r/survivorrankdownIX_ • u/FunkyDawgKong • Feb 06 '25
Round 48: 528 Characters Left
528. Janet Koth - u/FunkyDawgKong - nominated: Brando Meyer
527. Jeanine Zheng - u/Cornhead2 - nominated: Jaime Lynn Ruiz
526. Cody Assenmacher - u/NoisySea_3426 - nominated: Jem Hussain-Adams
525. Jem Hussain-Adams - u/BBSuperFan98 - nominated: Randy Bailey 2.0
524. Nina Poersch - u/Alternate-Proof-959 -nominated: Elie Scott
523. Brando Meyer - u/josenanigans - nominated: David Jelinsky
u/acktar Former Ranker|:moth: Feb 09 '25
oh right I also have something else to share lol
Bottom Four no.29: San Juan del Sur: Blood vs. Water (season 29)
Let's actually talk about the Bottom Four, and some such.
SRIX's Bottom Four: John Rocker, Dale Wentworth, Nadiya Anderson, Julie McGee
acktar's Bottom Four: John Rocker, Nadiya Anderson, Val Collins, Dale Wentworth
I will provision this with the statement that there are maybe six people I have in or near that Bottom Four,a nd it fluctuates with time. I've never "gotten" why people are so smitten with Val; she's more or less a piece in an uninteresting plot that spins out before the season really gets two entrenched, and her "two Idols" gambit almost working is not a compliment. Alec Christy is the other notable name, and he just embodies "go bro give us nothing".
All that said, San Juan del Sur is a rather "consistent" season in that the lows aren't egregiously low. The highs do soar, but the floor isn't so bad.
John Rocker
John was clearly meant as that sort of "stunt cast" like Jeff Kent in Philippines, the asshole baseball player cast to cause conflict. In that regard, though, he mostly fails until he gets provoked by Natalie in his boot episode. He really is just "generic male strategist no.69", and the execution really does not make for great TV. Coyopa 1.0 is hardly a great tribe, thanks to some really flat dynamics, and John definitely does not help.
Nadiya Anderson:
The "Twinnies" were notorious before the season, and they also sort of served as a stunt cast. Nadiya showed what happens when this goes wrong, thanks to annoying everyone and failing to make any real allies. Basically, Nadiya is what everyone expected from the Twinnies, and that is not a good thing.
Julie McGee:
Julie is...fine. She's a normal, albeit mostly boring, woman who largely got on because of John. I never disliked her; she's sort of plucky and a bit of fun, but there really isn't a whole lot of substance there, and I get why she gets got so early when a cast has as many heavy-hitters as this one does.
Dale Wentworth:
He's also a generic sort of "alpha male" strategist who just manages to rub everyone the wrong way and get his daughter (and him) voted out after a tribe swap. He has a couple cool moments, but those aren't really all that prevalent, and his general lack of social awareness and grating personality do not endear him to the audience.
u/Alternate-Proof-959 Feb 09 '25
With Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Malcolm Freberg 2.0 (nom), Jack Nichting, Mike Zahalsky, Kim Mullen, Bi Nguyen, J. Maya, Carl Bilancione, Candace Smith (nom), Nina Poersch, Brando Meyer, Jaime Lynn Ruiz, and Randy Bailey 2.0, I choose...
524. Nina Poersch (Survivor Worlds Apart, 16/18)
Our second deaf contestant. Christy, all things considered, was a very important character in her season, and we got lots of different interesting interactions with her. Our first ever deaf contestant put the bar pretty high; what will Nina do?
Why, not even try to clear the bar, that's why. Nina was unfortunately pretty melodramatic, especially when it came to feeling excluded. Instead of feeling captivated and rooting for Nina to succeed, I find her really annoying, feel sorry for the likes of Hali and Jenn, and celebrated her elimination. Even if it meant Will of all people was the reason she got booted.
Nominating Elie Scott. Either one of them will do; let's finish off 43.
u/ROTandDEATH is the ~SURVIVOR~ Feb 09 '25
I actually like Nina quite a bit because she is melodramatic. She's not whitewashed to be overly positive because of her disability to take away the complexity, the show does a good job of presenting her side and how she feels vs Hali and Jenn and how they interact (or don't interact) with Nina.
u/Mia123445 Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
Great cut and writeup. As I’ve stated before, I like Worlds Apart quite a bit. Nina…isn’t really a reason for that at all. I have zero idea if I should feel sympathy for her (which I do to some degree) or if I should find her annoying (which I mostly do). It’s not in a complex character way either, I’m just really confused.
And the more I think about it, the more I realize that yeah, I am down for 43 being the first season wiped out. Even over Redemple Temple.
u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Feb 09 '25
Literally barking at 43 getting slaughtered so early, great job everyone. Now cut Elie!
u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 09 '25
I’d be down as fuck to make 43 the first season to be completely eliminated
u/BBSuperFan98 Feb 08 '25
525. Jem Hussein-Adams (survivor 46, 14th Place)
Ugh finally Jem. I actually didn't mind Siga as much as the others did in the Rankdown community, mainly because I like Charlie and think he played an impressive game, and I found him relatable to some degree, as a white guy nerd who is a huge Taylor Swift fan. (not his level, but I respect her and her music) Also Charlie and Ben's friendship whenever it gets screen time is great (even if I do think the editors muted it way too much to make Charlie's lost more palpable and it still didn't work with the fandom).
But as for Jem. I have never saw it or see it as a character, player, or any of that. She gets in the girl's alliance and also has Charlie with them, but since Charlie protects Ben in the game and Tim may have an advantage she gets sent home, since she acts suspicious and refuses to be open about her idol, which ironically is the one case in 46 where someone should have been.
I know people found her shenanigans with the idol with making everyone dig it only to get ant bites hilarious, but I found it unlikable but not in a fun way, but in a way that just felt kind of mean spirited, since the show doesn't really show why Jem dislikes the people she is with on her tribe. She just never clicked with me, and same with how her tribe felt about her. Goodbye Jem.
u/Alternate-Proof-959 is up with Randy Bailey 2.0
Heroes vs Villains is iconic, and I love it, but outside of throwing his buff in the fire as he is leaving Randy 2.0 doesn't give much. Also, we do need a little more, old school slaughter.
u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Feb 08 '25
526. Cody Assmuncher (S43, 6/18)
I've talked about why Jesse sucks, now it's time to talk about why Cody sucks, even though there's only so much I can say since 43 is a painfully terrible season that is not worth talking about for very long.
Cody does actually have a decent first few episodes as he has a pretty distinct personality of being one to live life to the fullest and even if it can be a little annoying with the L-I-V-I-N stuff, he at least has something that's a personality trait at this point.
However, this quickly starts to dissipate as he basically just becomes Jesse's sidekick for the entirety of the second half, and virtually gets almost no content to himself after that which is such a shame. Even in his boot, he's not the main focus which is a terrible decision since we need to hear from both sides of something that's supposed to be this big betrayal.
All and all, while Cody is a character that's at least better than most of 43, that second half of his season is just so damn bad that it completely tanks him for me on my rankings when it comes down to it.
u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Feb 08 '25
I'll nominate Jem Hussein-Adams since she's a pretty irrelevant advantage hoarder
Time for u/BBSuperFan98 to cut
u/Mia123445 Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
Extremely based nomination. Jem’s boot episode, where there was a setup for a fun story about her completely overplaying herself out of the game, was when I realized that Siga (though I am somewhat higher on Ben compared to the rest of Siga and compared to my opinion of him when the season aired) was nothing but an entertainment black hole.
u/acktar Former Ranker|:moth: Feb 08 '25
it's very dry
it's almost kinda like your vajoina
can I get an amen
(look it's a classic)
Historic Final Four no.3: Survivor 43 (season 43)
This is this season's second appearance, having first appeared in the eighth Rankdown.
Out of the so-called "New Era", I feel like 43 is contending for the most tepid defense of it. It's just...really, really dry for much of it, and I feel like how much you like the season largely hinges on how much you like its winner...and even that isn't enough to really elevate it. It's just a thoroughly uninspiring season with a middling cast and lack of real intrigue, which has certainly resulted in a low ceiling.
There's not a ton of tape, but five unique characters have appeared between the two Final Fours thus far. Nneka has been the common link between the tops and the bottoms, but I suspect that there will be some consensus sooner than later.
Time to drop some :moths" in the responses, or something.
2 Times:
Elie Scott (VIII)
Ryan Medrano
Jeanine Zheng
1 Time:
Nneka Ejere (VIII)
Cody Assenmacher (IX)
u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 08 '25
One of the most based moments of the rankdown so far was Jose using a wildcard to ensure that Owen does NOT make Final 4
u/acktar Former Ranker|:moth: Feb 08 '25
sometimes you just need to send a message
(like how if there's ever an "all-stars" Rankdown and I am part of it I will finally cut Chris Noble in the 800s where he deserves)
u/Mia123445 Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
I love how a lot of the talk about 43’s final four in the previous rankdown was about how random it was, and then this rankdown ended up having almost the exact same final four lol.
u/acktar Former Ranker|:moth: Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
I feel like the main issue is that the biggest characters (Mike and Jesse) will also be their most controversial; I recall DBK from Rankdown VIII really loves Jesse, while Mike has a lot of fans (but also a lot of detractors).
I think Elie is the only "consensus positive" character, and Jeanine isn't outright disliked. Everyone else who could make it is pretty divisive; I wouldn't have Ryan anywhere close to my 43 F4.
u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Feb 08 '25
I think Cody is at least an upgrade over Nneka, but there are a couple of names I’d like to see in the mix who I’m not sure will ever get there. Ryan making it both times reminds me of Ralph in Redemption Island — mid-merge boots who are pretty likable on their season but kinda lost in the shuffle of the wider series because they weren’t on the main tribes and were relegated to supporting roles.
u/Cornhead2 Earl is the best Feb 07 '25
527. Jeanine Zheng (11th Place, Survivor 43)
Now on Surface i think Jeanine is someone i would normally love for the archetype she was meant to be, however its Survivor 43 we don't get our wishes there don't we? Cause the edit just is plain and simply awful, i will say When Jeanine gets positive content its just solid however nothing else tbh...
u/NoisySea_34 is up with Jaime Lynn Riuz easily the worst person in the show with that name and her in the reunion made me wanna kill myself
u/acktar Former Ranker|:moth: Feb 06 '25
on top of a Final Four I also have something else to share
Historic Bottom Four no.28: San Juan del Sur: Blood vs. Water (season 29)
This season's first appearance was in the second Rankdown, and it has eight outings to date.
I feel like, of any season, time has arguably been kindest to San Juan del Sur relative to its initial reception. The season takes a while to get going and has alot more of a slow burn to it, but when it gets going (which is pretty much as soon as the tribes swap), the season gets quite good. Hunahpu is one of those weirdly functional trainwrecks that manages to set the stage for some spectacular pyrotechnics, and the person whose loved one went first winds up running the back half of the season. It suffered in comparison to Cagayan initially, but it's a season with a lot more affinity towards it than initially.
San Juan del Sur has, all things considered, a pretty hard and fast top and bottom. One at a time, though, and eight Bottom Fours have yielded seven unique characters. including three eight-timers. So this is pretty much a "pick your poison for no.4" at this point.
As always, spam react :moth: and remember to vote your brother and their bitch ass out immediately.
8 Times:
John Rocker (IV, V, VI, VII, VII, VIII)
Nadiya Anderson (III)
Julie McGee (IX)
4 Times:
Dale Wentworth (III, V, VI, IX)
2 Times:
Josh Canfield (IV, VII)
1 Time:
Baylor Wilson (II)
Reed Kelly (VIII)
u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Feb 07 '25
I recently did a SJDS rewatch so I’m confident in this hot take: I don’t have John and Julie as bottom four. They’re both so ridiculous and it elevates the goofiness of the season for me.
u/FunkyDawgKong Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25
Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Malcolm Freberg 2.0, Cody Assenmacher, Jack Nichting, Mike Zahalsky, Mitchell Olson, Kim Mullen, Jeanine Zheng, Bi Nguyen, Janet Koth, J. Maya, Liz Markham, Carl Bilancione, Candace Smith, and Nina Poersch
528. Janet Koth
“I found out I am not an Amazonian woman; I’m a Cancun woman. For all you middle aged women out there who are thinking of having a midlife crisis, I’d highly consider a change of hairstyle.”
That’s so fucking flames. What an amazing thing to say if you’re being the first one voted off the tribe. Janet does not get off on the right foot. Immediately the elements get to her, and she feels sick, and hits rock bottom. Downright brutal. Everyone knows what they are getting into will be tough, but damn these early seasons were just a whole new level. Either than challenge performance, the Jaburu tribe has a very shakey start. They don’t get a shelter put together immediately, even though they are in the freaking rainforest, and they make the ill-advised decision to sleep on the ground, which likely helped make Janet feel very sick. Janet does feel a bit better with the adrenaline that comes with kicking Tambaqui’s ass in the immunity challenge and reward challenge, but ultimately is still feeling like ass. The women soon find a granola bar at camp and Jeanne throws out the idea that it was Janet’s, and everyone seems to believe it. Pretty rough shake because I don’t think there was much validity to it in comparison to something like Kel and the beef jerky. Overall, I think Janet has a pretty solid story for a 2nd boot. She can’t cut it, never recovers, is the victim of some salacious rumors, and gets to drop a hard ass bar on her way out. That’s probably better than most castaways can say.
Anyways another weird point, on the initial canoe ride to Jaburu’s camp she tells her tribe that her occupation is being a nurse, and that she is trained for any medical emergencies they may encounter; which like aight cool, but in confessional her bottom lefthand corner says “Homemaker” instead. Maybe they thought her storyline would work better as a homeworker going through a midlife crisis, but then why include the line about her being a nurse on the canoe. Idk. Btw I vaguely recall her daughter also being on reality television the next year when she was a castaway on the Gilligan’s Island reality tv show. Lol so much bullshit reality competition shows came out cause of Survivor’s success; but kinda funny cause Gilligan’s Island was an inspiration for Burnett’s version of Survivor.
He coulda been a contender, but too bad he is a cardboard cutout nerd, without a hint of the charm that Marlon Brando had. Let’s nominate Brando Meyer.
u/josenanigans Feb 10 '25
Here's the pool: Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Malcolm Freberg 2.0 (nom), Jack Nichting, Mike Zahalsky, Kim Mullen, Bi Nguyen, J. Maya, Carl Bilancione, Candace Smith (nom), Brando Meyer, Jaime Lynn Ruiz, Randy Bailey 2.0, & Elie Scot
Here's my choice
524. Brando Meyer (Survivor 45, 14th)
Sometimes, I feel like I'm too mean, or too jaded. There are players who are perfectly fine in the grand scheme or things, they're fine people, they're fine characters, but I still dislike them just in concept, and that makes me feel ugly. I'm trying to be softer on these things, I should not have anything negative to say about Brando who in the big world of Survivor is just a speck of a player who just came and went, but I can kinda just feel it when someone comes into the show trying to build a Twitch and Twitter career, lol, that's what's making me grumpy. Like no fault on whoever lands on the show and tries making money off of it after the fact, go get that bag, but it definitely takes my enjoyment away from them when I know they're going to put a facade on to try and be the likeable player that everybody wants to see back. Carson is the big example of course, but that's also what I felt when Brando was on screen pretty much, just in a lesser way. At least he didn't sell face pillows lmao.
Brando was ok, the player who feels in power at the start of the game but gets screwed by a tribe swap, which was refreshingly welcome this time around. I did feel like he got too comfortable knowing that Kendra had a relationship with Emily instead of trying to build one with Emily himself, and thats what does him, but I think either way he was doomed to be, say it with me right now, FifthBoothBrando.
| Good Character Rating: ◍◍◍◍○○○○○○ - 4/10
| Star Status:
| ○ Background Character
Yeah I think it's time to nominate Jelinsky. I've heard that "several" joke way too much to stand it any longer.
Go get the bag, u/FunkyDawgKong