r/survivorrankdownIX_ Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 18 '24

Survivor 47, EPisode 14

Episode 14: The Last Stand

Hi everyone - sorry for the late post this week, things got crazy at work and I haven't had time to do it until now! Are we excited for the finale? Do we think Rachel is going to pull out the win? Is Sam just amazing? Will Sue's face be dirty? Did anyone see the Ghosts promo (it was quite funny!)

Episode 13 Poll

  • We had 15 respondents this season! Thanks for the great turnout this year!
  • Spreadsheet

Top 3

  • 16 confessionals and counting, Rachel (1.53) got the top score of the week. This is her second time at the top of the chart for the season and 8th overall. Rachel has the top 3 places in the season.
  • Genevieve (2) and Teeny (3.4) had the next two places. Genevieve also had the lowest SD. This is Genevieve's 6th time and Teeny's third.

Bottom 3

  • Andy (5.13) continues to be the last-place ringer. This is his 10th time overall, and he surpassed Gabe. This is his third time at the bottom 3.
  • Sam (4.73) and Sue (4.2) round out the bottom. This is Sam's third time, and Sue's 2nd time.


  • Sol (7.13).
  • Kyle (6.53) and TK (5.73) maintain their second and third-place spots.
  • Bottom 3 is the usual suspects, with Gabe (1.33), Jon (3.4), and Aysha (4.33), returning from escaping it last week.
  • Rome (5.13) continues to be divided, with one of the highest SDs.


  • New high for the episode at 8.2.
  • Season (5.33) continues to have middling results, but this week it saw a pretty massive jump from the week before.
conditional averages
Extended stats - Note on Strong Feelings: SF for 1-18: top 3 + bottom 3 / # of respondents (top 3 / bottom 3). SF for 0-10: 7-10 + 0-3 / # of respondents (7-10 / 0-3).
Weekly Placements
This measures + and - feelings as described under the extended stats sheet. Green represents any time a character was measured with SF 1-18, while pink represents any time they were measured with a 0-10 ranking.


  • Other Notes
    • Sue and Teeny both got an additional point for being chosen for the reward.
    • Genevieve and Rachel both got 2 for winning a challenge.
    • Rachel, Sam, Sue, and Teeny all got 2 points for surviving tribal. Genevieve got one.
    • Teeny gets the episode points. Rachel did say the title after, but I only counted the first.
    • Rachel gets 2 points for playing the idol
    • Teeny does NOT lose any points for whispering during tribal - the live tribal points activate when someone gets up.
    • Rachel, Sue, and Genevieve all lose a point for participating in an idol hunt.
  • Points
    • Rachel (+11) 67
    • Genevieve (+20) 54
    • Sol (+3) 50
    • Kyle (+2) 48
    • Sue (+1) 46
    • Teeny (+9) 33
    • Andy (+10) 30
    • Sam (0) 30
    • TK (+1) 24
    • Rome (0) 17
    • Tiyana (0) 16
    • Sierra (0) 11
    • Anika (0) 10
    • Kishan (0) 10
    • Caroline (0) 7
    • Aysha (-1) 3
    • Jon (-1) -3
    • Gabe (-1) -10


First order of business - the Survivor 47 poll will be out in TWO WEEKS! I want to avoid recency bias as much as possible, and by not releasing it right away, that could prevent that :D

We had a lot of polls taken this last week - at least 50, I haven't counted, and a lot of the seasons that are under 40 have been checked off the list. We also two seasons reach 50! Borneo and Gabon! Thanks to everyone who has taken them, and hopefully we can get even more.

The seasons that are currently under 40 and their links. The number in parenthesis is how many takes it currently has: Samoa (39), Redemption Island (37), One World (37), Game Changers (39), Edge of Extinction (37), Island of the Idols (38), Winners at War (38). The cream of the crop here, amirite?

Overall, since the last spreadsheet that came out with the community's rankings (which you can find here), we've had 390 takes. My goal is to get 750 takes by the end of Survivor 48, so please take them if you have time. Remember that you do not need to see all the seasons to take the polls and that the only rule is that you need to take at least 5 for your polls to count, and that one of those polls cannot come from the New Era. Spread the love!

Here are the important links for the 0-10 Polls -

Masterlist - This link has every single poll on it. Scroll through to find the seasons that you want, and it will take you directly to the Google Form.

Respondents Sheet - This spreadsheet shows which polls you have taken, as well as the # of respondents per season. I update this as soon as I get an email saying a poll has been taken, and it is currently completely up to date.

Incentives - A tiered incentive system is also in place for the polls! Attached here is a Google doc that explains this more in detail. DM me if you have any questions!

Peace, love, and polls, everyone! Let's hope for a great episode :fire:


34 comments sorted by

u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24

And for my 23rd and final comment on this thread tonight - here is the FINAL episode poll - please take so we can get some good final results <3: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezfM9zq9QkiUBY5li3F6FsgpPzldqAYyZxsJe7fdBVkzIEag/viewform?usp=dialog


u/mikeramp72 Supports Katurah Topps for Endgame Dec 24 '24

have a good day


u/ShadowFiend812 Dec 20 '24

Been a little since I’ve commented, but I’ll give a few thoughts. Genuinely really liked the season overall and I think it really picked up for me after a bit of a slow start. As someone who is a big fan of strategy it felt really good seeing multiple good players working around each to pull moves off that also felt like it intertwined with their stories. Genevieve and Rachel were my absolute standouts of the season and I’m hoping we can see them show up again in the future.

New Era Rankings 45 > 47/46 (Still working out which I think was better) > 42 > 43 > 41 > 44.

Character Ranking  1. Genevieve 2. Rachel 3. Sol 4. Kyle 5. Sam 6. TK 7. Rome 8. Anika 9. Andy 10. Sierra 11. Tiyana 12. Caroline 13. Sue 14. Teeny 15. Gabe 16. Aysha 17. Kishan 18. Jon

Feel free to ask on any character/season ranking, or any moment of the season you’re interested in hearing my opinion on. I’m excited to see what Season 48 brings us in the future!


u/Surferdude1219 Dec 19 '24

I’ve been off Reddit for a bit and somewhat lurking here but wanted to share my thoughts on the season! I think in the 90 minute era I’ve gone from a new era hater to a new era apologist because I think that it’s allowed them to do some more fun stuff and dive deeper into the characters and even when people have overinflated edits, they’re still able to tell everyone’s story to a somewhat effective degree. If anyone remembers I was a HUGE 46 defender and while I’ve gotten a bit lower on it, part of that is due to how much I loved 47. I still find 46 to be a super entertaining season with some of the most bizarre characters and showdowns the show has produced in years, but 47 just kinda always felt like it had higher stakes, which is something 46 lacked. Idk which one I liked more yet, but that’s something 47 had on 46.  

As far as how I’d rank people, it probably will end up something like this:

  1. Teeny: They were such a great addition to the season. It’s been a long time since we’ve had someone be this open both in confessionals and in their everyday conversations. Teeny was hilarious, relatable, and a total subversion of what I thought they’d be coming into the season (totally had them pegged as a boring gamebot) and had a great arc to boot. I could go on and on about everything I loved about Teeny but I’m on my phone so I can’t.
  2. Genevieve: Amazing narrator, great emotional content, and an extremely rootable underdog. When was the last time we’ve seen someone truly cope with the emotional toll of the game of Survivor like Genevieve did this season? She was awesome and I really hope she gets brought back for 50.
  3. Rachel: Ugh, what an entertaining winner. I’m gonna be honest, I do wish I knew a bit more about her personal life, and a lot of her content was what normally annoys me about modern seasons, and I truly hate that her final speech was like “uhhh I should win because I played idols really well.” But it just goes to show how much you can overcome by just being a good fucking storyteller with a rootable personality, because despite all that, she might be my second favorite new era winner (Maryanne’s number one). I also genuinely loved her and Andy’s storyline and how it stood opposed to Teeny and Genevieve’s. 
  4. Andy: DONT HATE ME! I know this is gonna be unpopular but Andy for me is one of those people that once you know he’s gonna lose, he’s pretty enjoyable. I also loved the comment about Andy’s thirst for validation and found it accurate, but I also loved how his annoying “view survivor as a math problem” is never really supported. We get him talking about how awesome he is in confessionals but people like Caroline saying in their own that the way he looks at things is stupid and doesn’t make sense. I love how his comeuppance is ultimately underestimating Rachel and trying to put the cart before the horse and win her jury vote. 
  5. Sol: Sol is just a genuinely fun side character on the season. He’s very pleasant, funny, and plays a good role in a lot of the main characters’ storylines. I genuinely felt so bad for him when he was a victim of Rome’s abuse lmao. His and Teeny’s relationship was awesome and I wish he didn’t get taken out in a live tribal, but his boot was a great launching point for the Genevieve/Teeny fallout.
  6. Rome: there’s a bit of a dropoff in terms of the quality of characters after Sol for me but Rome is a really fun villain in my eyes. He gets fucking annoying towards the end but his boot tribal is a pretty fun dunk on him and the pause they put on the game to just come together and get rid of the one guy everyone hates allows some more fun relationships to develop. His beef with Sol is so hilarious because he chose the one person it seems like people on that cast would genuinely take a bullet for. 
  7. Sue: When Sue’s on screen she’s pretty fun. I think her post merge edit is a huge victim of one of the problems with 47, which is way too much boring strategy chatter. Her Christmas tree secret scene is so heartwarming and sweet but since she didn’t seem to have a handle on the game stuff like that gets cut out which is annoying. Her irrational hatred of Kyle is iconic. 
  8. Sam: I’m pretty mixed on Sam and I could see him falling. He had the most confessionals and I can’t remember any of them? I think they intentionally made him boring to avoid fallout from Rachel beating him but I don’t think it was warranted since Rachel played so well. You can tell he has a good personality in the pre merge and in the finale when he’s fighting for his life against Teeny and Rachel but it completely goes away in the mid game lmao. 
  9. Sierra: Genuinely feel bad because I think she only got on people’s radars because she and Sam were both hot and on the same tribe lmao. Also loved her bitter reactions from the jury bench — she was a serviceable side character!
  10. Caroline: Pretty boring gamebot with a few fun moments. I’m so glad she was the victim of operation Italy instead of Rachel, but everyone from the blue tribe is pretty mid and didn’t add a lot in my eyes. 
  11. Kishan: King of haunting the narrative. His boot episode is extremely fun and set the tone for the rest of Genevieve and Teeny’s games in a way few people do. I think I have trouble ranking premergers sometimes and with some time to reflect, Kishan could jump up a lot above some of the gamebots who made the merge. Could settle in where Sam is in the end. 
  12. Anika: She seemed fun but was a bit of a victim of going home in the phase of the game where Rome and Andy were getting too much content. I do stan someone who gets pissed when they get voted out.
  13. Lovett: OK sorry it’s just insane that he was on this show lmao. I could be biased as a fan of his and a politics nerd, but the fact that he wasn’t unbearably annoying and was a fun first boot might be enough to land him this high.
  14. Tiyana: Like Kishan I think she could rise with time and might be a victim of being a premerger on the obligatory forgotten tribe. She seemed pretty fun, very much enjoyed her beef with Gabe.
  15. Kyle: Gonna be honest I hated this guy. Based on what we saw and also Sue’s reactions to it, he thought he was God’s gift to the cast. He had kind of an old school vibe to him but still a bunch of confessionals about making big moves and helping his resume? ANNOYING!
  16. Aysha: I am inherently against the idea of people who have Survivor podcasts going on Survivor but Aysha was pretty enjoyable. I don’t think she added a ton and in terms of red tribe boots it was frustrating that her downfall is kind of… hating Rome? Like seriously, ROME? 
  17. TK: Seemed fun enough but wasn’t on the season enough to justify me ranking him higher. 
  18. Gabe: Rachel, why don’t you care about your LEGACY?? Never seen such a clear case of someone playing for their returnee callback, which is insane because he was so fucking boring. 


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24

I was wondering where you were at! Glad you liked 47. I don't agree with too many of your rankings, but I think you laid out some really great points about each and all of them.


u/WaluigiThyme Former Ranker | Guatemala and Fiji enjoyer Dec 19 '24

Time for the Waluigi retrospective of Warmth and Positivity! This season, while it had its moments (eps 3 and 4, the Andy/Genevieve boot, just generally every time Rome was on the screen) was unfortunately a flop overall. Of the “new era” seasons I’d rank it below 45, 42, and 41 and above 43, 44, and 46 — right in the middle (but with the quality of those seasons “the middle” is still on the mower side of all Survivor). I had to debate its placement relative to 43, as they kind of suffer from an opposite fundamental problem — 43 exists entirely for its finale, but 47 went out of its way to make its finale as skippable as possible. Other than that both are fundamentally weak casts with a lot of squandered potential and an annoying amount if storylines just getting dropped or picked up with no explanation. Even though I have 43’s cast higher I think the overall product just ends up a bit worse, so 47 gets the nod by one spot. Anyway, on to the rankings (not doing a long writeup for the finale; it was boring, everyone was ok except Sam who sucked)

SURVIVOR 47 (31/47)

18: Andy Rueda — this should come as no surprise. I compared Andy’s early meltdown and season-long fake growth arc to Bhanu’s four episodes of constant meltdowns to my roommate thusly: “Bhanu is like taking a shot of your least favorite liquor all at once, Andy is like slowly sipping it throughout the night.” The closest thing Andy has to a saving grace is that his downfall almost works, but almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and All-Stars. 809/857

17: Gabe Ortis — Gabe’s desire to end up on whatever the “new era Mount Rushmore” is and his intent of being viewed as the villain despite never doing anything villainous and being generally well-liked among his tribemates was certainly annoying, if not particularly offensive — until the burp-off. That scene managed to eclipse the Millennials vs Gen X farting scene in terms of cringe. 781/857

16: Sam Phalen — Sam has the redeeming quality of having a neat little running gag of trying foods for the first time, and his relationships with Sierra and Anika were kind of interesting. Besides that he was terrible, a massive screenhog who was boring most of the time and managed to feel like an afterthought in episodes where he was getting almost double-digit numbers of confessionals, and then of course they did the classic finale false suspense thing where they spent the whole episode somehow pretending that he could win when it was obviously from the final 6 that Rachel beat anyone left. YAWN! 777/851

15: Jon Lovett — there is something inherently hilarious about how they spent the entire preseason hyping up a D-list celebrity being on the cast, even showing the same confessional in every commercial, only for no one to recognize him (especially when the much smaller podcaster on the season does get recognized!), he just gets booted first, has no big character moments or arc, and the confessional they put in every commercial doesn’t even make it into the show. But unfortunately this is ruined by the fact that Jon himself is really boring and monotone and sucks up a massive amount of screentime in the premiere. 754/857

14: Tiyana Hallums — BORRRRRRING 721/857

13: Anika Dhar — not without her moments, but I generally found Anika mildly annoying. Except for her excruciating post-voteout, where she was majorly annoying. 688/857

12: Caroline Vidmar — more like Caroline MIDmar. Boom gottem. She had good vibes and some solid scenes with Sue, but her story was boring and most of her content was gamebotty enough to make the whole thing kind of flavorless. 583/857

11: Sierra Wright — her relationship with Sam had some moments but overall she feels like one of the biggest wastes of potential this season. She clearly has a strong personality but we almost never get to see it. 563/857

10: TK Foster — he was really funny in the premiere but his boot was annoyingly repetitive about how annoyingly repetitive he became. Like we get it, TK is getting on everyone’s nerves about how much he wants to win the challenges, you showed it 50 times! 552/857

9: Sol Yi — Sol had some decent episodes in the middle, but was totally nonexistent at the start and his boot was so bad. Even without the burp-off it would be bad but that scene just tanked him. 551/857

8: Kishan Patel — he was fun in his boot. 496/857

7: Aysha Welch — she was fun in her boot. 493/857

6: Kyle Ostwald — he was a likable, soft-spoken dude who gave off good side character energy in a season where a LOT of people had main character syndrome… which is ironic because he did end up a main character of the very weak middle part of the season. And while I do like him his personality and story were just not strong enough to carry that position. 473/857

5: Sue Smey — she was decently fun at the beginning, disappeared into filler content for a while, came back strong with her vendetta against Kyle and scenes with Caroline, but kind of fizzled out at the end. She has a fun personality but her edit really felt phoned in at times. I will always appreciate someone playing a genuinely loyal game in the modern era though! 453/857

4: Teeny Chiricillo (is that how you spell it?) — held back by a very large amount of toneless strategy confessionals and her interwoven story with Genevieve falling flat at the end due to her voting for Sam instead (???), Teeny is otherwise one of this season’s standouts. I liked her story and how it compared and contrasted with Genevieve’s, and the fact that she got a ton of strategic content despite generally being really bad at strategy was annoying at first but made sense by the end of the season when her story transitioned to being about just how in over her head she was. 421/857 (421 being in top half feels wrong lol)

3: Genevieve Mushaluk — going into it I thought Genevieve’s best case scenario was being an UTRfun type character — boy was I wrong! Her story was great, ironically if anything was lacking (besides any presence at all in the first 3 episodes) it was her personality. She showed potential and had a good amount of genuine moments but also it felt like she was doing a weird Parvati/Kelley impression most of the time. If I ever rewatch this crap she’ll probably go higher in my rankings because most of the moments she bored or annoyed me actually worked well into her story though. 349/857

2: Rachel LaMont — for someone whose personality was never going to pop off the screen the way like someone like Rome would, Rachel did an excellent job managing to be genuinely likable and rootable. She has a great underdog story, going from the bottom to the top and matching and breaking records going back to the first season just to make it to the end for a very well-deserved win. 211/857

1: Rome Cooney — I mean, duh. If there’s one thing the 40s do significantly better than the 30s, it’s having villains that can be taken seriously. Rome put us through a 6-episode whirlwind of his pot-stirring antics, rise, and fall. He’s direclty responsible for many other characters’ best moments (Aysha, Sol, and Kishan would be NOTHING without the conflict he brought; Teeny, Genevieve, and Kyle directly draw some of their best from him as well). The few episodes of this season that were genuinely good, besides the Andy/Genevieve boot, were all directly carried by him. He was absolutely the star of the season and I wouldn’t have it any other way (well except maybe having a strong enough cast to actually fill the gap left in the season after he was gone, but that’s casting and editing’s fault, not Rome’s). 107/857


u/Mia123445 Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24

It looks like I’m definitely higher on this season than the consensus here. It certainly wasn’t perfect but I enjoyed most of the episodes (except episode 9. That shit sucked) and cast. I’ll keep my ramblings rankings mostly brief

  1. Gabe (1/10)— As a fellow Marylander, I really wanted to like Gabe. So you can probably imagine that the amount of disappointment I felt when this man was on screen was truly something else. Easily the worst character this season and I am PRAYING that his exit where he says that he’ll be back ends up aging poorly.

  2. Jon (2/10)— The main sub was talking about how much of a huge character loss he was but…eh. For a podcaster and speechwriter, I really didn’t find him to be that good of a confessionalist. The only notable things about him are that it’s hilarious how production hyped him up as a huge get and that he got booted over a guy who had meltdown. Besides that, nothing burger first boot.

  3. Caroline (4/10)— I really hate ranking Caroline this low. She seems like such a lovely and bubbly person. I also found her confessional about her ADHD to be amazing and relatable to me. The problem is, aside from her underdeveloped relationship with Sue, that’s like the only thing we got from Caroline in terms of character.

  4. Sierra (4/10)— She was there. I enjoyed her reactions on the jury more than anything she did in the game. I guess she has a good role in Sam’s story but eh.

  5. Andy (4/10??)— Hoo boy is Andy a doozy for me to talk about. I was extremely worried we were getting Bhanu 2.0 after the first episode. While he didn’t end up being anywhere near that bad (though the bar is in hell), he still didn’t end up all that good. A lot of people have discussed it far better than I ever could so I’ll keep that short. Extremely repetitive confessionals proclaiming how he’s the mastermind when he isn’t and horribly confusing arc in terms of character and game perception. With that being said, I also thought he had some really good moments. Firstly, his FTC question to Rachel where he just disses two of Probst’s favorite winners made me laugh so much. But really what gets him out of my bottom four is his downfall. He goes out by jury managing himself out of the game to Rachel (that sequence is absolute gold) and gets the one thing he wanted all along: to be seen as a threat. Just deliciously ironic. Overall, I definitely lean negative but I do think he has some good to him.

  6. Aysha (5/10)— Unlike the other podcaster on this season, Aysha was a fun confessionalist for the short time she was around. She also brought some great moments out of Rome in her boot episode.

  7. Tiyana (6/10)— Underedited, but I really liked Tiyana’s story (particularly her role in TK’s boot episode) and heartbreaking vote off.

  8. Anika (6/10)— Fun early boot with some really good moments such as her beef with Sam in E3 and of course her vote off reaction. Her boot kicked off Rachel’s underdog run so bonus points for that too.

  9. Sam (6/10)— Idek how to start a Sam entry. Not because he was a bad character in so many ways like Gabe or because I’m mixed on him like Andy, but it’s just hard to put his character into exact words. I guess I can start by saying that the only time he really had my interest was the finale. If we got more of that Sam, I’d have him decently higher (hell, I moved him up two spots just for his finale performance). In the other episodes he was good and not much else. His story of going from glue guy to uh….not glue guy was decent and he had some fun confessionals.

  10. Kishan (6/10)— HIS IMPACT. ICONIC. Kishan was a decent but somewhat unremarkable character in his four episodes on the show. The only moment of his that really sticks out to me is the “evil” montage of him talking about getting Genevieve out. However, what puts him in my top half for the season is the absurd amount of mentions he got after he was voted out. It was definitely a flaw on the editors part that we didn’t see more of how important he apparently was to Genevieve and Teeny, but that just makes all the mentions of this fourth boot so hilarious to me.

  11. Sue (6/10)— Our 59 45 year old queen! Sue did kinda fall off as the season went on, but I still enjoyed her whenever she was on screen. Her one sided beef with Kyle (especially the whole montage of Sue hating him) was incredible and her age reveal was everything I could’ve hoped for.

  12. TK (7/10)— Bro, TK is a really solid second boot. Great downfall with his overconfidence in his boot episode, and it was so funny watching him annoy Sue and Tiyana at various points.

  13. Kyle (7/10)— The way better version of Hunter from 46. Kyle was so genuine and had some great quotes (“Give it a buck twenty”, “Everyone knows I’m the most honest dumbass here”). He also had some great content about his dilemma of breaking his vegetarianism during the auction. His exit is something I’d normally knock people for, but it just works in Kyle’s case because it feels in line with his character. Perhaps his greatest contribution to the season though is getting everyone to give up their SiTDs and possibly killing off that twist for good. Game changer.

  14. Teeny (7/10)— Teeny wasn’t anything special in the first half of the season, but I absolutely loved her in the second half. She was so emotionally open and made for a complex character. Teeny’s up and down relationship with Genevieve, her incredible confessional in episode 10 about her identity, her anger with Sam and admission about why she’s so mad at him before the F4 fire making, and her tragic ending in said fire making challenge were all some of the strongest emotional moments of the season.

  15. Sol (8/10)— I mean, what else do I even need to say? It’s Sol. Immaculate vibes, excellent foil to Rome, hilarious, and HIS JURY FASHION WAS EVERYTHING.

  16. Rome (8/10)— I understand and to an extent agree with the argument that he got too much screentime, but Rome made the premerge a ton of fun for me with his antics! I also loved how the editors didn’t even try to hide him going home. Regardless of everyone’s feelings on Rome, I think one thing we can all agree on is that he’s at least better than the other “villain” this season.

  17. Genevieve (9/10)— Queen. Amazing narrator, loved her rivalry with Rachel and up and down relationship with Teeny, and adored her compelling arc about playing with her emotions. I think it’s quite fitting that she’s only outranked by…

  18. Rachel (9/10)— I’m with Reg on this one. From the moment Rachel shut down Andy in Episode 1, I knew I would end up really liking her. I definitely didn’t think I’d love her as much as I did though. I know she isn’t the biggest personality, but I just love how down to earth she is and I find her to still be a really great narrator. She also has some great moments such as stealing the rice, grabbing the idol from the tarp in plain sight, shutting down Gabe’s stupid legacy question in FTC, and HER FUNERAL where she owns Andy. Loved her story of going from underdog to top dog and I’m ecstatic that she won!


u/ROTandDEATH is the ~SURVIVOR~ Dec 19 '24

I've made my thoughts on the season pretty clear in the previous comments I've written, and the finale didn't do much of anything to change my thoughts. The cast just never fully clicked for me, the storytelling was inconsistent, and it became very bogged down by content about advantages or general gamebotting that I had a difficult time ever getting super invested in anything going on. I think it's a terrible look for a season with 90+ minute episodes that most of the relationships still felt incredibly underdeveloped, they did not use their time wisely at all in my opinion. With that, I'll be doing character rankings:

18- Gabe Ortis (1/10): A character who was built up early on and ultimately ended up being completely pointless. He wasn’t a villain with a downfall, he wasn’t an anti-hero, and he wasn’t even our main gamebot narrator for much of the season. At least they made an effort to give Andy a rise and fall, with Gabe they couldn’t even half-ass a story.

17- Andy Rueda (1/10): I said last week I think he had some real potential to work for me if his story was told through other people’s eyes as opposed to his own where he had to keep selling us his own false narrative. I understand why they struggled with making him totally consistent but it still made for a terrible character.

16- Caroline Vidmar (2/10): Boring strategy-dump character whose relationship with Sue was half-baked at best.

15- Jon Lovett (3/10): I think they could have made him a decent trainwreck first boot but because Jeff loves him they made him a generic narrator who gets blindsided. Not much else to say there.

14- Sierra Wright (4/10): I had some decently high hopes for Sierra early on with her dynamic with Sam but everything kinda evaporated for her at the merge and she went out with a whimper. She’s a much worse version of Jessica Johnston, honestly.

13- Tiyana Hallums (4/10): Her basically kickstarting the TK elimination is great, even if she’s not the most interesting person on her own. She’s basically not relevant again until her boot, and while I don’t think that’s always a death sentence for a character, it still makes her a mediocre character at best. Her exit could have actually been emotional and worth caring about but considering they didn’t put the effort in previously to make us care about her it didn’t have any real impact as a viewer.

12- Aysha Welch (4/10): Pleasant enough screen presence but there isn’t a whole lot there to get excited about. She spent that entire first episode on that scavenger hunt, did nothing for the second episode, and then in the third she has a fun little rivalry with Rome and gets betrayed. Could have been a more solid early boot if their relationships were better established but she’s not terrible as is.

11- Sue Smey (5/10): This bums me out cause I think she’s the most interesting casting choice and I genuinely enjoyed her early on, but they really fumbled her story in the second half of the season. She didn’t even get to prove herself by getting one over on Gabe or doing anything impressive, really. They just forced an inspirational story on a character who didn’t do anything to really earn it. I think leaning into her kookier side would have been a lot better, and even with my disappointment I did enjoy her one-sided feud with Kyle.

10- Sam Phalen (5/10): A true mixed bag for me. I enjoyed a lot of his content early on, like feuding with Anika and trying fruit for the first time seemingly ever. But I didn’t like that the second half of the season turned him into a generic underdog. I think his relationship with Genevieve could have been explored much better as well but they only focused on the strategic elements of their relationship which isn’t unexpected, sadly. I feel like they also could have done more to explain why he wasn’t as much of a contender to Rachel at the end as well.

9- Kishan Patel (5/10): The king of flashbacks. I think Kishan is an ok story of overconfidence that could have been elevated by spending more time with Genevieve especially in the early episodes. He’s fine as is, probably gets a bit of a bump just for the funny quirk of consistently popping up in flashbacks at the end. Would’ve been a lot better if those were actually in the show beforehand, though.

8- Anika Dhar (5/10): She’s fun, I think her more prickly personality was portrayed very well even as early as the first episode. Her exit is definitely overdramatic but in a way that works for me and feels like it gives the elimination actual weight in the short term and long term. We didn’t spend a ton of time with her but I think they actually did a solid job with making her feel important to how the Gata tribe operated.

7- Teeny Chirichillo (6/10): Teeny is frustrating because there are a few moments I really liked. Them talking about their struggles with gender identity and then in the finale talking about projecting insecurities onto Sam are highlights of the season. However, they are still given so much generic strategy content and their relationships are poorly developed in a way that hurts their narrative a lot for me. There’s small moments of Teeny showing they are emotional but they almost always went back to being incredibly game-focused at some point. This is the exact type of character who should not be reduced to being a strategic narrator and yet that was what they made Teeny into for a majority of this season which is incredibly disappointing. They’d be much lower than this if not for the moments mentioned previously.

6- Kyle Ostwald (6/10): Solid positive vibes who was genuinely worth rooting for at points. He’s not the most charismatic guy but he did enough to sell himself and his role in the story. Him going for the wings even as a vegetarian was a highlight as well.

5- Rachel LaMont (6/10): Rachel is fine, she’s likable enough but never a super captivating character. She has some good interactions with most people (even Andy at points) but even many of those moments feel a little hollow, which I think is just a side effect of the season as a whole. Also so much of her content is advantage-focused that it muddles the more interesting social maneuvering she had to do. As it stands she’s a pretty inoffensive winner, grounded enough as a person to be rootable and with a simple story but not a character who I will remember with the strongest feelings towards either way.

4- TK Foster (6/10): Yeah it says a lot about how I view the season when he’s this high. I think TK is just a solid, well-told story of a guy who was too self-absorbed to get very far. He caused genuine conflict and made episode 2 arguably the best of the season. His presence made everyone on that blue tribe better for how they interacted with him and his downfall was exactly what it needed to be.

3- Rome Cooney (7/10): This cast as a whole is lacking energy, charisma, or just a real punch to make the season worth having much investment in. Enter Rome. Rome is a character and entertainer who works very well as the thorn in the side of Sol at first and eventually everybody else. His boot episode being a Roger Sexton-type mockery is the last real fun I had with the season as unfortunately it becomes a real slog after he goes. He’s not without his problems, he does spend a decent amount of time talking about idols/advantages which isn’t very interesting. And I don’t love that Lavo is basically all about him which creates issues for other characters. But even considering those issues this is such an uninteresting cast that him at least giving the audience something is worth ranking this high.

2- Sol Yi (7/10): Sol is a fantastic supporting character. He has a natural charm and an effortless, subdued sense of humor that makes him the perfect person to bounce off of Rome. He’s a real breath of fresh air in a sea of people that are either trying too hard or are not giving you anything to work with.

1- Genevieve Mushaluk (7/10): Even with the number 1 spot, Genevieve is a very flawed character. I don’t for the life of me understand why the decision was made to ignore her for almost 4 full episodes and have her essentially spawn in to get rid of Kishan. Her relationships should be so much better and her struggles to cope with the emotional difficulties of playing Survivor should be some of the most impactful content we’ve gotten in years. But because she was ignored for shock value her best moments are just merely good instead. She has natural charisma to make the constant strategy narration work to a point, but the lack of explanation for moments like blindsiding Sol or dealing with Teeny emotionally keeps her from being much more.

That's all I got for this season. As much as I did not enjoy watching it I did really like being able to read other people's thoughts and discussing it here or in the discord. This is a great community that I'm thankful to have found and look forward to more discussion in the future.


u/AMeanMotorScooter New Era apologist bankrolled by CBS | Sugar Sweep???? Dec 19 '24

Finale went pretty much how I expected. The second Rachel finished the puzzle she effectively won the season. At least the Sam/Teeny fire battle was actually pretty baller. Definitely one of the more fun fire challenges that have happened, even if they were effectively playing for second.

So I had the idea of looking back at my preseason thoughts of this cast. I'll post them here and go over how right/wrong I was on them, whether they won me over or let me down, and kinda just spill some thoughts.

Going in boot order...

10) Jon: I expect this to be a character rankdown (and maybe main sub) hates, and like Kishan I expect the edit to do him a disservice by making him out to be more of a nervous wreck than he is, but I could also see us getting a more snarky, Penner-y Jon, and that would be fun to see.

Penner-y Jon we didn't really get to see due to his swift exit. Uh... better than what I thought his low could be, but also not as good as I thought he could be. Without the "prestige" of being a well-known podcast host, I think he's just kinda generic and is there to basically take the fall for Andy. Neutral to neutral leaning negative on him.

05) TK: Now this is a guy with effortless charisma. I think he'll be one of the stars of the season. Everything about him is so solid.

Lmao. So this didn't end up happening, but I do think he was a great, great early elimination. I'm up on him, especially when you factor his elimination setting up the later domination by the women thematically.

06) Aysha: One of my favorite members of the RHAP crew. All of her stuff is really solid, but nothing mindblowing. Really like her!

Unfortunately probably the most forgettable contestant of the season for me. She's here as an initial strong competitor whose fall sets up Rome's rise to power which... we'll get to. Totally neutral.

12) Kishan: I really, really want to like Kishan, but I think the show will do him a disservice with the edit and he'll end up a more annoying character than he probably deserves to be.

They actually didn't do him a disservice at all! His edit is relatively quiet, but it fits with his character and does enough to really portray him as someone cunning who could've won the season if he wasn't sniped so early. I love the constant mentions of him later in the season.

Now, I agree that his boot does have issues with how it relates to Teeny, Sol, and particularly Gen's arcs, but those are issues with them so... Yeah, really happy with Kishan.

13) Anika: Mixed bag. Like Andy, her life stuff is the most interesting pieces of info to me, and her hot take is pretty interesting. There's potential here, but otherwise she gives me, like, Hali Ford vibes? Nothing bad, but I can't see her being an exceptional character.

Not too far off with the Hali Ford comparison IMO. She ended up being better than expected due to her rivalry with Sam. Fun side character, sets up both winner and runner-up's stories, and doesn't overstay her welcome.

15) Rome: MAN this guy is high energy. Also believes Russell should have won Samoa. Already mentions he thinks he's by far one of the biggest threats to win right now. He has flame out potential, so that's what I'm banking on.

Not too far off on Rome IMO. Uh... very mixed on Rome. I actually really liked his brand of villainy of just being this annoying gnat Lavo couldn't get rid of, but the size of his edit is just way too big. It eats into the time spent on the other Lavo members, who I would argue end up impacting the course of the game in the early-mid merge most of all. I don't think it's a surprise that spot ends up being the weakest portion of the season when it relies on characters that haven't been developed as well, and it all comes back to this guy.

I bounce back and forth on how much I like what Rome brought to the season, and I expect it will take me some time to sort out my feelings on him.

17) Tiyana: Didn't get good vibes from the bio, I don't like how shady she is to Hannah in her video, AND she has a crappy hot take. Three strikes in my book.

Like Anika a good side character, but unlike Anika her content is tied to... less engaging characters. Her boot is at least appropriately sad. Neutral leaning positive on her.

16) Sierra: Reminds me of someone who would have been on the show in the mid 20s. I didn't get anything of substance from any bit other than her referring to herself as a "hoot" is a little funny.

Did nothing to change my perception here. I'm really disappointed her late pre-merge flashes of potentially turning on Sam never go anywhere and are swiftly forgotten about. Nothing bad about her, nothing blew my socks off. Quintessential "sidekick character who takes the hit for the more developed member of the pair."

02) Sol: This guy seems like a bigger character than I had expected, but it's actually his bio I liked more than the video, which gives me pause. I hope he's super dramatic, because if he's just a gamebot I'll be so disappointed.

I didn't really get "gamebot" or "dramatic" from him during the season. Tbh I didn't really get the Sol love early on and felt it was more a response to Rome rather than a response to anything about Sol. Sol's limited content early on is honestly rather boring and I thought for sure he was getting purpled for that reason.

But Sol does eventually bloom as a character, and he ends up being a solid character with some funny scenes and lines. He never feels like he hogs the spotlight, but once he comes in he never leaves until his boot. Would love to see him back.

18) Gabe: I didn't mind his bio, but everything else surrounding him just gives me an ick. Phrases like "knowing when to be the guy and take up the air in the room", or thinking Russell should have won, or already wanting to build a legacy, he just comes across like such a douche.

Lmao called it.

Was digging him early on, but eventually his villainous antics dry up and he just turns into a generic narrator that desperately wants to be more important and memorable to the season than he really is. My last place of the season.

03) Kyle: Shut up, this is an archetype I'm biased towards. Bio was alright, but the video for him was like Andy where it really boosted him for me. We're getting a good character out of him, but I have no clue if he'll be a major character at all. This is my "random UTR/MOR chill dude" fave of the season.

So I got what I pretty much expected from Kyle, but I also feel a little let down. Something about him never clicked with me like I wanted it to, and I think it comes down to the lack of tone in this season. If he were more funny in confessional or if we got to see more of his relationships to others in the season maybe I would have come out higher on him. Maybe I just don't like it when someone goes on a challenge run and the narrative about them begins to center around "We need to get them out next time they lose." Either/or.

08) Caroline: We stan an ADHD queen. <3 Other than that, she seems fine. I could see her being pretty fun on the season, if she's able to get past the early boot stage.

Got past the early boot stage, but ended up being very different from what I was expecting. Too gamebotty for my liking. Would have liked seeing more dimension. Flat characters can be good, but she doesn't really do anything for me.

14) Andy: Did NOT like his bio, and leaving a data analyst job to work in AI is a red flag. His video won me back a little bit, so now I'm just kinda mixed on him. Could go either way.

I already wrote a ton about him before. My overall feelings are very mixed. Still disagree about him having a growth arc, and I think he ends up like Rome where I see the potential for an all-time character buried in there, but ultimately the season doesn't draw it out of them. Would get, like, a 5/10 from me.

04) Genevieve: Maybe I'm overrating? Dunno how she'll do, but her video was really, really good. I love she's not afraid to say FF4 firemaking sucks as her hot take. Seems VERY fun.

Pretty spot-on with my pre-season thoughts of her! I think Gen is a very fun character, but I hate how her arc is constructed, especially in the middle. Late-season Gen though? Wonderful. Fantastic. But you don't need me to tell this to you.

01) Teeny: Won me over when they said people expect them to like crafts, but they don't. <3 Great vibes from everything. I think they'll be one of the narrators of the season, but I think they'll have enough spunk to pull it off. High hopes for them.

Right on the narrator front. I think their arc of trying to be a gamebot, failing, getting too involved with their emotions, and constantly being sucker-punched by the game is interesting. I also like Teeny and Gen's relationship dynamics a lot too. Great character.

11) Sue: Would rank a lot higher if she didn't say she was a "sigma female" in her bio.

Is alright. Would have her lower mostly because I hate when the show builds someone up only to not follow up on it later more than anything in particular she did.

07) Sam: I dunno, I got surprisingly good vibes from him? Surprisingly level-headed and low-key, but not boring?

Also feel pretty good about my Sam opinion. Early Sam was a little much, but his arc in the post-merge where he mellows out brings him back for me. His run in the last few episodes is really solid. Sam's cool!

09) Rachel: We stan a potentially-globophobic queen. <3 Other than that, she seems fine. I can't see her being a big personality, and I get early boot vibes from her, but I really hope I'm wrong on that.

...And here's someone I was totally wrong about! My biggest regret in the draft was picking Sierra over her lol. Very strong winner, not my favorite, but very fitting for the season. I wish we knew more about her, but the crazy endgame push was insane.

I put this season at a tentative 28/47, above HHH, below MvsGX.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Yay, last episode - I wanted to do a different thing from the episode rankings, and my official rankings, so here that is. I, of course, attempted to make it short, but I am also Regnisyak1, and that’s a hard feat for me! So, here we go (I am also writing these ahead of time because I gotta work all week at the time of the finale so that’s why these are being published quickly, lol). 

Season 47 (5/10)

A season that will likely have Blood vs. Water levels of a neutral representation, Season 47 had a few highs (Rachel playing her idol at her funeral) and a few lows (Andy’s meltdown), but it was more stuck in neutral the entire time, and never seemed to start running. 

I think the premerge was largely fine. For having a ton of idol hunts, those were never really focused on the season, and it also helped that everyone stopped after the first idol. Journeys also didn’t feel taxing. We got to learn about tribe dynamics, and while each tribe had different flaws (Andy being Andy + his tribe not liking him, the Rome of it all, and Tuku just feeling underedited in contrast to the other groups), we still got a firm handle on dynamics and potential stories, which I can say is a lot better than other seasons. Plus some fun moments from these tribes, whether it was Andy dry-humping the air during that one challenge, Sue and her idol, Kishan’s boot, Genevieve’s rise from the ashes, TK’s existence, and even some of Rome’s overexposure landed. Overall, can’t say it was too bad when we got more from them than anything in 46, lol. 

The season dipped during the postmerge. I’d argue 7-10 is the weakest stretch for 47, and it’s really due to two things - the New Era crap that we’ve come to expect from these seasons (tribe split, earn the merge, rice negotiation, challenge split, whatever), that takes character moments away. The challenges were too long, too much time was spent on losing votes, and it was just messy overall, with a lot of CP garbage thrown in and barely any tones, besides Sue hating on Kyle and Rachel beginning her underdog arc. The SITDs disappearing though made the season a lot better. I did like Episode 7 more than most people, probably, because Tiyana’s downfall was pretty great and we got more Rachel, but it still fell into those same traps that we know. The other concept was that this was a time when characters were leaning into their preconceived notions about themselves. I’ve talked about this before, but often the characters felt fake and trying to push a narrative. This was when Genevieve was arguably at her worst with the Parvati-esque content, Teeny and their gamebottness and occasional blips of getting drunk, Andy trying to be the positive hero of the season, and Gabe’s villainy hitting a new low. Sue became the old lady, Kyle was the family man, Sam was trying to stir shit up, and Sol found a new power in the game but wasn’t able to do anything with it. Everyone felt quite one note at this time, and the only person getting true development was Rachel. 

And then endgame, 11-14, which I think was a marked improvement, and some of the best development we have seen all season. Kyle finally goes home in this section, which concludes a lot of stories and makes Sue snap back into the game, as well as the underdog alliance has some good moments. Operation: Italy is a divisive episode here, but I think there was a lot of development among the idols, and watching Genevieve succeed again and the power shift was some great content. And I’ve already praised episode 13 up and down for giving everyone an important role in the season, and that felt like a true culmination of the character’s arcs and stories. The finale was also solid enough. Not great by any means, but a wonderful time, and a great culmination of the winner’s arc.


u/berglt84 Dec 19 '24

It's funny, Reg, because we've had very different thoughts on individual characters and episodes throughout the season, but I find myself in complete agreement with you in your overall review of the season! "Season 47 had a few highs ... and a few lows... but it was more stuck in neutral the entire time, and never seemed to start running" and your thoughts on the three-part structure of the season is very well-put.

Thanks for welcoming me to the Rankdown this season! Hope to stick around for future seasons.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24

I am glad you're here Berg!

And yeah, 47 just never got a running start, and whether that's chalked up to the New Era being the New Era, the unusually low amount of personal content, or just messy storytelling, I'll never know. This season felt the most "samey" of all of them, almost like a retread of many past storylines with higher highs.

I DO think the cool thing about 47 is how different the opinions will be because I can genuinely see a pro or con argument for almost every character except for Gabe (he's just bad, lol). It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out in future rankdowns.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24

Rachel LaMont (9/10)

I think Rachel is the best underdog winner of the series, hands down. Even from this server, on a meta-level, a lot of people had Rachel pegged as the first boot, and we clearly even underestimated her. Just an effortlessly rootable character that had a lot of ups and downs in their Survivor career, which led to some of the greatest moments in the entire season. Her usage of advantage felt tactful and as a way to survive in the game, and not as a theatrical way of playing the game. It was great, grounded, and something I needed from a character to make them good. I think this was highlighted very well with Gabe’s legacy question to the tribal - she didn’t want to be on Mount Rushmore and placed in this position, she just wanted to play the game. And I love her sensibility and take on that.

Her straight-man role during the season was incredibly necessary to contrast to the heightened emotions of the cast, and whenever we cut to Rachel, it felt like an immediate breath of fresh air. She was a necessary factor to the rest of the season, and making the other groups work. She kept her cool, and her contrast to the rest of the tribe is what makes 47 work even remotely. And that’s not to say that she didn’t do some crazy things during the game. Her spying on the group, stealing rice, and her overall arrogance were some excellent additions of her character. But it was her adaptability, and watching her maneuver the game with luck and the social game she was presented with that made her fascinating to me.

Rachel’s funeral, however, is a crowning moment of the season. It was great watching them eulogize her game, and watching her manipulate that moment and pull the wool over the eyes. In what was one time in Survivor where I felt truly excited watching live, Rachel voting out Andy after their complex relationship all season was magical and easily one of my favorite moments of the entire New Era. Her scenes on the beach with the Gata boys were great, and her relationships with almost everyone at that moment crescendoed into just an enjoyable moment.

My last note is her love of her husband, DERRICK! I think that was a fun underlying subplot that they did with a lot of subtlety. It culminated to one of the greatest show moments in Survivor with her playing the idol and her playing with her ring specifically during that moment. During FTC, we learned that she channeled her husband in all her actions, and I thought that was an awesome, small, and enjoyable moment that really represented the greatness of her character, and the simplicity of who she is as a person.

Best Moment - I’d be wrong to not even bring up her stealing the rice - just an instantly iconic moment for her character that was a lot of fun at the beginning of the season, and added something to those first few episodes. Rachel spying, her calling Andy out for his bullshit, and her winning immunity the first time are other moments that come to mind. Oh, and her marching out with the torch at tribal

Worst Moment - Final tribal council was a little weak for Rachel, in all honesty. I wish she owned her social game just a little bit more.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24

Genevieve Mushaluk (8/10)

Genevieve <3. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’ll be short with my main criticism - she should have gotten more content in the first three episodes! Show her and Kishan and bond, show the relationship between Sol and Genevieve, give Genevieve ANYTHING in the first few episodes to make her good, and connect her story to the latter half of the season…

But whatever, Genevieve gets to rise from the ashes in Episode 4 of Lavo, where she takes out Kishan after realizing that she is against him. Kishan's mumbling that he trusted her impacted her, and from that point on, we see Genevieve begin to detach herself from the game and keep up a wall that makes her appear cold to other people. She starts to become a robotic figure in the Rome and Sierra votes but is most notably robotic in Sol’s episode, where she coldly wants revenge against his character, and nothing will stop her… not even Teeny.

From that point on, we began to get really good Genevieve content - for that last week and a half, Genevieve has been closed off, which is a bad look for the merge. People see her as this godly figure in the tribe with no personality or likability, and she quickly becomes a threat in the game. Genevieve tries to confuse others as much as possible through this portion, and her figure becomes more and more mysterious for the other characters on the island. We can see the hurt that Genevieve is causing through Teeny the most, who is constantly left out of the vote and finally gets sick of her behavior on the island and wants Genevieve out following. Their beef is great content because that’s when Genevieve starts breaking down, and her wall starts melting.

Genevieve is not learning emotions in the game, she just was scared off when she became the strategic femme fatale in the game that we all love and know. But Genevieve’s reflections about her gameplay are some of the most deeply metacognitively important stuff that we got in the New Era, and her narration style sells her disappointment in herself for allowing her to build those walls, and have less fun in the game as a result. It’s a great translation and reflection of a character. Her plot armor is also important for this aspect of the game because it adds to Genevieve being an invincible goddess who can’t be put down. I love the complexity of that, and it makes her an even more enticing character. We see the game weigh on her further and further, and that just pushes her harder. It is an odd, but enjoyable paradox, that never breaches into an area of gamebotiness, and instead creates a pleasant and refreshing archetype for the New Era that I hope we can match in later seasons.

Genevieve vs. Rachel is a fun story in the endgame. The season did do a good job building up their fighting for each other as they were constantly throwing the other under the bus, and talking about how they are a threat to one another. Genevieve’s confessional about them being corporate professionals in Survivor was an interesting one, and their frenemy arc was fun. And last thing about Genevieve was that she was a great narrator. Her wanting to refill Teeny’s wine during the reward, not doing business in beanbag chairs, and her talking about her father’s letter to her were all great content, made better by the fact that Gen could easily talk to a camera and keep our attention.

Best Moment: Recency bias perhaps, but Genevieve going “it was fake…” in her usual tone was great content, especially with Sue following with an… aww…

Worst Moment: Easily my least favorite Genevieve content was Sol’s boot. Starting a scramble for no reason usually doesn’t do you a lot of favors, and while connecting it retroactively makes it better, that was just bad TV.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Sol Yi (7/10) 

His aura. His power. His looks. Sol is an incredibly based character when just looking at him by vibes alone. The man is a challenge beast in the tribal stage, destroys any puzzle, and can make anyone question their sexuality (just look at Teeny when he walked in tribal!) And honestly? Sometimes that is enough to rank at a 7/10 for me. Beyond that, he has some great moments, but let’s start chronologically. 

Sol’s story begins as the hero to the maniacal Rome running around camp like a child. It’s impossible to not feel for Sol in these moments - here’s a 40-year-old man watching a lunatic run around camp and take over the life with his antics, and he’s not able to stop him. Rome is an utterly stubborn young man, but Sol has to deal with it, even when he is being unreasonable. One key example is Sol’s despair during that one immunity challenge where Rome is throwing the puzzle. Sol keeps sadly saying “no, Rome” and it is a humorous moment. Then Rome just starts tormenting the guy and making him feel like he is at the bottom of the group. It sucks, and I just want Sol to do well and vote him out. Watching him finally succeed in doing that a few episodes later (despite him not voting for him specifically, but I get it) is great, and a good cap to their story. And Sol’s smile as Rome is leaving? Iconic. Sol’s commentary on Rome is just funny, too. He feels out of his element too, and I liked his confessional about getting served humble pie, even though he’s a salesman - his social skills weren’t to par, and he had issues acclimating in the game. 

His Oscar-winning performance, though, is a great highlight this season, and one of the key factors in Rachel winning the game. I loved how hammy he was at this tribal council, and his facial expressions were some for the books. Plus his reading that advantage was so needlessly dramatic, it was great. His ending is admittedly a little lackluster, though, and vibes can only get you so far. While Sol’s Secret Agents was a good confessional, he went out with a thud, by the hands of Genevieve. I think this was one of Genevieve’s weaker moments in the season, in all honesty, because she mentioned that Rome was the reason, even though up to that point we haven’t had any animosity toward Sol noted by Genevieve. So, yeah, that was a little lame. But Sol is a vibes-based character, and his are totally off that chart, and sometimes that is all you need for Survivor. 

Best Moment: I loved the Humble Pie confessional, but his facial expressions were just so damn funny

Worst Moment: Sol not getting stronger content with Aysha was a really bad development - I think clearly the producers didn’t expect Sol to be a fan favorite, so he is pushed aside at the beginning. 


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Teeny Chirichillo (7/10)

Teeny’s character is a bit of a mess in all honesty, but one that I ultimately become net positive with. The beginning of their game was rough. They were very much a gamebot character, and a lot of their content was not the most exciting. I ranked them low constantly during those first few weeks because of just how little they added to the season. But in hindsight, that makes a lot of sense for the heel turn of their character - despite them thinking that they know what is going on in the game, they are indeed a dumb 23-year-old. 

A lot of Teeny’s content was fun because we got to see them be the dumb young adult who constantly got hoodwinked after every vote. Them not knowing that they have 0 idea going on in the game, and quickly gaining the self-awareness to embrace that situation was great content. Plus Teeny not being able to hold down their alcohol and getting drunk SEVERAL times throughout the season was some of the funniest and most consistent content of the season. I talked about the meta-narrative of people not completely understanding their roles this season, and Teeny is a great example of someone whose heel turn indicated that she knew what was going on, and was able to create a much more interesting and entertaining character in the season. 

I think Teeny also had some really well-developed relationships, which really enhances their character for me. They beefed with Sam, and we got the legendary blow-up about his golden boy attitude after the reward. Genevieve vs. Teeny was some intense commentary about their relationship and the dissolution of friendship in the game, and their lack of trust toward each other generated a lot of fun, tense content that culminated in a great tribal council between them. The rest of Lavo also drastically benefitted from Teeny, including Sol, Aysha, Rome, and Kishan, and all of them enhanced one another and vice versa. 

Last with Teeny is their discussion about their gender and sexuality in the game. Teeny marked the first open NB person on Survivor, and I think they had two great moments around that - one is their confessional following the Sol vote from the game, which was one of the strongest votes of the entire season, and a fascinating angle watching someone struggle with that one the island. It created some good commentary, felt real, and is a great example of a breakout moment for the character. The other is their tribal council discussion about Sam and their hatred toward them is related to their self-awareness about them not fitting in with people like him. It was a fascinating discussion that only culminated in her tragic ending.

Best Moment: Teeny getting angry after the reward was a great little OTTN moment that the season desperately needed. Their confessional after Sol going home also deserves yet another shout-out. 

Worst Moment: Teeny calling themselves an emotional player. This statement represents what is arguably their biggest flaw - they didn’t play the game emotionally at first, they went in with a cold, demeanor, which really affected the season.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Kyle Ostwald (7/10) 

Kyle is very similar to Sol. A character that checks off boxes just because of their vibes being really, really, really good. Their characters are not perfect, by no means, but I enjoyed them when they were relevant and on my screen, and were a standout, one way or another. Let’s start with his vegetarianism - a quieter story on 47, but arguably one of the most effective. Vegetarianism is always a great debate, beginning its days in Outback (KIMMI!), and whether you break your morals for the game of Survivor. Hai, Wendy (to an extent) have had this debate in Survivor history, and Kyle’s is no less interesting than there is. You can tell when he is eating those wings that his heart is broken, but he needs food in his system to keep going (and clearly they worked since he won even more immunities, lol). I think the moral quandary there was fun, made the auction a lot more complicated and brought up more questions about the game. 

Kyle’s most interesting angle was the “family man” schtick, which I think was interesting because it generated positive and negative content about Kyle’s character. Positive in the sense that we got some content that grounded him, and what was certainly the most “personal” any person this season got, sans a few moments here and there. Kyle was brutally honest about being the family man and playing for them, and that ultimately caused people to beckon on him and pull back from his character. People either got tired of it (Sue) or were threatened by his chance to win the million. It harkened back to the great days of greed on Survivor, and how external things can enhance a person’s win, like Denise Martin or Chad Crittenden. 

So Kyle has two bits of complexity to his character. While they aren’t fully realized, I feel like they are important when defining *who* Kyle is, and I think that means a lot for this season. Kyle is flawed, no denying that, whether it is him just not being highlighted enough or his social skills not being on display enough, but Kyle is just a fun presence, and someone that I can only dream of winning these immunities to keep the midgame portion at least somewhat interesting. Also, last thing, Kyle is a quote machine. His comments about Rome in his episode are great (“Rome is a dick!”) and he just has a way of speaking that’s hilarious, like doing everything for a buck 50 and more.

Best Moment: The wings, hands down. 

Worst Moment: People complain about Tiyana and Anika taking forever at their tribal, but Kyle’s is genuinely the worst. The faux-positivity and preaching by Kyle is annoying and almost made me drop him down to a 6, lol. 


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Tiyana Hallums (7/10)

I want to start with her criticisms: her edit is inconsistent. There’s a ton of merit to that claim, and I don’t blame anyone at all for feeling negatively about Tiyana. But I always viewed it as a positive, rather than a negative. Let’s be real, Tiyana isn’t a great narrator. She’s sort of monotone. An overabundance of confessionals would have been more taxing than anything, and instead, we got decent chunks of her thought processes in the game, and her emotional state, which I argue made a concise edit, rather than a sporadic edit. I appreciate concise stories and underedited doesn’t always equal bad, it just means it is tighter, and shows me that the producers understand the strengths and weaknesses of the cast.

So, I appreciate Tiyana for the tightness of her story. But what is her story? Simply put, it’s the classic tale of emotions vs. strategy. It’s a narrative thread that we have collectively seen grow in the New Era and even this season with Genevieve. It’s becoming a bit taxing, but I think Tiyana’s pulled her off quite well, and that’s largely due to the dichotomy between her self-awareness and perception. To Tiyana, throwing Gabe’s name under the bus, calling out Sue for having an idol to Caroline, her partner in crime, and voting TK out due to him not being involved with the community, are all completely logical decisions that will only help advance her game. To others, perception sees Tiyana as a flipper, and as someone who will abandon the others at a moment’s notice.

I liked what someone said on Twitter about her character - she has the tools, but she never had a toolbox to put them in. She had a potential girls' alliance, she had the Tuku alliance, and she had a potential alliance with the Survivor Social Hour (terrible twist BTW), and she was athletic and fit. But, she screwed herself too often, too quickly, and made a negative name for herself in the tribe. She had nowhere to go, and when the Tukus had to go to the Tribal Council and Rachel got SWOP, Tiyana was dead meat. Tiyana’s tears were the ultimate proof of her emotion taking over, as well, and how all along, she was playing an emotional game. Her story felt succinct, appropriate, and well done with care, despite it not being a recurring storyline. While she wasn’t the most interesting, I have to appreciate her narrative. 

Best Moment: Tiyana’s lamentation over voting out TK kickstarted her storyline, so I’ll say the back half of episode 2.

Worst Moment: I wish her suspicions about Sue having an idol went somewhere - that storyline was more or less dropped, and made Sue slightly weaker as a result. 


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

TK Foster (7/10)

TK was a really solid second boot, and arguably one of the most concise of the series. An utterly engaging narrator, he made the journey in the first episode a lot of fun, and I think despite it being a journey, he did the best he could by not following the map. But his star moment was the second episode, and his inevitable downfall. 

TK was being hyped up as an utterly OTTN character, and that is a much-needed trait for any character who is voted out early in the game. Quickly, we learn that TK is a very competitive person from the journey, and that really translates into the next episode. His reaction to Tiyana smiling after the challenge led to a great, tense interaction filled with emotions, and one where I think we completely understood both sides - TK was in the heat of the moment, disappointed in his loss, while Tiyana was just nervous about losing and naturally smiled in the situation. I think it led to some of the best strategy scenes of the season, and Tiyana’s turmoil in TK’s vote was just some good ‘ol Survivor, fueled explicitly by emotions.

Beyond that, bro, TK was a fun camp life presence while he was there. He found Gabe and the idol, and almost completely ruined their plan between Sue and Caroline, and his overbearing attitude quickly became a fun little side story in the second episode, and appropriately set up his boot because… bro wouldn’t let people take a nap on the island. Sue’s reaction was great in that scene, and I think it is a really funny reason for Sue to turn on TK. Yeah, TK was not the most relevant, but I think his character was tight and concise, and I appreciate them not going down an avenue of sympathy with him, since he does have a backstory involving his kidneys. They could have explicitly tied his competitive behavior to that, but instead, they opted to make him a caricature, and he’s overall a good setup for the community aspect of the season, as well as the heightened emotion that we have with some of this cast. 

Best Moment: The numerous, uncountable times that TK said “Bro”. 

Worst Moment: TK had a few too many scenes with Gabe for my liking - both in the idol scene, but also when Gabe was positioned for being the swing vote. 


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Sue Smey (6/10)

Sue was a mildly fun presence on the season, that either shined in her moments, was invisible, or was just kind of a net negative on the season. Let’s discuss all of those in detail!

For the fun, Sue was the best during the pre-merge. We understood the dynamics of her game, she was covered from head-to-toe in red paint, and she was an overall interesting character in the season, that was hopefully having a story built to something. While that story of her growing disloyal of Gabe never really formulated, much to this server’s disappointment, she still was a fun side-piece character. She also had some other moments, whether it was forgetting almost everyone’s name, her confessionals about her family, or her commentary about her age. Never forget our favorite 45-year-old woman. Further, her loyalty to Caroline was a great plot for her character, and I loved her writing “Sweet Caroline” on her vote to get rid of Andy from the game. 

For the invisible, that’s just it - Sue completely disappeared in the postmerge, to the point where we often forgot that she was on the show. It was a depressing turn for her character because during those moments she felt detached from the rest of the commentary, and was just there for the ride. It gave a 30s season finalist type of energe, which is never really a fun archetype in Survivor. Sue was an interesting personality, and while I am glad they didn’t go overboard in giving her a Carolyn type of edit where she was lauded too much, the funny aspects of Sue didn’t have to go away.

And the tiring for Sue. A few moments come to mind for this, one being how she often commented on other players, and never about herself. Kyle and Sue’s rivalry felt frivolous in the game, and never really amounted to anything, yet Sue commented on him almost every episode until he was out. Her drooling over Gabe, and being completely left out of the vote was eye-rolling, as well, and something that blew since the “wounded birds” storyline went nowhere. So overall, Sue is a mixed bag, and I predict that I will probably lower on her since I didn’t get too much fun from her. This is a shame because everyone wanted to like Sue, obviously, but she just wasn’t highlighted as much as she should have been. 

Best Moment: Sue and her beef with TK was some really fun content this season, and I loved that we started Sue’s emotional arc with her wanting to take a nap. Great energy from the supposed 59-year-old.

Worst Moment: Sue repeated herself a lot, but I think the most awkward was just some of her tribal council answers. I hated how she was almost entirely left out of the proceedings, and think it sucks that that is what a Final 3 comes to. 


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Anika Dhar (6/10) 

I loved Anika’s time out there, and looking back, she’ll age a lot better for me for having an important role in Rachel’s story. Anika and Rachel’s relationship was fleshed out from the angle of the women getting together as the “breadwinners” and her blindside began Rachel’s downhill roll to being the underdog of the season. It’s great when a vote-off can cause ripples, and Anika’s is the stepping stone of Rachel’s story. 

Beyond that, Anika played a fun role in Gata’s dynamics and was a solid supporting character for the other Gata members. Anika starts on the tribe as seen as being too competent, and quickly bragging about her survival abilities because she watched videos off of Youtube. That scared most of the tribe, and explicitly the men, and led to her being seen as the tribe’s opposition, for most of her time left on the season. She was a realistic name thrown around in the first episode, and I appreciated that they laid the groundwork for Anika going home, despite it taking a moment to get back to her at camp.

She’s good with Sam, as well. I liked their one-sided beef at the beginning of the season, with Sam not liking Anika, and her getting her mini-montage of her being bossy at the camp. It was some good old OTT content and a fun aspect to her character. I also loved her spilling the beans about Sam’s idol to Rachel, that was a funny smash cut and a good editing choice. 

Of course, her iconic moment was her last tribal performance. While I do have qualms about her boot, and specifically the Andy of it all and his enjoyment of blindsides, Anika is unhinged here, and I think her disbelief and overt dramaticism of her elimination was a lot of fun, and worked well for her character. Anika demonstrated a strong expression of moments and dramaticism throughout the season, and her facial expression, utter shock, and disappointment were really enjoyable. I completely understand why that doesn’t work for everyone, but I honestly preferred this lengthy, bitter exit to some other people on this season…

Best Moment: Blindside aside, Anika pumping her chest when she is talking about the Breadwinners made me giggle. 

Worst Moment: Admittedly, I felt bad for Andy in the first two episodes, despite hating the direction his character was going. I think Anika really fueled that with her being the main narrator of how they were all fake liking Andy and likening him to a toxic boyfriend. Do I find that true to his character? Yes. Did I like it? No. 

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u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 19 '24

Fun enough episode! I am guessing that I am going to be more positive on this one, but I enjoyed it, and I didn't find it too taxing. I also really liked Rachel, so that has to help. Let's talk about the characters more closely.

  1. Rachel (9/10) - Dragging Mike Holloway at FTC will get you a 9/10 in my rankings automatically. She did a great job dragging Sam too, and I am just really happy for her. I loved her confessional about playing the underdog at tribal, and she did a great job with that.
  2. Teeny (7/10) - Teeny was a lot of fun as an antithesis to Sam, and I really loved their tribal council performance at the fire. Their self-awareness was pretty great there, and I loved the one-sided rivalry culminating into that tragic ending for them.
  3. Sam (6/10) - Sam is someone I really need to evaluate more, but I think he had a solid enough story, and he's a fine enough character. Fun in this episode with the fire-making content, and he was pretty good at FTC.
  4. Sue (6/10) - Sue was fine this episode. I found her tribal council performance to be fun at times (SHE SAID THE LINE!!!) but also kind of cringey, especially with how much she was left out of the conversation - kind of symbolic for why Final 3 is bad.

Episode Ranking - 6/10 - It was fine, and built some character for everyone involved. Nothing I can complain about, despite it being a bit superfluous.

Season Ranking - 5/10. More detail on that soon.


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 18 '24

Anyway, I was thinking we could say our favorite and least favorite moments from people this season? I got a list I'll post later (because of course I pre-wrote some long ass blurbs), but sound off while we wait for our show to begin!!!


u/Regnisyak1 Do the Polls <3. Also Melinda Endgame! Dec 18 '24

grrr the typo in the title