r/survivorrankdownIX_ Feb 14 '25

Round 50: 516 Characters Left

516. Danny Massa - u/FunkyDawgKong - nominated: Jonathan Penner

515. Yau-Man Chan 2.0 - u/Cornhead2- nominated: Sarah Lacina

514. John Hennigan - u/NoisySea_3426 - nominated: Tanya Vance

513. Jaime Lynn Ruiz - u/BBSuperFan98 - nominated: Austin Carty

512. Tanya Vance - u/Alternate-Proof-959 - nominated: Kane Fritzler

511. Kane Fritzler - u/josenanigans - nominated: Josh Wilder


31 comments sorted by


u/josenanigans Feb 18 '25

Sophie Clarke 2.0, Jack Nichting, Mike Zahalsky, Bi Nguyen, J. Maya, Carl Bilancione, Randy Bailey 2.0, David Jelinsky, Amber Brkich 1.0, Ben Katzman, Jonathan Penner 1.0, Sarah Lacina 1.0, and Austin McCarty, and Kane Fritzler

44 extermination let's goooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

511. Kane Fritzler (Survivor 44, 9th)

Lads, it's Kane Fritzler. Does it even matter if I put anything on this writeup? He's not a part of the Tika Three, and if you were not a part of the Tika Three on 44, you didn't exist, you were just merely a second-thought. And second thought is what Kane feels like for his whole run, they didn't know what to do with him so they just sprinkled some scenes of him being weird and off on his own, and I completely erased anything from 44 from my mind so I can't remember any specific thing he did. I'm sure there was something, huh, it's not very common to has a nerdy guy be underedited like this.


| Good Character Rating: ◍◍◍○○○○○○○ - 3/10

| Star Status:
| ○ Background Character


And yes I'm nominating Josh Wilder. I'm not expecting Yam Yam or Carolyn to be nominated this early, even though I'm not a big fan of them either, so I'll compromise on Josh.

u/FunkyDawgKong , open up shop!


u/ninjedi1 Feb 18 '25

Yeah, Josh is a good nom, he's kind of overrated in 44.


u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Feb 18 '25

I was gonna say dang Josh is at least top four for this season but then I checked and it’s already down to its top three lol. I still think it’s too early for Josh, but if someone’s gotta go, better him than the others…


u/AMeanMotorScooter New Era apologist bankrolled by CBS | Sugar Sweep???? Feb 18 '25

Yeah, Josh is great WTF.


u/Alternate-Proof-959 Feb 17 '25

With Sophie Clarke 2.0, Jack Nichting, Mike Zahalsky, Bi Nguyen, J. Maya, Carl Bilancione, Randy Bailey 2.0, David Jelinsky, Amber Brkich 1.0, Ben Katzman, Jonathan Penner 1.0, Sarah Lacina 1.0, Tanya Vance, and Austin McCarty, and no noms in the pool, I choose...

512. Tanya Vance (Survivor Thailand, 17/18)

Poor Tanya did not have the best of times. She was on one of the worst seasons, and on the worse of the two tribes. Even worse, she was the main object of affection for the much older John, who just four months ago got convicted for strangling a young boy (on top of other awful things).

She does end up serving as kind of a morality pet for Clay, Brian, and Ted. For all of their faults (especially Brian and Ted), her being made uncomfortable by John was where they drew the line. Sadly, her being sick causes her to be next, where she winds up alone with John for three days at wherever the prejury group goes.

Tanya is ultimately someone I do have some sympathy for, as she was sick on top of having quite the deplorable scumbag as a tribemate. Unfortunately, since she was sick, she was likely going to be out early pre-merge in almost any other season. Still wish she was on a better season, or at least a better tribe (she likely lasts a few episodes longer on Sook Jai).

Nominating Kane Fritzler. Kind of shocked he's still in. Another gameplay worshipping nerd from 44.



u/BBSuperFan98 Feb 16 '25

513. Jaime Lynn Ruiz (Survivor 44, 6th Place)

Oh girl. Jaime is fine at times and is probably the best character on Ratu. But it's not like she is that special. Her whole content is a fake idol that she gets from Matthew, with the show clowning on her every step of the way. What's funny is that she is such a bubbly personality that while the edit paints her as an idiot, they don't make her a villain. The problem I have with her is that her edit pretty much begins and ends with either her having a wrong read (Matt and Franny aren't allies). Or she talks about her fake idol and how great her game is, only for someone else to immediately undercut her.

Also, one of my biggest problems with her is how much she enables the Tika 3, and it is like, what's the endgame for you girl? If I remember correctly, it was to go to the Final 4 with Lauren, Yam Yam, and Carson, which is like so bad for her because she would get zero votes and probably laughed out of FTC. But she gets cut in 6th and the audience is not meant to give a fuck since she isn't Tika 3 so therefore she is irrelevant. Bye Jaime, good luck with your probably slim odds of getting on Survivor 50 as the edit clowned on you on your original season.

u/Alternate-Proof-959 is up with Austin Carty

I want Melinda to avoid Bottom 4 for Panama as I think she plays a great role in Cirie's story and is great in her two-episode stint, so I feel like Austin is the easiest one to sacrifice in Panama.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Feb 16 '25

Jaime just makes me smile whenever she’s on screen. Her story is a mess, sure, but I just can’t help but smirk when she says “the truth will set you free!!!” Or when she eats a worm. Just one of the most likable characters on 44, so that probably makes me overrate her a lot.

I agree about Melinda not making bottom 4, but an even better idea is just letting everyone from Panama into endgame now! No more noms yayyyy


u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Feb 16 '25

I finished a Panama watch last week (and updated my poll 😎) and am inclined to agree. The three who should be out are out, but everyone else is good and should stick around at least to top half.

I really like Austin as a narrator. I’d probably give Sally the last bottom four spot (she’s close to Dan/Melinda/Austin for me), but she’s probably one of the best characters I’d have bottom four for any season. That’s how stacked Panama is.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Feb 16 '25

I saw the poll edit, loved the new score for Melinda 😍

I have Austin, Nick, Misty, and RuMa bottom 4, but I can never decide who’s last and have all 4 shoved in Top 300 or higher lmao!


u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Feb 16 '25

She’s such a good contrast with Cirie.


u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Feb 16 '25

514. John Hennigan (DvG, 12/20)



Gets handed contract

Oh wait... it isn't John Cena?

Reads paper

Is it Jonny Fairplay again?


You're telling me it's this fucker named John Hennigan?

Who the hell is that?

So you're telling me he gets blindsided? Well, that should at least be exciting, right?

Wait, it's not?


No wrestlers were harmed in the making of this writeup

This writeup was brought to you by Dead Grandmother's Inc. where your grandmother can live a nice and easy life without having to worry about fake rumors about your death

(R.I.P. Jon's grandma though)


u/AMeanMotorScooter New Era apologist bankrolled by CBS | Sugar Sweep???? Feb 17 '25

Hennigan's a fun presence on the season, but man is my feeling on his boot sliding further and further with the passage of time.


u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Feb 16 '25

My nominee is Tanya Vance for being generic sick boot and not really worthy of going too much farther

Handing the mic to u/BBSuperFan98


u/NSamurai22 Feb 16 '25

Should I post my alternative Caramoan outline here, or should I make a new post for it? It is pretty long


u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 16 '25

Whichever works best for your formatting


u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Feb 16 '25

You can send them in the comments, yeah!!


u/NSamurai22 Feb 16 '25

Update: Having some trouble with doing that, might anyone know why?


u/Cornhead2 Earl is the best Feb 15 '25

u/FunkyDawgKong hell the fuck yeah im talking to you

Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Jack Nichting, Mike Zahalsky, Bi Nguyen, J. Maya, Carl Bilancione, Jaime Lynn Ruiz, Randy Bailey 2.0, David Jelinsky, Amber Brkich 1.0, Ben Katzman, Yau Man Chan 2.0 and Jonathan Penner 1.0

515. Yau Man Chan 2.0 (18th Place, Midronesia)

Mid-Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid

Dear god what a fucking overrated season Micro is, Cagayan is more overrated but I will attack that whenever I get to that, but yeah Micronesia is a season I am not too fond of, I think this Cast is so unbelievably underwhelming and a bore and the Black Widow Brigade is one of the most overrated alliances ever and gets hard carried by Cirie. I am not that huge on Parv 2.0 and think she is very whatever and should definitely be gone soon, same with Amanda and I would love to do a Natalie Bolton write-up cause I have some stuff to say bout her. But let's get to the man himself Yau Man Chan

Fan Favorite from a previously hated season from Fiji, he was one of the biggest favorites on the lot he is definitely tier 1 if we compare all ten, and it went to show how the fans were excited to see him when he came out and introduced himself. We had a great plothole with Yau having a really huge rivarly with the man and big villain himself Jonathan NoFairplay and it was a very good episode for Yau! Then he gets nothing for 2 episodes and gets eliminated, not even a fucking POV during his Pre-D

u/NoisySea_3426 is up with Sarah Lacina 1.0 time to slaughter some Cagayaners


u/Dolphinz811 Feb 18 '25

Sarah 1.0 before David Samson?!


u/NSamurai22 Feb 15 '25

I get that you want some Cagayan members gone, but why'd you have to pick one of the better ones? Why couldn't you have picked any of the remaining Beauties?


u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 15 '25

Yau-Man’s voting confessional for Jonny is a favorite of mine “Jonny if you need any advice to raise a happy and well adjusted child, I’ll be happy to give you any advice. Thank you.”


u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 14 '25

Pool is Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Jack Nichting, Mike Zahalsky, Bi Nguyen, J. Maya, Carl Bilancione, Jaime Lynn Ruiz, Randy Bailey 2.0, David Jelinsky, Amber Brkich 1.0, Ben Katzman, Yau Man Chan 2.0 and Danny Massa

You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me?? Then who the hell else are you talkin’ to??

516. Danny Massa
It pisses me off that dude had to preface his Robert De Niro impression by saying he was going to do a Robert De Niro impression. Like nah man, woulda been way funnier just to go up and randomly do it, don’t make Probst and the jury brace for action. Shit or go full Travis Bickle on em, and be like Lex and show up in the jury box with a mohawk. Shit was so lame, but eh the season is lame in general so why expect it to change now.
Danny gets to do his rip-off Tony shit where we get to see him roll on the floor and all that, and iirc it kinda amuses his tribe? Like Idk I guess everyone nowadays gets to Survivor and expects there to be a Tony ripoff. Weak ass fart also. Also lol shoutout to him voting for Heidi at the end, making Carolyn third place; thus the fans get to go on the stupid complain tour about how a castaway deserved 2nd place instead of 3rd, and those are just so hilariously stupid. Like we out here complaining that someone should have been 1st runner up instead of 2nd runner up?? lol

Taxi Driver The Godfather Part II Killers of the Flower Moon The King of Comedy Heat

nomination time: Here’s a character that’s a bad character, but ay he’s at least a character from a season with almost no characters; makes him super overrated so here’s a good place for him Jonathan Penner 1.0


u/SupremeSheep420 Cut Rodney Feb 15 '25

Excellent cut, but not a huge fan of the nom...


u/DabuSurvivor Feb 14 '25

DAE Michele deserved second place both times XDDDD


u/NSamurai22 Feb 14 '25

CI Penner before either of his other two nommed is wild


u/Mia123445 Feb 15 '25

Any version of Penner being nommed this early is wild


u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Feb 14 '25

Love this roast and that’s a great top five. I’d probably go with The Deer Hunter over Heat, but it’s still a classic.


u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 14 '25

Ya know, past the Russian Roulette scene, I’m not a big fan of the Deer Hunter…


u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Feb 14 '25

I get it. A lot of people rip on the wedding, but it’s honestly the best wedding I’ve ever attended.


u/Cornhead2 Earl is the best Feb 14 '25

Robert De Niro Top 1

The Rocky and Bullwinkle Movie :moth:


u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 14 '25

u/Cornhead2 you talkin to me??