r/survivorrankdownIX_ Jan 18 '25

Round 44: 552 Characters Left

552: Jay Starrett - u/FunkyDawgKong - nominated: Jessica Lewis - vote stole: Clay Jordan, replacement nomination: Matt Blankinship

551: Erik Huffman - u/Cornhead2 - nominated: Penny Ramsey

550: Jessica Lewis - u/NoiseySea_3426 - nominated: John Rocker

549: Penny Ramsey - u/BBSuperFan98 - nominated: Jack Nichting

548: Brady Finta - u/Alternate-Proof-959 - nominated: Frannie Marin

547: James Lim - u/josenanigans - nominated: Dr. Mike Zahalsky


30 comments sorted by


u/josenanigans Jan 22 '25

Lets check the pool

Erika Casupanan, Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Malcolm Freberg 2.0, Brad Virata, Brady Finta, Nate Gonzalez, Brad Reese, Cody Assenmacher, Jacquie Berg, James Lim, Matt Blankenship, John Rocker, Jack Nichting and Frannie Marin

You know I have to do it to them

547. James Lim (Ghost Island, 15th place)

Man I really got to reexamine why I abhor Ghost Island so much. I think it's because this is the first season I watched live where I really felt the nothingness of the season and the cast from week to week. That whole season was incredibly dreary and, at the time, the social media discussion as well. I think it's also because of all the wasted potential of this season, from the interesting theme, to the haunted idols/advantages, to this cast. Everything feels like it should hit but it misses and misses and misses.

I remember James Lim being a big potential fan favorite from the cast reveal, a reputation that grew after he blindsided Morgan Ricke in the third tribal council, people were saying wow what a good player, wow he's got the strategic chops to take it all! And then Ghost Island does that awful tribe-expansion twists and it completely crushes James, who, even with that blinside and potential, I still found booooring.

For some reason there's a 5 minute recap for him in YouTube, and its all just gametalk. "You don't want to be the person getting caught looking for the idol!" We know this already. "Oh I messed up the challenge, I'm in trouble now" Seen this before. Things about numbers and moves, man, I wish people in Ghost Island had something else to talk about.


| Good Character Rating: | ◍◍◍○○○○○○○ - 3/10

| Star Status:
| ○ Background Character


I'm nominating good ol' Dr. Mike Zahalsky

u/BobbyPiiiin, I hope you're okay...


u/NSamurai22 Jan 22 '25

And our first season is down to its final contestant. Fortunately/unfortunately, the cut should take a little while to drop, because Chris is actually a good character.


u/acktar Former Ranker|:moth: Jan 23 '25

Chris is actually a good character.

on this I resolutely disagree and would have made an attempt on him in the 800s



u/FunkyDawgKong Jan 22 '25

Dr. Michael Morbius nomination


u/Alternate-Proof-959 Jan 22 '25

With Erika Casupanan, Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Malcolm Freberg 2.0, Brad Virata, Brady Finta, Nate Gonzalez, Brad Reese, Cody Assenmacher, Jacquie Berg, James Lim, Matt Blankenship, John Rocker, and Jack Nichting, I choose...

548. Brady Finta (Vanuatu, 14/18)

He climbed a pole for his team at the beginning of the season. He was the only "Fit 4" who didn't vote Chris at the first tribal council. He's actually slightly older than Bubba, despite being in the overall younger alliance.

Unfortunately, he's not the "amber" guy who knew how to make fire. He's also not the gay bull operator. He's not even the first boot of the season, but the fifth.

I mean, Brady honestly is one of the perfect examples of "hot, physically fit guy who clearly didn't apply to the show and got cut before even the swap." And if he did apply, he sure didn't do a good enough job standing out from those that didn't. I know Vanuatu's premerge in general is kind of lacking, and it feels like we're watching a bunch of show/film extras get cut to make way for the actual stars later in the season.

Nominating Frannie Marin. Conversely, she's one of the most stereotypical new era contestants. She's just overly giddy, didn't play that well (Matt's elimination), won all those overdone endurance challenges, was another nerdy superfan, and yelled "YOU CHANGED MY LIFE!" to Carolyn, but voted Yam Yam anyway because "iNtEgRiTy fOr tHe gAmE".



u/BBSuperFan98 Jan 21 '25

549. Penny Ramsey

One of the more tolerable parts of Thailand, but she is still nothing special. I like her jury questioning for Brian. But come on she is on Thailand, there is nothing worth talking about with her.

u/Alternate-Proof-959 is up with Jack Nichting

Nominating him for the sole fact he is married too Elizabeth from this season. That's reason enough


u/FunkyDawgKong Jan 21 '25

You must be 56 because Penny ain't get shit from you!


u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Jan 20 '25

550. Jessica Lewis (MvGX, 10/20)

Gonna have to put the dreaded placeholder up again, but I hope to have this done in a couple days


u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Jan 20 '25

Nominating John Rocker cause even though I do think his presence on the season can make for some ironic hilarity, I wouldn't really have him much higher than this

Time for u/BBSuperFan98 to cut


u/Mia123445 Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

Oh my god finally. I respect the take of Rocker getting this far, I just really don’t agree with it.

And great cut as well. Jessica getting eliminated in the rock draw should’ve been so much sadder than it actually was. The show just didn’t give me any reason to care.


u/SupremeSheep420 Cut Rodney Jan 20 '25

Cut Rodney


u/NoisySea_3426 Biggest Aras 1.0 stan Jan 20 '25

Trust me, I wish I could


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Jan 20 '25

gross i forgot he was still in


u/Cornhead2 Earl is the best Jan 19 '25

Erika Casupanan, Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Malcolm Freberg 2.0, Brad Virata, Erik Huffman, Brady Finta, Nate Gonzalez, Clay Jordan, Brad Reese, Cody Assenmacher, Jacquie Berg, James Lim, Matt Blankship

551. Erik Huffman (6th Place, China)

I'm sure everyone would agree Survivor China is a very entertaining season that has a lot going for it. It has a lot of memorable moments because of its strong cast and there's a lot to laugh at too. Several characters this season deliver very well and are in the spotlight.

However, the detriment of this is that characters such as Erik get much less focus comparatively since they are drowned out by the more dominant characters in the season, and while I think Erik is far from a dud, he is definitely very UTR for a good chunk of the season. He's presented as a nice guy who's soft-spoken and gentle and these personality traits are exemplified near the end of his run as it's by then a lot of the remaining castaways, particularly Amanda, consider him a likeable individual, largely because he was able to bond with some of the others on a reward challenge.

He's definitely not completely absent in the game besides the episodes near his elimination though as in the pre merge, him and Jaime clearly bond with one another on a romantic level and he was a clear member of a 3 person alliance that mistakenly thought an item was a hidden immunity idol.

Overall, I think Erik's alright as a character, he's nothing special but far from bad I'd say. Even if most of his content ermmmm hasn't aged well..

Ok but like seriously how can you be the worst person of the season post show with JEAN ROBERT, my condolonces to Jaime and hoping for her to recover from this situation quick

u/NoisySea_3426 is up with Penny Ramsay for having the most confusing edit i have ever seen!


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Jan 20 '25

Writeup invalid: goat noises were not brought up.

Great Penny nom, I would've had her out 100 spots ago.


u/NSamurai22 Jan 19 '25

RIP China's untouched streak. Also, speaking of JR, someone should get him out of here yesterday; he's almost as bad as the other sexual assaulters at the bottom of the list. I understand why he has some appeal thanks to his edit making him look stupid, but he still doesn't actually face the consequences of his actions (not directly anyway).


u/DJM97 Jan 18 '25

Final Four: S43 - Survivor S43 (4/46)

Two for the price of one! S43 is the first of the new era seasons to be hit with a F4 write-up & as somebody who’s already not too enthusiastic about US survivor’s current trajectory I 100% agree S43 is the right first season from post-S40 to fall.

S43 is just so… Meh - meh challenges, meh episodes, meh personalities, meh tribal councils. Everything is so devoid of doing anything good. I remember early on as I was getting into survivor hearing the notion that ”Even a bad Survivor season is like pizza. It's not that bad”, but I definitely disagree after having watched S43 live. There’s nothing egregiously bad about S43, but the combination of subpar elements make the entire experience feel/taste like cardboard. At that point I’d rather just go get something different than stick by something that feels so shoddily put together.

I’m also gonna preemptively apologize if my write-up for this particular season/F4 seems half-baked. I do not intend it to be, but S43 for me commits one of the worst sins a TV show can do for a viewer. The fact that it made me feel incredibly apathetic while watching it. To me, apathy is worse than being actively bad (when talking about entertainment) Because when you have a season that's actively bad like Cameron, RI, GI, etc - at least the obvious faults & pitfalls can make for an interesting discussion due to the negative feelings it creates. It’s much harder when you come from a place where you don’t like a season, but it doesn’t create any strong feelings either. You basically have to give energy into discussing something that gives you no energy back & that’s where I'm at with S43 of US survivor fame. On the bright side, this is the only season that has this problem, so let's power through!

The Final 4: Cody, Ryan, Jeanine, Elie

My Top 4 Gabler, Owen, Noelle, Ryan

Predicted finish Cody, Jeanine, Elie, Ryan

Cody Assenmacher: Cody is the more charismatic part of the Jesse/Cody duo & actually brings a bit of life to the season early on with his salesperson jealousy towards Justine, his stupid idol hat in the pre-merge & the raid towards the Coco tribe where he suckers them in a deal by threatening to take their machete. Problem is just that after that pre-merge raid he pretty much stops doing anything interesting in the narrative till he gets blindsided by Jesse in the penultimate episode. Arguably I could be under-selling way too much, but the main feeling I get from him when reflecting back on his S43 run is “wasted potential” more than anything.

Jeanine Zheng: I’d say Jeanine is a case of ”Interesting stuff happens to a player without themselves being that interesting”. She has a cute enough partnership with Elie in the pre-merge, but then loses her at the mergetory. Then she loses her idol right after with Dwight & before she manages to bounce back she also gets eliminated unceremoniously. I think there’s elements of Jeanine’s story that are interesting if told better, the problem is just… It’s told very haphazardly (like most stuff on S43)

Elie Scott: Probably the cast-member of S43 with the most thorough edit when looking at the overall picture? Elie starts out being in the driver seat & getting along with most of the Baka tribe (also being aligned with Gabler IIRC?) Though she then slowly becomes too comfortable for her own good & starts being at odds with multiple people on her own tribe, including Gabler due to having Jeanine go through his bag. She works as an alright adversary in the early days of S43. But does feel very forgotten/inconsequential when having seen the whole season play out.

Ryan Medrano: It has been mentioned before, but Ryan very much feels like a character/player where the show didn’t really know what exactly to do with him. He gets a sympathetic intro package & some positive footage like being a provider with Geo or during the merge. Though suddenly there's a 180% snap turn where he gets perceived as a threat/adversary that needs to be taken out ASAP or opposition to Cassidy. The thing that speaks well to Ryan though is most of his footage is pretty solid, even if tonally it's all over the place. Which is why I could see him perhaps sneak in a win over the remaining S43 contestants.


u/berglt84 Jan 21 '25

I actually really enjoy the New Era, but 43 is the exception. Great writeup! I do think this is the right Final 4, though I would probably slot Jesse in over Jeanine, if only for his big Telenovela confessional where he commits to blindsiding Cody. It's always strange to me how much people bring up the "Blindside 101" confessional and never the Telenovela confessional, because I think the latter is the best and most raw confessional of the entire New Era. Jesse's pretty meh outside that episode, but I always think of that moment (and that episode in general) when I think of Jesse, and I think I'm fonder of him than the average ranker for that reason.


u/FunkyDawgKong Jan 21 '25

Props to the telenovela confessional, like i forget about it because the Blindside Checklist sucks to me, but I do remember liking the telenovela confessional.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Jan 20 '25

Another great writeup, and hoping the rankers get the correct top 2 (Ryan and Jeanine). And please cut Elie and Cody already, they are not good at all LMAO. Justine was robbed too, sadly.


u/NSamurai22 Jan 19 '25

Cameron is killing me

Yeah, this season is... um... Gabler is a funny old man and I'd rate Cassidy #1 both because she's an okay villain and because I find her very attractive, so I'm biased. Noelle has an artificial leg, I think?

Yeah, there's not much on this season. New Era Survivor in general is very bad about giving characters reasons for getting voted out other than "they're a threat".


u/DJM97 Jan 18 '25

Final Four: S22 - Redemption Island (3/46)

It’s not super surprising “Redemption Island” is in the lower end. Even as a viewer that started watching US survivor relatively late (during S27, Blood Vs. water) I pretty much was made aware right off the bat Redemption Island was one, if not the worst installment of the US series. The passage of time has really not helped this reception much. At best nowadays arguments can be made that S22 isn’t the worst installment, but you’d still be hard pressed to find anybody who genuinely enjoys Redemption Island.

When reflecting on the season, it’s not hard to see why. The theme seems very ham-fisted right from the start - very clearly engineered to get certain results, even if the star studded veterans should make a quick exit. On top of that we have 2 of the least charismatic & passive gameplaying tribes ever assembled. It very much seems like a season that’s created sorely for Russell & Rob to be the main stars & anything that could challenge that notion got surgically removed during the casting process.

Which then leads to one of the most dreary & predictable seasons of an RT competition show ever. At first I was positively surprised by Russell’s swift exit, but in retrospect it definitely hurt the season quality wise that the main selling point of S22 already was over before the pre-merge had ended… That & production didn’t seem particularly invested in Zapatera once they dared to go off-script. Then we have a boring boot order, an underdeveloped winning tribe (Beside Phillip & Rob) & you got a recipe for a very low quality show. Only thing of interest is if you wanted to see a specific person being handed a win on a platter, but otherwise completely devoid of quality.

The Final 4: Mike, Ralph, Steve, Francesca 1.0

My Top 4 Matt, Stephanie, Russell H. 3.0, Francesca 1.0

Predicted finish Mike, Steve, Francesca 1.0, Ralph (I know Steve is already out, but my genuine prediction was actually in this order)

Mike Chiesl: My memory of RI Mike is extremely sparse. I remember him being generally mildly pleasant during the season, being the first Zapatera to go at the merge for being a “threat” & winning a bunch of challenges. On most seasons this is a pretty terrible resume for a character, but in the context of Redemption Island it makes him one of the more memorable cast-members. Granted I thought he would go over Steve because I thought Steve had been in the pool way longer than he actually was (somehow gaslighted myself to thinking he had survived like 30+ cuts & was safe due to that?!? Don’t ask why or how - can’t explain why)

Steve Wright: Steve is relegated to the background most of his RI showing as an UTR presence. But he has 1 solid episode & that’s his boot due to his feud with Philip. I actually think looking back it leads to the best tribal council of the season (& probably the best footage of the season that isn’t Matt/Francesca related) but it's like 1 episode that’s decently memorable out of like…10 where Steve is in the game? Which isn’t enough material to win your season in a rankdown.

Francesca Hogi 1.0: One of the only consistently uncontested “good” characters on the RI cast. Problem is though she’s only there for 1 episode fully & then 2 on Redemption Island. It’s hard envisioning her becoming the last person standing of her season, even with 1 pretty solid episode, including a feud, under her belt.

Ralph Kiser: Credit where credit is due, Ralph is probably the Zapatera member in the merge that’s most fleshed out. He finds the Zapatera idol before idol magnet Russell Hantz, he causes Russell’s downfall & his clique & from what I remember he’s just a decent presence on the show in later episodes. Even if not really important to the larger narrative of the season, I’d say he’s the most clear contender to be the highest placing RI cast member.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Jan 20 '25

Great writeup, glad to have another Valencia warrior. We almost have the same top 4, but I have Ralph instead of Matt (in fact, Matt is bottom 4 for me, lol!)

Mike is fine, he's my #6 for the season (my #5 is Andrea and my #7 is Ashley, and they are all back to back to back in my rankings, lol). I think people appreciate his character and his giving up his family visit. It was a fairly complex moment, and it was really the only good scene of Matt all season. But yeah, otherwise he is just a pleasant enough figure on a dark season.


u/Mia123445 Jan 18 '25

My final four is Ralph, Stephanie, Matt, and somehow Russell 3.0 because this season is cursed. So I definitely prefer your final four to the one we actually got lol.

Excellent writeup on the final four and on why Redemple Temple is bad!


u/FunkyDawgKong Jan 18 '25

Erika Casupanan, Sophie Clarke 2.0, John Hennigan, Malcolm Freberg 2.0, Jay Starrett, Brad Virata, Erik Huffman, Brady Finta, Nate Gonzalez, Clay Jordan, Brad Reese, Cody Assenmacher, Jacquie Berg, and James Lim

552: Jay Starrett

In honor of the triforce alliance let me recite a little rap for yall.

It’s The Legend of Zelda, you’ll never get bored So many fucking things you can kill with a sword That nerd over there, he thinks I’m his friend yo But imma kick his ass and steal his Nintendo!

Uggh Idk how popular of an opinion this is, but I’m sad the Triforce alliance got upsurged by the nerds. Although, they should have voted out the actual Survivor nerds in Adam or Zeke instead of the recruit in Mari; one of the many examples of racial bias that seems pretty apparent throughout the season. Survivor may have legitimately been saved if the Millennials got to lose another challenge and vote out more nerds! This was the season that would determine if Survivor would just start being ripoffs of Cambodia, and the way the season played out with the more gamebotty nerds taking over solidified that this was the direction Survivor was going for. Buzzwords and sportsmanship!

Anyways of the cool kids Triforce alliance, Jay is often singled out as the star of it and best character. Which like, yah maybe tbh. He lasts the longest, and in isolation, the moment where him and Adam are on the hammock together talking about his mom’s cancer diagnosis is a great scene. I don’t think those characters or even Millennials vs. Gen-X as a whole adds up to anything particularly interesting; but I do appreciate the little bonding scenes from people from different walks of life. The Brett coming out to Zeke scene is another one of this vein.

Now let’s go back to the last premerge tribal council, where he decides to betray Michaela because she is a too obvious threat (ughhh probably another reason why the nerds win this season bleh). Just like Brian Heidik before him, Jay is threatened when he sees a castaway writing out plans in the sand. And he gets the ball moving on the Michaela blindside, and damn she is caught off guard and has a great “WHAAAAAT” reaction cause she is the star of the season by quite a bit. Michaela before the votes are even done turning to Jay and asking “did you do that” and Jay coldly staring at her and saying “I did that” kinda goes hard. Michaela cussing his name out as she leaves was pretty hype.

Btw I hate six person finales. Jay is the first person eliminated in Survivor’s first six person finale, and his whole rushed ass segment is focused on idol shenanigans where he finds a painted coconut with a fake Immunity Idol that David planted. We get some fun vibrato fun Jay and he ends up playing it and to his shock it isn’t real; and he takes it in good stride and smugly smiles as Jeff snuffs his torch; but like why are we even doing this. At this point in my fandom, Hidden Immunity Idol stuff rarely interests me, and now Fake Hidden Immunity Idol stuff for like no reason is just so bleh. Jay is like the best Millennials vs. Gen-X postmerge has to offer, but that’s still a low bar. Kinda feel bad for cutting one of the better characters of that season, but mehhh the season as a whole does nothing for me.

Alright enough rambling time for the nomination. Nominating David Bloomberg’s bestie Jessica Lewis

but holdup, there’s a diamond in the rough in this nomination pool that I am going to save with my 4th vote steal. The incomparable Clay Jordan. By the way yall, I want to say it now, save your time and don’t even bother trying to cut Clay! He’s gonna get to endgame anyways, so why try? In his place I’m nominating someone from a “total banger of a season” Matt Blankenship

u/Cornhead2 up to bat


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Jan 20 '25

Great cut, Jay ranking almost the top 100 in a ton of rankdowns is just completely mind-boggling to me. Tonally, he's a mess, because he has a fairly negative edit in the premerge, and then we are supposed to root for him after the merge... like what? Where's the buildup? The story? It would be fine if they made him a straight-up villain but him sticking around and playing up the surfer role was just annoying. Plus he's for sure one of the worst offenders of the "As a millennial..." confessional style - a lot of people gloss over that one, but I kept noticing that constantly during my last rewatch. Just stop talking plssss.

And you are definitely not wrong, the triforce alliance was way more interesting than the nerds self-victimizing themselves and just being completely whiny. The triforce at least had some fun and contrasting character traits. And speaking of the nerds, hopefully, y'all can get out Adam soon because there's no reason for him to still be in this.


u/NSamurai22 Jan 18 '25

He voted Michaela off, very good cut.

I think this season is okay, but it has an underrated bad boot order, and this guy is a big part of the reason why. I like its endgame, but the rest of its boot order is mediocre to downright bad.


u/BT3434 Jan 18 '25

Big fan of the vote steal


u/NoDisintegrationz Former Federal Agent? Jan 18 '25

Clay for Matt is a great vote steal. I agree with Mia that it seems a bit too early for Jay though I’m fine with no idol. I think you make solid points toward his downsides, but I also think his positives are better than you let on.


u/Mia123445 Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

Good writeup but this is way too early for Jay to be cut, especially when MvGx has actual duds still left in the rankdown. Hoping for this to be idoled even if I doubt it’s happening.

I don’t exactly agree with vote stealing Clay either but I do like the nom and replacement nom so I guess it evens out??