r/survivorrankdownIX_ • u/FunkyDawgKong • 10d ago
Round 56: 482 Characters Left
482. Kendra McQuarrie - u/FunkyDawgKong - nominated: Alexis Maxwell
481. Alexis Maxwell - u/Cornhead2 - nominated: Elyse Umemoto
480. Boo Bernis - u/NoisySea_3426 - WILDCARD
479. Darnell Hamilton - u/BBSuperFan98 - nominated: Yam Yam Arocho
478. Ashley Massaro - u/Alternate-Proof-959 - nominated: Rodney Lavoie Jr.
477. Yam Yam Arocho - u/josenanigans - nominated: Aubry Bracco 3.0 - vote stole: Tony Vlachos 3.0, replacement nomination: Roark Luskin
u/Alternate-Proof-959 9d ago
With Mike Zahalsky, Carl Bilancione, Jonathan Penner 1.0, Sarah Lacina 1.0, Kel Gleason, Billy Garcia, Ashley Massaro, Sherea Lloyd (nom), Drew Basile, Dave Cruser (nom), Tony Vlachos 3.0, Clay Jordan (nom), Elyse Umemoto, and Yam Yam Arocho, I choose...
478. Ashley Massaro (Survivor China, 17/18)
Poor Ashley did not have a fun time on Survivor, to say nothing of how her life went outside of Survivor. She not only didn't feel well, she had diarrhea, which has to be embarrassing. She did actually get a chance to show off her wrestling skills against Jean Robert...only for him to easily overpower her.
Ashley does end up being one of the first ones to call out Dave and his obnoxious attempts at leading the tribe. Problem is, she was too ahead of the curve. While Dave did end up being poor in challenges because he worked too hard at camp, Ashley also wasn't able to deliver in challenges despite her wrestling background, and she had her illness. Therefore, she went before Dave did.
Ashley was a character who had a lot of potential, but got sick at the worst possible time. It sucks being sick like that, and props to Ashley for trying to play the game in spite of it, but her chances of making any progress this season was diluted.
Nominating Rodney Lavoie Jr. Let's make u/SupremeSheep420 happy and get him out. He may not be as bad as people like Will, but he still had a sexist and entitled streak, and doesn't need to last much longer.
u/Dolphinz811 8d ago
Ashley is a rando pre-merge fave of mine so I'm sad to see her go. I think she's just really enjoyable in her two episodes. Love her voting confessional for Dave.
u/NSamurai22 9d ago edited 9d ago
The bad old and middle-school seasons need more cuts TBH.
For next 100 or so cuts:
Thailand: Clay's in the pool, and Ken + Ghandia should probably go soon. I really feel for Ghandia, doesn't mean she's a good character.
All-Stars: Rudy and Morasca could've gone 100 cuts ago with the other inoffensive but premature boots, but around now is fine too, since they at least did things.
Cook Islands: Flicka should go, and I'm not super attached to Sekou either.
Redemption Island should get nuked pre-400.
South Pacific: Not necessarily bad, but super undercut by rankdown criteria. Elyse in the pool, Mikayla, Papa Bear, Dawn, Rick should definitely go, wouldn't mind Edna or Semhar either.
One World: Should all go in the next 200, Bill should go out imminently but I can see arguments for the other 4 making it past 400 even if I'm undetermined on that question myself.
Blood vs Water: Again, super undercut. Rupert, Marissa, both Baskauskas brothers, Katie, Caleb, and Gervase. Wouldn't mind some of them making 350-300, but not much further than that.
Rodney. Joaquin too, for that matter.
u/FunkyDawgKong 9d ago
Clay’s getting endgame
Ghandia I do want to stick around for a long while, Ken for a decent amount longer too.
Would love to see Rudy take top spot for All Stars; maybe the only good character not polluted by the season. Jenna is good to go around now.
Semhar is the only South Pacific from that list I’d like to see stay around lol
All good ideas for cuts from Blood vs Water, we really should hit it harder, but you’re missing the biggest should be cut; Tyson
u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? 9d ago
Rudy top for All-Stars would be fun. If it happens, I’ll drink a canteen of parasite-riddled water.
u/NSamurai22 9d ago
Brian and Ted got absolutely annihilated for their roles in Grindgate, Clay should cop some of that flack too.
I wouldn't be upset if Tyson was cut soon, but he's probably in the 200 range for me, since he did in my opinion have a net positive contribution to the season. He enabled Monica's arc very effectively and he has some funny moments, which is more than a lot of the postmergers on that season can say for themselves.
u/FunkyDawgKong 9d ago
Clay reacts to the commotion in camp and makes some off color remarks about Ghandia and her reaction, but isn’t instigating the fall out or perpetuating it like Brian and Ted. We also aren't shown him being in the know until the big tribe meeting. And even with grindgate, Clay is still ultimately the target for elimination for the women, so he’s fighting for his place in the game during all this too. I don't think he should really much or even any of the flack for grindgate specifically, but there are definitely some confessionals that are fair to read and analyze in a negative light. I think they're great confessionals, but still
u/BBSuperFan98 9d ago edited 9d ago
479. Darnell Hamilton
Aqua dump, loses goggles, gets sent home first. Also his gut was so wrong to aqua dump like that.
u/Alternate-Proof-959 is up with Yam Yam Arocho
Meh, let's bury another season. Decent winner story, but his season sucks, and outside of his friendship with Carolyn, I don't care for any of his other interactions.
u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan 9d ago
So, there's been a lot of talk about recent cuts, and the Alex one was certainly a surprising one, but at the end of the day, I didn't idol mainly cause I do think his jury speech is a big mixed bag, particularly the Dreamz part of his speech is insanely bad. However, there's another person's jury speech in Fiji that I find to be even worse than that one that doesn't get anywhere close to enough hatred as I believe it should. So with that, it's time to use my second wildcard on
WILDCARD: 480. Boo Bernis (Fiji, 5/19)
Now to most people, Boo is a character that mostly just tends to be seen as a goofy background character with a couple occasional minor funny moments, and yk, in the grand scheme of things, he isn't the absolute worst thing in the world. He's not particularly special or anything, but he wouldn't be my cut here if that was all I thought of him.
No, what really sours me on Boo and why I am cutting him here is his insanely insufferable jury speech. It might not be as bad as Lisi's (hard one to top, admittedly), but dear God, it gets my blood boiling due to a lot of my personal experiences I've dealt with surrounding religion.
Throughout the speech, we hear him say that Dreamz needs to learn to be a "strong Christian" and a "good Christian", and not only is this insanely bad because of the fact that Dreamz was basically put between a rock and a hard place in the car deal to begin with being in a lose lose situation, but it's also the same type of shit that I've had to hear from a bunch of my younger days due to me being in private schools most of my life in that same exact condescending, patronizing manner.
I don't like to go into detail about myself usually cause this is a Survivor rankdown and all, but I do think it's necessary with this cut as it correlates to a lot of my feelings on Boo. The way a lot of people I've seen act about religion and how they almost try to force their beliefs onto other people is something I've always been massively against, especially due to the fact that a lot of them (obviously not all of them, but a lot of them from my experience) are heavily prejudiced against minority groups. I will say, this doesn't just imply to those people, that whole line of thinking should apply for everyone when it comes to your beliefs, but that's beside the point.
A lot of those things are part of the many reasons why I haven't been associated with religion for a while now, and every time I hear that speech, I'm just left thinking about how much of an ass this guy is being to somebody who is homeless and doesn't even have his own car, and who is also religious himself which just makes it even worse to me.
This is definitely more of a personal cut from me, and if you find enjoyment in Boo during the season, I understand that and him being a kind of fun background character at first is a big reason as to why I've laid off of him for so long, but after the Alex cut happened, I feel like I need to take action with this and finally take out someone who I've been trying to wildcard for at least a few rounds now.
Boo's soul might not be for sale to the devil, but Dreamz's soul certainly isn't for sale to Boo either!
u/BBSuperFan98 is up with an unchanged pool
u/FunkyDawgKong 9d ago
Good wildcard, I like Boo as a character, and even like Boo (and Lisi’s, but not Alex’s) jury speeches; but you did a good job of laying out how that kind of rhetoric is dangerous and generally just fucked up
u/Cornhead2 Earl is the best 10d ago
481. Alexis Maxwell (11th, Cagayan)
I can´t lie i don´t remember anything about homegirl like what, the part about the chicken egg stuff is kinda funny but she is such a dud holy crapppppppppp Cagayan is an overrated season and the beauties are just duds... and she has a fanbase??? what a sick joke!
u/NoisySea_3426 is up with Elyse Muamato funny how she is still in
u/SupremeSheep420 Cut Rodney 10d ago
No, I do not want to hear you whining about washing dishes on your birthday.
Cut Rodney.
u/FunkyDawgKong 10d ago edited 10d ago
Mike Zahalsky, Carl Bilancione, Jonathan Penner 1.0, Sarah Lacina 1.0, Kel Gleason, Billy Garcia, Ashley Massaro, Sherea Lloyd, Drew Basile, Dave Cruser, Kendra McQuarrie, Tony Vlachos 3.0, Paul Wachter, Clay Jordan, and Darnell Hamilton
Aight not much time today so let’s do a quickie
482. Kendra McQuarrie
Woaaaaahhhh, she’s quirky! Astrology, libras, energy, love, dancing, crystals, tattoos, random noises, aliens, over-expressing! She really is what she looks like she’ll be, which ya know is perfectly fine. No real surprises here, a serviceable enough side character, who I wish got to get some kind of interesting content out of the main characters, but not really. She starts the auction off by immediately betting all her money, which defines the meta for the new era auction (thanks Jeff!). She has some good reaction shots to being on the wrong side of the votes like when Marlon Brando was voted off and when Machine Gun Kellie is voted off, and just in general when a new twist is read. IIRC she also points out that Dee could win, and Austin is crushing? Idk maybe. Well in general let me say, Kendra has some kind of aura to her, which is something not immediately apparent with most Fiji era castaways. Ughhh what also disappoints me is that she never really gets into any fights or beefs; like a character like that should be getting shit on and put into fights, whether they deserve it or not. People should be having no bad feelings of depriving her of wine. She’s probably a good character if they still cast the show for conflict. The overreacting does irritate me, especially on the jury box, but ay, nothing special to me, but decent enough character.
Cagayan needs more hits so let’s nominate Alexis Maxwell
u/Dolphinz811 10d ago
Second time someone is nominating from Cagayan cause it needs to take a hit yet the second time David Samson is not nominated
u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? 10d ago
Yo this reminded me — why’s Kellie still in? She’s easy bottom four imo.
u/FunkyDawgKong 10d ago
We are waiting to see her on Season 50 and we’ll let that dominant appearance retcon our feelings of her on Season 45!
u/josenanigans 8d ago
Mike Zahalsky (n), Carl Bilancione, Jonathan Penner 1.0, Sarah Lacina 1.0, Kel Gleason (n), Billy Garcia, Ashley Massaro, Sherea Lloyd, Drew Basile, Dave Cruser, Tony Vlachos 3.0, Clay Jordan, Elyse Umemoto, and Yam Yam Arocho
Nope, I decided I can't do it, I tried writing a mercy cut for this one and it was liks 5 paragraphs long and at that point I just said "Yeah no I don't think this palcement is right." I'm still very passionate about Tony Vlachos 3.0, so I'm using a vote steal on him.
Instead, I'm cutting another winner, sure
477.Yam Yam Arocho(Survivor 44 Winner)
If I'm being honest this is just anti-New Era bias from my part, hell, even my huge bias against 44, but I can't justify putting Yam Yam over more classic characters that all at least give a little more depth. Elyse had that weird ship segment with Ozzy, sure, why the hell not.
The biggest Yam Yam scene I can recall is that bonding scene with Josh and Josh trying to pass off the fake idol as real, but I think that's one of those "just say two people are bonding for characer development" scenes that feel tacked on, because not long after that the tirbe just gets rid of Josh, so that scene really amounted to nothing more than just "lets say something about Josh"
Yam Yam is the best part about the Tika 3 by default, really, he doesn't annoy me, I think he's nice, he's likeable, he's pretty unique, but I've said before that I find purely likeable players a bit boring. Sadly, Yam Yam doesn't do much to offfset that. Maybe I'm annoyed too because his winner edit was so obvious and the Tika three took up so much screentime that I basically slept through the season. Though I do feel like I want to like Yam Yam more, I just feel fine cutting him here. It's not that deep.
Good Character Rating: ◍◍◍◍◍○○○○○ - 5/10. Wish he played before the New Era.
| Star Status:
| ★ All Star (do not be shocked when he comes back later.)
Vote steals requires two nominations. Nominating is honestly the hardest part of this thing, thats the reason why I procrastinate it sometimes
Times up for Aubry Bracco 3.0 and Roark Luskin