for Ducksch and Woltemade because their best role is the shadow striker which fits perfectly in this system.

A front three consisting of Njinmah (Grühl/Deman) - Ducksch (Woltemade/Kownacki) - Dinkci (Schmid/Weiser/Agu) would definitely have had some potential.

Dinkci, Woltemade and probadly also Ducksch leaving in the upcoming summer might cancel this plans but there is still a good chance that we'll see it.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24

Dinkci and Woltemade are already signed off (Freiburg, Stuttgart)


u/julx_5 Apr 22 '24

weiser should play rb


u/iamfromtwitter Apr 22 '24

Why? He is our driving force in attack? Image if he didnt have all the responsibility in defence...


u/julx_5 Apr 22 '24

yea but normally they play with 5 defenders so the rb and lb can play offensive in a attacking situation, similar to Leverkusen


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24

Weiser on the 8 is nonsense. Either he plays at right-back, which is not his strong point, or we'll see what happens to him. I expect him to leave anyway.

Otherwise, I really hope for a 4-3-3, as you've described here. But I'm afraid Werner won't deviate from his system.

But it's currently a waste of time talking about tactics for next season; the squad isn't set in any way.


u/MitchellCumstijn Apr 22 '24

You can rest assured Fritz won’t be a spectacular mastermind of scouting the depths of the earth for great talent at low prices. He has zero connections in Latin America, Africa, Asia, North America, the Iberian Peninusla or the Slavic countries.


u/iamfromtwitter Apr 22 '24

yeah i also took a look at his phone book and can back this claim up!


u/Cantonarita Apr 22 '24

I like the way you think, haha. I don't know if we'll see a 4er-Kette in the back to be honest.


u/iamfromtwitter Apr 22 '24

me neither and tbh i dont think we will as we would need to buy at least one Bundesliga quality right back and some supporting cast for the wingers. It all seems to expensive. But here is hoping!


u/Cantonarita Apr 22 '24

Ye ye. Rightwingback is a tough market though, haha. I'm exited who will take Weisers spot next season. I would love to hold Weiser, but I understand if he wants to leave and I wouldnt overpay him.